Ch 3: Cellular Energy

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Fats have _____ kcal/gram and are long-term energy stores


Beta-oxidation is an important process that explains why fats yield _____ kcal/gram.

9 kcal/gram

GTP is guanosine triphosphate. It is an ________ _________ triphosphate, just like ATP.

RNA nucleoside

the process of powering an energy-requiring reaction with an energy-releasing one

Reaction coupling

The ____________ ____________ states that aerobic bacteria were internalized as mitochondria while the photosynthetic bacteria became chloroplasts.

endosymbiotic theory

the ability to do work - i.e., to create some change in a biological system, such as ourselves.


Glycolysis has two main phases: an _______ ________ phase, and an ______ ________ phase.

energy investment phase, and an energy payoff phase

Humans absorb digested fats at _______ of the ______ ________.

enterocytes of the small intestine

oval shaped organelles found in eukaryotic cells. They float around in the cell's cytosol, and because they are organelles, they are membrane-bound - with two membranes! (for energy)


the powerhouse of the cell


which probably evolved/was engulfed first? mitochondria or chloroplasts?


Beta-oxidation occurs in the ________ ________ of a eukaryotic cell's mitochondria.

mitochondrial matrix

The Krebs cycle occurs in the ________ ________ in eukaryotes

mitochondrial matrix

as the proton-motive force of the big fan spins, ATP synthase catalyzes the condensation of ADP + P into ATP in the __________ _______

mitochondrial matrix

the area beneath the inner membrane of the mitochondria is the _________ ________

mitochondrial matrix

As the redox reactions occur, the protein complexes pump protons from the _______ _______ to _______ _______

mitochondrial matrix to intermembrane space

The ETC and chemiosmosis generate ATP through _______ _______

oxidative phosphorylation.

FADH₂ becomes ______ as it reduces complex-II


NADH becomes ________- as it reduces complex-I


Two acetyl-CoA molecules are (reduced/oxidized) by the Krebs cycle for every one glucose.


Aerobic cellular respiration is a sizable catabolic pathway that requires _________.


_________ serves as the final electron acceptor for aerobic electron transport chain


Before amino acids undergo cellular respiration, they must undergo oxidative deamination in the liver. Here, ammonia (NH₃) molecules are removed from the amino acid to create a slightly different molecule that is easier to shuttle into cellular respiration. The ammonia that gets cleaved off is _____ to ______.

toxic to vertebrates

Most fats exist as _________, which contain three (tri-) fatty acid tails attached to a single, three-carbon glycerolbackbone.


NADH is more effective than FADH₂. It travels directly to complex-________ in the electron transport chain and donates its electrons to it.


mitochondria have 2 membranes: The outer membrane surrounds the entire surface area of the mitochondrion, while the inner membrane has many indentations called _________


Glycolysis occurs within the _________ of the cell


Pyruvate manipulations occur in the ____________ for prokaryotes, because they do not have membrane-bound organelles.


glycolysis takes place in the


glycolytic NADH coenzymes lie in the _______ of the cell.


the krebs cycle takes place in the _________ for prokaryotes (they do not contain membrane-bound organelles).


in order to pyruvate to be manipulated after glycolysis, pyruvate molecules must first pass from the ________, and into the _________ _________.

cytosol to mitochondrial matrix

in alcohol fermentation, the pyruvate will be ________ to lose carbon as carbon dioxide.


Many aquatic species and invertebrates excrete ammonia __________. They do not need to convert it to a safer compound.


aerobic oxidative phosphorylation (directly/indirectly) depends on oxygen.


Because glycogen can enter glycolysis as glucose-6-phosphate, it (does/does not) require the hexokinase reaction that results in the investment of an ATP.

does NOT

Glycolysis (does/does not)need oxygen

does not

Protons travel ________ their electrochemical gradient through ATP synthase.


With each transfer, the electrons release a little free energy that the ETC uses to form an ___________ gradient.


