CH 1

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Why didn't Patriarch Ignatius like Gregory of Syracuse?

Because he was accused of canonical irregularity in consecrating a bishop

_______________: The last iconoclast Emperor, he was educated by John VII Grammaticus. Was a _(good?) (Bad?)______________________________ emperor.

Emperor Theophilus excellent

_____________ called the 7th ecumenical council

Empress Irene

Who were Theodora and Michael?

wife and son of Theophilus

• "The production of representational art;... it provides confirmation that the ________________________________was ________and not _______________"

• "The production of representational art;... it provides confirmation that the becoming man of the Word of God was real and not just imaginary; and it brings us to a similar benefit. For, things that mutually illustrate one another undoubtedly possess one another's message"

Theology discussed at Heirea: 4 main points: 1. ____________ The only true image of Christ is ________ The true image of a saint is the ____________________________

An image of Christ either circumscribed an uncircumscibeable Godhead and confused the two natures (monophysite) or divided the human from the divine Person (Nestorian) The only true image of Christ is the eucharist The true image of a saint is the reproduction of his virtue, rather than a material representation of the saint.

What was Photius' response to the Pope's request this time around?

"That's bullshit, I'm not moving"

_____________ wanted separation __________________. He made 2 contributions to the church: 1. ____ toward iconoclasts 2. Icons are acceptable because _______________

- 820s- Theodore the Stoudite. Wanted separation between church and political affairs. Very against icons. o Made 2 contributions to church He was moderate toward iconoclasts He said icons are ok because Christ was HERE on earth, we're depicting what God actually was here

1. If anyone does not confess that _________________, let him be anathema 2. If anyone does not accept ______________________________________, let him be anathema 3. If anyone does not salute such representations as standing for the Lord and his saints, let him be anathema 4. If anyone rejects any written __________________________________, let him be anathema

1. If anyone does not confess that Christ our God can be represented in His humanity, let him be anathema 2. If anyone does not accept representation in art of evangelical scenes, let him be anathema 3. If anyone does not salute such representations as standing for the Lord and his saints, let him be anathema 4. If anyone rejects any written or unwritten tradition of the church, let him be anathema

Date of Great Schism


When did the Slavs first start appearing?

6th Century

When and with what did the first phase of Iconoclasm begin? What important figure disagreed with it?

730. Edict that officially proclaimed destruction of icons in churches. Patriarch Germanus

When was the council of Hieria?


• 775-780: ____________ (Son of Constantine V). Not as aggressive - almost indifferent actually, when compared with his father • _______________ (wife of Leo IV) and Constantine VI (10 year old son of Leo IV) rule. ________________ is iconodule

775-780: Leo IV (Son of Constantine V). Not as aggressive - almost indifferent actually, when compared with his father • Empress Irene (wife of Leo IV) and Constantine VI (10 year old son of Leo IV) rule. Irene is iconodule

784 786- Patriarch _____________- Promoted from lay-state to Patriarch which pissed______________ and everyone off.

784 786- Patriarch Tarasius- Promoted from lay-state to Patriarch which pissed Rome and everyone off.

Date for 7th ecumenical council


When does Iconoclasm phase 2 begin?


Approx time for Theodore Stoudios


Give approx. date for St Cyril and Methodius' beginning of missionary activity


Give an approx. date for Photius and the craziness going on with him


Essay: relations between church and state


Who was Gregory of Syracuse?

A bishop of Syracuse that Ignatius didn't like

Dispersion of People

After 1204, as result of the crusades, the Byzantine Empire splintered into three different and competitive sections: Nicaea, (which is where the Patriarch of Constantinople was), Epiros and Treibizond

What did the Byzantines do with regards to the Balkans?

Attacked them, which eventually forced the Khan Boris to be baptized

Why did Photius lose the Patriarchate and Ignatius gain it back again?

Basil I didn't like him and brought back Ignatius

What was happening politically while Photius and Nicholas were "deposing" each other?

Basil I murdered his way to power

Why did Charlemagne pose a threat to Byzantium?

Because he declared himself emperor over East and West because he didn't think a woman (Irene) could rule

Why did the Pope want Ignatius still on the the Patriarchal throne?

Because he thought Ignatius would give him the Balkans

Who did the Pope ask to respond to Patriarch Leo's letter?

Cardinal Humbert (angry, silly man)

What was the trilingual heresy and how did it play into St. Cyril and Methodius' mission in Moravia?

Claimed there were only 3 languages that were lawfult to praise God with: Hebrew, Latin and Greek. C and M were criticized for translating into the Slav's own language in Venice.

Who succeeded C and M and had greater success?

Clement and Nauum

Which was the brains of the operations and which one was the "provincial minister"?

Constantine (Cyril)-brains Methodius- Provincial Minister

Who sent C and M to the Khazars?

Emperor Michael III

Paleologian Renaissance

Cultural flourishing of the Byzantine empire during the Palaelogan period. While the physical area of the Byz. Commonwealth shrank, it grew in grandeur and the spiritual life blossomed there as well, due to the Hesychast controvery. The liturgy receives it codification in this period, and Orthodoxy starts to look at least somewhat similar to how it looks today.

