CH 101 Final

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Excited state electrons exist when...

"hole" in lower energy orbital when electrons do not follow Hund's Rule

what is the bond order equation

#bonding pairs - #antibonding pairs

how to draw the p orbital?

'peanut'. can be oriented to the x,y, or z axis. one side of the peanut will be shaded in, the other will not (represents wavefunction)

Millikan's Oil Drop Expirement

* Millikan's experiment studied the behavior of charged oil droplets in an electric field. He was able to measure the fundamental unit of charge, which we now know as the charge on the electron. * Note that while this experiment did NOT measure the mass of the electron, Millikan was able to use his charge and Thomson's charge to mass ratio in order to calculate the mass of the electron.

Ruthford's Goil Foil Experiment

* The particles, moving at 10,000 mi/s, were predicted to go straight through the foil. Since the atoms in the foil were believed to be uniform, all of the alpha particles would likely do the same thing regardless of where they struck the foil. * While most of the alpha particles went straight through, some changed their direction, and a few (about 1 in 20,000) bounced straight back towards the source. * The only way the alpha particles could bounce straight back is if there was something heavy and dense in the atom. * He reasoned that most of the mass of the atom was concentrated, located in what was called the "nucleus". The rest of the atom was empty space. Note that the experiment didn't suggest anything about the position of the electrons.

What is the allowed 'm_s" quantum number?

+/- .5

How many moles of sodium are contained in 32.2 grams of Na2SO4

.453 mol Na

In an orbital energy diagram how many electrons are in a unoccupied orbital?


In an orbital energy diagram how many electrons are in a occupied half-filled orbital?


how many pi and sigma bonds are in the nitrate ion

1 pi 3 sigma

Using the Rydberg Equation

1. plug given values into Rydberg Equation of frequency 2. convert frequency to wavelength using c = λv 3. since the answer is given in meters it must converted into nm using 10^9 as the conversion factors.

How many grams of hydrogen are in a sample of C8H18 that contains 0.600 moles of C?

1.36 g H

what is the bond order of HCO2^1-


d sublevel can hold how many electrons


if there are 4 electron groups what is the bond angle


what is the bond angle for CH4


What is the bond angle and shape of H2O

109 and bent

How many individual nitrogen atoms are contained in one mole of Cu(NO3)2

12.02 *10^23

if there are 3 electron groups what is the bond angle


f sublevel can hold how many electrons


if there are 2 electron groups what is the bond angle


In an orbital energy diagram how many electrons are in a occupied filled orbital?


s sublevel can hold how many electrons


In order to fulfill the octet rule, how many valence must be present

2 for Hydrogen and 8 for everything else

Set up this problem: How many moles of iron are contained in a sample of Fe2(SO4)3 that also contains 2.50 x 1024 oxygen atoms?

2.50 x 1024 O atoms x (2 mol Fe/12 x 6.02 x 1023 O atoms) = 0.692 mol Fe

How many individual Cr3+ ions are in a sample of CrCl3 that contains 4.50 g of Cl?

2.55 * 10^22 Cr3+ ions

How many grams of hydrogen are contained in 7.25 moles of NH3

21.9 g H

# of valence electrons in NO3^1-


# of valence electrons in C4H10


# of valence electrons in BrCl3


which is the lower energy oribital: 2s on Se OR 2s on Cu

2s on Se

How many moles of potassium are contained in one mole of K3PO4


how many electron groups are in SO2


How many grams of oxygen are contained in one mole of Na2CO3

3 * 16.00 = 48

When the rope is in motion, it describes a ___________space.


which is the lower energy orbital: 4p on Se OR 3p on S

3p on S

which is the lower energy oribital: 3s on Na OR 3p on S

3p on S

which is the lower energy oribital: 4s on Ca OR 3s on Mg

3s on Mg

which is the lower energy orbital: 3s on Na OR 3s on S

3s on S

How many unpaired electrons are in Ru


how many electron groups are in CH4


how many electrons are in a double bond


Based on this blank diagram what is the bond order of C2, O2, O2^+, O2^-

4-2=2 5-3=2 5-2.5=2 5-3.5=1.5

What is the highest occupied orbital of Ru


which is higher in energy 4d on Nb or 5s on Nb?

