ch 17/18 ape

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economic liberalism

a belief in free trade and competition based on adam smith's argument that the invisible hand of free competition would benefit all individuals, rich and poor

lady mary wortley montagu

a english aristocrat who brought the practice of inoculation back to england from the ottoman empire

nuclear family

a family group consisting of parents and their children with no other relatives

debt peonage

a form of serfdom that allowed a planter or rancher to keep his workers or slaves in perpetual debt bondage by periodically advancing food, shelter, and a little money

which of the following changes in europe in the eighteenth century supported the establishment of venues such as the cafe

a growing literate public

open-field system

a method of organizing rural agriculture in which the land was divided into several strips with no hedges or fences

the consumer revolution of the eighteenth century led to

a new type of society in which people derived their self-identity as much from their consuming practices as from their work lives

community controls

a pattern of cooperation and common action in a traditional village that sought to uphold the economic, social, and moral stability of the closely knit community


a protestant revival movement in early eighteenth century germany and scandinavia that emphasized a warm and emotional religion, the priesthood of all believers, and the power of christian rebirth in everyday affairs


a sect of catholicism originating with cornelius jansen that emphasized the heavy weight of original sin and accepted the doctrine of predestination; it was outlawed as heresy by the pope

navigation acts

a series of english laws that controlled the import of goods to britain and british colonies

cottage industry

a stage of industrial development in which rural workers used hand tools in their homes to manufacture goods on a large scale for sale in a market


a widespread and flourishing business in the eighteenth century in which women were paid to breast-feed other women's babies


a woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies

father of capitalism

adam smith

what did adam smith believe would improve life for all citizens

adam smith believed economic liberalism would improve life for all citizens. because the competition would drive up the quality of goods and down the prices

wealth of nations

adam smiths influential treatise on how the economies of countries should work. the basis of economic liberalism

explain how physicians were trained and describe how surgeons worked and gained knowledge in their profession during this time

after studying anatomy, surgeons went to the battlefields to practice on injured soldiers. many patients died due to the lack of painkillers and bacteria

which of the following beliefs that was specifically outlines and popularized by rousseau seems most hypocritical when viewed in light of his writings

all men are born with natural rights that other men have no right to take from them including life, liberty, and property

advantages of the putting out system

an abundance of underemployed laborers allowed industries to develop rapidly. production in the countryside was unregulated and did not meet guild standards

john wesley

an anglican priest who founded methodism to spread a message of conversion and salvation for all.

who wrote optimistically about the agricultural progress made from enclosure

arthur young

who fought the war of austrian succession

austria and prussia

maria theresa

austrian empress who unified her nation after her father's death; she made attendance at elementary schools compulsory for boys and girls in areas where schools existed.

adam smith

author of the wealth of nations and father of capitalism


average age for marriage in western europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

describe the negative effects of the industrious revolution

bad for the guilds because they aren't making money anymore

which of the following was not a duty of government according to adam smith

basic wage control for workers

battle of plassey

battle that established british control over india

the proletarianization of peasants in the eighteenth century forced them initially to

become landless rural wage earners

at what age did most people marry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in europe

between 25 and 27

what best describes the trend in england's total trade with the world

both imports and exports increased in the period 1700-1773

what kind of work did young men and women find during the 17-18 centuries

boys would plow or weave, while girls would spin and tend the cows. when they grew to a certain age, they took up apprenticeships

what argument does olaudah equiano give to consider ending the slave trade

by not killing or enslaving the africans, the african population will double and there will be a higher demand for imports from england. england will receive more money from trade

in the city what leisure activities were there

carnival, blood sports

cornelius jansen

catholic bishop of ypres who called for a return to the austere, strict chrsitianity of st agustine. accepted predestination was outlawed by rome

how do some catholics experience their own version of the pietist revival during this time? what is jansenism and how is it spread throughout the catholic communities

catholics experience their own version of pietist revival through jansenism, which was a catholic sect created by cornelius jansen that accepted predestination and emphasized original sin's importance

describe one effect of the rise of pietism during the late seventeenth century

caused john wesley to counter it w methodism

why was there a protestant revival

changing social norms and demographic dynamics, enlightenment, critique of established religions, religious toleration, belief in man's goodness and ability to change, more education

the catechism of health

christoph faust's work that influenced new attitudes toward the raising of and care for children

monopolies decrease


seven years' war

conflict that succeeded the war of austrian succession. in this war, austria tried to win back silesia, while france took on britain across the globe, notably the french and indian war in north america.

