Ch 28: Chapter Test

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Although it can be difficult to definitively determine hip dislocation in the​ field, certain signs and symptoms are usually there. Which of the following statements is false​? A. An anterior hip dislocation would probably present with the entire lower limb rotated inward and the hip would usually be flexed. B. Often there is lack of sensation in the limb. C. The posterior hip dislocation is the most common. D. A posterior hip dislocation presents with a bent knee and the foot may hang loose.

A. An anterior hip dislocation would probably present with the entire lower limb rotated inward and the hip would usually be flexed.

Which of the following allows for smooth movement of bone surfaces against one another at​ joints? A. Ligaments B. Smooth muscle C. Peritoneum D. Cartilage

A. Cartilage

A painter falls from his ladder and tells you he has dislocated his shoulder again. When you attempt to splint the​ shoulder, it​ "pops back into​ place." What should your next step​ be? A. Check distal​ CSM, apply a sling and​ swathe, and transport the patient. B. Contact medical control for input into the best treatment for this patient. C. Check distal​ CSM, apply a traction​ splint, and transport the patient. D. Continue splinting and report the popping sound to the triage nurse when you arrive at the hospital.

A. Check distal​ CSM, apply a sling and​ swathe, and transport the patient.

Your patient is a​ 37-year-old man who tripped while walking down a hill and now has a​ painful, deformed right leg. Your assessment reveals that the foot is cold and mottled in appearance. You cannot detect a pulse in the foot or ankle. Which of the following is the BEST course of​ action? A. Gently attempt to straighten the leg to regain a pulse before splinting. B. Transport rapidly to the nearest trauma center. C. Splint the leg in the position in which it was found and transport without delay. D. Explain to the patient​ that, because you cannot detect circulation in his​ foot, his leg will most likely have to be amputated above the site of the injury.

A. Gently attempt to straighten the leg to regain a pulse before splinting.

Which of the following is NOT a general rule of​ splinting? A. In order to avoid loss of use of a​ limb, it is important to splint before​ moving, even if the patient is unstable. B. Align​ long-bone injuries to anatomical position. C. Assess distal CSM. D. Expose the injury.

A. In order to avoid loss of use of a​ limb, it is important to splint before​ moving, even if the patient is unstable.

Your patient is a​ 12-year-old female who fell onto her outstretched hands while rollerblading. She has a deformity of her​ forearm, about 2 inches proximal to her wrist. This injury is a result of which of the following​ mechanisms? A. Indirect force B. Sudden acceleration C. Twisting motion D. Direct force

A. Indirect force

Which one of the following definitions is NOT​ true? A. Tendons connect muscles to ligaments. B. Another name for manual traction is tension. C. Joints are places where bones articulate. D. A sprain is the stretching and tearing of ligaments.

A. Tendons connect muscles to ligaments.

Your patient is a​ 3-year-old girl who is unable to move her elbow after her mother picked her up by the forearm. Proper splinting of this injury would be to immobilize from the​ ________ to the​ ________. A. ​forearm; humerus B. ​fingertips; shoulder C. ​wrist; elbow D. ​wrist; shoulder

A. ​forearm; humerus

Where could you find the phalange​ bones? A. Hands and feet B. Lower extremities C. Skull and neck D. Upper extremities

A. Hand and feet.

You are treating a​ 16-year-old skateboarder who has fallen at the skate park. She has an angulated left forearm that she has in a guarded position. When do you splint this​ injury? A. Immediately B. During the secondary exam C. During the primary exam D. En route to the hospital

B. During the secondary exam

Your patient is a​ 60-year-old woman who stepped off a curb and injured her ankle. Your exam shows that her left ankle is swollen and painful. Which of the following should you​ do? A. Transport the patient immediately to a trauma​ center, applying​ high-concentration oxygen en route. B. Explain to the patient that you cannot tell if her ankle is sprained or fractured until she is​ X-rayed at the emergency​ department, then splint the ankle. C. Explain to the patient that her ankle is sprained and transport her with her ankle elevated on a pillow and a cold pack applied to the injury. D. Explain to the patient that her ankle is fractured and you must splint her ankle to prevent further injury and reduce pain.

