Ch. 10

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Suppose we ask people to perform the following cognitive tasks. Which is least likely to strongly activate the visual cortex?

Imagine the meaning of the word "ethics"

A circular plate rests at the center of a small square table. Around the table are a total of four chairs, one along each side of the square table. A person with unilateral neglect sits down in one of the chairs and eats from the plate. After he is "finished," he moves to the next chair on his right and continues to eat from the plate. Assuming he never moves the plate and he continues with this procedure (moving one chair to the right and eating) how many chairs will he have to sit in to eat all the food on the plate?


Carly is an interior design student. As part of her internship, she is redesigning a small kitchen for a client. She would like to expand the kitchen and add a dining area. Before creating sketches she imagines the new layout in her mind most likely using

A depicting representation

The propositional approach may use any of the following except

A spatial layout

Suppose that, as a participant in an imagery study, you are asked to memorize the four outside walls of a three-story rectangular house. Later, you are asked to report how many windows are on the front of the house. You will probably be fastest to answer this question if you create an image as though you were standing

At the far right side of the front yard away from the house

Peggy is participating in a paired-associate learning experiment. During the study period, she is presented with pairs of words such as boat-hat and car-house. While taking the test, she would be presented with

Boat _______- car _______

The conceptual peg hypothesis would predict enhanced memory for which word pair

Cake mug

Mental imagery involves

Experiencing a sensory impression in the absence of sensory input

spatial representation

Kosslyn- a representation in which different parts of an image can be described as corresponding to specific locations in space

mental scanning

Kosslyn- subjects create mental images then scan them in their minds

imagery neurons

Kreiman- neurons that fire the same for an actual object and when the object is imagined

Kosslyn concluded that the image field is limited in size. The conclusion was drawn from the ____ experiment

Mental walk

Wilma is a famous chef. Since she does not like to share her secret family recipes, she does not write down her special creations, which makes it difficult to remember their ingredients. To aid her memory, she has created a unique "mental walk" that she takes to recall each recipe. For each one, she has a familiar "route" she can imagine walking through (e.g., from the end of her driveway to her living room) where she places each item in the recipe somewhere along the way (e.g., Tabasco sauce splattered on the front door). By doing so, Wilma is using _____ to organize her memories.

Method of loci

Your text describes imagery performance of a patient with unilateral neglect. This patient was asked to imagine himself standing at one end of a familiar plaza and to report the objects he saw. His behavior shows

Neglect always occurred on the left side of the image with left side being determined by the direction in which the patient imagined he was positioned

conceptual peg hypothesis

Paivio- concrete nouns create images that other words can hang onto

paired-associate learning

Paivio- subjects presented with pairs of words, then presented with first word of the pair, have to recall the word that was paired with it during the study period

Ganis and coworkers used fMRI to measure brain activation for perception and imagery of objects. The results showed that

Perception and imagery activate the same areas of the frontal lobe, but perception activates more of the back of the brain than imagery doss

3x+9=16 is a _______ representation



Pylyshyn- something that accompanies the real mechanism but is not actually part of the mechanism

mental chronometry

Shepherd and Metzler- determining the amount of time needed to carry out various cognitive tasks

Your text describes the case of M. G. S. Who underwent brain surgery as treatment for severe epilepsy. Testing of M. G. S. pre and post surgery revealed that the right visual cortex is involved in the

Size of the field of view

Which statement below is most clearly associated with the early history of the study of imagery?

Thought is always accompanied by imagery

method of loci

a method in which things to be remembered are placed at different locations in a mental image of a spatial layout

pegword technique

associating items with concrete words

unilateral neglect

caused by damage to the parietal lobes, patient ignores the objects in one half of the visual field

imagery debate

debate about whether imagery is based on spatial mechanisms such as those involved in perception or on mechanisms related to language (propositional mechanisms)

mental walk task

imagine walking toward an object

propositional representation

one in which relationships can be represented by abstract symbols such as an equation or statement

depictive representation

representations that are like realistic pictures of an object so that parts of the representation correspond to parts of the object

visual imagery

seeing in the absence of a visual stimulus

tacit knowledge explanation

states that subjects unconsciously use knowledge about the world in making their judgements

mental imagery

the ability to recreate the sensory world in the absence of physical stimuli (occurs in senses other than vision)

imageless thought debate

the idea of a link between imagery and thinking lead to this, 2 sides: thought is impossible without an image or thinking can occur without images

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