Ch 53 AP Bio Study Guide

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(A) Which of these species typically has a mortality rate that remains fairly constant over an individual's life span? a. oysters b. robins c. elephants d. humans e. grasses (B) Oyster populations are primarily, if not exclusively, composed of _____. a. juveniles b. larval and juvenile oysters c. adults d. larvae e. prereproductive oysters (C) Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of oysters? a. elephants b. grasses e. cats d. humans e. robins (D) Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of humans? a. robins b. oysters c. cats d. elephants e. grasses

(A) b. robins (B) c. adults (C) b. grasses (D) d. elephants

Which of these was the first of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population? the Industrial Revolution the advent of agriculture the discovery of vaccines the discovery of antibiotics the bubonic plague Which of these was the second of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population? the discovery of antibiotics the advent of agriculture the bubonic plague the discovery of vaccines the Industrial Revolution Which of these was the third of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population? the discovery of antibiotics the advent of agriculture the discovery of vaccines and the discovery of antibiotics the discovery of vaccines the Industrial Revolution Currently, how large is the worldwide population of humans relative to Earth's carrying capacity for humans? below the carrying capacity above the carrying capacity either at or above the carrying capacity There is insufficient information to answer this question. at the carrying capacity

a b b d c c d d

Which processes increase a population's size? Births and deaths. Deaths and emigration. Births and immigration. Deaths and immigration. Which processes increase a population's size? Births and deaths. Deaths and emigration. Births and immigration. Deaths and immigration. Which factor does not affect a habitat's carrying capacity? Availability of food. Intensity of predation. Maximum number of individuals in a population. Number of nesting sites. Which equation represents the logistic growth rate of a population? r=b−d ΔN/Δt=rmaxN ΔN/Δt=rN ΔN/Δt=rMmaxN(K−N)/K Which of the following statements about density-independent growth is true? A population that is experiencing density-independent growth levels off at the environment's carrying capacity. The per-capita rate of increase may exceed rmax during density-independent growth. Density-independent growth can continue indefinitely in nature. Density-independent growth is also known as exponential growth. Under which of the following conditions would a population most likely experience exponential growth? Young populations with few individuals. Habitat with limited resources. Environment with a low carrying capacity. Large number of individuals in the starting population. Which of the following statements about a population experiencing logistic growth is true? If N is less than K, the population will not grow. If N is greater than K, the population will shrink. If the K and N values are far apart, the population will grow very slowly. If the K and N values are similar, the amount of available resources is high.

a c b a c c d d e d f a g b

The population of Greece is expected to _______. expand stablize decline Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more children than reproductive-age individuals. True False Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more children than elderly members of the population. True False Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more reproductive-age individuals than children. True False Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more elderly than reproductive-age individuals. True False Greece had more females than males in 2000. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this? Males generally have a shorter life span than females. More females are born than males, and this difference remains throughout all age groups. Females generally have a shorter life span than males. There should be an equal number of males and females in every age group, so this is likely an error in the 2000 census for Greece. The population of Colombia is currently _______. expanding stable declining Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more children than reproductive-age individuals. True False Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more children than elderly members of the population. True False Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more reproductive-age individuals than children. True False Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more elderly than reproductive-age individuals. True False

a c b b c b d a e a f a g a h a i a j b k b

What is shown on the x-axis? life span of individuals, expressed in 25-year intervals number of survivors, on a logarithmic scale number of survivors, as a percentage of the population percentage of the maximum life span of a species Look closely at the scale on the y-axis. What number would be represented by the point midway between the tick mark labeled 10 and the tick mark labeled 100? approximately 5 approximately 32 approximately 55 approximately 68 In a population of 1,000 elephants, how many individuals would survive for 50% of the species' maximum life span? In a population of 1,000 elephants, how many individuals would survive for 50% of the species' maximum life span? about 8 about 100 about 500 about 800 According to the graph, which modern animal has a relatively constant mortality rate throughout its life span? elephant crocodile human starling At 50% of maximum life span, how does the survivorship of Albertosaurus compare to the survivorship of the crocodile? The survivorship of the two species is roughly equal. The survivorship of Albertosaurus is about 3 times greater than that of the crocodile. The survivorship of Albertosaurus is about 10 times greater than that of the crocodile. The survivorship of Albertosaurus is about 100 times greater than that of the crocodile. Is the following statement supported or not supported by the data shown in the graph? The maximum life span of Albertosaurus was about 100 years. supported not supported cannot be determined from this graph Is the following statement supported or not supported by the data shown in the graph? The mortality rate of Albertosaurus dinosaurs aged between 25% and 50% of their maximum life span was far greater than the mortality rate of dinosaurs that reached 75% of their maximum life span. supported not supported cannot be determined from this graph