Proton pumping forms an ________ _________ across the inner membrane.

electrochemical gradient

High-energy electrons travel through the ETC because each ETC protein is more "_________ __________" than the last.

electron hungry

The __________ ________ _________(ETC) has proteins and other organic molecules, which pass high-energy electrons from one component to the next.

electron transport chain

the oxidative phosphorylation phase of cellular respiration utilizes the _________ _______ chain and _______

electron transport chain and chemiosmosis

the energy produced by ATP hydrolysis is free energy that can then power __________ processes to keep cells out of chemical equilibrium.


When it finally comes time to break down our stored triglycerides for energy, we need to remove the _______ from the adipose tissue. Again, we need a lipase to do this.


Humans need to digest fats before absorbing them. Lipases convert _______ into free ____ ______ and alcohols

triglycerides into fatty acids and alcohols

true/false: With each transfer of electrons, the electron source (i.e., the thing that was carrying the electrons) becomes oxidized, while the electron target (i.e., the thing that accepts the electrons from the electron source) becomes reduced


true/false: Without oxygen, oxidative phosphorylation would stop, which means the regeneration of the coenzymes needed for pyruvate oxidation (NAD⁺) and the Krebs cycle (NAD⁺ and FAD) would also stop.


true/false: both mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular DNA and ribosomes separate from the nucleus (DNA) and cytosol (ribosomes)


true/false: if oxygen is not available as the final electron acceptor, the processes that follow glycolysis cannot occur, and NAD⁺ cannot be regenerated.


true/false: it is hard to store much glucose as glycogen at one time, because glycogen is a hydrophilic polymer that attracts water and takes up a lot of cell volume.


true/false: red blood cells (erythrocytes) function to carry as much oxygen as possible, so they lack most organelles (including mitochondria).


After pyruvate loses a carbon dioxide, it is now a ______-carbon molecule.


Because _________ G3P molecules result from the oxidation of one glucose molecule during the energy investment phase, the energy payoff phase occurs twice to produce four ATP, two NADH, and two pyruvates.


Because two acetyl-CoA molecules are produced in the pyruvate manipulation reactions, the Krebs cycle will occur _______ times for each glucose that enters cellular respiration.


Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is unstable, so it breaks down into ______________ three-carbon sugars at the end of the energy investment phase.


So, for every ________ acetyl-CoA molecules: 4 CO₂, 6 NADH, 2 FADH₂, and 2 GTP (ATP).


in glycolysis there is an energy investment of how many ATP?


when acetyl-CoA joins oxaloacetate to form citrate and the six carbon molecule will lose _______ of its carbon atoms as this many carbon dioxide molecules


hepatocytes contain an enzyme that "_______" the hexokinase reaction of glycolysis.

undoes the hexokinase reaction

reaction coupling allows a(n) (favorable/unfavorable) reaction to powered by a favorable reaction, making the net ΔG negative (exergonic = releases energy + spontaneous


As a whole, ATP molecules are ________ because the three phosphate groups are all negatively charged and repel each other.


Sharks, most amphibians, and mammals (like humans) convert the ammonia to ______ BEFORE they excrete it as urine.


Insects, reptiles, and birds convert the ammonia to _______ _______ before excreting it.

uric acid

As electrons reach the end of the ETC, they are passed on to an oxygen molecule to form


The electrons are passed along the electron transport chain until they reach the final electron acceptor, to form ________!


Yeast use alcohol fermentation, which is similar to lactic acid fermentation in that it regenerates NAD⁺ for glycolysis to continue making two ATPs. However, the electrons from NADH (will/will not) reduce the pyruvate produced.

will NOT

As NAD⁺ is regenerated, complex-I undergoes a (oxidation/reduction).


In the first step of the Krebs cycle, a two-carbon acetyl-CoA joins four-carbon oxaloacetate to form six-carbon citrate AND NAD⁺ undergoes _________ to NADH each time a carbon dioxide leaves.


after the four-carbon molecule transforms back into four-carbon oxaloacetate, another NAD+ undergoes a ______ to NADH.


in the enterocytes of the small intestine, free fatty acids and monoglycerides enter the cell. Once contained within the enterocyte, the free fatty acids and monoglycerides will ________ into _______.

reform into triglycerides

phosphofructokinase (PFK) is an essential _________ enzyme.


