Ch 5 &6 Nutrition

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People with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes amy experience excessive thirst, frequent urination, a blood glucose of more than 250 mg/dl, and breath with a fruity smell. These are all signs and symptoms of__


Non modifiable risk factors for CVD include

-Fam history of CVD -Increasing age

___is a drug, when consumed in excess (often via binge drinking), can damage every system in the body?


Individuals with metabolic syndromes are @increased risk for developing

Cardiovascular disease. Type 2 diabetes.

Lactose-containing foods fall into which food category?


What are the probable causes of hyperactivity?

Environmental factors & genetic factors

Nutritionally similar to table sugar, honey contains

Fructose & glucose

The main characteristic that all types of lipid molecules have in common is that they are __in water


Thrombus- Embolus-

-A fixed bunch of clots that remains in place & disrupts blood flow -a blood clot or plaque particle that breaks free from where it formed & travels through the blood stream.

Match the following descriptions with the correct polysaccharide: A long, straight chain of glucose units- A highly branched chain of glucose units-

-Amylose -Amylopectin

Sources of refined carbohydrates

Donut, candy, apple pie

Most dietary ___are complex carbs. comprised of moonosaccharides connected by bonds that human enzymes cannot digest


Which of the following are trad.l symptoms of diabetes?

Blurred vision, extreme thirst, frequent urination

Which foods have a low to moderate glycemic index?

Carrots, raw apples, low fat milk

Which of the following are easy ways to increase your dietary fiber intakes to meet the Als?

Choose fiber-rich fruits Choose veggies CHoose whole grains

Dietary changes that can benefit a patient w/ metabolic syndrome include

Decreasing intake of saturated fat. Reducing salt intake

Alcohol will contribute to ___b/c it causes a person to lose fluid. This will result in impaired performance.


A person with a blood cholesterol level of 200 mg/dl doesn't have a risk for atherosclerosis:


Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit?


Individuals w/ type 1 diabetes have 2B treated w/ which approach?


Which statement is true about how an emulsifier works?

Isolates individual fat droplets & prevents fat from coalescing by using a shell of water molecules

The condition that occurs when bacteria & food particles become trapped in diverticula is called


In order to manage their blood glucose levels, Type 1 diabetic patients always require__


What is another name for fructose?


Adipose cells are designed to store large amounts of

fat as triglycerides

Chain fatty acid is defined as

fatty acid that contains 14 or more carbon atoms in length

Dietary fats in food are often composed of

fatty acids

___is a major risk factor for CVD that cannot b modified


___is a chronic condition that is charcaterized by high blood pressure levels that persist even when a person is relaxed


Fatty acids are always saturated


Cholesterol >=240- LDL cholesterol <100mg /dL- HDL cholesterol >/=60 mg/dL - Triglycerides of 150-199mg/DL

-High risk -very low risk -Low risk -Borderline high risk

What are some common signs of brain damage that can occur in the heavy drinker?

-Memory loss -Confusion

What are the causes of confusion & memory loss often seen in chronic heavy drinkers?

-Neurons shrink -Brain develops structural abnormalities -Alcohol disrupts the ability of neurons in the brain to transmit messages

Diets high in fiber can lower the risk for developing which of the following?

-diabetes -obesity -heart disease

Excess body fat around the abdomen is associated with

-elevated LDL cholesterol -elevated triglycerides

Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease include

-excess body fat -Type 2 diabetes -Tobacco use -Hypertension

The 4 major classes of lipoproteins are

-very low density lipoproteins -high density lipoproteins low density lipoproteins -chylomicrons

List the steps of development of atherosclerosis in the arteries starting with arterial damage & ending with a heart attaci

1-Damage occurs in blood vessel lining 2-Plaque is deposited @ the site of initial damage 3-As plaque accumulates , arteries harden, narrow,& loose elasticity 4-Pressure in artery increased 5-Clot or spasm in a plaque-clogged artery leads 2 a heart attack.

Progression from an artery to an atherosclerotic one by ranking

1-artery has smooth lining 2-cells w/in the wall deposit cholesterol & other substances 2 repair damage & inflammation 3-Plaque roughens the surface of the artery & slows flow , making clots more likely 2 form 4-clots & plaque block the artery completely

The bodys preference for using nutrients for energy

1. Carbs 2. Protein

Rank the order of blood glucose regulation beginning with eating a meal

1. Eating a meal 2. Elevated blood glucose 3. Insulin released from the pancrease 4. Blood glucose lvl returns to normal

What is the structure of a phospholipid molecule

Contains a phosphorus and two fatty acids

What are the two potential fates of fructose after it is consumed?

