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national assembly

formed said they would stay together until a fair government was formed.


former slave elped run the land in st dominge was at first with the spanish gave rights but the people were still bound to thier land like serfs in exhange for a free family life and the right to maintain personal gardens - t became a symbol of black struggles to win freedom but was imprissioned by napolean who wanted to restore slavery

London Corresponding Society

founded in 1972 tget were allied with the jacobin club and served as a center for reform agitation in eglend

France's Debt Problems

france had money issurs from the money involved in making and keeping versailles. The spending of Marie Antionette as well as the involvement in the American Revolution and the Seven Years' War.


helped priests and protected the old relgious practices

Constitution of Patriots

it established a hereditary monarchy with somewhat strengthened authority. they ended the veto power that each aristrocrat had over legislation, granted townspeople limited political rights. and vaguely promised future jewish emancipation BUT in a year Catherine CRUSHED them

Charlotte Corday

killed Marat to save the lives of many other innocent people kill you in the bathtub


men who worked with thier hands wore long vs fancy jobs with knee breaches

La Marseillaise

national anthem about killing people

Advantage of the french

new sense of national pride because now the people believed in waht they were fighting for


no more monsieur madame vous etc people were to be called citizen and they changed the names of the weeks to correspond with non religious events - weeks were now ten days and all names that were religious were now changed to heroes of the ancient roman republic girls given inheritance rights father couldnt favor any one chilld


once a nenver if the committe of public safety and a friend of robespierre was a radical person suggested a little moderate question DEAD>

The Declarations of the rights of man and citizen

preamble to the new consistution , "men are born and remain free and equal in rights" granted freedom of religion,equality of taxation, equality before the law and freedom of the press.


red white and blue new colors of the flag


replace the catholic church selling church building and trying to force the clergy who had taken the oath of loyalty to abandon their clerical vocations and marry

Georges Jacques Danton

robespierres main competitor as a theorist of the revolution wanted to make primary school free and for both girls and boys (didnt have enough teachers though :( )

General Maximum Convention

sept 1973 set limits on the proces of thirtynine essential commodies and wages

Feb 1794

the national convention gave rights to all blacks or atleast the commissioner did w/o telling the ruling body of france the directory


the national convention set up another consitution setting up a house legislature and an executive body the directory


thought the guillotine was okay now because of the emergency situation. the incorruptible you can't have virtue w/o terror

Tadeusz Kosciuzsko

tried to lead a nationalist revolt he was a leader in america but the idea was crushed by Catherine the great compromised idea of giving serfs less obligations but not freedom

cult of reason

tried to supplant christanity in pasriss the goddess of liberty ruled the committee of public safety campaign and robespierre with davids help tried to insitute an alternative cult of supreme being

1st consitution

voting rights to men who passed the test of wealth became a consitutional monarchy had a one house legislature no veto for king officials were to be elected

Estates General

was a body of deputies from the three estates that represented the clergy of the catholic church, the nobles and everyone else (at least 95%)

Jean Paul Marat

was a deputy allied with the mountains that wanted many killed in his newspaper


was asked by the polish to help them. was owned his crown only becayse he had been catherine the great's lover, he was a personal favorite of madame geoffrin. he saw a moderate reform as the only way to escape the consequences of a century's misgovenment and cultural decline. Ranged against the patriots stood most of the aristrocrats and the formidable catherin eht great determined to uphold imperial russian imfluence.


was by the people who still believed in the old moral they formed a catholica royal army . attacked the largest towns in the region

North St.Domigue

was under the rule of the french but the people allied with GB to get control over the blacks again after the legislative assmbley granted legal and political rights to the free blacks,

March to versailles

women went to this town to go to demand fair prices for bread. were later helped by men went after Marie Antionette

Declaration of the rights of women

1791 olympe de gourges said thar women shold have the equal rights to property public office and equal responsibilities in taxes and criminal punishment.

Jacques Necker

A Swiss-born banker who served as France's director general of finance in the late 1770s, with high hopes of instituting reform. As it turned out, Necker was able only to propose small efforts at eliminating costly inefficiencies. He did produce a government budget, however, for the first time in French history.

Maximilien Robespierre

A brilliant political tactician and leader of the radical Jacobins in the National Assembly. As chairman of the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre pursued a planned economy and vigorous mobilization for war. He grew increasingly paranoid about counterrevolutionary opposition, however, and during the Reign of Terror of 1793-1794 attempted to silence all enemies of the Revolution in an effort to save France from invasion. After the moderates regained power and the Thermidorian Reaction was under way, they had Robespierre executed on July 28, 1794.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

A document, issued by the National Assembly on August 26, 1789, that granted sovereignty to all French people. The declaration, which drew from the ideas of some of the Enlightenment's greatest thinkers, asserted that liberty is a "natural" and "imprescriptible" right of man and that "men are born and remain free and equal in rights."


A large armory and state prison in the center of Paris that a mob of sans-culottes sacked on July 14, 1789, giving the masses arms for insurrection. The storming of the Bastille had little practical consequence, but it was an enormous symbolic act against the ancien régime, inspired the revolutionaries, and is still celebrated today as the French holiday Bastille Day.


A medieval representative institution in France that had not met for 175 years before King Louis XVI reconvened it on May 5, 1789, to deal with the looming financial crisis. Consisting of three estates—the clergy, nobility, and commoners

Great fear

A period in July and August 1789 during which rural peasants revolted against their feudal landlords and wreaked havoc in the French shortages and they began to fear beggars and vagrants


Family found after their attempt Varaness Flight. Were taken to ____

Free Crops

Formed by the dutch patriot revolts. tey gained a more popular audience and by demanding political reforms and organizing armed citizen militias of men called__________. They (the ________s) took on the troops of the prince of orange and ggot the upperhand. But Frederick william 2 of prussia came and helped the stadholder of orange and the power returned to him.