Aerobic respiration is exergonic with a ΔG of _______ kcal/glucose

- 686 kcal/glucose

_______- uses the energy stored in the electrochemical gradient (from the electron transport chain) to synthesize ATP.


there are protein complexes I-IV in the electron transport chain. Electrons tend to travel from complex ______ to ______

1 to 4

prokaryotes do not need to use any shuttle systems for glycolytic NADH to reduce complex-I. Therefore, they will produce ______ ATP from the 2 NADH made in glycolysis.


Because FADH₂ reduces a later complex than NADH, a single FADH₂ will produce about __ ATP.


______ GTP (energetically equivalent to ATP) result from substrate level phosphorylation in the Krebs cycle.


a net amount of ______ ATP result from substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis.


net products of glycolysis

2 ATP, 2 pyruvate, 2 NADH

for each glucose that enters cellular respiration, the pyruvate manipulations produce how many of each 3 things??

2 carbon dioxide, 2 NADH, 2 acetyl-CoA

The krebs cycle produces ___________ carbon dioxide, ________ NADH, __________ FADH2, and _______ GTP

2 carbon dioxide, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, and 1 GTP

A single NADH coenzyme will produce about ______ ATP (NADH from glycolysis produces less).


The electrons FADH₂ release will only be used for pumping protons at complex-_____ and ______ because FADH₂ passes its electrons to a complex later in the ETC, it will contribute to less proton pumping

3 and 4

________ ATP come from oxidative phosphorylation


Carbohydrates have ____ kcal/gram


Proteins give ______ kcal/gram and can contribute to gluconeogenesis at the liver


carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source because they are rapidly and efficiently catabolized to provide _______ kcal/gram.

4 (kcal/gram)

G3P undergo redox reactions to produce _______ ATP, ____ pyruvate, and _____NADH

4 ATP, 2 pyruvate, and 2 NADH

for each glucose molecule that makes two acetyl-CoA molecules the Krebs cycle makes _________ carbon dioxides, _______ NADH, ________ FADH₂, and _______ GTP.

4 carbon dioxides, 6 NADH, 2 FADH₂, and 2 GTP.

Proteins provide _______ kcal/gram (lower energy yield) and we are breaking down the proteins that are body needs for essential bodily functions!

4 kcal/gram

As the redox reactions occur, the protein complexes pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, forming an electrochemical gradient. This chemiosmotic gradient will be used to create _______.


the enzyme _____ ______ is responsible for synthesizing ATP.

ATP synthase

________ organisms are similar to obligate anaerobes in the sense that they cannot use oxygen; therefore, they only utilize anaerobic respiration or fermentation. However, the presence of oxygen does not poison them.


__________ organisms are similar to obligate anaerobes but can live with oxygen


_________ ________makes many reduced coenzymes and acetyl-CoA → tons of ATP

Beta oxidation

(Catabolic/anabolic) processes break down large macromolecules into smaller pieces (think catabolism ~ cannibalism), and usually release energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).


__________ reactions release free energy, so they are an example of exergonic reactions (energy release).


_______ energy is a unique type of potential energy, where the chemical bonds serve as a store of energy, and has the potential to be used to do work. .

Chemical energy

__________ harnesses energy stored within the proton gradient to synthesize ATP as protons diffuse across the inner membrane, from an area of high concentration (the intermembrane space) to an area of low concentration (the mitochondrial matrix).


____________ are lipoprotein transport structures formed by the fusing of triglycerides with proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol.


After the decarboxylation and oxidation steps, the remaining acetyl group will bind to a particular coenzyme, known as __________ _________ (____)

Coenzyme A (CoA)

in fermentation, once oxygen has become available again, humans can use a process called the _______ cycle to convert lactate back into glucose.

