Ch. 16 HW

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Read each sentence and decide whether it describes type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or both.

1. In type 2 diabetes, target cells do not respond normally to insulin. 2. In type 1diabetes, no insulin is produced. 3. In both type 1 and type 2diabetes, glucose levels remain higher than normal.


Col. 1 Hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thymus, pancreas Col. 2 Pineal gland, thyroid gland, adrenal gland

Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones that usually enhance the immune responses when an individual is suffering from severe stress.


Which hormone aids in water resorption?

antidiuretic hormone Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulates the kidney tubules to reabsorb water.

Which pancreatic hormone functions to raise blood glucose levels?

glucagon Glucagon, produced by pancreatic alpha cells, increases blood sugar by stimulating glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis in the liver.

Hypersecretion of what hormone can produce the effects of gigantism in the individual in the center of this image?

growth hormone (GH) Growth hormone has effects on metabolism as well as growth. Hypersecretion can lead to gigantism.

What is required for the production of anterior pituitary gland hormones?

hormonal stimuli The anterior pituitary requires hormonal stimuli from the hypothalamus.

What type of stimulation controls parathyroid release?

humoral The parathyroid is stimulated by the actual level of calcium in the blood rather than by neural or hormonal stimulus.

Which of the following triggers the release of glucagon?

a decrease in blood glucose levels Glucagon acts to stimulate release of glucose into the blood to counteract falling levels.

Part A #11

C. The axon terminals of neurons of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tracts store and secrete ADH and oxytocin in the capillaries of the inferior hypophyseal artery.

Part A # 6

Hormonal Stimulus- testosterone production Neural stimulus- epinephrine production Humoral and/or hormonal stimulus- aldosterone production Humoral stimulus- parathyroid hormone

Why does antidiuretic hormone help regulate an abnormal increase in solute concentration in the extracellular fluid?

It causes reabsorption of water by the kidney, resulting in increased blood water volume and a decreased solute concentration.

__________ is the situation when one hormone exaggerates the effects of another hormone at the target cell?

Synergism Synergism of hormones occurs in situations where more than one hormone produces the same effect at the target cell and their combined effects are amplified. Each hormone acts independently of the other and has the same effect on the target cell.

Which of the following is NOT representative of endocrine glands?

They have ducts. Endocrine glands are ductless glands.

Both "turn on" factors (hormonal, humoral, and neural stimuli) and "turn off" factors (feedback inhibition and others) may be modulated by the activity of the nervous system.


Iodine is an essential element required for the synthesis of thyroxine.


Oxytocin is a strong stimulant of uterine contractions.


Which of the following enzymes are important in the deactivation of cAMP and termination of signaling?

phosphodiesterase The increase in cAMP levels is usually short-lived because the enzyme phosphodiesterase is constantly present in the cytoplasm of the target cells.

Drag the events of cAMP signaling in the correct sequence from left to right.

water soluble hormone binds receptor, receptor activates G protein, G protein activates adenylate cyclase, adenylate cyclase generates cAMP, cAMP activates protein kinases Activated protein kinases can then phosphorylate a variety of intracellular proteins to elicit the cell's response to the hormone.

This diagram shows how the body keeps blood glucose at a normal level.

A. Pancreas releases insulin B.Body cells take up more glucose c. liver takes up glucose and stores it as glycogen d. blood glucose decreases to normal e. pancreas releases glucagon f.liver breaks down glycogen and releases glucose to the blood g. blood glucose increases to normal

BioFlix Quiz: Homeostasis: Regulating Blood Sugar

A. When blood glucose levels are high The pancreas releases insulin. (The pancreas responds to high blood glucose levels by releasing insulin.) B.A liver cell responds to insulin by Taking in glucose and converting it to glycogen. C. What cells in the body respond to glucagon by breaking down glycogen and releasing glucose? Liver cells. D.Body cells that respond to insulin include Liver cells, as well as most other cells of the body. E.When blood glucose levels are low The pancreas releases glucagon, which eventually causes blood glucose levels to increase. F. The body's tendency to maintain relatively constant internal conditions is called homeostasis.

Direct gene activation involves a second-messenger system.


Up-regulation involves the loss of receptors and prevents the target cells from overreacting to persistently high hormone levels.

False Down-regulation involves the loss of receptors and prevents the target cells from overreacting to persistently high hormone levels.

Part A #17

From Left to Right Growth Hormone, prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone

The beta cells in the pancreatic islets produce insulin.


Which of the following hormones is stimulated by stress?

adrenocorticotropic hormone Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones, most importantly glucocorticoids that help the body to resist stressors.

What hormone, indicated by letter B, is released by the anterior pituitary to target the adrenal cortex when we are under stress?

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary modulates the release of aldosterone. The term tropic refers to a hormone that acts on another endocrine gland.

What gland secretes growth hormone?

anterior pituitary The anterior pituitary secretes a variety of hormones, including growth hormone.

Which of the following hormones helps the body avoid dehydration and water overload?

antidiuretic hormone Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents wide swings in water balance, helping the body avoid dehydration and water overload.

Part A #10

antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) targets the kidneys and modulates how much water is lost in the urine.

Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________.


Steroid hormones exert their action by ________.

entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene

Which of the following is NOT a major type of stimulus that triggers endocrine glands to manufacture and release hormones?

enzymatic Enzymes are not triggers in the release of hormones.

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