a d b b c b d d e d f c g b

What do the bars on this graph represent? The percentage of the population that falls in each age group The percentages of males and females born in different years The numbers of males and females born each year from 1921 to 2010 The numbers of males and females in each age group Approximately how many 15-19-year-old males were there in China in 2010? 41 million 50 million 56 million 106 million After rapid population growth from 1966 to 1975, the Chinese government instituted policies aimed at reducing population growth. The effects can be seen in most age-groups born since then. However, the population representing children born in 1986-1990 is larger than any other age-group. What data in the age structure diagram provide the best explanation for this exception? This exception can be explained by population momentum from the 1966-1970 age-group. The death rate was exceptionally low from 1986 to 1990. China's population was following the typical pattern of demographic transition. The age structure diagram does not suggest any explanation for the 1986-1990 "baby boom." Like the United States, China experienced a "baby boom" after World War II ended in 1945. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this age structure diagram In 1985, China's rate of population increase was nearly 15 per 1,000. Based on the portion of the population in their prereproductive years, China's population will continue to grow at a high rate of increase through the 21st century. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this age structure diagram

a d b c c a d b e b

What is represented by the distance between two vertical white gridlines on this graph? A population increase of 20 million A population increase of 2 billion A time span of 20 years A time span of 50 years What is represented by the vertical blue bars on this graph? The percentage increase in the population r, the per capita rate of increase The total population size The number of people added to the population annually in each decade According to this graph, the world population doubled between _______. 1850 and 1950 1900 and 1925 1930 and 1975 1975 and 2000 Which decade had, or is projected to have, the highest annual population increase? 1980-1990 1990-2000 2000-2010 2040-2050 During the 20th century, the human population increased from less than 2 billion to more than 6 billion. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this graph Total population size is projected to increase through the middle of the 21st century. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this graph From 1500 to 2010, the human population approximately followed the exponential growth model. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this graph

a d b d c c d a e a f a g b h a

What are population dynamics? Proportion of individuals at each possible age. Regular fluctuations in the population size of some animals. Changes in populations through time. Number of individuals born each year in a population. Which of the following statements about age pyramids is true? Populations in developed countries grow more quickly than populations in less-developed countries. Age distribution in less-developed countries is bottom-heavy, indicating that these populations are dominated by the very old. Age distribution in developed countries shows an hourglass pattern, with the greatest numbers of people being either very young or very old. Predictions of a population's future take into account such factors as increasing survivorship and fecundity levels that remain the same. True or false? The growth rate of a certain population increases very quickly for a time and then levels off to zero. The most likely reason that the growth rate leveled off to zero is that the environment reached its carrying capacity. True False The average age of childbearing in country A is 26, whereas the average age in country B is 30. In each country, the average number of offspring per woman is 3. Which of the following statements about the population growth rate in each country must be true? The population growth rate in country A is lower than in country B. The population growth rate in country A is higher than in country B. It is not possible to compare the population growth rates of countries A and B. The population growth rates in countries A and B are the same. In 1970, the average age of childbearing was 28, and the average number of offspring per woman was 3 in a certain country. In 1980, the average age of childbearing was still 28, but the average number of offspring per woman was 2 in that country. If the death rate in the country remained constant during those years, how did the population growth rate change from 1970 to 1980? The population growth rate stayed the same. It is not possible to determine the population growth rate. The population growth rate increased. The population growth rate decreased.

a) c b d c a d c e d

Consider a population whose growth can be described by the logistic growth model: dN/dt = rmaxN[(K − N)/K]. Which of the following statements about this population is true? a. At low values of N, the logistic growth and exponential growth (dN/dt = rN) models predict similar population growth. b. rmax declines as N increases. c. K is a constant value.

a. At low values of N, the logistic growth and exponential growth (dN/dt = rN) models predict similar population growth. (help: When N is small compared to K, the term (K - N)/K is close to 1, and the per capita rate of increase, rmax (K - N)/K, approaches the maximum rate of increase. As N increases, the exponential growth rate does not change, while logistic growth declines. Read about the logistic model of population growth.)

Based on current growth rates, Earth's human population in 2012 will be closest to a. 3 billion b. 4 billion. c. 10 billion. d. 7 billion. e. 2 million.

d. 7 million

Which of the following statements about human population in industrialized countries is incorrect? a. The population has undergone the demographic transition. b. Age distribution is relatively uniform. c. The survivorship curve is Type I. d. Life history is r-selected. e. Average family size is relatively small.

d. Life history is r-selected.

