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1. The phase of video production during which you determine your audience is called audience and program _____.


5. The form of logical reasoning in which writers and speakers choose between or among best alternatives based on a set of standards or criteria is called _____.


2. Any proof you have that helps you argue your main points is called _____.


4. The term _____ refers to how a message conveyed in the media provides contextual cues that can indicate to receivers how to think about what is being communicated.


1. A ______ letter includes all components (heading, date line, inside address, etc.) flush left, and paragraphs that are not indented.

full block

3. The method of logical reasoning that is associated with the sciences is called _____.


5. The estimate of how much the results of a given sample might differ from the "true" population is called the ______.

margin of error

2. A _____ letter is similar to a full block letter, but the date line, return address, and signature block appear on the right side of the page.

modified block

4. A _____ sample is the type of sample collected by street-corner interviews and telephone call-ins.


1. The overall group you want information about is the ______.


4. Tasks such as video and audio editing, plus the addition of effects and the distribution and/or replication of the video program, occur during _____.


2. Tasks such as in-depth research, scriptwriting, and storyboarding occur during _____.


3. Actual video shooting takes place during the phase called _____.


1. A(n) _____ is a claim indicating your stance or position on an issue.


3. A _____ sample is a type of sample that allows the researcher to infer results back to the larger population.


4. A letter that asks someone outside your organization for something you need is known as a ____ letter.


2. The term referring to subsets of a population is ______.


5. The unique form of writing related to nonfiction film/video production is called ______.


1. Survey or _____ research is one of the most common types of communication research. a. questionnaire b. inquiry c. fill-in-the-blank d. question-and-answer


1. The term _____ refers to on-screen text that appears below a person's face. a. superimposition b. lead room c. scriptwriting d. shot outline


10. When actors face left or right, it is a good idea to leave _____ in the composition, which refers to the space in front of them that keeps them from being dead-center in the frame. a. lead room b. face room c. head room d. actor room


11. In a request letter, what you want should be stated in the _____ paragraph. a. first b. second c. second-to-last d. last


12. The ______ outlines the main point that you want to make. a. thesis statement b. syllogism c. induction d. call to action


14. A(n) _____ is a written reminder of something important that has occurred or will occur. a. memorandum b. message c. note d. Post-It


14. Surveys that are _____ might release only the findings that are favorable to their candidate or case. a. privately funded b. publicly funded c. underfunded d. not funded


18. For effective use in professional communications, each instant message or text message should cover only _____ topic(s). a. one b. two c. three d. four


18. Pacing describes the _____ of a program, as perceived by the audience. a. rhythm or speed b. excitement c. entertainment value d. storytelling clarity


2. A _____ campaign uses persuasion, communicated via the mass media, to educate and inform audiences to engage in socially desirable behaviors. a. social marketing b. social networking c. public marketing d. public networking


2. Effective business letters include a(n) _____, which is a statement of what you want or need from the recipient. a. call to action b. instruction c. suggestion d. to-do list


20. The placement of elements within a persuasive argument is called: a. message ordering b. the five-part argument c. comparison d. message "sideness"


4. A(n) _____ is a detailed written description of the video you plan to shoot, and may be preferable to a storyboard if you lack drawing skills. a. shot outline b. script c. program analysis d. video editing program


5. A(n) _____ is a personal statement that you write about yourself, and that explores a relatively open topic with few guidelines. a. general statement b. overall statement c. general essay d. overall essay


6. A specific ____ is a personal statement in which you respond to a topic that was assigned to you. a. essay b. statement c. document d. letter


7. A(n) ____ guides researchers as to what to look for when coding. a. coding sheet b. cheat sheet c. answer guide d. answer key


9. An effective questionnaire should be limited to _____ page(s) in length whenever possible. a. 1 b. 5 c. 10 d. 15


10. A(n) _____ is a logical argument with three propositions or claims. a. comparison b. syllogism c. false argument d. deduction


11. To apply the rule of thirds, imagine dividing the frame into nine sections, then: a. place only three objects in the frame b. place objects of interest at dividing lines c. ensure that objects in the frame are three feet from each other d. place objects in the frame at three different heights


12. Any time services, donated products, or monetary gifts are provided to your organization, a(n) _____ should be written. a. personal note b. thank-you letter c. request for additional donations d. good-news letter


13. A letter that expresses dissatisfaction about a service or item that the reader provided is known as a(n): a. bad-news letter b. complaint letter c. grievance letter d. inconvenience letter