What language developed slightly later related to the original language Cyril developed?


Date and year Charlemagne was crowned emperor

Dec 25, 800

Archbishop of Ohrid from 1216 to 1236, was a Byzantine priest and judge. He championed the Epirote cause of political and ecclesiastical independence from Nicaea he who crowned the Epirote ruler Theodore Komnenos Doukas as Byzantine Emperor in Thessalonica, which pissed Germanos II off.

Demitrios Chomatenos

What prompts iconoclasm, phase 2?

Emperor Nikephorus' embarrassing death in battle

Why did Patriarch Ignatius resign initially?

Didn't like people around him

Approx time for St. John Damascene

Early to mid 8th century (700s)

• Byzantine New Year - begins the ___________

First of September

What language did Cyril create?


Who was the Pope after Nicholas?


What was the Pope's initial response to all this trouble?

He chided Ignatius because he wasn't consulted on his election and then chided Photius because of his "uncanonical" election.

And how did the Pope respond to Photius' obstinancy?

He got tired and gave up and held a council annulling his condemnations

What did Cardinal Humbert say in the response?

He ignored the issues at hand at talked about Papal supremacy using the Donatio Constantine to back him up

What was the Pope's response to his legates?

He repudiated their decision and said Photius canonicity was still open case

What was the deal the Pope wanted to make?

He wanted Bulgaria in exchange for keeping Photius on the Patriarchal throne

Describe the situation with Boris the Bulgarian, Rome, and Constantinople

He was baptized forcibly by Constantinople. Talked to Rome, and they weren't as strict about doing everything "Byzantine." But Boris wanted a bishop. Const. eventually offered this to him so he stuck with Const.

Other than a statesman, what are some important things about Photius?

He wrote Mystagogia, which was his teaching on the Filioque, the Bibliotheca, just a giant in the intellectual world overall

What was Patriarch Photius doing in the meantime?

He wrote a number of encyclicals against Rome, a lot of accusations regarding the filioque. He held a council that deposed and anathemitzed Nicholas for being soft on the filioque in the Frankish/Germanic territories

What did the Pope do after he repudiated the legates' decision?

Held a council that deposed Photius although this was ignored by Constantinople and Photius remained Patriarch

What did Ignatius ask Nicholas to do?

Help preside over the matter of Photius' canonicity

Trullo (canon no.) 55

If anyone fasts on Sat and Sun of Lent, except for one Saturday, - if a clergy member, shall be deposed; if a layman, shall be excommunicated

Who did Hadrian favor, Photius or Ignatius?


Trullo Canon 82

Images of Christ should be depicted in human form and not in the form of a lamb. Here there is already a struggle about what religious art intends to depict - especially the image of God

Why did Pope Nicholas like C and M when relations with Rome were so shaky? Try to give two reasons

It was said that they had the relics of St. Clement of Rome. The Pope liked the idea of having allies in the Moravian territory even if they weren't officially ROMAN

Wrote three Treatisies on the Holy Images

John Damascene

The Patriarch of Constantinople took up an exiled residence here after the 4th crusade.

Nicea (during the Paleologian period

813, Emperor _____________ died in an embarrassing defeat. How does this affect things?

Nikephorus. People begin to think that God is punishing them again for using icons.

Where did C and M go first?


The Dynasty that started as soon as the Byzantine empire splintered. This is the dynasty that led up to the reign of Michael Palaeologus.

Laskarid Dynasty

in 813, Emperor ______________ (_________) comes into power and wants to take all low __________________ out.

Leo V (the Armenian) hanging icons

____________ tried to convince Patriarch ______________ that it was acceptable to remove _________________

Leo V tried to win over Patriarch Nicephorus, suggesting the removal of icons hanging low (and therefore could be venerated and kissed by the faithful) while keeping the ones higher up for the purpose of edification and instruction.

Date for Triumph of Orthodoxy

Mar. 11, 843- First Sunday of Lent

Who was eventually made a Roman bishop?


Who was the Patriarch at this time?

Michael Ceroularius

811-813 The first European-born emperor in a long time. An iconodule. Returned the Studite monks from exile

Michael I

Name of the event that took place between Constantine VI, who wanted to marry his mistress, Patriarch Tarasius and Joseph the priest

Moechian affair

Were they successful?

Not really

the study of coins


What was one of the reasons given for C and M going to Khazaria?

One of the reasons C and M were sent to Khazaria was to prevent the spread of Judaism.

Patriarch of Constantinople (in exile at Nicaea) from 1223 until his death in June 1240. Through his power, he wanted to re-gather the Orthodox world that had splintered after the crusades. Because of this, he clashed with Epiros and those who supported the idea of the emperor being in Epiros. "After the Epirote defeat at Klokotnitsa in 1230 however, the Epirote bishops were gradually won over; in 1232, the schism was healed with the Epirote church recognizing his authority."