Cori cycle

two types of 3 carbon sugars in glycolysis

DHAP and G3P (dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate)

_________ releases glucose-6-phosphate from glycogen, allowing it to enter glycolysis.


__________ converts a six-carbon glucose molecule into two three-carbon compounds called pyruvate


As FADH₂ reduces a complex, it leads to the regeneration of ______ (the oxidized form)


_________ _______ can utilize aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or fermentation. However, because aerobic respiration generates the most ATP, they will be undergo aerobic respiration if they are able to (if oxygen is present)

Facultative anaerobes

_________ ________can respire aerobically, anaerobically, or ferment

Facultative anaerobes

__________ is a unique anaerobic pathway


__________ ATP produced - ________ ATP invested = two net ATP from glycolysis.

Four ATP produced, two ATP invested

in the krebs cycle, ________ is produced via substrate-level phosphorylation


______-______ _______have a high density of proteins. They are generally considered to be healthy because they take cholesterol away from peripheral tissues and deliver it to the liver.

High-density lipoproteins (HDLs)

Protons cannot diffuse directly across membranes because membranes are (hydrophilic/hydrophobic).


Before a fatty acid chain enters beta-oxidation, we need to activate the entire chain via the investment of ATP. This is an investment of ATP consumption to produce more ATP down the road. Now, it can go through a series of cleavages into two-carbon acetyl-CoA molecules. Each of the acetyl-CoA molecules will then travel to the ____ _______ As it is chopped up, it also produces NADH and FADH₂, which can be used to make ATP.

Krebs cycle

____-_____ _________have a low density of proteins. They are generally considered to be unhealthy because they deliver cholesterol to peripheral tissues via the bloodstream.

Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)

________ pathways string together individual chemical reactions, where the product of an earlier reaction serves as the reactant for the next.

Metabolic pathways

_______ are similar to obligate aerobes, but too much oxygen will kill them


_________ are similar to obligate aerobes in the sense that they cannot live without oxygen. Therefore they cannot undergo anaerobic respiration or fermentation. However, high concentrations of oxygen are harmful to them.


________ contain the other one-third of glycogen that is NOT held in the liver


when NADH travels directly to complex I and donates an electron to it, NADH goes from being reduced to oxidized and becomes __________


the primary purpose of fermentation is to oxidize _____ back to _______ so that glycolysis can continue to make ATP.

NADH back to NAD⁺

Glycolysis also extracts high-energy electrons as the glucose is broken down, using them to reduce ________ (a coenzyme) into ________, which may travel to the electron transport chain for further ATP creation.

NAD⁺ into NADH

_______ _______ are organisms that can only metabolize their fuel sources via aerobic respiration. They can not undergo fermentation.

Obligate aerobes

______ _______ will only metabolize their fuel sources via anaerobic respiration or fermentation. Oxygen is toxic to them.

Obligate anaerobes

________, like bacteria, carry out the entirety of cellular respiration in their cytosol, and their ETC is in their cell membrane. Thus, they do not need to use any shuttle systems for glycolytic NADH to reduce complex-I.


The energy payoff phase produces ______ ATP through substrate-level phosphorylation, _______ NADH electron carrier, and _______ pyruvate for each G3P that enters.

TWO atp, ONE nadh, and ONE pyruvate

Anabolic reactions _________ free energy, so they are an example of endergonic reactions (requires energy).


both mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular DNA and ribosomes separate from the nucleus (DNA) and cytosol (ribosomes) because at one point they likely were free lively aerobic cells, that eventually were ________ by other cells to form eukaryotes (explained by the endosymbiotic theory).


Fats undergo digestion (using lipase enzymes) before _________ at the enterocyte


Mitochondria are found in most eukaryotic cell types. However, their __________ varies depending on the cell's particular energy needs.


in alcohol fermentation, the pyruvate will be decarboxylated to lose carbon as carbon dioxide. the leftover molecule is _________


after pyruvate loses a carbon dioxide, it is now a two-carbon molecule that will undergo oxidation to become a two-carbon ________ _______.

acetyl group

Free fatty acids enter cellular respiration as _______-______molecules, which is made possible via a process called beta-oxidation.


The intermembrane space of the mitochondrion is (basic/acidic) due to the gradient.


the region between the outer and inner membranes is the intermembrane space (basic/acidic)


Cells called ________ store triglycerides. They come together to form adipose tissue.