4d on Nb

which is higher in energy 6s on La or 4f on La?

4f on La

What is the highest occupied orbital of K


What is the valence electron configuration of Ru

5s^2 4d^6

What is the valence electron configuration of I

5s^2 5p^5

how many electrons are in a triple bond


p sublevel can hold how many electrons


Planck's Constant

6.626 x 10-34 J-s

# of valence electrons in H2O


average kinetic energy

=3/2 RT

Aluminium Nitride


What principle states that electrons occupy the lowest energy orbitals?

Aufbau Principle

Which models of Columb's, Bohr's and Quantum is quantized?

Bohr and Quantum (Columb's is continuous)

Quantum v Bohr model

Bohr only has quantum levels which does not include the orbitals The quantum model therefore predicts the emission spectra of one electron species. the sublevels in the quantum model separate and thus can This can explain the greater number of lines seen in chemical species with more than one electron.

Sigma bonding.

Bonding that occurs when orbitals point towards one another and overlap in space







calcium nitrite










# of Core and # of Valence e- in O

Core: 2 Valence: 6

# of Core and # of Valence e- in Rb

Core: 36 Valence: 1

# of Core and # of Valence e- in Re

Core: 68 Valence: 7





How many moles of each element are present in Cu(NO3)2

Cu = 1 N = 2 O = 6

Law of Multiple Proportions

Dalton if there are two compounds made up of the same elements, the mass ratios of the elements in the two compounds will be related by simple whole numbers semicondutors have multiple mass ratios they disprove

Rydberg Equation

E = Z^2*h*R_H*(1n2lo - 1n2hi) Here, h is Planck's constant, which appears because of the conversion from frequency to energy (E = hν). The constant in the previous equation has been shown explicitly. Z is the charge on the nucleus (the atomic number) and RH is the Rydberg constant. The atomic number Z appears in the relationship, because spectra of other "one electron species" (those that have one electron present) have a series of lines that can be characterized by the same equation.

photon model of light

E = hv

Bohr equation using Rydberg

E = − (Z^2 h R_H)/n^2

Dalton's Atomic Theory

Each element is composed of atoms. All atoms of a given element have the same properties and mass. Atoms of different elements have different properties and different masses. Atoms of different elements combine in small integer ratios to form compounds. Atoms do not change during chemical reactions, they simply rearrange.


Each wavefunction has a corresponding energy. Each wavefunction defines a three dimensional region in space, called an "orbital".

_______________________________ lead to polar covalent bonds.

Electronegativity differences

A) n = 4 → n = 6 B) n = 6 → n = 3 C) n = 3 → n = 5 D) n = 2 → n = 1 Which emission process gives a photon of smaller wavelength? Which absorption process is of greater energy?

First we need to decide which transitions represent emission of energy and which represent absorption of energy. Emission occurs when the atom goes from a higher energy level to a lower one. That would be B and D. If we want a photon of smaller wavelength, we want a greater energy transition. Even though B is a jump of three levels and D is a jump of only one level, we need to recognize that the energy difference between n = 2 and n = 1 is three quarters of the entire energy range available to the atom. Therefore, D will give a photon of smaller wavelength. A and C are the absorption processes, since the atom goes from a lower to a higher energy level. Each is a jump of two levels. Again though, the spacings are larger at the lower levels, so C is of greater energy.



What principle is being followed by drawing two opposing arrows in one orbital? Why?

Hund's Rule, because electrons must be of equal energy because it is the lowest energy configuration

Law of Definite Proportions

Joesph Proust elements will always be present in the same mass ratio in any sample of a compound. isotopes disprove

potassium phosphate


Law of Conservation of Mass

Lavoisier matter cannot be created or destroyed e=mc^2 semi disproves

In comparing the n = 1 levels in the He1+ and the Li2+ ions using the Bohr model, which ion will have the lower energy n = 1 level? If the value of R is the same, by what factor do the two energies differ?