B. Explain to the patient that you cannot tell if her ankle is sprained or fractured until she is​ X-rayed at the emergency​ department, then splint the ankle.

The PASG may be used as a splinting device for patients with which of the following suspected​ injuries? A. Compression fracture of the lumbar or sacral spine B. Fractured pelvis C. Hip dislocation D. None of the above

B. Fractured pelvis

Which one of the following statements is NOT true concerning a knee​ injury? A. Fractures can occur to the patella. B. Fractures can occur to the proximal femur. C. Fractures can occur to the proximal tibia and fibula. D. There could be pain and tenderness.

B. Fractures can occur to the proximal femur.

Which of the following complications may arise from properly splinting an injured​ extremity? A. Compromising circulation to the extremity B. Ignoring​ life-threatening problems while focusing on an extremity injury C. Converting a closed fracture to an open one D. All of the above

B. Ignoring​ life-threatening problems while focusing on an extremity injury

Your patient is a​ 28-year-old male who was ejected from his motorcycle after striking a parked vehicle. He has multiple deformities to his upper and lower extremities on both sides. Which of the following would be the BEST way to immobilize this​ patient's extremities prior to​ transport? A. Use moldable splints for the upper and lower​ extremities, padding any voids to fully stabilize the fractures. B. Immobilize the patient to a long backboard without splinting the extremities individually. C. Use padded board splints for the upper extremities and PASG for the lower extremities. D. Use traction splints for the lower extremities and allow the upper extremities to be immobilized by the long backboard.

B. Immobilize the patient to a long backboard without splinting the extremities individually.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of splinting an injury to bones and connective​ tissues? A. It may prevent a closed injury from becoming an open injury. B. It restricts blood flow to the site of the injury to prevent swelling. C. It prevents neurological damage due to movement of bone ends or fragments. D. It reduces pain.

B. It restricts blood flow to the site of the injury to prevent swelling.

A method of assessing compromise to an extremity when a musculoskeletal injury is suspected is to learn and follow the six Ps. Which of the items below is NOT one of the six​ Ps? A. Pallor B. Parenthesis C. Pain D. Paresthesia

B. Parenthesis

Your patient is a​ 20-year-old college student who has fallen from a​ third-level balcony onto a wooden deck below. The patient responds to verbal​ stimuli, is pale in color with moist​ skin, and has a very obvious deformity with protruding bone ends of his right forearm. Which of the following is the BEST sequence of intervention for this​ patient? A. Provide immediate manual​ in-line stabilization of the cervical​ spine; apply​ high-concentration oxygen by non-rebreather​ mask; perform a focused history and​ assessment; apply the cervical​ collar; apply a padded board​ splint, sling, and swathe to the forearm​ injury; and transport. B. Provide manual​ in-line stabilization of the cervical spine along with assessment of​ breathing, pulse, and the presence of significant​ hemorrhage; apply​ high-concentration oxygen; perform a rapid trauma​ exam; immobilize to a long​ backboard; transport; and splint the extremity en route if time and resources allow. C. Open the​ airway; assess​ breathing; check the carotid​ pulse; splint the forearm​ injury; immobilize the patient to a long​ backboard; apply​ high-concentration oxygen; and transport. D. Provide manual​ in-line stabilization of the cervical spine along with assessment of​ breathing, pulse, and the presence of significant​ hemorrhage; apply​ high-concentration oxygen; perform a rapid trauma​ exam; immobilize to a long​ backboard; and check with medical control about the need to splint the forearm injury prior to transport.

B. Provide manual​ in-line stabilization of the cervical spine along with assessment of​ breathing, pulse, and the presence of significant​ hemorrhage; apply​ high-concentration oxygen; perform a rapid trauma​ exam; immobilize to a long​ backboard; transport; and splint the extremity en route if time and resources allow.

The sound or feeling of the ends of broken bones rubbing together is​ called: A. krepitus. B. crepitus. C. crapilation. D. breakilation.

B. crepitus.

Blood at the meatus of the penis​ (opening of the​ urethra) is a sign​ of: A. priapism. B. pelvic​ trauma/fracture. C. spinal fracture or injury. D. pelvic dislocation syndrome.