the greatest achievement of eighteenth century medical science was the

conquest of smallpox

who provided the labor force for britain's initial colonization of australia

convicted prisoners

what is cottage industry and why did it grow at this time

cottage industry was a stage of industrial development in which rural workers used hand tools in their homes to manufacturing goods on a large scale for sale in a market, and it grew because of poor families choosing to reduce leisure time and the production of goods for household consumption in order to earn wages to buy consumer goods

the increase in population in the eighteenth century can be attributed to one basic reason

decrease in deaths

why is daniel defoe optimistic that cottage industry involving women and children will be a benefit to those rural inhabitants

defoe believes that having more family members working will help the family afford more food and warm clothes

what division of labor in the textile industry does defoe describe

defoe describes the division of labor between a family, especially women and children and their ability to earn more wages


degrading public rituals used by village communities to police personal behavior and maintain moral standards

the establish of venues led to which of the following cultural changes in the eighteenth century

dissemination of enlightenment culture to a broader audience

which two european countries dominated trade in southeast asia and the indian ocean

dutch and english

cornelius vermuyden

dutch engineer who created new farmlands by draining swamps in the dutch republic and england

the dutch initiative

dutch forced to take the lead in draining marshes to make room for people since it was one of the most densely populated countries


economic system and an ideology based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit

how do practitioners such as edward jenner, work to help people fight off the deadly disease of smallpox

edward jenner concluded that dairymaids who had contracted smallpox actually contracted cowpox, created a vaccine that proved functional, and published his work

how did efficiency in farming and the elimination of common rights to land affect the peasant farmers

efficiency in farming decreased the need for as many farmers causing proletarianization

nitrogen-restoring crops

eliminated the fallow and restored nutrients to the soil so all fields could be used

rural industry developed most successfully in what country


what best describes the overall trends in english trade

england's overall trade increased, and the atlantic trade made up a greater share

edward jenner

english doctor who developed chicken pox vaccine

james cook

english explorer who claimed the east coast of australia. he would later be killed in hawaii after charting much of the pacific ocean

daniel defoe

english novelist and economic writer who enthusiastically endorsed cottage industry as a way for people to supplement their family incomes

in what ways does europe experience a protestant revival during this time? who are the significant people associated with this revival

europe experiences a protestant revival through pietism which focused on warm and emotional religion, the priesthood of all believers, and he power of christian rebirth in everyday affairs

shore method of trading

european ships dealt directly with african slave traders offshore, rather than maintaining expensive fortified trading posts on the african continent

blood sports

events such as bullbaiting and cockfighting that involved inflicting violence and bloodshed on animals and that were popular with the eighteenth-century european masses

why did the protestants fund schools

everyone should read the bible

spain's role in the atlantic economy

expanded it's influence from louisiana to california and profited from silver mining and debt peonage

how did the gov increase exports

exploiting colonies for resources

mercantilism wantes

exports > imports

joint family

extended family

what was the status of jews in european colonies in the eighteenth century

faced discrimination but were white so could not be enslaved

what factors went into the drop in deaths, and the corresponding increase in population

factors that contributed to the drop in deaths, but rise in population were women having more babies, the bubonic plague disappeared, and improvements in water and sewage systems

what methods did faith healers use to help ill patients? how effective were these methods?