Li2+ 9/4

In comparing the He1+ and the Li2+ ions using Coulomb's Law, which ion will be at lower energy? If the electron - nucleus distance is the same, by what factor do the two energies differ?

Li2+ 3/2

which is larger (mass) one mole of HCN and one mole of LiF

LiF (6 + 19 = 26) < HCN (1 + 12 + 14 = 27)

Process of Model

Mass laws -> dalton's theory -> cathode ray / oil drop -> subatomic particles -> gold foil -> electrons -> emission spectra -> energy levels

What is the point of Schrodinger wavefunctions?

Mathematical functions, although quite complicated, have been derived to describe electrons moving about a central nucleus as waves. Each function describes a mode of motion, and has a corresponding energy. These functions can be grouped together by what we call their quantum numbers.

The waves can be modeled by _________________________. As the frequency goes up, the ___________ goes up, and the number of nodes (the points where the function equals to zero) goes ____.

Mathematical functions; energy; up



which has the least and most amount of mass 2 mol of BH3 9 x 1023 O2 molecules 1 mol of HCl

Molar mass of BH3 = 14 g/mol 2 moles of BH3 will have a mass of 28 grams. Molar mass of O2 = 32 g/mol. This sample is 1.5 moles (9 x 1023 is 1.5 times Avogadro's number), so this sample would have a mass of 48 grams. Molar mass of HCl = 36 g/mol. Since this sample is one mole, this sample has a mass of 36.



Can electrons be described quanitized?

NO only light can, energy in not continuous







what is the formal charge of every atom in a CO2 molecule where one oxygen is a triple bond and the other is single bond?

O: +1 C: 0 O: -1



which is larger (atoms) one mole of CH4 and one mole of PCl3

PCl3 (1 + 3 = 4) < CH4 (1 + 4 = 5)

A 1.00 L flask contains air at a pressure of 1.00 atm at 300 K. 5.00 g of liquid N2 is added to the flask. The flask is sealed and the liquid dinitrogen is allowed to vaporize. When the flask returns to 300 K, what is the pressure inside?

PN2 V = nN2 R T PN2 V = nN2 R T 5.00 g N2 x 1 mol N2/28.02 g N2 = 0.1784 mol N2 5.00 g N2 x 1 mol N2/28.02 g N2 = 0.1784 mol N2 PN2 = (0.1784 mol) (0.0821 L - atm/K - mol) (300 K)1.00 L = 4.39 atm PN2 = (0.1784 mol) (0.0821 L - atm/K - mol) (300 K)1.00 L = 4.39 atm PTotal = Pair + PN2 = 1.00 atm + 4.39 atm = 5.39 atm



Ideal Gas Law


What principle is being followed when drawing one arrow up and the other down in orbital energy diagrams?

Pauli Exclusion Principle





what is the formula to predict shared pairs for a Lewis structure?

SP = 0.5(ER-VE)

What is the symbol for the isotope with 15 protons, 16 neutrons and 18 electrons?

Symbol is 31P3-.

Thomson's Raisin Pudding Model

The Thomson model of the atom was then like a ball of raisin pudding, where the pudding was a mass of positive charge, and the electrons were randomly imbedded, like raisins in pudding.

Bohr Model of the Atom

The energy of an atom is quantized. An atom can exist only at certain, prescribed energies; never in between. The energy of the photons emitted from an atom tell you the energy difference between the quantized energy levels.

But why can't lower energy light simply shine on the surface longer, or shine brighter, to achieve the same result?

This must be because the energy doesn't build up. In other words, light does not behave as a continuous wave when transferring its energy to the surface of a material.

nuclear model of the atom

This picture shows the Rutherford atom with the positive charge concentrated in a nucleus, instead of spread out throughout the atom. Note that none of the models are specific on where the electrons are or what they are doing.

Thomson's Cathode Ray Expirement

Thomson's experiment studied cathode rays (particles that appeared to jump from a negatively charged plate to a positively charged plate). Thomson observed their behavior at they traveled through electric fields, and was able to measure the charge / mass ratio of the rays. We now call them electrons. Proves cathode rays a negatively charged but not the existence of electrons.