The multi-compartment organization of a mitochondrion is useful for _________ _________ respiration.

aerobic cellular

________ ________ respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen to produce an abundance of ATP

aerobic cellular respiration

two central pathways our cells use to catabolize carbohydrates: ______ respiration or _______ respiration

aerobic or anaerobic

ATP hydrolysis (energy releasing) moves ions ________ their concentration gradient (energy requiring).


The hormone sensitive lipase enzymes create free fatty acids and glycerol molecules via lipolysis. The free fatty acids and glycerols can then travel through the blood via a multitude of ways. ONE way is that the fatty acids can travel in their free state (not esterified to glycerol) by binding to a particular protein called _________.


Yeast use _______ ________, which is similar to lactic acid fermentation in that it regenerates NAD⁺ for glycolysis to continue making two ATPs. However, the electrons from NADH will not reduce the pyruvate produced.

alcohol fermentation

Alcohol fermentation produces the ethanol found in _______ _______

alcoholic beverages

When we consume proteins, we break them down into _____ _______

amino acids

Oxidative deamination creates toxic __________


Before amino acids undergo cellular respiration, they must undergo oxidative deamination in the liver. Here, ______ (___)molecules are removed from the amino acid to create a slightly different molecule that is easier to shuttle into cellular respiration.

ammonia (NH3)

_________ processes extract energy from ATP and use it to build larger, more complex macromolecules, where the energy is stored.


Glycolysis is the only pathway in aerobic glycolysis that does not require oxygen, it an __________ process


__________ _________ respiration creates a smaller amount of ATP when oxygen is not readily accessible.

anaerobic cellular respiration

Before a fatty acid chain enters ________ ______, we need to activate the entire chain via the investment of ATP. This allows us to produce more ATP down the road.


ATP synthase acts like a ____ ____ that spins as protons travel through it, the proton-motive force.

big fan

High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) have a high density of proteins. They are generally considered to be healthy because they take cholesterol away from peripheral tissues and deliver it to the liver. Once at the liver, the cholesterol can be used to make _______, which ultimately gets expelled from the body


Glycogen is a highly _________ ________, meaning it is a polymer of many monomeric carbohydrates.

branched polysaccharide

metabolic pathways are either anabolic or catabolic. catabolic pathways _____ _____ molecules and (in the process) ________ energy

break down molecules and release energy

metabolic pathways are either anabolic or catabolic. anabolic pathways _____ _____ molecules and ________ energy

build up molecules and require energy

Acetyl-CoA from free fatty acids (can/cannot) contribute to gluconeogenesis


once in the mitochondrial matrix, the pyruvate molecules (3 carbons) will be decarboxylated to release a carbon atom as _______ ___________.

carbon dioxide

the krebs cycle produces what four things?

carbon dioxide, NADH, FADH2, and GTP

in the krebs cycle, each of the first two intermediates contains three ___________ functional groups


cellular respiration is a (anabolic/catabolic) process


in prokaryotes the electron transport chain occurs in the _______ ______

cellular membrane

Amino acids need to undergo oxidative deamination before _______ _______

cellular respiration

mitochondria make many ATP molecules through __________ __________

cellular respiration

Fats travel from enterocytes to adipocytes via ________ and ________

chylomicrons and lacteals

the mitochondrial matrix contains it's own _________ ______and __________

circular DNA and ribosomes

In the first step of the Krebs cycle, a two-carbon acetyl-CoA joins four-carbon oxaloacetate to form six-carbon ________.


the krebs cycle is also called the citric acid cycle because _______ is the first molecule produced


another name for the Krebs Cycle

citric acid cycle

DHAP and G3P sugars exist in __________, using an isomerase enzyme to convert back and forth between the two forms


the attachments in fats exist as _________ bonds and dehydration reactions make them

ester bonds

in ALCOHOL fermentation, NADH will reduce acetaldehyde into ________


ATP hydrolysis reactions release free energy, making them spontaneous ( -∆G) and ___________.