A population's carrying capacity a. increases as the per capita growth rate (r) decreases. b. can never be exceeded. c. generally remains constant over time. d. may change as environmental conditions change. e. can be accurately calculated using the logistic growth model.

d. may change as environmental conditions change.

28G. A female darkling beetle laid her eggs in a sack of corn meal. The corn meal was an excellent source of food for the beetle larvae (mealworms), and the beetle population quickly increased. After four months, the beetles had eaten all of the corn meal, and the adult beetles flew away to find new food sources. Which graph best represents the growth of the beetle population in the sack of corn meal? Graph A Graph B Graph C Scientists grew a population of yeast cells in a flask to which they provided a constant supply of nutrients. As the population of yeast cells increased, competition for the nutrients also increased. This caused the population to grow more slowly, until the rate at which the yeast cells used the nutrients was equal to rate at which the nutrients were supplied to the flask. Which of the three graphs shown in Part G best represents the growth of these yeast population? Graph A Graph B Graph C A pair of coyotes colonized a large island where rodents (their prey) were abundant. At first the number of coyotes increased. But as the coyote population increased, competition for prey also increased and the coyote population grew more slowly. In some years, weather conditions killed many of the rodents, causing some coyotes to starve. In other years, weather conditions were favorable for the rodent poulation, allowing the coyotes to thrive, reproduce, and raise many pups. Which of the three graphs shown in Part G best represents the growth of this coyote population? Graph A Graph B Graph C

g) c. Graph C h) a. Graph A i) b. Graph B

Ignoring migration, the age structure of a human population likely to increase in size will have what shape? A. A rectangle tapering toward the top B. Both a pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in a population that increases in size C. Pyramid D. Inverted pyramid E. Both an inverted pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in a population that increases in size Ignoring migration, the age structure of a human population likely to decrease in size will have what shape? pyramid a rectangle tapering toward the top Both an inverted pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in a population that decreases in size. Both a pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in a population that decreases in size. inverted pyramid Ignoring migration, the age structure diagram of a human population likely to maintain a relatively stable size will have what shape? inverted pyramid Both a pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in a population that remains stable in size. pyramid Both an inverted pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in a population that remains stable in size. a rectangle tapering toward the top

A) c. Pyramid B) d.Inverted pyramid C) e. A rectangle tapering toward the top

What is represented on the x-axis of this graph? The type of survivorship curve Individuals' life spans as a percentage of the maximum life span for the species The percentage of surviving individuals, using a normal (non-logarithmic) scale The percentage of surviving individuals, using a logarithmic scale Why is a percentage scale used for the x-axis rather than actual ages? This scale allows you to compare species with widely varying life spans on the same graph. For any graph, the x-axis and y-axis must use the same units. Researchers don't know the maximum life span of the organisms. The range of the actual ages would be too large to fit on the graph. For a species with a Type II curve, less than ____% of individuals survive for 50% of the maximum life span. 0.1 0.5 1 10 At 50% of maximum life span, how does survivorship for a Type I curve compare to survivorship for a Type III curve? Survivorship for a Type I curve is 100 times as great as survivorship for a Type III curve. Survivorship is equal for the two curves. Survivorship for a Type I curve is nearly 1,000 times as great as survivorship for a Type III curve. Survivorship for a Type I curve is twice as great as survivorship for a Type III curve. For species with a Type III curve, most individuals reach the maximum life span. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this graph According to this graph, species that exhibit a Type III curve typically produce large numbers of offspring. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this graph In species that exhibit a Type II survivorship curve, individuals are no more likely to die at one stage of the life cycle than another. Supported Not supported Cannot be determined from this graph

a b b a c d d c e b f c g a

What does the right y-axis represent? resources, with quantity increasing from bottom to top population, with size increasing from bottom to top time, with duration increasing from left to right resources, with quantity decreasing from bottom to top What does the orange graph line represent? carrying capacity population size logistic growth exponential growth Which of the following statements are true of logistic growth? Select all that apply. As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more rapidly. The population grows at a steady rate. As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more slowly. When the population reaches carrying capacity, it stops growing. Which of the following statements are true of a population at carrying capacity? Select all that apply. The population growth rate equals zero. The birth rate equals the death rate. The population continues to grow at a constant rate. The rate at which resources are used is equal to the rate at which they are supplied. As a population approaches carrying capacity, environmental resistance __________. cannot be determined from the graph remains constant decreases increases Which of the following factors does not contribute to environmental resistance? weather conditions competition for space environmental toxins birth rate competition for food