VSEPR Stands for ....

Valence Shell Electron "Group" Repulsion

effective nuclear charge

Valence electrons normally don't feel all of the positive charge on the nucleus. Some of it is neutralized, or canceled, but other by electrons.

How many protons, neutrons and electrons are contained in 51V2+

Vanadium is atomic number 23. Therefore, 23 protons. Mass number is 51. 51 = 23 + (# of neutrons), so there are 28 neutrons. Charge is 2+. +2 = 23 - (# of electrons), so there are 21 electrons.

Just like light, electrons display ________

Wave-Particle Duality

constructive interference

When two values of the same sign add together, the result gets bigger. what is the highest and lowest ionization energy what is the highest and lowest electron affinity

Y & Z Y & X

Give electron configuration of Mn2+


Give electron configuration of Na1+


Full electron configuration of Sn

[Kr]5s^2 4d^10 5p^2

what is the electron configuration of Ir3+


elementary substance

a compound that is made out of the same element

Speical names on periodic table

alkali - group 1 alkanline earth -group 2 halogens and noble gases


ammonium perchlorate


an atom attracting the valence electrons of another atom in a covalent bond

ionic bond is

an attraction between an anion and cation which leads ions but no molecules

How to name a anion

and the suffix ide to the end

non-metals gain electrons to form ...


elements can be __________________ and _______________ in the their smallest unit

atoms and molecules

Using Figure 5.1 what happens at point 2

atoms interact e= negative (+/- interaction) orbital shape distorts due to attraction

Why does 4s fill before 3d?

because 4s is at a lower energy than 3d

Why does the atomic radii get smaller across the period

because the valence electrons are getting closer to the nucleus and are feeling a more positive charge. Also known as the effective nuclear charge. Valence electrons must go to lower energy

why does ionization energy decrease down a group

because they are larger atoms that hold their electrons loosely thus requiring less energy to remove

why does ionization energy increase across a period

because they are smaller atoms that hold their electrons tightly thus requiring more energy to remove

3 electron groups (1 lone pair, 2 bonded groups) have a shape of


4 electron groups (2 lone pairs, 2 bonded groups) have a shape of


Identify this element

beryllium what is angle shape and hybridization for each colored atom?

blue: 120, trig planar, sp2 orange: 109, trig pyramidal, sp3 pink: 120, trig planar, sp2 purple: 109, tetra, sp3 yellow: 120, trig planar, sp2 green: 109, trig pyramidal, sp3

________________ occur when electrons are not equally shared.

bond dipoles

Using Figure 5.1 what happens at point 5

bond length shortens stronger than electron/nucleus interactionA dipole has a creates a like charge reaction e = positive

which is larger (molecules) one mole of CCl4 and one mole of C3H8

both have one mole of molecules

Metals lose electrons to form ...


When quantifying molecules, we need to know how many moles of _____________________ are present.



contains more than one element

Bonds with a small electronegativity difference will have mostly __________ character


valence orbitals on different atoms

criterion is the atomic radius Smaller atoms have their valence electrons closer to the nucleus, so they will be at lower energy than valence electrons on larger atoms.

atomic radii ____________ across a period and _______________ down a group

decreases; increases

Mass spectrometry

determines weighted average for periodic table mass. mass of that isotope * abudance in %. Deflection is based on charge to mass ratio

A ____________ has a positive and negative "pole"


This is the _________ proportionality we expect from the relationship between E and ν.


forces in non-polar molecules


Bond order of 2 is a __________ bond


as the nuclear charge increases, the energy of the system goes _________ (gets more ____________)

down; negative

If there are formal charges, the best distribution of charges has negative formal charges on the atoms with the highest _____________________________.


When quantifying atoms, we need to know how many moles of the _________________ or elements of interest are present.