B. pelvic​ trauma/fracture.

When the EMT is assessing compromise to an​ extremity, perhaps due to an orthopedic​ injury, the EMT should initially check what​ "six Ps"? A. ​Pain, pallor,​ position, pulses,​ placement, and pressure B. ​Pain, pallor,​ paresthesia, pulses,​ paralysis, and pressure C. ​Pain, pallor,​ paresthesia, pulses,​ placement, and pressure D. ​Pain, pallor,​ position, pulses,​ placement, and pad

B. ​Pain, pallor,​ paresthesia, pulses,​ paralysis, and pressure

Which of the following BEST describes the compartment​ syndrome? A. A serious condition caused by the amount of equipment that must be carried in the ambulance compartments B. A​ non-life-threatening condition caused by orthopedic injuries in which blood flow is stopped when the bone ends compress the blood vessels C. A serious condition caused by the bleeding and swelling from a fracture or crush injury that becomes so strong that the body can no longer perfuse the tissues against that pressure D. A​ life-threatening condition caused by trapping the blood flow by a fracture when the bone ends cut the blood vessels

C. A serious condition caused by the bleeding and swelling from a fracture or crush injury that becomes so strong that the body can no longer perfuse the tissues against that pressure

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of musculo-skeletal​ injury? A. Direct force B. Twisting or rotational forces C. Extensive force D. Indirect force

C. Extensive force

A suspected musculoskeletal injury of the shoulder is BEST managed by which of the following​ techniques? A. Placing two long padded board splints on either side of the​ extremity, extending from the shoulder to the wrist B. Using a​ long-arm air splint C. Placing the arm in a sling and using a triangular bandage to secure it to the body D. Using an upper extremity traction splint

C. Placing the arm in a sling and using a triangular bandage to secure it to the body

A traction splint may be used on which of the following musculoskeletal​ injuries? A. Possible fracture of the humerus B. Possible fracture of the cervical spine C. Possible fracture of the femur D. Suspected multiple fractures of the​ femur, tibia, and fibula

C. Possible fracture of the femur.

Which of the following is an injury to the musculature of an​ extremity? A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Luxation

C. Strain

Which one of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. Cartilage is connective tissue that covers the outside of the bone end and acts as a surface for articulation. B. Ligaments are connective tissues that connect bone to bone. C. Tendons are bands of connective tissue that bind the ligaments to muscles. D. Muscles are the tissues or fibers that cause movement of body parts or organs.

C. Tendons are bands of connective tissue that bind the ligaments to muscles.

A new EMT who is treating a suspected femur injury asks his​ partner, "How much traction should I​ pull?" The​ partner's BEST reply is which of the​ following? A. Pull enough traction to give the patient some relief from the pain. B. No traction splint applied in the field pulls true​ traction; they must pull 20 pounds of countertraction. C. The amount of traction applied should be roughly​ 10% of the​ patient's body weight and not exceed 15 pounds. D. The amount of traction applied should be 15 pounds.

C. The amount of traction applied should be roughly​ 10% of the​ patient's body weight and not exceed 15 pounds.

A pillow is frequently used to splint an ankle or foot injury. It is​ effective, rapid, and can be used for most patients. Its main weakness​ is: A. it is hard to access distal pulses after application. B. you might not have a pillow on your ambulance. C. you are not immobilizing the knee and the joint adjacent to the ankle. D. it requires three people to apply.

C. you are not immobilizing the knee and the joint adjacent to the ankle.

The strong white fibrous material called the​ periosteum: A. covers the bones. B. protects the perineum. C. surrounds the heart. D. surrounds the abdominal cavity.

C.covers the bones.

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Which of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. An angulated break is when the broken bone is bent at an angle. B. A greenstick break is an incomplete break in a bone. C. A fracture is any break in a bone. D. A comminuted break is when a bone is broken in only one place.

