Ch 12,13,16 CYU

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Which of the following is NOT a function of food additives? a. Adding neurotoxins to foods b. Preventing spoilage c. Increasing the shelf life of a food d. Enhancing the flavor of foods

(a) Food additives help prevent spoilage, increase the shelf life of the product, and can enhance the flavor of foods.

Which of the following groups is especially vulnerable to food insecurity-related illness? a. Infants and young children b. Adolescents c. Adult men d. Adult women

(a) Infants and young children have immature immune systems, making them more susceptible to illness related to undernutrition. Adolescents and adults have mature immune systems that are stronger and better functioning.

Food can be the primary agent of bioterrorism by being contaminated with a biological or chemical toxin. Which of the following is NOT an example of bioterrorism? a. Airborne mercury from a local factory accumulating in a body of water and being consumed by fish in the toxic form of methylmercury b. Adding botulism to the food served at major national hospitals C. Contamination of a nation's water supply with Shigella d. The spread of E. coli in the distribution of food via purposeful placement of a food item contaminated with E. coli

(a) Mercury occurs in nature, but is a by-product of industrial pollution. Mercury is transformed by bacteria in the water into the toxic form of methylmercury. Fish absorb methylmercury from the water or eat smaller fish that contain methylmercury and they bioaccumulate the substance to high levels.

Which of the following U.S. government agencies is NOT involved in policing the food supply? a. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) b. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) C.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) d. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

(a) The IRS. The FDA, CDC, and USDA all play important roles in keeping the food supply safe.

The danger zone temperature range at which bacteria will multiply most rapidly is a. 40°F to 140°F. b. 45°F to 140°F C. 40°F to 145°F. d. 50°F to 150°F. e. 50°F to 140°F.

(a) The danger zone is 40°F to 140°F.

The majority of farms in the United States are a. small family-run farms. b. large farms run by the United States government. c. large farms run by private companies. d. large farms run by overseas companies.

(a) The majority of farms in the United States are small family farms, though the total number of U.S. farms today is less than it has been in the past, in part because fewer family farmers are passing farms on to the next generation.

U.S. farmers may receive subsidies from the U.S. government for growing which of the following products? a. Corn b.Carrots C.Watermelon d. Strawberries

(a) U.S. farmers may be eligible to receive subsidies (a form of financial aid) from the government when they grow specific crops such as corn, wheat, and soybeans. Farmers who grow a variety of fruits and vegetables are typically not eligible for government subsidies.

Which of the following programs serves the greatest number of people in the United States? a. Meals on Wheels b. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program c. Feeding America d. The National School Lunch program

(b) All of these programs feed millions of people, but the program with the greatest number assisted is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Food insecurity exists because a. not enough food is produced in the world to feed everyone adequately. b. food distribution is uneven, and some people do not have access to enough food. c. some people choose not to eat. d. people feel insecure about whether their food is safe.

(b) Although enough food is produced to feed everyone in the world, the distribution of the world's food supply is uneven, and people in some parts of the world do not have access to, or cannot afford, adequate food. Everyone needs to eat to survive.

What is the general term for the common condition in which micronutrients are consistently deficient in the diet? a. Malaria b. Hidden hunger c. Diarrhea d. Dehydration

(b) Hidden hunger refers to vitamin A, iron, or iodine deficiency. This condition affects more than 2 billion people in the world.

Pound for pound, which of the following takes the greatest amount of natural resources to grow? a. Poultry b. Beef c. Corn d. Soy

(b) It takes more natural resources to grow livestock than it does grain. Of the common types of livestock grown for food in the United States, it takes more natural resources to raise beef than it does poultry.

Which of the following may cause a foodborne illness? a. MSG, sulfites, and nitrates b. Parasites, viruses, bacteria, and naturally occurring chemicals and toxins c. Ascorbic acid, carrageenan, annatto, and phosphoric acid d. None of the above

(b) Parasites, viruses, bacteria, and naturally occurring toxins and chemicals can cause foodborne illness. Food additives do not. In fact, they are either approved by the FDA prior to use or have GRAS or prior-sanctioned status based on a history of safe consumption.