Aerobic respiration is hugely __________, with a ΔG of - 686 kcal/glucose (this number does show up on DATs).


true/false: NADH can pass through the inner membrane of the mitochondrion to reduce complex-I.

false (NADH CANNOT pass through the inner membrane of the mitochondrion to reduce complex-I.)

true/false: The preference of fuel sources is: carbohydrates > proteins > fats

false (carbohydrates > fats > proteins)

true/false: mitochondria are found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes

false (prokaryotes lack membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells. Thus, prokaryotes have no mitochondria)

The hormone sensitive lipase enzymes create free ______ _______ and _____ molecules via lipolysis.

fatty acids and glycerol

after substrate-level phosphorylation, the four-carbon compound will then be manipulated again, passing electrons to _______ _______ ________, which is another electron carrying coenzyme similar to NAD⁺. The FAD undergoes a reduction to FADH₂.

flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)

G3P molecules then undergo a series of redox reactions to produce _________ ATP molecules through __________-_________-___________

four ATP molecules through substrate-level-phosphorylation

fructose-6-phosphate gets phosphorylated to become ________-__-________


When a glycerol molecule travels to the liver, it can undergo a conversion to enter glycolysis or make new glucose via ________ at the liver.


carbohydrates can contribute to glycogen via __________


another term for liver cells


phosphorylation during the energy investment phase is carried out by __________, and it is a non-reversible process.


in the Cori cycle, once the lactate is at a hepatocyte, the lactate can oxidize back into pyruvate which can then form _____ through ______

glucose through clugoneogenesis

after phosphorylation, the glucoses is now called ________-_____-__________ (because a phosphate was added to carbon six)


___________, our storage form of glucose, enters glycolysis.


When energy and fuel sources are abundant, other carbohydrates can go toward making new glucose to be stored as glycogen; this is called ________


The storage form of glucose is glycogen, which is broken down by __________


Levels of various molecules influence the speed with which phosphofructokinase functions, leading to regulation of the rate of ________ as a whole.


carbohydrates can enter cellular respiration, and for the most part, they enter during __________


_________ creates new glucose from different types of fuel sources


in ATP, there are high energy bonds between phosphate groups. These release significant free energy whenever they are broken by a ___________ reaction.


Protons spontaneously seek to (increase/decrease) the entropy of the matrix.


aerobic pyruvate oxidations and Krebs cycles (directly/indirectly) depend on oxygen.


pyruvate oxidation step ___________ depends on oxygen, and it reduces NAD⁺ to NADH.


the Krebs cycles (directly/indirectly) depend on oxygen.


the processes used to get amino acid byproducts into cellular respiration requires energy, which makes proteins an ________ fuel source


The mitochondrial _________ membrane contains the ETC for eukaryotes.


The energy _______ phase begins as glucose enters the cytosol of the cell.


An _________ enzyme modifies glucose-6-phosphate into fructose-6-phosphate (remember, glucose and fructose are isomers of each other).


The Cori cycle can convert _______ into _______ at the liver

lactate into glucose

in lactic acid fermentation, NADH transfers its electrons to pyruvate, regenerating NAD⁺. As this occurs, ________/_______ ______ is formed.

lactate/lactic acid

Chylomicrons leave enterocytes and enter small lymphatic vessels that take fats to the rest of the body called ________


However, the processes used to get amino acid byproducts into cellular respiration require energy, which makes proteins an inefficient fuel source. The biggest downside for proteins comes from the fact that cells need a pool of amino acids for making the various proteins they use to carry out their functions. Therefore proteins are a _______ _______ in cellular respiration.

last resort

Two carbons (added into the cycle by each acetyl-CoA) ________ as two separate carbon dioxide molecules.


For a triglyceride to enter an adipocyte from a chylomicron, it must again be acted upon by a _______ enzyme, causing it to break down into free fatty acids and monoglycerides. Once inside the adipocyte, the triglyceride will reform.


Digesting a triglyceride with a lipase is called ________.


The hormone sensitive lipase enzymes create free fatty acids and glycerol molecules via lipolysis. The free fatty acids and glycerols can then travel through the blood via a multitude of ways. ONE way is that they can reform into triglycerides along with proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol to make different types of _________-.