faith healers believed that evil spirits were the reason their patients were ill. their methods consisted of exorcisms which were largely unsuccessful

t/f adam smith approved of the guild system because guilds helped keep prices low for consumers


explain the variety of activities that europeans engaged in for leisure and recreation. also, during religiously inspired events such as carnival, explain how social classes intermingled

for leisure and recreation, europeans gathered around a fireplace to sing, tell stories, and do craftwork. some women would gather in cottages to laugh, spin, and chat. many men liked to drink and talk with friends in public places. another activity europeans indulged in was blood sports or events that involved inflicting violence upon animals. carnival was a religiously inspired event which involved dancing, drinking, and masquerading

olaudah equiano

former slave who won fame by publishing his autobiography in england

jean-baptiste de la salle

founder of the christian brothers schools first in france, and then spread across europe and the world

britain's great rival for influence in india in the eighteenth century was


who fought the war of spanish succession

france and spain

madame du coudray

french midwife who wrote the textbook manual on the art of childbirth to address the complaints of incompetent midwives

rose berlin

french milliner and dressmaker to marie antoinette. she was the first celebrated french fashion designer and is widely credited with having brought fashion and haute couture to the forefront of popular culture

mercantilist finance ministers were concerned with the countries' accumulation of


in the seventeenth and eighteenth century europe, guild masters

guarded their guild privileges jealously

reasons for the guilds' success

guilds had great privileges including exclusive right to produce and sell certain goods, access to restricted markets, the right to train apprentices, and automatic membership for masters' sons

how has new scholarship better defined the role of the guild in society

guilds possess the ability to adopt to changing economic circumstances

john wesley's methodism was particularly appealing because

he refuted the doctrine of predestination, insisting that anyone who earnestly sought salvatoin could gain it

the spread of elementary school caused

higher literacy rates

population growth in europe in the eighteenth century occurred

in all regions

where did manufacturing take place in cottage industry

in people's homes and work shed in the rural countryside

compare the mortality rates of children who were breast-fed by their mothers to those children who were breast-fed by a wet nurse. how do historians account for this difference, and what can we learn from this history about raising children

in some countries, infant mortality rates in children breast-fed by a wet-nurse were 3 times higher than those breast fed by their own mothers. historians say this is because the conditions in wet nurses' houses were subpar; some nurses would nurse as many children as possible which made their homes unsanitary. as a society, today we know that mothers should not have their child be nursed by another woman.

describe at least three different attitudes toward children which are articulated in the text

in the centuries preceding the eighteenth century, parents did not feel a strong attachment to their children because of the high infant mortality rates some people believed in the education of children. protestants were strong advocates for literacy because they wanted all people to be able to read the bible the wealthy nobility valued their own reputation and image before the care of their child. nobility women thought that breast-feeding their children showed indignity so they wouldn't breast-feed their children which caused higher infant mortality rates

explain the open-field system

in the open-field system, plantations were divided into open narrow strips. the village members would follow similar, if not the same, planting patterns in a 3 year pattern

describe the relationship between the merchant capitalist and the rural worker in the putting out system

in the putting out system the merchant capitalist came to the rural workers' homes with the product and relied on that worker's skillset to create the good he wanted. then, he would come back and collect his goods, and pay the worker. in some situations, this caused problems because the worker would not have the goods done in time so the merchant would accuse them of stealing goods, lower their wages, or call for police involvement. the merchant capitalists showed great bitterness toward their rural workers

what was the result of the war of austrian succession

inconclusive standoff that set the stage for further warfare

explain one example from the period that undermines the historians argument

infanticide became a problem. people would kill their babies.

john kay

inventor of the flying shuttle, which allowed weavers to work more quickly on their looms

emile or on education

jean jacques rousseau's famous work outlining his view of proper education

describe one cause for the agricultural revolution during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

jethro tull's invention of the seed drill

what does it mean when peasants argued and expected a just price in the moral economy

just price was the idea that prices should be fair to protect both the consumer and producer. peasants would cause riots if prices rose to a point where they could not feed themselves or their families

cornelius vermuyden is connected with which agricultural technique

land reclamation


leave it be

describe one impact of the agricultural revolution on politics in europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

led to restraints on the poor's rights because parliament would enclose the land

why did agriculture decrease

less feudalism, more urbanization, more global trade

describe one way in which scientific advancements contributed to demographic changes during the period 1648-1815

less people died of diseases because of increasing medical knowledge so the population was increasing