What is food insecurity? a. Food insecurity happens only in developing countries, when they can't get enough food because of civil unrest. b. Food insecurity is the same thing as hunger. c. Food insecurity is a lack of adequate nutrition for an active, healthy life. d. Food insecurity describes a lack of sufficient calories in the diet for an active, healthy life.

(c) Food insecurity is a lack of adequate nutrition for an active, healthy life. The USDA describes an American household as food secure if it has access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members.

Food manufacturers spend the least amount of money on advertising which of the following foods? a. Breakfast cereal b. Candy and gum c. Fruits and vegetables d. Carbonated soft drinks

(c) Food manufacturers spend the least amount of money on advertising foods that are the healthiest for you, such as fruits and vegetables. Most advertising dollars are spent on foods that are processed, packaged, and high in added sugar and fat.

You are in the supermarket shopping for cereal and find a package of raisin bran that bears the USDA Organic seal. You can be assured that in this cereal a. 100 percent of the ingredients are certified organic. b. are only ingredients that were grown without the use of any pesticides. c. at least 95 percent of the ingredients are certified organic. d. at least 70 percent of the ingredients are certified organic.

(c) Only foods made with at least 95 percent organic ingredients can display the USDA Organic seal. If a product is made with at least 70 percent organic ingredients, an organic statement can be made, but the seal cannot be displayed. Some pesticides may be used to grow ingredients in products labeled as organic.

Two intentional food additives that some people are sensitive to are a. Salmonella and antioxidants. b. heat and lemon juice. c. sulfites and MSG d. dioxins and MSG.

(c) Sulfites and MSG are fine for most people but can cause unpleasant symptoms in people who are sensitive to them.

All of the following are examples of foodborne diseases caused by toxins that occur naturally in foods EXCEPT a. scombrotoxic poisoning. b. paralytic shellfish poisoning. c. sulfuric acid poisoning. d. ciguatera poisoning.

(c) Sulfuric acid is not a naturally occurring toxin found in food products.

Who are the "working poor"? a. All individuals classified as low income by the United States Department of Labor b. All individuals who fall outside the middle-class range of income c. All individuals who are employed but have incomes that fall below the poverty line d. All minimum-wage workers

(c) The working poor includes individuals who are employed 27 or more weeks of each year, yet still have incomes below the official poverty line.

A food lobbyist works for a. the government. b. the interests of all food consumers. c. a food company or organization that has a vested interest in the outcome of food policy. d. only those in healthcare.

(c) While it would be nice to think that a food lobbyist works for the interests of all food consumers, in reality the lobbyist works for a company or organization that has an interest in the outcome of food policy. A lobbyist's job is to persuade government officials to vote in a direction favorable to the companies or organizations the lobbyist represents.

Which of the following represents the most sustainable food choice? a. Purchasing watermelon in Alaska in December (the middle of winter) b. Eating a diet high in animal protein purchased from large food-manufacturing companies c. Purchasing only organically grown fruits and vegetables d. Eating a mostly plant-based diet of mostly locally grown foods

(d) A sustainable diet is a healthy diet for you and for future generations. Plant-based protein requires fewer natural resources to produce than does animal-based protein. Locally grown food requires fewer energy resources to produce than does food that has to be transported long distances from farm to consumer.

What is one of the most common causes of food shortages? a. Poverty b. Lack of education and economic opportunity c. War, natural disaster, or civil unrest d. Drought

(d) Drought is one of the most common causes of food shortages. Poverty and lack of education are factors that can lead to individual hunger, but don't generally cause crop failure. While civil unrest may disturb food production, it may not have the widespread impact of a drought.

The process of isolating and inserting a gene from the DNA of one organism into the DNA of another organisms is called a. plant breeding. b. DNA editing. c. bioterrorism. d. recombinant DNA technology or transgenic technology.

(d) Recombinant DNA technology, also known as transgenic technology, is the term used to describe the technique of inserting a segment of DNA from one organism into the DNA of another organism. The products of recombinant DNA technology are known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The "Best if Used By" date on a food container refers to the date by which a. you should consume the product so that you don't get sick. b. you should consume the product to get your money's worth. c. you should purchase the product. d. to consume the product to enjoy it at its best quality.

