Ch 18 History

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In light of future evidence, it seems apparent that in the Compromise of 1850 the South made a tactical blunder and exacerbated sectional tensions by

B demanding a strong fugitive slave law

The Free Soil part of 1848 harbored many northerners who stood squarely slavery in the territories primarily on the grounds that

B it destroyed the chances of free white workers to rise up from wage-earning independence

Undoubtedly the most durable political offspring of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was

B the emergence of the new Republican political party

Many northern states passed personal liberty laws in response to the Compromise of 1850's provisions regarding

B the facilitation of the return of runaway slaves to slaveowners

The Pierce administration's covert scheme to gain control of Cuba was stopped when

B the secret Ostend Manifesto was leaked to the public

In order to maintain the two great political parties as vital bonds of national unity, party leaders in the late 1840s

C Avoided a full public discussion of and debate about slavery

An event that helped prompt the congressional enactment of the Compromise of 1850 was when President Zachary Taylor

C Died suddenly and a conciliatory Millard Fillmore became president

The event that threatened to destroy the longstanding balance of free and slave states in the US Senate was

C Discovery of gold in CA and its bid for statehood

In the 1848 presidential election, the Democratic and Whig parties

C Remained silent on the issue of slavery

The most alarming aspect of the Compromise of 1850 to northerners was the concession to the South concerning

C The revised, more stringent and coercive Fugitive Slave Law

The issue of runaway slaves was important to most southerners because

C While the overall loss of property was relatively insignificant, the loss of honor and the passing of moral judgments by northerners were felt more

A southern route for the transcontinental railroad seemed the best because

C the railroad would be easier to build along the proposed southern route because of the topography and the proposed southern route would pass through existing states or organized territories

In the Compromise of 1850, Congress determined that slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories was

C to be decided by popular sovereignty

Northerners feared that the Fugitive Slave Act threatened to set a dangerous constitutional precedent for white Americans because it

B Denied fleeing slaves a trial by jury

The public liked popular sovereignty because it

B Fit in with the democratic tradition of self-determination

Stephen A Douglas's plans for deciding the slavery question in the Kansas-Nebraska scheme required repeal of the

B Missouri Compromise

During the 1850's, slaves probably gained their freedom most frequently by

B Self purchase or voluntary emancipation

The fatal split in the Whig party in 1852 occurred over

B Slavery

The South grew increasingly worried about the future of slavery because

B The admission of CA might permanently tip the political balance against them

The Young Guard, composed of certain Senators and Reps from the North,

B Were most interested in purging and purifying the Union than preserving it

According to the principle of popular sovereignty, the question of slavery in the territories should be determined by

A the self determination of people in any given territory

Stephen A Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska Territory be decided by

A Popular sovereignty or democratic vote by the white male residents each divided territory

Harriet Tubman gained fame

A by helping slaves escape to Canada

The Fugitive Slave Law included all of the following provisions except

A the requirement that fugitive slaves be returned from Canada

Presidents in the election of 1848

Clay Van Buren Taylor

The Wilmot Proviso, if adopted, would have

D Prohibited slavery in any territory acquired in the Mexican War

By 1850 the South

D Was relatively well off, politically and economically

The United States' victory in the Mexican War resulted in all of the following except

D acquisition of the Oregon territory

Historians have attributed all of the following to Douglas's motives for championing the Kansas Nebraska Act except

D his deep passion and long standing commitment to addressing and solving the vexing slavery issue in the US

The election of 1852 was significant because it

D marked the end of the Whig party

One of Stephen Douglas's mistakes in proposing the Kansas Nebraska Act was

D underestimating the depth of northern opposition to the spread of slavery

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