CH. 13 life span psych

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causes of osteoporosis

* having loss bone mass at skeletal maturity (the point at which your bones reach peak development) * deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D * estrogen depletion * lack of weight bearing exercise that builds up bone mass

sociocultural forces (pragmatics of intelligence)

knowledge structures are also influence by how we are socialized given the particular historical period in which we are raised

how much exercise should adults be getting?

150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise or a combo of the two strengthening exercises are recommended at least twice per week

psychological forces (pragmatics of intelligence)

knowledge structures change as a function of the accumulated acquisition of knowledge over time ex: the more you learn about a topic, the more differentiated your knowledge system becomes

at what age does osteoarthritis usually occur?

late middle age or early old age --> progresses slowly

what is the major child-related event in middle age?

leaving of children

avenues of generativity

parenting mentoring creating one's legacy by doing something of lasting importance

changes in the prostate gland with age

as men age, the prostate gland enlarges, becomes stiffer, and may obstruct the urinary tract prostate cancer becomes a major concern in middle age men with average risk of developing prostate cancer should be informed at age 50 of the benefits and risks of the available diagnostic tests (digital rectal exam or prostate specific antigen blood test)

benefits of following the exercise guidelines

improved cardiovascular functioning and maximum oxygen consumption lower blood pressure better strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination lower levels of stress better moods better cognitive functioning

effects of menopause on sexual activity

increased possibility of painful intercourse longer time and more stimulation needed to reach orgasm maintain an active sex life throughout adulthood lowers the degree to which problems are encountered

does crystallized intelligence increase or decrease with age?

increases as it is grounded in experience people become experts at something that is important to them like work, interpersonal relationships, cooking, sports, etc people tend to become selective experts in some areas while remaining amateurs or novices at others

neuroticism (the five factor model)

high levels --> anxious, hostile, self conscious, depressed, impulsive and vulnerable * can show violent or negative emotions that interfere with their ability to get along with others or to handle problems in everyday life low levels --> calm, even tempered, self content, comfortable, unemotional, and hardy


high levels --> being accepting, willing to work with others, and caring low levels --> ruthless, suspicious, stingy, antagonistic, critical, and irritable


high levels --> hardworking,, ambitious, energetic scrupulous, preserving, have a strong desire to make something of themselves low levels --> negligent, lazy, disorganized, and aimless

extraversion (the five factor model)

high levels --> thrive on social interaction, like to talk, take charge easily, readily express their opinions and feelings, like to keep busy, have boundless energy, and prefer stimulating and challenging environments low levels --> reserved, quiet, passive, serious, and emotionally unreactive

openness to experience

high levels --> vivid imagination and dream life, an appreciation of art, and a strong desire to try anything once * naturally curious about things and make decisions based on situational factors rather than absolute rules low levels --> down to earth, uncreative, conventional, incurious, and conservative

physical and psychological symptoms that can accompany perimenopause and menopause as a result of decrease in hormonal levels

hot flashes night sweats headaches mood swings difficulty concentrating vaginal dryness changing cholesterol levels variety of aches and pains low libido

physiological changes of men in sexual performance

There is less perceived demand to ejaculate, a need for longer time and more stimulation to achieve erection and orgasm, and a longer resolution phase during which erection is impossible

what makes experts better?

how experts handle problems

personality adjustment

involves developmental changes in terms of their adaptive value and functionality such as whether one can function effectively within society and how personality contributes to everyday life running smoothly increases with increasing age

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) test

a test that measures bone density a the hip and spine late middle aged women or over 65 are encouraged to have their bone mineral density tested via DXA test test results are compared with the ideal bone mineral density of a healthy 30 yr old --> the greater the difference between the two scores, the greater the degree to which you have osteoporosis

post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened


any attempt to deal with stress

menopausal hormone therapy (MHT)

approach in response to increased risks of psychological and physical symptoms and to the estrogen related symptoms that women experience women take low doses of estrogen which is often combined with progestin (synthetic form of progesterone) includes both benefits and risks

what parts of the body does rheumatoid arthritis usually affect?