Converted to fat. Converted to glucose

For the general population, egg consumption___incraese the risk of cardiovascular disease

Does not

What are the structural components of triglyceride

Glycerol backbone. Three attatched fatty acids

Combining __with pain-reliviers like acetaminophen can cause severe liver damage


Aspartame is an alternative sweetner made of two ___ acids (phenylanine and aspartic acid) and methanol


Which of the following are good sources of soluble fiber?


Most cases of heart disease and stroke result from


Symptoms that include irritability, restlessness, shaking, sweating, and confusion are often observed during (.)'s of low blood sugar called __


The nutrient that contributes to rich flavor, smooth texture, and the appetizing aroma of food is __


Fats & cholesterol are __, a class of nutrients


Glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in the ___and in the __

liver & muscle

Hypoglycemia is a __blood glucose level


Straining due to constipation can result in the small rectal veins becoming swollen, making them likely to bleed and cause discomfort and itching. These cluster of veins are called__


What is the technical term for high blood sugar?


Consuming ___amounts of alcohol raises HDL cholesterol levels, reduces blood levels of fibrinogen & decreases platelet stickiness


Which of the following is a type of simple sugar?


High-fiber diets may lower your risk for__


Salmon, flaunder, walnuts & canola oils are all examples of

omega-3 fatty acids

Safflower, corn, soybeans, & cottonseed oils are all rich in ___fat. Diets high in this type of fat may lead to the reduction of total cholesterol , LDL, & HDL cholesterol.


A ___ is a fixed bunch of clots that remains in place & disrupts blood flow.


A __ is a lipid that has 3 fatty acids attatched to a three-carbon compound called glycerol


Hemorrhoid are swolllen rectal veins that cause itching, discomfort, and/ bleeding


An omega-3 fatty acid is


You would be at incraesed risk of heart disease if ___

your father was diagnosed with CVD b4 55 years old

WHat are some characteristics of an alcohol dependent person?

-They experience withdrawal symptoms -They develop tolerance to alcohol

Free fatty acids- Chylomicron remnant-

-absorbed by cells within the vicinity and reform in2 triglyceride or storage or use -removed from circulation by the liver and recycled to make other lipoproteins and bile acids

Describe the digestion & absorption of alcohol

-alcohol requires no digestion

What are the causes of confusion & memory loss often seen in chronic heavy drinkers

-brain develops structural abnormalities -alcohol disrupts the ability of neurons in the brain to transmit messages -Neurons shrink

Glcogenolysis- Lipolysis- Lysis-

-breakdown of glycogen -breakdown of fat -breakdown of something

By reading the nutrition facts panel you can determine how much ___are in most packaged foods

-cholesterol -saturated fat -trans fat -total fat

Match the hormone with its effect on blood glucose: Insulin- Glucagon-

-decrease blood glucose -increase blood glucose

Abstainer- Light- Moderate- Heavy-

-less than 12 drinks/year -1 to 13 drinks/ month -4 to 14 drinks/week -3 or more drinks /day

Aspartame- Saccharin- Sucralose-

-nutrasweet and equal -Sweet'N low -splenda

Lipoproteins carry diff amounts of

-protein -phospholipids -cholesterol

What are some signs of alcohol dependency?

-shakiness -increased tolerance

Alcohol poisoning can result in death due to

-slowing of the heart rhythm -aspirating vomit & chocking

Place the following foods in order of dietary fiber content, from highest to lowest

1. Black beans ( 1 cup) 2. Kellogss's All-Bran cereal (1/2cups) 3. Baked potato skin 4. Almonds ( 1 ounce)

According to the Food and Nutrition Board, carbohydrates should provide __% to __% of total calories in the diet

45; 65

Type 2 diabetes can occur

@any age

What is an emulsifier?

A compound that helps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds to mix with each other

Which of the following nonnutritive sweetners are currently available in the food supply in the U.S.?

Aspartame, acesulfame-k, neotame

(Glycemic index x Grams of ___)/100=Glycemic load


The lipoprotein that carries lipids away from tissues & 2 the liver is ___


Which of the following areas of the body can be permanently damaged by uncontrolled diabetes?