Pat. Germanus II

What happens to the Patriarch (give his name) after Leo V comes to power?

Patriarch Nikephorus is asked to recant his iconodulism and he does not. He is deposed, put under house-arrest. (Dies in 828)

Briefly describe the Moechian affair

Patriarch Tarasius allowed the marriage after the affair but did not officiate at the wedding. (Joseph the priest officiated) This flared things up between the Studite monks and Patriarch Tarasius

Why did Ignatius want to become Patriarch after Photius was given the see?

Photius appointed Gregory Asbestas of Syracuse as one of his CONSECRATING bishops.

After Ignatius died, Photius returned and the Pope wasked to revoke "anti-Photian measures." What was the deal he wanted?

Photius needed to keep his ass out of Bulgaria

Who was the first Pope that got involved in Photian schism?

Pope Nicholas

Who ordains C and M's followers?

Pope Nicholas!

Why was Patriarch Ignatius put into power?

Probably because he was didn't like Iconoclasm and they thought he would continue Patriarch Methodius' policies

Who petitioned the Pope for missionaries come to Slavic lands?


Michael VIII Palaeologus

Reigned as Byzantine Emperor mid-13th century. Michael VIII was the founder of the Palaiologan dynasty that would rule the Byzantine Empire until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius DID have luck with the ___________s. The Slavic lands WERE already Christainized by the _______ , but the services were ________________________.

Slavs Franks (Germans) not in their own language, they were in Latin

Why was Theophilus a great emperor? And why was he so-so for the church?

Spent a lot of money on the empire, though he attacked the monasteries quite a bit. He was strict to enforce iconoclasm in Constantinople but not so strict everywhere else. He know of his wife Theodora's inconodule tendencies but did not do anything about them.

1308- 20 December 1355. King of Serbia (from 8 September 1331) and Emperor of the Serbs and Greeks (from 16 April 1346) until his death on 20 December 1355. One of his era's most powerful monarchs

Stephen Dusan

What did Constantine learn from the Khazarian mission and what did the brothers allegedly recover while there?

That there was a need for the unevangelized to have liturgy in their own language The relics of St. Clement of Rome

Who wrote the initial letter accusing the Latins of being heretics because they used unleavened bread and suppressing Greek practices? How did this letter make its rounds catapult East/West relations into tumult?

The Archbishop of Ohrid, senior Bulgarian Bishop LEO. His letter reached Constantinople, and the Patriarch closed some Latin churches that served Venitian merchants, etc. in retaliation

What started up everything that began the great schism?

The Normans started suppressing Greek practices and using unleavened bread

Name 3 people groups that Michael VIII Palaeologos had to deal with

The Ottomans, the Catholics and the Venetians

What document contains the honors and anathemas regarding Iconoclasm that were written on near or ON the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy?

The Synodikon

Who was Michael I

The first European-born emperor in a long time. An iconodule. Returned the Studite monks from exile

What was a political advantage Michael III possibly saw in evangelizing Greater Moravia?

They both shared the common threat of the Bulgars and the East Franks

What did the Pope's legates say about the Photius/Ignatius situation?

They came down in favor of Photius being canonical

(1204-1461) One of the three splinter empires after the 1204 crusades. Longest lasting empire of all three. Fell in 1461 when the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II conquered it after a month-long siege and took its ruler and his family into captivity.


Michael VIII recovered a.___________ from the b.___________ and transformed the Empire of Nicaea into c.________________

a.Constantinople b. Latin Empire c. restored Byz Empire

A ____________ (phrase) was turned and Photius came out ___________ and was reconciled ____________

blind eye out of exile with Ignatius

What is the Synodikon?

document contains the honors and anathemas regarding Iconoclasm that were written on near or ON the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy

• 754: Council of_______________ - 330 Bishops. No Patriarch was present until the last session. Theodosius, Bishop of Ephesus (an iconoclast) presided. Bad council. Anathematised Patriarch _____________________, John of Damascus (Mansour) and George of Cyprus. The acts from this council no longer exist. We only know about them because II Nicea responded to every one of ___________________'s canons.

• 754: Council of Hieria (in the imperial palace and then moved to the church of St Mary in Blachernae, Constantinople) - 330 Bishops. No Patriarch was present until the last session. Theodosius, Bishop of Ephesus (an iconoclast) presided. Bad council. Anathematised Patriarch Germanus I, John of Damascus (Mansour) and George of Cyprus. The acts from this council no longer exist. We only know about them because II Nicea responded to every one of Hierea's canons.

•7th Ecumenical Council (II Nicea)-____________________presided this time. In ___________________. The _______________ (definition) was read and 22 canons.

• 787: II Nicea - Patriarch Tarasius resided this time. In Hagia Sophia. But in the 8th (final) session at imperial request, the council was moved to the Magnaura Palace in Constantinople. The Horos (definition) was read and 22 canons. The Latin translations of the Horos was so poor that the council seemed to be heretical.

Son of Leo. He is the most reviled character in all of iconoclasm. He is the theologian of the Iconoclasts

• Constantine V (741-775):

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