aching develops in the fingers, wrists, and ankles on both sides of the body joint appear swollen

generative action

actual behaviors that promote the well being of the next generation does not relate to life satisfaction and overall happiness

personality takes on two forms

adjustment and growth

boomerang kids

adult children who leave their parents home at least once after moving out

how do adult learners differ from younger learners?

adults have a higher need to know why the should learn something before undertaking it adults enter a learning situation with more and different experience on which to build adults are most willing to learn those things they believe are necessary to deal with real world problems rather than abstract, hypothetical situations most adults are motivated to learn by internal factors (self esteem) than by external satisfaction (job promotion)

linkage of practical intelligence and post formal thinking across adulthood

adults tend to blend emotion with cognition in their approach to practical problems --> adolescents do not because they get hung up on the logic for late middle aged adults, highly emotional problems are associated most with passive-dependent and avoidant-denial approaches middle aged adults use problem focused strategies more frequently in dealing with instrumental problems (issues related to daily living ) than do adolescents or young adults bc of this we can't characterize problem solving in middle age in any one way

the five factor model (costa and mccrae)

adults' personality traits can be described using 5 dimensions neuroticism extraversion openness to experience agreeableness conscientiousness

what happens to adults who do not achieve generativity?

become bored, self indulgent, and unable to contribute to the continuation of society --> stagnation

At what age does one begin to show signs of arthritis?

beginning 20's protective cartilage in joints show signs of. deterioration (thinning, becoming cracked, frayed)

mindfulness-based stress reduction

being aware and nonjudgemental of whatever is happening at the moment ex: yoga and meditation has many positive effects on physical and psychological health results in functional and structural changes in the brain --> especially in areas related to control of stress and emotion as well as attention, memory, and sensory processing


being productive by helping others to ensure the continuation of society by guiding the next generation can be enriching some adults do not achieve generativity associated with positive emotion and satisfaction with life and work and it predicts physical health


being unable to deal with the need of their children or to provide mentoring to younger adults

bone mass loss in men

bone mass stays the same for men until they reach late life

bone mass loss in women

bone mass stays the same for women until they reach menopause there is rapid loss of bone mass in the first few years after menopause --> greatly increases the risk of problem with disease and broken bones

why are there changes in bones and joints during midlife?

bones and joints change with age due to preventable ways, genetic predisposition, or disease

the best way to view midlife is as a time of _____

both gains and losses

ways to prevent osteoporosis

getting enough dietary calcium and vitamin D vitamin D and calcium supplements after menopause may slow the rate of bone loss and delay the onset of osteoporosis

behavioral and psychological effects of chronic stress

cardiovascular disease --> stress is related to hypertension and other forms of cardiovascular disease the perception that stress impacts one's health is associated with increased occurrence of myocardial infarction can trigger psychological processes and reactions --> does not directly cause psychopathology but influences how people react and behave PTSD

midlife crisis

carl jung belieft that adults may experience a midlife crisis led to the development of several theories suggesting that adult life consists of alternating periods of stability and transition that people experience in a fixed sequence --> led to the popularization of the midlife crisis

management for osteoarthritis

certain steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs rest and non stressful exercises that focus on range of motion dietary modifications

what are the two positive developments that middle aged parents experience with regard to their children?

children see parents in a new light children leave home

gains of midlife

competence, ability to handle stress, sense of personal control, purpose in life, and social responsibility

the 5 dimensions of the five factor model are grounded in _____

cross sectional, longitudinal, and sequential research

the two-component (mechanics and pragmatics) model of life span intelligence

grounded in the dynamic interplay among the forces of the biopsychosocial framework biopsychosocial forces differentially influence the mechanics and pragmatics of intelligence

what is an outcome of becoming an expert of a subject?