(d) The "Best If Used By" date on the food container refers to the date by which to consume the product to enjoy it at its best quality.

The four critical steps in the food-handling process that you need to take to help prevent foodborne illness are a. cutting, cleaning, chopping, and chilling. b. cleaning, separating, cutting, and chilling. c. clearing, separating, cutting, and chilling. d. cleaning, separating, cooking, and chilling.

(d) To prevent foodborne illness, it's important to employ proper food-handling strategies when cleaning, separating, cooking, and chilling the foods in your meal.

Though most bacteria will grow more slowly in a refrigerator set at 40°F and below, one of the following does not. Which one? a. E. coli 0157: H7 b. Salmonella c. Norwalk virus d. Campylobacter e. Listeria

(e) Listeria can multiply at temperatures of 40°F or below.

True or false Organic foods are more nutrient dense than nonorganic foods.

False. Although organic foods may introduce fewer pesticides and antibiotics into the food supply, there is little scientific evidence that they are more nutrient dense than foods that were grown using traditional methods.

True or false Food advertising has little effect on what foods most Americans buy and consume.

False. Although you may think you are indifferent to food advertising, it likely has a significant impact on your food decisions.

True or false Foods that smell bad will give you foodborne illness if you consume them.

False. An off smell in food is more likely a sign of food spoilage than that the food contains a pathogen that could cause foodborne illness. Unfortunately, a food that contains a disease-causing pathogen could smell perfectly fine.

True or false People who are obese don't experience food insecurity.

False. An overweight or obese individual can also experience a chronic shortage of food.

True or false No hard-working American goes to bed hungry.

False. Despite living in a wealthy nation, many people in the United States grapple with food insecurity.

True or false Fortifying foods doesn't alter their nutritional content.

False. Fortifying foods improves their nutritional value and can provide numerous nutrients that some populations wouldn't otherwise obtain.

True or false Freezing foods kills bacteria.

False. Freezing doesn't kill bacteria but only puts them in a dormant state.

True or false Food irradiation makes food radioactive.

False. Irradiated food is treated with gamma rays that interrupt DNA and make cells unable to reproduce, thus killing harmful pathogens. It does not make foods radioactive.

True or false Grilled chicken that is pink in the middle is never safe to eat.

False. It's not the color but rather the internal temperature of the chicken that will determine if it is safe to eat.

True or false Leftovers that have been stored in the fridge for a week will still be safe to eat.

False. Leftovers should be thrown out if they're not consumed within 3 to 5 days.

True or false All organic foods certified by the USDA are 100 percent pesticide free.

False. Organic foods are not necessarily pesticide free.

True or false As long as the expiration date hasn't passed, packaged food is always safe to eat.

False. Package dates refer to food quality, not safety. To find out why consuming a food before the expiration date can't guarantee that the item is safe to eat.

True or false Consuming inadequate nutrients won't affect mental development.

False. Poor nutrition can negatively affect mental development, as well as physical development.

True or false Washing your hands for 10 seconds under running water is necessary to reduce your chances of getting foodborne illness.

False. Running your hands under water for 10 seconds is not the correct way to wash your hands to reduce your risk of getting sick.

True or false The most common type of virus that causes foodborne illness is Salmonella.

False. Salmonella is a bacterium, not a virus.

True or false The U.S. government currently provides monetary incentives for farmers to grow a variety of fruits and vegetables.

False. The U.S. federal government provides monetary incentives for farmers producing commodity crops such as corn and soybeans, but not a variety of fruits and vegetables.

True or false The FDA requires special labels for products produced from the milk of cows treated with synthetic hormones.

False. The U.S. government currently does not Require label information to indicate whether or not animals were treated with synthetic hormones.

True or false Not enough food is produced in the world to feed everyone.

False. The world's farmers grow enough food to nourish every man, woman, and child on the planet. The challenge lies in distributing their products evenly.

True or false The only thing you can do to alleviate hunger is to qgive money to charities.

False. You can also help the hungry by volunteering your time, hosting a food drive, or making a food donation to your local food bank.