Heart, kidneys, eyes

Scientists studied a rural African pop. that rarely developd colorectal cancer until they adopted a western diet. What did they consume that may provide this reduced risk for colorectal cancer?

High-fiber intake

Phospholipids contain a __portion, which attracts water, amd a __ portion which repels water

Hydrophilic; hydrophobic

Most cases of type 1 diabetes begin w/ an __system disorder, which causes destruction of the __-producing cells in the __

Immune, insulin, pancreas

Which of the following are true about alternative sweetners?

Includes Sugar alcohols such as xiitol, mannitol, and sorbitol. Substances added to food that sweeten the item while providing few or no calories.

Choose the statements that describe how bile salts enhance the digestion and absorption of lipids

Increasing the surface area of the lipid, forming a micelle, keeping lipids dispersed in small particles

Choose the body parts that r most vulnerable to damage by atherosclerosis

Legs, kidneys, eyes

What are the major functions of fatty acids and triglycerides in the body

To aid in transport of fat soluble vitamins To insulate and protect the body To provide energy.

Why is sugar often added to foods?

To increase the browning of food. To improve food tenderness. To serve as a preservative

__fats prod.'d during the hydrogenation process closely resembles the structure of __fats due to the altered chemical structure that results during this process

Trans; saturated

Which of the following substances are types of lipids?

Triglycerides & cholesterol

What type of diabetes is strongly associated with genetics, physical inactivity, poor diet, and obesity?

Type 2

___which is often called "hardening of the arteries ", is a condition that reduces the flexibility of arteries


Most cases of type 1 diabetes begin with an immune system disorder, which causes destruction of the insulin -producing cells in the pancrease called_____cells.


The primary function of carbs in the body is to provide ___for all cells.


Glycogen is a branched structure comprised of many _____ units bonded together.


Name the major monosaccharide found in the body.


The monosaccharide that serves as the basic unit of all carbohydrate structures is ___


__is also known as dextrose or blood sugar


Peanuts, oils, canola oil, olives, almonds& alvocados are rich in :

Monounsatuarted fat

Compared to butter, solid margarine has

More unsaturated fat, more trans fat, less cholesterol

The total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol in most packaged foods can be determined by reading the ______ ______ panel.

Nutrition facts

Which statement is true abt essential fatty acids

Only alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid are considered essential

___is a digestive enzyme that removes two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule

Pancreatic lipase

___fatty acids consist entirely of carbon-carbon single bonds


Food labels are not required to provide info about which of the following.

Soluble fiber

Which of the following are ex's of polysaccharides?

Starch, fiber & glycogen

Type 1 diabetes

cannot be prevented

Which macronutrients provide 4 kcal per gram


The hormones that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile and the pancrease to release digestive enzymes is called


Symptoms of alcoholic poisoning include?

confusion, bluish complexion, becoming comatose

Food manufacturers use the process of hydrogenation to

convert liquid oils into more solid fats

In which food category is galactose typically found?


Sugar alcohols are used in ___

diabetic candy, sugar-free gum & breath mints

Some types of plant oils, especially tropical oils such as coconut and palm oils contain high amounts of __fats


Structurally, a trans fat resembles a __

saturated fatty acid

Reactive hypoglycemia is more likely to occur after a meal high in__

simple sugar

Examples of the complex carbohydrates include


Which drug is commonly prescribed to help people reduce elevated blood lipid levels


___fat is a layer of fat under the skin that stores energy, insulates the body against cold temp, protects against minor bruising, and contributes to the body's contours


Identify names of sugars that may b found in foods

sugar, molasses, honey

List in order from 1-3 the steps of lipid digestion in the small intestine

1-Fatty chyme stimulates the release of cholecystokinin 2-cholecystokinin signals the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pancreatic lipase, into the duodenum

What is added to food to improve the food's tenderness, contribute to browning, & serve as a preservative?


Since their body has less water, more alcohol remains in their bloodstream....


Which statement in true?

