CH 25 history

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Which of the following were reasons for the coming of Revolution to Russia by March of 1917? (Click on all that apply)

-a lack of competent leadership, especially from the Tsar who listened too much to his wife and the "holy man" Rasputin -the disenchantment of almost all social classes, as well as workers and soldiers, with the nation's disastrous situation -the inability of Russian industries to properly supply the army had contributed to many defeats and loss of life in the war

How did the war impact France & Britain's colonial subjects in Africa? (Click on all that apply)

-educated Africans hoped that they would be rewarded with more rights as citizens in return for their service to the colonial powers -it made many Africans who had served in Europe more politically and socially aware of the need for greater equality -thousands of African troops were drafted to fight in Europe

Which of the following enabled Lenin and his Bolsheviks to seize control of Russia and overthrow the Provisional Government by October 1917? (Click on all that apply)

-promising to end the war and redistribute land to the peasants -seizing control of the capital city of Petrograd -gaining control of the soviets and using them as instruments of power

The growing desire of the German people to end the war by November 1918 led to: (Click on all that apply)

-the establishment of a republic as the new German government -the abdication and removal of Wilhelm II from the throne -naval mutinies and seizure of of civilian administrations by workers and soldiers councils

Which of the following factors helped lead to the outbreak of the World War I? (Click on all that apply)

-the growth of nationalistic aspirations in Europe -the growth of armies and of the influence of military leaders -The hopes of conservative leaders to crush internal disorder through war.

In what ways was Germany punished by the Treaty of Versailles? (Click on all that apply)

-they were forced to give Alsace-Lorraine back to France. -they were forced to acknowledge "war guilt" and to pay reparations for its alleged wartime aggression. -their colonies in Africa & the Pacific were taken and given to other countries -they were virtually disarmed, having severe limits placed on the size of its army and types of weapons.

Trench warfare in France was characterized by: (Click on all that apply)

-unsanitary conditions where soldiers in the trenches endured the stench of decomposing bodies and swarms of rats. -massive casualties as men were mowed down by machines guns and suffered from the effects of other deadly weapons such as poison gas -massive artillery barrages followed by attacks that were rarely successful against enemy trenches

Which of the following is accurate about women's contribution to the wartime workforce? (Click on all that apply)

-women temporarily replaced men in industries once considered beyond their abilities, such as driving trucks and working in heavy industries that made weapons -though most were unable to keep their jobs after the war, women were able to make some political gains, most significantly the right to vote in some countries

In March of 1917, a series of strikes broke out in Petrograd, led by:

-working class women who were angered by high bread prices

How many men died during the ten-month Battle of Verdun?


After the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire:

Britain and France moved in to establish colonial mandates in places like Palestine and Syria

In 1914, the Ottoman Empire joined the war on the side of


Which two European powers did not participate in the Paris peace conference?

Germany and Russia

The chief reason for the United States' entry into World War I was

Germany's continued aggression through the use of unrestricted submarine warfare

Which pair of nations had not practiced conscription prior to World War I?

Great Britain and the United States.

The 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Russia and Germany resulted in:

Russia's loss of territory, such as Ukraine and eastern Poland, to Germany

The rivalry between Russia and Austria-Hungary for domination of the new states in southeastern Europe played out largely through a conflict involving


Germany's Schlieffen Plan was designed to prevent

a prolonged two-front war.

In the aftermath of World War I, birthrates in Europe

declined noticeably as a result of the death and maiming of a generation of young men.

The "blank check" had the effect of

encouraging Austria to attack Serbia.

The German plan to sweep invade France, and encircle Paris and surround the French army:

failed when the German advance was halted 20 miles east of Paris at the First Battle of the Marne

The entry of the United States into World War I in April 1917

gave the nearly-defeated Allied Powers a psychological boost.

After seizing control of the Russian government and pulling Russia out of the war, Lenin and his Bolsheviks:

had to fight civil war in order to defeat anti-communist forces that opposed and challenged their authority

By May 1915, Italy:

having broken its alliance with Germany & Austria, entered the war on the Allied side

As a result of the dismantling of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the territorial losses of Germany and Russia:

many new nation-states emerged in Europe

Among nineteenth-century European political movements, the one most responsible for triggering World War I was


As public morale and support for the war showed signs of cracking under the pressures of total war:

newspaper censorship and police powers were expanded to include the arrest of all dissenters as traitors to the state.

France's approach to peace was seen through Georges Clemenceau's desire to

punish Germany and gain security for France.

Which of the following was NOT part of Woodrow Wilson's proposals for a just and lasting peace?

punishing Germany by requiring economic sanctions.

After World War I, the United States Senate:

refused to ratify the Versailles Treaty and rejected the defensive alliance with Britain and France

The Second Battle of the Marne (on July 18, 1918):

resulted in a German defeat and ended their hopes of using a grand offensive to win the war

The immediate cause of World War I was

the assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo.

The real underlying motive that led Great Britain to declare war on Germany was

the desire to maintain world power.

In August 1914, the general perception of the upcoming war among Europeans was that

the war would be very short, possibly only weeks in duration.

During 1914, in contrast to events in Western Europe, the war in the east

was marked by much more mobility.

Economically, World War I

witnessed European governments gradually take full control of all aspects of their economies, from rationing supplies to setting wages and prices

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