why did literacy rates grow dramatically between 1600 and 1800 in europe and what types of literature were people reading and why

literacy rates grew because more people were educated, Protestants wanted more people to be able to read the Bible, and many enlightenment thinkers thought all people should be literate. people read fairy tales, the bible, medieval romances, true crime, and adventures because they filled the peddler's pack

in the second half of the eighteenth century, the west's largest and richest city was


describe the practices of madame du coudray, and how she contributed to medical science during this time

madame du coudray's main focus was on birth. she wrote a book on the safe ways to deliver a baby and traveled around europe to teach illiterate women in the safest way to have a child

describe one way the impact of new ideas related to science during the eighteenth century

madame du coudray's textbook helped make giving birth safer and decreased death rates in mothers

in the second half of the eighteenth century, the earlier pattern of marraige and family life began to break down. which of the following was not a result of this change

marriages exclusively for economic reasons


members of a protestant revival movement started by john wesley, so called because they were methodical in their devotion

before adam smith the economy was


mun is an advocate of which economic theory


the navigation acts contained policies that espoused what kind of economic system


how did the navigation acts reflect mercantilist thought

mercantilism was focused on having more exports than imports, and the navigation acts accomplish that by controlling the import of goods to britain and its colonies

which of the following was not a common food for the european poor


what do the objects featured in the section tell us about a changing mindset and leisure pursuits of some europeans? what class of people do these appeal to most?

more europeans had the ability to spend money and purchase more unnecessary items. the lower and middle class liked this because they previously had not been able to purchase unnecessary items.

what connections can you draw between mercantilism and the trade wasrs of the early modern period

more exports over imports caused tariffs and quotas on imports. more countries began to raise their tariffs higher and higher than the other resulting in trade war.

factories give people what

more independence


more people could afford more expensive clothes which blurred the lines between social orders, men wore dark colors

describe the positive effects of the industious revolution

more people earned a living allowing more people to buy more necessities which resulted in decreasing dedaths

some historians refer to the eighteenth century as a consumer revolution. what evidence is presented in the text to support this assertion

more people had the ability to buy unnecessary items when they were not able to do so before due to the fact that more people were making higher wages. more people were able to become consumers, thus consumer revolution

describe how one economic trend in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries prompted the changes in england

more people worked out of their homes, sometimes including whole families, meaning they were able to make more money and buy more nonessentials.

do you think personal accounts are more reliable than a social commentator's opinion

more reliable because they were actually living the event and have more accurate judgement based on their experiences

adam smith's view on gov functions

national defense, civil order, public works


national economic policy designed to maximize the trade of a nation and especially to maximize the accumulation of gold and silverc


native people of australia

holland's leadership in farming methodology can be attributed to the

necessity to provide for a densely populated country

although fewer deaths and increased efficiency in agriculture are seen as positives, what negative consequence is in store for the poor people of europe

negative outcomes for the poor people of europe include being forced to find new ways to make a living, and having their land taken

the english passed the navigation acts starting in 1651. which country was the main target of those laws


why are there fewer deaths

no more plague, more food, better diets, health initiatives

downsides to guilds

not competitive market, threatened by cottage industry and adam smith

until at least 1750, the practice of late marriage did not lead to a number of illegitimate children because

of community pressure on a couple to marry when the woman became preggy

edict on idle institutions

order from joseph ii abolishing contemplative religious orders, and allowing only orders that engaged in teaching, nursing, or other work

does menetra's childhood story provide evidence for or against the thesis that parents deeply loved their children

parisian boyhood is against the theory that parents deeply loved their children because his father put him to work at a young age, was always angry with him, and knocked all his teeth out.