Glycerol enters glycolysis or gluconeogenesis at the _________


High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) have a high density of proteins. They are generally considered to be healthy because they take cholesterol away from peripheral tissues and deliver it to the ________


glycogenesis occurs in which organ


hepatocytes contain an enzyme that "undoes" the hexokinase reaction of glycolysis. For this reason, the _______ is the only organ that can release glucose into the bloodstream, allowing other cells to use the glucose as a fuel source.


The _______ stores ____/____ of the body's glycogen, and it is the only organ that can make glucose available to other tissues.

liver stores 2/3

the type of lipoprotein that can end up clogging blood vessels that supply the muscle tissue of the heart - which can lead to a heart attack!

low density lipoprotein (LDL)

FADH₂ carries electrons that are (higher/lower) in energy than the electrons found in NADH.


the whole web of metabolic pathways that occur in a cell at any given time.


the alcohols made by lipase can be free glycerol molecules, as well as other types like __________.


why is it thought that mitochondria were engulfed before chloroplasts? They were present in ______ cells than chloroplasts


The Cori cycle transports lactate from the ________, through the bloodstream, and to ______ cells

myocyte to liver cells

another word for muscle cells


human muscle cells (____________) have a high energy requirement, so there are many mitochondria in them.


spontaneous reactions have (positive/negative) gibbs free energy -∆G


can human red blood cells perform aerobic cellular respiration?

no (Human red blood cells (erythrocytes) do not have mitochondria and thus cannot perform aerobic cellular respiration, so they always ferment.)

anabolic reactions are ____________processes because they require energy input to proceed to the final state.


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an RNA ________ ________, meaning it has three phosphates covalently linked to a ribose sugar.

nucleoside triphosphate

In the first step of the Krebs cycle, a two-carbon acetyl-CoA joins four-carbon __________to form six-carbon citrate.


after FAD undergoes a reduction to FADH2, the four-carbon molecule transforms back into four-carbon ___________.


the ETC operates through a series of _______-______ reactions.

oxidation-reduction (redox)

Before amino acids undergo cellular respiration, they must undergo _______ _______ in the liver.

oxidative deamination

the conversion from fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is carried out by an enzyme called _________ (PFK), and it is another irreversible reaction.


in the energy investment phase, glucose gets ___________ via the hydrolysis of one ATP into ADP + Pᵢ.


Carbohydrates are the body's _______ _______ source

preferred energy source

When it comes to cellular respiration, ______ are the least desirable fuel source.


in the enterocytes of the small intestine, free fatty acids and monoglycerides enter the cell. Once contained within the enterocyte, the free fatty acids and monoglycerides will reform into triglycerides. Once the triglycerides have reformed, they will pair up with ______,________-, and ________ in the enterocyte.

proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol

in the Cori cycle, once the lactate is at a hepatocyte, the lactate can oxidize back into ________


pyruvate manipulation is carried out by _________ _________, which is a complex of three interconnected enzymes.

pyruvate dehydrogenase

Lactic acid fermentation regenerates NAD⁺ as NADH by reducing _________ into ________ _______

pyruvate into lactic acid

as the two-carbon molecule undergoes oxidation, NAD+ is (reduced/oxidized) to NADH


in ATP, the _______ also connects to an adenine nitrogenous base.


In the case of gluconeogenesis from pyruvate in the Cori cycle, we need an energy investment of ______ ATP.


Some evidence for endosymbiotic theory includes ______ similarities and the fact that mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own circular DNA and ribosomes.


catabolic reactions are ____________ reactions because they do not require energy input to proceed.


The amino acid byproducts created via oxidative deamination can enter cellular respiration at various points, depending on the ______ _____ _____.

starting amino acid

When it comes to cellular respiration, proteins are the least desirable fuel source. They are only catabolized when cells are ______ due to unavailability of carbohydrates and fats.


cristae of mitochondria are a part of the inner membrane that increase _____ _____

surface area

the two parts of oxidative phosphorylation work together to synthesize _______ and produce ______

synthesize ATP and produce WATER

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