13. The benchmark for an accurate national poll is _____ respondents. a. 100 to 500 b. 1,000 to 1,500 c. 10,000 to 15,000 d. 100,000 to 150,000


13. What is the second part of the five-part argument? a. lines of argument b. background c. introduction d. refuting objections


15. The most common transition from one shot to another is the: a. fade b. cut c. wipe d. dissolve


16. The term _____ refers to describing your subject in a way that influences how others "see" or perceive it. a. framing b. positioning c. comparing d. deducing


18. The basic incompatibility of holding two or more beliefs simultaneously is called: a. anti-social persuasion b. cognitive dissonance c. induction d. syllogism


19. To help maintain a cheerful attitude during a business phone call, remember to: a. look at a photograph that makes you happy b. smile when you talk c. think of a happy memory instead of concentrating on the call d. focus on whether the call will increase profits for your company


20. Lighting provided by any non-natural source is called _____ lighting. a. diffused b. artificial c. directional d. portable


3. A storyboard is a _____ that describe(s) video shots and their accompanying audio. a. written list posted on a board b. series of drawings with captions c. script with visual descriptions d. type of PowerPoint presentation


3. In order to view your own writing more objectively, you should _____ between writing a rough draft and revisiting the draft. a. write and send several other letters b. wait a few hours c. wait about an hour d. write several alternate drafts


4. A(n) _____ explains how your personal, familial, academic, and professional experiences and background qualify you for a particular job, scholarship, or college program a. personal letter b. personal statement c. professional letter d. professional statement


4. Close-ended questions include a range of answers or ____ items such as true/false, multiple choice, or ranking and rating questions. a. action b. response c. stem d. essay


5. Statements of what is known to be true in a given situation are called: a. evidence b. facts c. propositions d. arguments


6. A vertical movement of the camera is a: a. pan b. tilt c. wipe d. zoom


6. In addition to having good questions, the questionnaire itself should be easy to read and: a. memorable b. pleasing to the eye c. filled with strong advertising messages d. entertaining


7. The _____ strategy is particularly effective when there are two opposing sides to an issue that has caused controversy. a. logical reasoning b. common ground c. proposition-fact-evidence d. social marketing


8. An effective questionnaire requests _____ information in the first or last few questions. a. psychographic b. demographic c. geographic d. biographic


8. When you "zoom in" by changing the focal length of the lens, the shot gets: a. wider on the subject b. tighter on the subject c. brighter d. darker


8. Writing mechanics such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling need to be: a. absolutely perfect b. as close to perfect as possible c. a reflection of how you normally speak d. the best you can do in a first draft


1. Persuasion attempts to influence or convince others to _____ about an issue. a. refrain from taking any kind of action b. consider certain aspects c. take a specific action or to reach a certain conclusion d. distract them from taking action or thinking


10. An effective questionnaire should include only _____ very specific questions. a. 1 to 5 b. 5 to 10 c. 10 to 15 d. 15 to 20


10. Letters stating that a donation request has been denied, or that someone will not receive a job or internship, are examples of: a. condolence notes b. courtesy letters c. bad news letters d. bad business letters


11. What are the three steps of the deductive reasoning process? a. beginning premise, middle premise, ending premise b. beginning premise, hypothesis, conclusion c. major premise, minor premise, conclusion d. major premise, minor hypothesis, concluding premise


12. All of the following are examples of continuity mistakes except: a. an actor's hair is parted differently in two takes of the same shot b. a door is open in one take of the same shot, then closed in the next c. the director rearranges props before the first take d. an actor wears glasses in one take of the same shot but not in the next


12. Which of the following is an example of a leading question? a. "How do you feel about student protests?" b. "When did you learn about student protests, and have you ever participated in one?" c. "You wouldn't say you're in favor of student protests, would you?" d. "Student protests raise a great many important questions."


13. A(n) _____ occurs when a shot shows the same prominent object or person in different locations in back-to-back shots. a. wipe b. extreme close-up c. jump cut d. cut-away


14. Which part of the five-part argument involves countering potential arguments before the audience can think of reasons not to be persuaded? a. background b. conclusion c. refuting objections d. lines of argument


15. Which of the following is an example of common e-mail shorthand? a. LLP b. MBA c. LOL d. USDA


16. A dissolve, or gradual change from one shot to the next, is used to show: a. that two shots are similar b. the sophistication of the editing c. the passage of time or location d. that events are simultaneous


16. When done correctly, _____ can provide communication researchers with valuable insights into how messages are communicated. a. analytical review b. content review c. content analysis d. survey review