Women are more prone to the alcohol impairement when compared to men

A person with slow breathing, pale skin, & who can't b aroused might b suffering from ___ poisoning


A waist circumference greater than or equal to __inches for men and __inches for women is considered too large and is a risk factor for the metabolic syndrome

40; 35

Match the dietary change with its outcome as a way to lower risk for cardiovascular disease Eat rich sources of fiber- Avoid sucrose & fructose- Drink small amounts of alcohol-

-Reduces LDL cholesterol -Decreases triglyceride levels -Raises beneficial HDL cholesterol levels


-Supresses the production of ADH by the pituary gland -Causes the kidney to excrete more urine

Protein- Carbs- Alcohol-

-The body can convert certain amino acids into fatty acids -The body can convert excess glucose into fatty acids -Stimulates triglyceride synthesis, which can result in storage of excess triglycerides in adipose tissue

When an alcoholic consumes a considerable portion of their energy as alcohol?

-They incraese their risk of malnutrition -they displace nutrient dense foods from their diet

Non-modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease include

-fam history -increasing age -male sex

Steps of dietary fat absorption from absorption in the small intestine and ending with entrance into the lymphatic system

1-Absorption of glycerol, monoglyceries, and fatty acids into small intestinal cells 2-Triglycerides are reassembled 3- Triglycerides are packed into chylomicrons 4- Chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system

The diuretic effect of alcohol is to ___the excretion of body water


Fibers that are not readily dissolved in water & are not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria are called

insoluble fiber

Cis fatty acid- Trans fatty acid-

-Causes the carbon chain to bend -allows the carbon chain to remain str8ter

Ketone bodies- Ketoacidosis-

-Chemicals that result from incomplete fat breakdown -condition that occurs when the body forms excessive ketones

A(n) __is some1 who abuses alcohol, buthas control over his/her intake & does not have a powerful craving for the drug nor suffers withdrawal symptoms. This person may experience probs @home,work, & school associated with their drinking habits?

Alcohol abuser

What are possibile agencies to contact for help with alcohol abuse?

Alcoholics anonymous & Al-anon

Besides heart disease, which of the following are conditions that may result from long-term, uncontrolled blood glucose?

Amputations. Kidney failure. Blindness.

What helps enhance digestion and absorption of lipid by keeping lipids dispersed in small particles, increasing their surface area?

Bile salts

One in three adult Americans suffer from some form of ____ disease, which includes heart disease & stroke


An individual w/ an acceptable total cholesterol lvl may stil b @ risk for athersclerosis . What additional cholesterol measurement should be evaluated to provide a more accurate risk assessment

LDL cholesterol & HDL cholesterol

Milk & dairy prods are major food sources of __(a disaccharide)


What American pop's are @ a particularly high risk for the development of type 2 diabetes?

Latino, african americans, native americans

Which of the following are traits of medditarean diet?

frequent physical activity, drinking one glass of wine a day, using heart-healthy unsaturated fat

How many kcal are in one gram of fat


What are some natural food sources of sucrose?

Maple syrup & carrots

The adequate intake of alpha-linolenic acid for men (ages 19-50 yrs old) is __g/day and the AL of alpha-linolenic acid for women (ages 19-50 yrs old) is __g/day

1.6; 1.1

What is the criterion fasting blood glucose above which an indiv is diagnosed as diabetic?

126 mg/dl

The dietary guidelines for americans 2005 recommend that added sugars should not exceed 8 teaspoons per day for a 2000 kcal diet. How many teaspoons per day does the avg American eat?

22 tsp

What is the recommended Adequate Intake Level of fiber for women?

25 g/day

When consuming a 2000 kcal diet the daily value for carbohydrates is

300 grams

__ is a common ex. of a phospholipid


Lipoproteins r water-soluble structures that transport __ through the bloodstream


Secretions from which two organs are required for the digestion of dietary lipids?

Liver, pancreas

What is the best way to reduce a person's risk of CVD?

Lose excess body fat

__,or malt sugar, has two glucose molecules bonded 2gether


Which of the following are sugar alcohols?

Mannitol, sorbitol & xylitol

Which of the following are true of polysaccharides?

They are found chiefly in grains, vegetables, and fruits. They are sometimes called complex carbs. They are made of 10 or more monosaccharides bonded together.

Women are more likely to experience gestational diabetes during their pregnancy if

They have elevated blood pressure. They have a fam history of type 2 diabetes. Are chronically overweight

What are some ways you can reduce fat intake?

Trim fat, steam meats & choose lean meats

A sterol is more chemically complex than a triglyceride or a phospholipid


The main function of glucose is to provide the body with a source of fuel


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