decrease in the ability to explain how one arrives at a particular answer increased efficiency comes at the cost of being able to explain to others what one is doing explains why instructors have a harder time explaining topics to new college students than graduates

wear and tear disease

degenerative disease caused by injury or overuse

six areas of management standards developed to lower stress

demands control support relationships role organizational change


disease in which bones become porous and extremely easy to break loss of bone mass makes bones weaker and more brittle --> bones are easier to break


disease marked by gradual onset of bone damage with progression of pain and stability, together with minor signs of inflammation bones underneath deteriorating cartilage can become damaged example of wear and tear disease most common form of arthritis

does the mechanics of intelligence have a downward or upward trajectory with age?

downward trajectory bc biological and genetic forces govern the mechanics of intelligence

Erik Erikson's view (via his psychosocial theory) on the changing of priorities in midlife

erikson argues that shifts in priorities reflects generativity

aerobic exercise

exercise that places moderate stress on the heart by maintaining a pulse rate between 60 and 90% of the person's maximum heart rate maximum heart rate --> subtract age from 220 (then take 60-90% of that)

when does expert performance peak?

expert performance peaks at middle age and then drops slightly

generative concern

general personality tendency of interest in caring for younger individuals relates to life satisfaction and overall happiness

components of mcadam's model of generativity

generative concern generative action

how is generativity different from traits?

generativity is more related to societal engagement than are traits

what parts of the body does osteoarthritis usually affect?

hands, spine, hips, and knees

the climacteric

major biological process that middle aged women experience in which they pass from their reproductive to non reproductive years

change of priorities during midlife

many middle aged people report that their personal priorities change during middle age middle aged people report that they are increasingly concerned with helping younger people achieve rather than with getting ahead themselves

hormonal changes of men with age

men experience a gradual decline in testosterone levels as they age most men never experience a complete loss of sperm to father children, but men do experience a normative decline in the quantity of sperm

what age group reports the highest and lowest levels of stress?

middle aged people report the highest levels of stress and people over age 65 report the lowest this could be because of the number of pressures that middle aged people feel

what should the popular "mid life crisis" be referred to as instead?

midlife corrections

rheumatoid arthritis

more destructive disease of the joints that typically affects different joints and causes different types of pain than osteoarthritis pattern of morning stiffness

how do parents typically feel when their child leaves?

most parents manage their child's transition successfully the extent to which parents foster and approve of the children's attempts at being independent matters emotional bonds are disrupted when children leave parents mothers in all ethnic groups report feeling sad at the time that children leave but having many more positive feelings about the potential for growth in their relationship with their children parents can provide emotional support and financial help when possible

"middle age bulge"

most people gain weight between their early 30's and mid-50's as metabolism slows down

mcadam's approach to generativity

multidimensional model that shows how generativity results from the complex interconnections among societal and inner forces a person derives personal meaning from being generative by constructing a life story or narrative which helps create the person's identity

treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

no cure but there are several treatments (3 general classes of medications) non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) --> ex: Advil Corticosteroids --> ex: prednisone disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs --> ex: methotrexate

how do experts handle problems that makes them better than novices?

novices achieve a problem as quickly as they can at a satisfactory level with the resolution being "stable and autonomous" experts build up wealth of knowledge about alternative ways of solving problems or making decisions --> allowing experts to skip steps needed by novices experts dont always follow the rules --> they are more creative, curious, and have superior strategies grounded on superior knowledge for accomplishing a task experts may be slower in terms of speed bc they spend more time planning but their ability to skip steps put them at an advantage

why does personality adjustment increase with age and personality growth decrease with age?

personality growth or change across adulthood does not normally occur unless there are special circumstances and an environmental push for it to occur personality related adjustment however grows in response to ever changing developmental challenges and tasks (establishing a career, marriage, and family)

do the 5 dimensions of the five factor trait model remain stable across adulthood?