Joseph ii

Gave justice in Austria by helping the jews protestants fixing corruption lead people back to leopold 2

Voting by order

Gave the third estate a disadvantage because they had more people if they would have voted by head, the clergy and the nobles could always overrule their ideas.

Tennis Court Oath

June 20, 1789, oath sworn by members of the Third Estate who had just formed the National Assembly and were locked out of the meeting of the Estates-General. Meeting at a nearby tennis court, these members of the Third Estate pledged to remain together until they had drafted and passed a new constitution.

Estates General

Louis submittted a package of reforms to the Assembly of Notables and many other things that they refused to pass because of his tyrannical power. They forced Louis to give in and he was forced to call the ________ which hadn't been called in 175 years.


Organized and mobilizingthe soldiers helped the french dominate.

September massacres

September 1792 the prussians approached paris and they went hysterical killing anyone who they thought might help the prussians if they got to paris. They demanded instant revenge on supposed enemies.

Louis XVI

The French king from 1774 to 1792 who was deposed during the French Revolution and executed in 1793. Louis XVI inherited the debt problem left by his grandfather, Louis XV, and added to the crisis himself through heavy spending during France's involvement in the American Revolution from 1775 to 1783. Because this massive debt overwhelmed all of his financial consultants, Louis XVI was forced to give in to the demands of the Parlement of Paris and convene the Estates-General—an action that led directly to the outbreak of the Revolution. Louis XVI was deposed in 1792 and executed a year later.

National Convention

The body that replaced the Legislative Assembly following a successful election in 1792. As one of its first actions, the convention declared the French monarchy abolished on September 21, 1792, and on the following day declared France a republic. Though originally dominated by moderates, the convention became controlled by radical Jacobins in 1793.

National Assembly

The name given to the Third Estate after it separated from the Estates-General in 1789. As a body, the National Assembly claimed to legitimately represent the French population. The assembly dissolved in 1791 so that new elections could take place under the new constitution.


The name given to the moderates in the National Convention. The Girondins controlled the legislative assembly until 1793, when, with the war going poorly and food shortages hurting French peasants, the Jacobins ousted them from power.

Tennis Court oath

The national assembly took the ______________.


The new executive branch established by the constitution written during the moderate Thermidorian Reaction of 1794-1795. The Directory was appointed by the legislative assembly. However, after 1797 election results proved unfavorable to elements in the Directory, it orchestrated an overthrow of the assembly and maintained dubious control over France until it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799.

Thermidorian Reaction

The post-Reign of Terror period ushered in by the execution of Maximilien Robespierre in July 1794 and the reassertion of moderate power over the French Revolution. The Thermidorian Reaction brought the Revolution's focus back to the first stage of moderate changes designed to benefit the business classes of French society.


The radical wing of representatives in the National Convention, named for their secret meeting place in the Jacobin Club, in an abandoned Paris monastery. Led by Maximilien Robespierre, the Jacobins called for democratic solutions to France's problems and spoke for the urban poor and French peasantry. The Jacobins took control of the convention, and France itself, from 1793 to 1794. As Robespierre became increasingly concerned with counterrevolutionary threats, he instituted a brutal period of public executions known as the Reign of Terror.

Flight to Varreness

The royal family tried to go to leopold 2 who was the brother of marie antionette for help to end the revolution


The royal palace built by King Louis XIV a few miles outside of Paris. Known for its extraordinary splendor, extravagance, and immense size, Versailles was the home of the king, queen, and all members of the royal family, along with high government officials and select nobles. On October 5, 1789, a mob of angry and hungry French women marched on Versailles, bringing the royal family back to Paris to deal with the food shortage.


Urban workers and peasants, whose name—literally, "without culottes," the knee-breeches that the privileged wore—signified their wish to distinguish themselves from the high classes. The mob mentality of the sans-culottes constituted the most radical element of the Revolution.

Dutch Patriot Revolt

Wanted to reduce the power of the prince of orange the kinglike stadholder who favored ties with GB.

Marquis de Lafayette

Was the leader of the national guard and a hero of the american war of independence

Consistution of clergy

Were required by the national assembly an oath of loyalty, they must agree with the ideas of the revolution


Year of Dutch patriot revolt

Prussia Austria

____helps ______ after Louis declares war on them

feudal regime

abolition of the __________ ~freed the remaining serfs and eliminated all special priviledges in matters of taxations .Equality of the oppurtunity in access to government positions talent rather than birth was to be the key to succeed.

Committee of Public Safety

body, chaired by Maximilien Robespierre, to which the National Convention gave dictatorial powers in April 1793 in an attempt to deal with France's wars abroad and economic problems at home. Although the committee led off its tenure with an impressive war effort and economy-salvaging initiatives, things took a turn for the worse when Robespierre began his violent Reign of Terror in late 1793.

republic of virtues

by robespierre who said the government should teach and force citizens to become virtous republicans through a massive program of political reeducation this began the TERROR , things like these made robespierre's favorism drop within the people

Civil Consistution of the Clergy

decree by the National Assemly that established a national church systerm with elected clergy. The country was divided into 83 departments each of which was governed by an elected official and represented by an elected bishop.

Jacques- Louis Davis

deputy and associate of the robespierre who took over festival planning aimed to destroy the monarchy and make the republic sacrd.

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