D. A comminuted break is when a bone is broken in only one place.

Which of the following is a complication of bone​ fractures? A. Hemorrhage B. Nerve damage C. Swelling D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Your patient is a​ 70-year-old male whose tractor rolled over onto him. Your assessment makes you suspicious that the patient has a fractured pelvis. Which of the following complications should you​ anticipate? A. Damage to internal organs B. Damage to the nerves of the lower extremities C. Shock D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following describes an open extremity​ injury? A. A gunshot wound has penetrated the skin and then fractured the bone. B. Bone ends have lacerated the soft tissues and skin from the inside. C. The joint capsule has been torn open during a dislocation. D. Both A and B

D. Both A and B

Your patient is an​ 11-year-old male who has a​ swollen, painful, and angulated right lower arm after falling from his bicycle onto his hands. Which of the following should be considered in the immobilization of his injured​ extremity? A. Use an upper extremity traction splint. B. Do not attempt to realign the extremity before splinting. C. Immobilize from the shoulder to the wrist. D. Check​ pulse, movement, and sensation distal to the injury before and after splinting.

D. Check​ pulse, movement, and sensation distal to the injury before and after splinting.

Which of the following is appropriate in the examination of a​ painful, swollen extremity of a conscious​ patient? A. Gently attempting to flex the​ mid-portion of the bone to check for angulation B. Seeing if you can elicit crepitus on palpation C. Asking the patient to see if he can bear weight on the extremity D. Comparing the injured side to the uninjured side

D. Comparing the injured side to the uninjured side

Which of the following is NOT a principle of splinting that must be considered by the​ EMT? A. Check the distal neurovascular function before and after splinting. B. Splint an isolated extremity injury before moving the patient to the stretcher. C. Immobilize the site of an extremity injury from the joint above it to the joint below it. D. Gently replace protruding bone ends back beneath the skin to prevent further contamination.

D. Gently replace protruding bone ends back beneath the skin to prevent further contamination.

Distinguishing between a knee dislocation and a patella dislocation can sometimes be difficult. Which of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. The lack of a distal pulse could be a signal of a real emergency. B. You should always check for a distal pulse. C. In a knee​ dislocation, the tibia is forced anteriorly or posteriorly in relation to the distal femur. D. In a patellar​ dislocation, the knee will be stuck in flexion but the knee cap will not be displaced.

D. In a patellar​ dislocation, the knee will be stuck in flexion but the knee cap will not be displaced.

Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning a pelvic​ wrap? A. You can consider its use based on mechanism of injury​ (MOI). B. It can be used if the pelvis shows deformity. C. It can be used if the pelvis shows instability. D. It should not be used unless the patient shows signs of shock.

D. It should not be used unless the patient shows signs of shock.

Which of the following structures connect bone​ ends, making joints more​ stable? A. Cartilage B. Periosteum C. Tendons D. Ligaments

D. Ligaments

Which of the following statements regarding musculoskeletal injuries is​ correct? A. All musculoskeletal injuries are life threatening due to the bone​ bleeding, leading to hypoperfusion. B. Most musculoskeletal injuries are simply splinted and not a life threat to the patient. C. Splints do not adequately fit the​ patient's extremities and must be modified with padding to ensure immobilization. D. Many musculoskeletal injuries have a grotesque​ appearance, and the EMT cannot be distracted from​ life-threatening conditions by a deformed limb.

D. Many musculoskeletal injuries have a grotesque​ appearance, and the EMT cannot be distracted from​ life-threatening conditions by a deformed limb.

Which of the following is NOT a contraindication for the use of a traction​ splint? A. ​Pelvis, hip, or knee injury B. Injury to the lower third of the leg that would interfere with the ankle hitch C. Avulsion or partial amputation where traction could separate the extremity D. Severe swelling and redness at a midshaft femur

D. Severe swelling and redness at a midshaft femur

Which of the following bones is found in the​ chest? A. Ilium B. Tarsals C. Metacarpals D. Sternum

D. Sternum

The part of the skeleton that is made up from the skull and spinal column is called​ the: A. appendicular skeleton. B. torso. C. boney skeleton. D. axial skeleton.

D. axial skeleton.

Your patient has a crush injury to the arm. The body can no longer perfuse the tissues against the pressure. This condition is known​ as: A. perfusing syndrome. B. crushing syndrome. C. fracture syndrome. D. compartment syndrome.

D.compartment syndrome.

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