personality traits stop changing by age 30 stability of personality traits plateaus in adulthood both stability and change, however, can be detected in personality trait development across the adult life span

losses of midlife

physical abilities, women's ability to bear children, and physical appearance


point at which menstruation stops complete when periods have stopped for a year

midlife corrections

reevaluating one's roles and dreams and making the necessary corrections

personality growth

refers to ideal end states such as increased self transcendence, wisdom, and integrity show stability or decrease with increasing age

sandwich generation

refers to middle aged adults bc they are caught between the competing demands of two generations: their parents and their children

the pragmatics of intelligence

refers to those aspects of intelligence reflecting crystallized intelligence associated more with the bodies of knowledge that are available from and mediated through a person's culture content rich, culture dependent, experience based more closely associated with psychological and sociocultural forces

the mechanics of intelligence

reflects those aspects of intelligence comprising fluid intelligence more directly an expression of the neurophysiological architecture of the mind content poor, universal, biological, genetically predisposed more closely linked with a gradual loss of brain efficiency with age

why is exercise and a healthy lifestyle important especially with age?

regular exercise along with healthy lifestyles can slow the psychological aging process

physical effects of chronic stress

suppresses the immune system (resulting in increased susceptibility to viral infections) increases risk of atherosclerosis (build up of plaque along the walls of arteries so that the arteries become stiffer and restrict blood flow) hypertension (high bp) impaired memory and cognition

stress in middle age

the effects of both short term and long term stress become more apparent during middle age partly because it takes time for stress disorders to manifest themselves and partly because of the gradual loss of physical capacity

gain-loss perspective of midlife emphasizes two things

the exact timing of change is not fixed but occurs over an extended period of time change can be both positive and negative at the same time

what is the major reproductive change in women during adulthood?

the loss of ability to bear children begins in the 40s as menstrual cycles become irregular usually complete by age 50 or 55 gradual loss and eventual end of monthly periods is accompanied by decreases in estrogen and progesterone levels, changes in the reproductive organs, and changes in sexual functioning

kin keeper

the person who gathers family members together for celebrations and keeps them in touch with one another mostly middle aged mothers than fathers

practical intelligence

the range of skills related to how individuals shape, select, or adapt to their physical and social environments

is there such thing as a midlife crisis?

there is no such thing as a universal midlife crisis instead, it is suggested that the major dynamic driving such changes may not be age dependent but may follow general cognitive changes --> midlife crisis may be the result of general gains in cognitive complexity from early to middle adulthood increase in cognitive complexity may help people make midlife corrections

how are real life problem questions different from traditional tests?

they differ in three main ways * people are more motivated to solve them * personal experience is more relevant * there is more than one correct answer these reasons are the reasons why researchers argue that practical intelligence is distinct from general cognitive ability

what are companies doing to lower work related stress for their employees?

they have developed an extensive set of management standards to lower work related stress management standards addressed six areas (each with a goal and specific behaviors that the organizations must address)


time of transition from regular menstruation to menopause

what is the best way to gain the benefits of aerobic exercise?

to maintain physical fitness through the life span beginning at least in middle age

many companies and professions focus on _____

training employees to learn how to learn rather than focusing on learning specific content this is helpful especially in careers where information and technology change rapidly

ways of coping

trying to solve the problem at hand focusing on how they feel about the situation and deal with things on an emotional level redefining the event as not stressful focus on religious or spiritual approaches

does the pragmatics of intelligence have an upward or downward trajectory with age?

upward trajectory bc it is governed by more environmental and cultural factors

treatment of PTSD

usually done through psychotherapy and certain antidepressant medications

the stress and coping paradigm

views stress not as an environmental stimulus or as a response but as the interaction of a thinking person and an event how we interpret an event, not the event itself or how we respond to it state that stress is a transactional process between a person and the environment a situation is not stressful unless the person appraises it as stressful

triggers of PTSD

violent personal assaults, natural or human caused disasters, accidents, or military combat

genital changes of women after menopause

women's genital organs undergo progressive change after menopause --> can effect sexual activity vaginal walls shrink and become thinner size of vagina decreases vaginal lubrication is reduced and delayed some shrinkage of the external genitalia occurs

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