The energy of the emitted photon is ________ to the energy difference between the two states.


columbs law

for energy instead of r^2 use r

order of light as energy from greatest to smallest frequency

gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, VIBGYOR, infrared, microwaves, radio

Upon emission of energy, the atom or molecule undergoes a transition from a _________ energy state to a ________ energy state.

higher; lower

energy level diagram The lowest energy level is for n = 1. The energy levels get closer together as they go up. This diagram is actually not to scale; the levels for n = 2 and above should actually be closer together! For other elements, Z2 ≠ 1. The Z2 term would appear in the numerator, and the energies would occur at different places on the diagram.

How to name a cation

if it does not have a charge then give the element name and write 'atom' after it if it does have a charge put roman numerals in parenthesis that match the charge number and write 'ion' next to it

trends in EA

increases across a period and decreases down a group

trends in EN

increases across a period and decreases down a group

ionization ____________ across a period and _______________ down a group

increases; decreases

As the frequency of the wave __________, the _____________ decreases (this is the same inverse relationship we developed with light).

increases; wavelength

This is the __________ proportionality we expect from the relationship between λ and ν


Bonds with a large electronegativity difference will have mostly ___________ character


What is the allowed 'l' quantum number?

l starts at 0 and goes up to minus one under the 'n'. For example, if n is 3, the l can be 0, 1, or 2.

Across the period anions are ____________ than cations


Anions are ___________ than the atoms from which they came


Be, Ca, N - identify the atoms with the largest and smallest radius

largest Ca smallest N

Be, Ca, N - identify the atoms with the largest and smallest electron affinity

largest N smallest Ca

Ge, O, P - identify the atoms with the largest and smallest electronegativity

largest O smallest Ge

Ge, O, P - identify the atoms with the largest and smallest ionization energy

largest O smallest Ge

most bonds with two non-metals are _____ than 50% ionic, while most bonds between a metal and non-metal are ___________ than 50% ionic

less; greater

greater average speed look for

lighter gas and higher temperature

2 electron groups have a shape of


Draw an orbital energy level diagram for sulfur.

look at a

hydrogen bonding

look for H bonding with N, O, F

valence electrons in larger atoms are at higher energy and are held more ____________` by the nucleus


Coulomb's law also tells us that as the energy gets _________, the the force of attraction increases.


Upon absorption of energy, the atom or molecule undergoes a transition from a _______ energy state to a _______ energy state.

lower; higher

Columb's law tells us that as the difference between opposite charges decreases, the energy will become _______________. (more ___________)

lower; negative

Coulomb's Law tells us that as the magnitude of the charges increase, the energy will become _________ (more ___________).

lower; negative

higher vapor pressure =

lowest boiling point

What is the allowed 'm__l' quantum number?

m__l is plus/minus whatever the largest l number is for that particular orbital. For example, if l=1 then m__l = -1, 0, +1.

compounds can be broken down into _______________ and _________

molecules and ions

Avagadro's law

moles and volume

When there are ___________ electrons, the electrons not only interact in a coulombic (charge) fashion with the nucleus, but they interact with _______________. These electron-electron interactions will also affect the ______________, and therefore the ________________ of the atoms. Different amounts of interaction should lead to ___________ energies.

multiple; each other; energy levels; properties; different

What is the allowed 'n' quantum number?

n is normally between 1-7 but your professor can expand upon it

what are 4 quantum numbers?

n, l, m__l, m__s

covalent compounds are _______________ material, that are formed by _______________ and held together by ___________ bonds to form ____________________.

neutral; non-metals; covalent; molecules

ionic compounds are _____________ material, that are formed by __________________ and ________________________, and are held together by _________________ bonds.

neutral; one non-metal; one metal; ionic

ions combine to ________________ charge


does NH3 hace resonance structures


the same orbital on different atoms

not restricted to valence atoms with greater nuclear charge (more protons and neutrons) will have lower energy orbitals than those with smaller nuclear charge

delocalized bonding

occurs in resonance structures of ring based structures and is represented by a circle


occurs when the opposite wavefunctions on the orbitals cancel each other out


occurs when there is anti and nonanti bonding components

sometimes in order to get rid of formal charge, you must break the __________________________

octet rule

Using Figure 5.1 what happens at point 3

orbital interacts more cause more orbital distortion partial overlap space e = more negative (as +/- interaction becomes stronger)

Using Figure 5.1 what happens at point 4

orbitals have fully overlapped e = minimum energy e at this point is bond energy the distance between nuclei is bond length

pi bonding

overlapping orbitals that are parallel to on another touch in two places above and below the internuclear axis

photoelectric effect

phenomenon where light impinging on certain materials can cause electrons to be ejected from the surface.