why do parts of europe experience an illegitimacy explosion in the second half of the eighteenth century

parts of europe experience an illegitimacy explosion because of increasing sexual activity, false promises of marriage, and lack of birth control

peace of utrecht

peace settlement that ended the war of spanish succession, forcing louis xiv to cede some north american landholdings to britain and the spanish to cede the slave trade to great britain as well

describe at least two of the marginal beliefs and practices of faith which come about during this history

peasants saw these movements as attacks on pre-established faith and fought with the nobility due to ideas from the enlightenment, religious authorizes wanted to purify their religion

how did attitudes about children change in the 1700s

people began to treat their children better after an era of disliking chilren because they might die

describe one way that the sentiment expressed in the document reflected a cultural or intellectual change in religious practices during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries

people believed in predestination and the importance of salvation from original sin


people of mixed african and european ancestry


people of mixed native american and european ancestry


people of spanish ancestry born in the americas

explain one example from the period to support the historian's argument

people started to educate children more

describe one intellectual change in the period 1648-1815 that led to the attitudes towards children discussed in the passage

people started to value their children more. people previously had not because there was a high chance the baby would die.

describe one impact of the agricultural revolution on demographic change in europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

people stopped working in agriculture and turned to cottage industry and eventually to factory jobs

why do historians say that people got married at 25-27 in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

people wanted to wait until they were financially stable independently before marrying someone


percentage of people in western europe who did not marry at all in the eighteenth century

the industrious revolution was a result of

poor families choosing to reduce their leisure time and the production of goods for household consumption in order to earn wages to buy consumer goods

what types of challenges did young men and women face

poor families could not afford to pay for apprenticeships for their children meaning they could never join a guild and would constantly move from job to job due to their lack of crafting skills

in the open-field system, the tradition of gleaning allowed

poor women to pick up leftover grain after harvest


popular genre of literature in which calendars listed secular, religious, astrological, and agricultural events, as well as jokes and trivia


popular genre of literature produced cheaply and that featured bible stories, prayers, and stories of exemplary christians to appeal to the pious crowd


port city in france

good hydrogen-restoring crop


important food from new world


a plan of english commerce

praised cottage industry and the work of women and children, how their jobs brought in as much money as a man's job did. offers explanation for the increasing use of africans as slaves in british colonies

france's role in the atlantic economy

profited from coffee and sugar plantations in the caribbean which relied on slave labor

britains role in the atlantic economy

profited from exports of manufactured goods to its north american and west indian colonies and to ireland and india

arthur young

proponent of the enclosure movement who edited the annals of agriculture and became secretary of the british board of agriculture

describe one cause for the rise of pietism during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries

protestants advocated for literacy so people would read the bible so more people turned to protestantism

the country that led the way in the development of universal education was


how do public hygiene habits change during this time

public hygiene habits increased during this time period through the practice of taking hot baths, wearing fresh linen, and using perfume

how did the gov limit imports

quotas and tariffs

rousseau and wollstonecraft's writings are most clearly an example of which of the following trends of the enlightenment

rational and empirical though challenged traditional values and ideas

anne-robert-jacques turgot

reform-minded economic minister of france who pushed through a law abolishing all french guilds

how did the english east india company dominate

relied on trade concessions from the mughal emperor and increasingly intervened in local affairs

explain rousseau's arguments about educating children

rousseau said that boys should be taught arithmetic, literacy, and religion, and that girls should be taught needlework

by 1800, what was the most populous country in europe


which of the following was the most frequently used avenue for women of means to circumvent the restrictions of this era on their access to education on the highest levels


according to mun, what rule must england follow if it was to increase its wealth

sell more than they consume

guild functions

set prices, act like mutual aid societies, protected within a guild, regulate a particular industry, held power and influence

improvements in urban living includes

sewers; they were able to separate the bad water from the good water

in the village what leisure activities are there

sewing, drinking, storytelling

living conditions of textile workers

small one room cottage with a large weaver's loom

what is smith's attitude toward monopolies and why

smith does not like monopolies because he wants all citizens to have equal opportunity, and one person or company ruling all everything limits freedom to be equal.

what was the underlying reason for the illegitimacy explosion

social and economic transformations made it harder for families and communities to supervise behavior

