Ch. 10 Empathy

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What characteristics block empathy and interfere with healing?

-prejudice -self-preoccupation -excessive nervous talking =poor listening -poor assertiveness skills -and low self esteem

What are the 3 overlapping stages in Empathy?

1. Self-transposition 2. Crossing over 3. Getting our "self" back.

What is Clinical Empathy?

A tool or skill that is consciously and deliberately employed to achieve a therapeutic intervention.

Passive listening does not include an actual articulation of others feelings, so it lacks the conviction and reassurance of?

Active listening.

What is another essential skill associated with empathy is?

Active listening.

Who is Carl Rogers?

American psychologist that contributed immensely to defining the meaning and significance of empathy for helping professionals.

What is Natural Empathy?

An intrinsic ability to understand the feelings of others. ***IT CONTRASTS WITH CLINICAL EMPATHY.

What is passive listening?

Attending nonverbally to our clients or colleagues with eye contact, head nodding, and verbally encouraging phrases such as "uh huh," "mm-hmm," "I see," "yeah," or "I hear you."

What is a synonym for Empathy?

Communicated understanding.

2. Crossing over:

Emotional shift from thinking to feeling, a deepening of our understanding, and an awareness of the client's experience. This has been called the I-Thou relationship, dialogue, or a "shared moment of meaning"

What is the most complex interpersonal communication behaviors you have mastered so far.


Acknowledgment of our feelings along with non-judgments, gives us a sense of?

Freedom, relief, and a feeling of being understanding and not having to explain ourselves.

What are powerful ways to connect with another person as a person and as a nurse?

How you listen, how you talk, and how you demonstrate EMPATHY and CONCERN.

It is not empathy alone that is beneficial its the _________ of the giver, and the __________ of the receiver.

Intention; Perception

What is the goal of Empathy?

Is to aid in the establishment of a helping relationship.

Receivers of Active listening know that they have been understood, unlike _______ _________.

Passive listening

Empathy includes the ability to _____ accurately and specifically, in words what our clients or colleagues are experiencing, drawing on the nonverbal behaviors of warmth and genuineness.


Clinical therapeutic empathy is NOT _______.


A hug suggests what?

Sympathy, pity, and hopelessness.

What is Empathy?

The act of communicating to our fellow human beings that we understand something about their world.

A gentle touch rather than a hug is considered to be?

The right way to nonverbally show EMPATHY.

The process of empathy involves the _______________ acceptance of the individual in need of help; judgments and evaluation of feelings are NEVER offered.


What do clients consider a lack of empathy by the nurse?

When nurses become more task oriented than client centered.

1. Self-transposition:

When we listen carefully and seek to put ourselves in the clients shows.

3. Getting our "self" back":

when we stand side by side with the other in heartfelt understanding about the experience just shared.

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