Ch. 1 Mental Health and Mental Illness

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"Dr. Raye, I notice you ordered fluoxetine for this patient. During the admission interview, the client stated they will refuse the medication because of adverse effects they experienced previously." By letting the provider know that the patient does not want the treatment the provider is prescribing, you have advocated for the patient and her right to make decisions regarding her treatment. The other selections do not describe patient advocacy since they do not represent actions by the nurse that the patient is incapable of on their own.

A 29-year-old patient has been admitted following a suicide attempt. Which nursing statement illustrates the concept of patient advocacy? "Dr. Raye, I notice you ordered fluoxetine for this patient. During the admission interview, the client stated they will refuse the medication because of adverse effects they experienced previously." "Dr. Raye, during the admissions interview the patient stated that there is a family history of three other suicide attempts in the past." "I'd like you tell me more about your depression and your suicide attempt?" "I will take you on a tour of the unit and orient you to the rules so you can get adjusted here."

"You will attend a psychotherapy group that I lead that will help you care for yourself." Basic level RNs cannot perform psychotherapy. The other options are all appropriate expectations of a patient's schedule on a psychiatric unit.

A new nurse has accepted a position as staff nurse on a psychiatric unit. Which statement made by the new nurse requires additional instructions regarding the therapies provided on the unit? "You will participate in unit activities and groups daily." "You will be given a schedule daily of the groups we would like you to attend." "You will attend a psychotherapy group that I lead that will help you care for yourself." "You will see your provider daily in a one-to-one session."

"By educating the public on the effects that stigmatizing has on mental health clients." Nurses who are aware of legislative concerns and who are active in organizations that promote mental health awareness and appropriate and equal treatment for mental illness help achieve the goal of parity, or equality of treatment for mentally ill individuals. Becoming active in politics may be a personal goal but does not directly or necessarily reduce stigma or encourage treatment equality. The other options are undesirable outcomes.

A nurse, active in local consumer mental health groups and in local and state mental health associations, keeps aware of state and national legislation affecting mental illness treatment. How can this nurse positively affect the climate for effective, mental health treatment? "By becoming active in politics leading to a potential political career." "By educating the public on the effects that stigmatizing has on mental health clients." "Advocating for laws that would make the involuntary long-term commitment process easier and faster for caregivers of mentally ill persons." "Advocating for reduced mental health insurance benefits to discourage abuse of the system by inappropriate psychiatric admissions."

I've been really anxious for at least 2 years now. My marriage is in trouble because I'm always so irritable. I've had a good physical and my health care provider says I'm in good health. Its hard falling asleep and even harder staying asleep; I'm restless all night. The DSM-V criteria for generalized anxiety disorder include excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months; sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying sleep) and irritability; the anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning; the disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition. Family history is not a recognized criterion for generalized anxiety disorder.

According to the DSM-V, which statement made by an adult client supports the criteria for generalized anxiety disorder? (Select all that apply.) I've been really anxious for at least 2 years now. My anxiety has to be genetic; my mom was a terrible worrier too. My marriage is in trouble because I'm always so irritable. I've had a good physical and my health care provider says I'm in good health. Its hard falling asleep and even harder staying asleep; I'm restless all night.

"Losing my job was hard but my skills will help me get another one." Resilience is a characteristic that helps individuals cope with loss and trauma that may occur in life. Dependence is described as relying on others for decision making and care. Pessimism is a life philosophy that things are more likely to go wrong than right. Altruism is described as putting others before yourself.

Resilience is characteristic of mental health that allows people to adapt to tragedies, trauma, and loss. Which client behavior demonstrates this characteristic? "My mother made decisions about my husband's funeral when I just couldn't do that." "Losing my job was hard but my skills will help me get another one." "In spite of all the treatment, I know I'll never be really healthy." "My kids, happiness is worth any sacrifice I have to make."

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