True or false Agricultural advances can help increase food production.

True. Advances in agricultural processes do increase the amount of food grown per acre of farmland.

True or false Most of the corn grown in the United States is used to feed animals, not humans.

True. Although corn is the number-one food crop grown by American farmers, the majority is used to feed animals and not humans.

True or false Energy costs, such as the cost of oil, influence the cost of food.

True. Because much of our food in the United States travels long distances from farm to consumers, when the price of fuel such as oil increases, so must the cost of food.

True or false Children are at a higher risk for food insecurity than are adults.

True. Children are dependent on the adults around them for adequate food, and therefore are susceptible to food insecurity. Children are also more prone to long-term consequences of nutrient deficiencies.

True or false E. coli is considered a bacterium that could be used for bioterrorism.

True. E. coli as well as other pathogens can be used in bioterrorism.

True or false The majority of soybeans grown in the United States to produce soybean oil and other products are genetically modified.

True. Genetically engineered forms of soybeans have been the mainstay in the United States since the 1990s.

True or false Plant-based diets are more sustainable than are diets high in animal-based foods.

True. It takes fewer natural resources to grow plants for food than it does to raise animals for food, so a plant- based diet is more sustainable than a diet high in foods derived from animals.

True or false Older adults who are financially secure can still sometimes experience low food security and undernutrition.

True. Older adults may have sufficient funds for food, but may experience food insecurity due to mobility issues or emotional problems.

True or false Food insecurity in the developing world is primarily due to poverty.

True. Poverty does play a significant role in food insecurity around the world. Additional factors like war, overpopulation, and disease can also affect people'saccess to sufficient food.

True or false Most farms in the United States are family farms.

True. Small family farms comprise the majority of farms in the United States.

True or false The temperature for your refrigerator should be set at 40°F or below.

True. To be effective at keeping food safe, the temperature in your refrigerator should be 40°F or below.

Most of the corn grown in the United States is a. used in the National School Lunch Program. b. used to feed animals. c. used to make high-fructose corn syrup. d. sold to local markets and eaten by Americans.

b) Eighty percent of the corn grown in the United States is used to feed animals, not humans.

A lack of which micronutrient has been implicated in causing blindness in children? a. Vitamin K b. Vitamin A c. lodine d. Iron

b) Lack of vitamin A is implicated in preventable blindness. Deficiency in vitamin K can lead to excessive bleeding; deficiency in iodine can cause goiter and cretinism; and deficiency in iron can result in iron-deficiency anemia.

Which of the following is a nutritional risk factor for older adults? a. Increased metabolic rate b. Rapid cell growth and turnover c. Decreased sense of taste and smell d. Increased energy needs

c) Older adults sometimes lose interest in food or have a diminished appetite because they cannot enjoy food's smells or tastes. Older people have a decreased basal metabolic rate and experience slower cell growth and decreased energy requirements.

Which of the following farming practices is a way to protect natural resources and human health? a. Growing as much of a single crop as possible year after year on a plot of land designated for the sole purpose of growing that specific crop b. Chronically treating all livestock used in food production with antibiotics c. Practicing integrated pest management d. Using only organic pesticides and fertilizer

c) Practicing integrated pest management is a method of farming that controls pests in a way that minimizes risk to humans, the crops, and the environment. In this approach, biological measures to control pests are used first; pesticides are only used if the problem can't be controlled by biological measures. Chemical pesticides require large amounts of fossil fuels to produce, deplete the soil of nutrients, making it less fertile, and may pollute the environment in unintended ways. Routinely treating all healthy animals with antibiotics and the use of even natural pesticides and fertilizers can have unintended and adverse consequences to humans and the environment.

Which nutrients are most likely to be used to fortify food? a. Vitamins D, E, and K b. Sodium, potassium, and chloride c. Magnesium, phosphorus, and sulfur d. Iron, iodine, and vitamin A

d) Iron, iodine, and vitamin A are frequently used to fortify food because deficiencies of them are linked to many common and serious illnesses. The other nutrients listed are important, but are not generally incorporated into food fortification programs.

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