3 field rotation system

split crops up into 2 of 3 fields to leave one empty so the land becomes fertile

what two products dominated the slave trade

sugar and coffee

in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries people usually married

suprisingly late

what stipulations were put forth in the navigation acts

the acts required that imports from europe to britain to its colonies are delivered on british ships with british crew, and gave british merchants monopoly over trade with british colonies

between 1650-1790 a component of the global economy was established when european nations developed

the atlantic economy


the average age for marriage in eastern europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth century

how did european colonists in the americas form new ideas of their place in the world

the based their ideas of the scottish enlightenment and valued ideas of self-improvement and ethics

in the eighteenth century, the biggest increase in british foreign trade was with

the british colonial empire

what type of community controls were implemented in village society at this time to police behavior and maintain moral standards

the charivari was a type of community control that included young men ganging up on their victim and forcing him or her to sit on the back of a donkey and hold its tail up

most of the popular education in europe of the eighteenth century was sponsored by

the church

what aspects of church life remained central to european communities during this history? how do catholic monarchs take greater dontrol over their kingdoms and thus reduce the authority of the pope

the church still remained a vital, connecting part of the community. priests began to keep records of births, deaths, marriages, donations, ORPHANS, and education. catholic monarchs gained a more important role in the church by taking control of the religious problems in their area

describe how the enlightenment influenced the colonies

the colonies accepted the pragmatic view on problems. some people, such as Ben Franklin shared their ideas and opinions on the enlightenment through their works. they were able to tolerate religion well even with these new ideas

european cafe society was primarily a result of which of the following seventeenth and eighteenth century developments

the development of the consumer revolution encouraged the purchase of new goods and created new venues for leisure activities

compare the diets of the rich and poor; what are the similarities and differences? which social group tended to eat the most nutritious food and why

the diets of the poor consist of veggies that they grew themselves, peas, beans, and soups. the bulk of their diet still consisted of bread and beans. the commoners diets consisted of less meats because they were more expensive. the upper classes ate cheeses, wine, sweets, and meat because they were able to pay the high prices. the upper class had the most nutricious diets because they were able to pay for it

putting-out system

the eighteenth-century system of rural industry in which a merchant loaned raw materials to cottage workers, who processed them and returned the finished products to the merchant

jean-jacques rousseau

the enlightenment thinker who wrote emile about how education should involve more exploration of the natural world, in addition to book learning

faith healing

the exorcism of evil spirits in order to cure disease

how did the elimination of the fallow help revolutionize agriculture

the fallow had been open-field that was replenishing itself, but by planting nitrogen-restoring crops farmers could use all their land


the few days of revelry in catholic countries that preceded lent and that included drinking, masquerading, dancing, and rowdy spectacles that upset the established order.

atlantic slave trade

the forced migration of africans across the atlantic for slave labor on plantatoins in other industries; the trae reached its peak in the eighteenth century and ultimately involved more than 12 million africans

adam smith wanted of a laissez-faire role for the government when it came to the economy, meaning

the government should stay away from regulating the economy

the growth in eighteenth century consumerism in clothing was encouraged by what two factors

the growth of fashion merchants who dictated changing styles and the declining production costs based on female labor

middle passage

the horrible journey slaves endured across the atlantic ocean, to be traded or sold in the new world

just price

the idea that prices should be fair, protecting both consumers and producers, and that they should be imposed by government decree if necessary

jethro tull

the inventor of the seed drill, a machine that improved farming by planting seeds in an even manner at a uniform depth


the leadership in the new world came from this class of people, who were residents who came from the iberian peninsula. they often made up the top levels of clergy and government

what impacts did improving health and longevity have on european society

the medical field broadened; more drugs were imported, a better view of the anatomy was established, and surgeries were safer to perform


the movement to fence in fields in order to farm more effectively, at the expense of poor peasants who relied on common fields for farming and pasture

why were the dutch the leaders in the agricultural revolution

the netherlands was densely populated with growing urban areas, they were able to advance in drainage because of cornelius. jet hero tull invented farming methods through research to produce a great deal more food.