17. A group interview in which respondents are asked questions by an objective moderator is known as a(n): a. analysis group b. group analysis c. focus group d. study group


17. Internet etiquette is especially important because anything sent by a computer: a. is immediately visible to your supervisor b. is considered rude unless e-mails are composed very carefully c. can be traced to its source d. receives an immediate response


18. A(n) _____ is an objective interviewer who runs a focus group. a. interviewer b. mediator c. moderator d. questioner


19. For the most part, cassette recorders have been replaced by _____ for capturing sound. a. video cameras b. smartphones c. digital audio recorders d. MP3 players


19. The degree to which messages present only one side, both sides, or both sides plus an evaluation of the arguments or claims, is called: a. cognitive dissonance b. message ordering c. message "sideness" d. anti-social persuasion


20. When you leave a message on someone's voicemail, you should end the message by: a. emphasizing that it is urgent for the recipient to call you back b. repeating everything you said in the form of a quick summary c. repeating your name and phone number d. leaving detailed instructions about when to call you back


3. A(n) _____ is the act of conducting a study to collect data using a questionnaire. a. inquiry b. overview c. survey d. examination


3. When writing a persuasive paper or preparing for a persuasive speech, your goal should be to: a. explore an issue or problem for which solutions are easily found b. focus on an issue or problem about which people agree c. focus on an issue or problem about which people disagree d. discuss an issue or problem that has already been satisfactorily resolved


5. Video cameras commonly shoot in the 4x3 or 16x9 _____, which refers to the differential between the height and width of the image captured by the camera. a. head room b. framing ratio c. aspect ratio d. lead room


6. Which of the following is not an example of evidence? a. testimonials and statements b. cited documents c. personal opinions d. literature and statistics


7. Bulleted lists, graphs, and small pictures are examples of: a. using precise words in letter writing b. grammar c. graphic design elements d. word processing


8. In science, the assumption or induction a scientist makes is called a(n): a. analysis b. synthesis c. hypothesis d. parenthesis


9. The space between the top of the subject's head and the top edge of the frame is: a. top room b. lead room c. head room d. edge room


1. Effective business letters are written in a(n) _____ tone. a. friendly and forceful b. forceful and impersonal c. impersonal and helpful d. friendly and helpful


11. Multiple-choice questions should be lined _____ to ensure ease of reading. a. alphabetically b. diagonally c. horizontally d. vertically


14. The process of _____ tells the camera what combination of red, green, and blue light it should perceive as white in a particular lighting condition. a. white lightening b. white ratio correcting c. whitening d. white balancing


15. Telephone surveys tend to sample _____ more since they tend to be home more often and answer the phone more often. a. children b. teenagers c. men d. women


15. When you use _____ to position a message, you focus on the consequences or risks. a. fear appeals b. confidence builders c. positive framing d. negative framing


16. The set of common rules that govern how to send and receive e-mail properly is called: a. online manners b. computer courtesy c. digital decorum d. netiquette


17. A(n) _____ is any shot that dissolves to black. a. wipe b. iris c. cut d. fade


17. Which of the following is an example of a fear appeal? a. Providing an expiration date on the label of a product. b. Indicating that a particular food product has a high fat content. c. Revealing to the public that supplies of a certain product are limited. d. Describing genetically modified food as "Frankenfood."


19. Focus group moderators are looking for immediate reactions called: a. short-term memory b. knee-jerk reactions c. gut instinct d. unaided recall


2. For a video shot in a city park, all of the following are examples of natural sound except: a. birds chirping b. planes passing overhead c. children playing nearby d. post-production voiceover


2. Surveys give you information about: a. the entire population at one point in time b. how the entire population will behave in the future c. how a certain group will behave in the future d. a certain group at one point in time


20. After a moderator asks a general question, he or she usually adds a(n): a. explanation b. follow-up question c. instruction d. prompt


4. All of the following are common argument strategies except: a. proposition-fact-evidence b. common ground c. logical reasoning d. bullying


5. Open-ended questions allow you to _____ in response to the question. a. choose between two possible answers b. choose between several possible answers c. write a one-word answer d. write a free-form narrative answer


7. A horizontal movement of the camera is a: a. zoom b. tilt c. wipe d. pan


9. Addressing a letter "To Whom It May Concern": a. is the best way to address business correspondence b. is an acceptable alternative to checking how the recipient's name is spelled c. is an acceptable alternative to researching the appropriate recipient d. should be avoided whenever possible


9. Deduction is when the writer or speaker: a. moves from the particular to the general b. solves a mystery c. offers an educated guess d. moves from the general to the particular


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