When explaining the photoelectric effect, light is modeled as a _________.


double bonds are 1 ____________ interaction and 1 _____________ interaction

pi ; sigma

triple bonds are 2 ____________ interactions and 1 _____________ interaction

pi ; sigma

graph for like and opposite charges

picture shown is opposite flip over axis for like

The larger the difference in eletronegativities the more __________ the bond is


As electrons move closer to the nucleus they will feel a more ___________ charge


Boyle's law

pressure and volume

The wave is ______________; it can exist as one loop, two loops, three loops, etc., but not a __________ of a loop. We can also look at this as the _____________ being quantized; it can be the distance between the ends, half the distance, a third of the distance, etc.

quantized; fraction; wavelength

order of light as energy from greatest to smallest wavelength

radio, microwaves, infrared, ROYGBIV, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma

what is the best visualization of standing waves?


order of sublevel orbitals from lowest to highest

s, p, d, f

all single bonds are _________ interactions


Bond order of 1 is a __________ bond


Strongest bonds


Cations are __________ than the atoms from which they came


However, a ___________ value of r only reinforces the point that as the nuclear charge increases, the energy of the system goes down (gets more negative)


if there are 2 electron groups what is the hybridization


if there are 3 electron groups what is the hybridization


if there are 4 electron groups what is the hybridization


wave model of light

speed of light(c) = wavelength(λ) * freqeuncy(v)

how to draw the s orbital?

sphere of one color

Charles' law

temperature and volume

4 electron groups ( 0 lone pairs, 4 bonded groups) have a shape of


why does atomic radii get larger down a group

the # core electrons increases thus increases the amount of shielding that pushes the electrons out

Using Figure 5.1 what happens at point 1

the atoms do not interact because they are too far apart E=0 orbitals are spherical

electron affinity

the energy change when an atom gains an electron

ionization energy

the energy required to remove a valence electron from an atom

Dalton on Atoms

the smallest unit of each element is an atom all atoms of an element have unique properties all atoms of an element have the same mass* * We know today this last statement is not true; "isotopes" of elements exist which have different masses. We will consider isotopes later in the course.

Wave Particle Duality

there is more than one way to explain the properties of light In some experiments, like the photoelectric effect, it is best explained as a particle which we call a photon. Light is a form of energy In other experiments, it is best explained as a wave, such as when light diffracts. Diffraction is a property of sound waves, water waves and light.

valence electrons in smaller atoms are at lower energy and are held more ____________ by the nucleus


sigma bonding

touch in one place on internuclear axis overlapping orbitals pointing to one another

3 electron groups (0 lone pairs, 3 bonded groups) have a shape of

trigonal planar

4 electron groups (1 lone pair, 3 bonded groups) have a shape of

trigonal pyramidal

Bond order of 3 is a __________ bond


Shortest bonds


covalent bond is

two elements sharing electrons to create molecules

that core electrons do a much better job of shielding the valence electrons, than the ____________ electrons do of shielding ______________.

valence; each other


vanadium(V) oxide

When explaining diffraction, light is modeled as a ________.


destructive interference

where the two functions cancel each other out

how to name a covalent compound

write the name element (and prefix if needed for more than 1 molecule of that element) for the first and then give the second element a prefix (always) and change the ending to -ide

does CO2 have resonance structures


The best lewis structures have ___________ formal charge. The bigger the charge (either + or -) the _________ the structure.

zero; poorer

Frequency in the Rydberg Equation

ν = (constant) (1/n^2_lo - 1/n^2_hi) The constant is 3.290 x 10^15 s−1

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