guild system

the organization of artisanal production into trade-based associations, or guilds, each of which received a monopoly over its trade and the right to train apprentices and hire workers

what best describes the trend of english trade conducted with atlantic ports

the overall portion of atlantic trade increased, with imports making up a larger share than exports

describe the controversy surrounding the enclosure movement

the poor did not benefit from enclosure because they couldn't afford to fence up their land; whereas, this system benefits wealthy government officials because they can come take the land

what were the main reasons population was stagnant up until the 18th century

the population was stagnant until the 18th century because first the plague took out a lot of people, then as population started to reach pre-plague numbers, housing, food, and other resources became hard to find causing deaths

from 1701 to 1763, what was at stake in the wars between britain and france

the position as europe's leading maritime power, with the ability to claim profits from europe's overseas expansion

at the center of adam smith's arguments in the wealth of nations was the belief that

the pursuit of self-interest in competitive markets would improve the living conditions of citizens


the right to civil administration and tax collection, won by the british east india company over bengal and other parts of india in the late eighteenth century

what was a competitive advantage of the rural putting-out system? in other words, why did the merchant capitalist have an advantage over the guilds

the rural poor worked for low wages

illegitimacy explosion

the sharp increase in out-of-wedlock births that occurred in europe between 1750 and 1850, caused by low wages and the breakdown of community controls

industrious revolution

the shift that occurred as families in northwestern europe focused on earning wages instead of producing goods for household consumption; their economic self-sufficiency but increased their ability to purchase consumer goods

the british won the american component of the seven years' war owing to

the size and strength of british naval power

how does the spread of fashion challenge the traditional social order of europe? what evidence is presented to support this assertion?

the spread of fashion challenged the social order of europe because people could no longer distinguish the nobility from the lower class because the lower class was able to afford luxurious clothing

new south wales

the territory on the east coast of australia claimed by captain cook. will be the site of the first british settlement in australia (botany bay)


the transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners

treaty of paris

the treaty that ended the seven years' war in europe and the colonies in 1763, and ratified british victory on all colonial fronts

consumer revolution

the wide-ranging growth in consumption and new attitudes toward consumer goods that emerged in the cities of northwestern europe in the second half of the eighteenth century

merchant capitalists complained bitterly about

their inability to supervise and direct the work of rural laborers

why cant people fight back against enclosure

their representatives in parliament are the ones buying up their land

why was the eighteenth century an era of improving health and increasing life expectancy

there was a decrease in deaths due to more children living because of better medical knowledge and more nourishment from their parents

to what extent did the enlightenment affect the development of the new world communities and identity

there was a new and different view on religion, more people were educated through schooling, and more trade.

common sense

thomas paine's influential pamphlet attacking british rule in north america and monarchy in general, and proposing american independence

market-driven estate agriculture

tiny minority of english and scottish landowners that held most of the land in england and relied on a smaller number of landless laborers to work for them.

christianity in colonial societies in the americas

took on distinctive characteristics in the new world as it spread

how did the dutch east india company dominate

took over portugese spice trade in the indian ocean and imposed direct control on the east indian states with whom they traded

what was the role of women in this new economy

took the menial and tedious jobs

what did quotas and tariffs cause

trade war

(true/false) the clothier's delight presents the cloth merchant as a ruthless businessman, one who tries to take advantage of the rural workers


t/f spanish colonial elites grew to resent regulations and taxes imposed by colonial governments



uncultivated; a period in which no planting was done in order to reinvigorate the soil

who are "spinsters"

unmarried women who spun thread for money


upper middle class

list the wars that led to british dominance

war of spanish succession, war of austrian succession, 7 years' war

within the family, the operation of the loom

was reserved for the male head of household

condition of peasants in west europe during the eighteenth century

were freed from serfdom and owned land

economies of scale

when more goods are created on a large scale then the price to make it goes down

describe one way that the changes between social classes during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

when the lower class was able to make more money, they were able to buy nonessentials such as better more frivolous clothing which blurred the lines between social classes

free market philosophy of thinking

will provide competition to act as invisible hand which drives prices down and quality up

describe one way that the changes impacted family life during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

with all the members of the family working, they were able to double their income

describe one way that the passage shows the impact of ideas about gender on the role of women during the eighteenth century

women only learned theory and never practiced so when they were put into a real situation they had no idea what to do


women who bore 6 children faced a cumulative risk of dying of about this percentage



did the colonists accept the enlightenment


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