a d b c c c and d d a,b, and d e d f d

Look at the age-structure pyramids. The numbers between the bars (in the middle of the graphs) serve as the y-axis. What do these numbers represent? the percentage of the population in each age class the population of males and females the total population, in millions the age classes, in 5-year ranges the number of people born in a particular year What do the bars on the graphs represent? the number of males and females in each age group the percentage of males and females in each age group birth rate or death rate for each age group the number of males and females born in different years In 2010, how many 25- to 29-year-old women lived in Niger? about 0.5 million about 1.0 million about 1.2 million about 0.5 billion cannot be determined from the graph The colors of the bars on the graphs indicate the life stage of the people in that age class. What does it mean if a bar is colored blue? The answer cannot be determined from the graphs. The people in that age class are of reproductive age. The people in that age class have not yet reached reproductive age. The people in that age class are past reproductive age. The 2010 age-structure pyramid for Niger indicates that the population of Niger ________. was increasing was stable was decreasing cannot be determined from the graph In Canada in 2010, which age classes contained the largest number of people? children between 5 and 14 adults between 25 and 34 adults between 35 and 45 adults between 45 and 54 adults between 55 and 64 In Canada in 2010, people between the ages of 45 and 54 made up the largest percentage of the population. What factor is most likely to have caused this bulge in the age pyramid? a surge in the birth rate after World War II ended in 1945 the increased availability of oral contraceptives in the 1950s and 1960s an increase in the death rate during World War I and the influenza epidemic of 1917 a decline in the birth rate during the Great Depression of the 1930s Assuming that current trends continue, predict how the age structure of Canada in 2030 will likely differ from that in 2010. The proportion of the population made up of children (ages 0-15) will increase. The proportion of the population made up of adults of reproductive age will increase. The proportion of the population made up of older adults (65+) will increase. The answer cannot be determined from the graph. Based on a comparison of the age-structure pyramids, which of the following would likely be a higher priority in Canada than in Niger? providing prenatal care providing long-term care for the elderly providing childhood vaccinations building new schools

a d b a c a d b e a f d g a h c i b

(A) You are doing a mark-recapture experiment to determine the population size of the MendAliens living on an island in my back yard. Initially, you catch and mark 130 MendAliens, which you then release. Next, you capture 90 MendAliens, of which 20 are marked. What is your estimate of the population size of MendAliens living on the island in my back yard? a. 585 b. 14 c. 29 d. 130 e. 234,000 (B) Assume there are 200 MendAliens living on an island in my back yard. If my island has an area of 20 hectares, what is the population density of MendAliens in terms of MendAliens per hectare? a. 0.1 MendAliens per hectare b. 200 MendAliens per hectare c. 4 MendAliens per hectare d. 4,000 MendAliens per hectare e. 10 MendAliens per hectare (C) The mark-recapture method would be best for sampling a population of _____. a. oysters b. rose bushes c. sharks d. maple trees e. wheat

a. 585 130-90/20 = 585 mendaliens e. 10 MendAliens per hectare 200/20 = 10 MendAliens per hectare c. sharks The mark-recapture method works best for active species whose individuals tend to be highly mobile.

Select the correct statement about the global carrying capacity for the human population. a. Estimates of the global carrying capacity for the human population depend on resource use per capita. b. It is impossible to calculate the global carrying capacity for the human population. c. The global carrying capacity for the human population is limitless because technological advances allow food supply to keep up with global population growth.

a. Estimates of the global carrying capacity for the human population

During exponential growth, a population always a. grows at its maximum per capita rate. b. quickly reaches its carrying capacity. c. loses some individuals to emigration. d. cycles through time. e. grows by thousands of individuals.

a. grows at its maximum per capita rate.

Which pair of terms most accurately describes life history traits for a stable population of wolves? a. iteroparous; K-selected b. semelparous; r-selected c. iteroparous; N-selected d. semelparous; K-selected e. iteroparous; r-selected

a. iteroparous; K-selected

Which of the following is an example of a population? all the coyotes on Earth a spider and the fly it is about to eat the earthworms that live in a grassland plus the earthworms that live in a forest all of the redwood trees that live in a forest all the plants that live near each other in a forest

all of the redwood trees that live in a forest

The graph shows the growth of a laboratory culture of Paramecium aurelia. Suppose that after 15 days, the researcher removed ~400 paramecia from the culture. How will the population growth rate (dN/dt) change as a result of this action? a. The growth rate of the Paramecium population will decrease. b. The growth rate of the Paramecium population will increase. c. The growth rate of the Paramecium population will not change.

b. The growth rate of the Paramecium population will increase. (help: The overall population growth rate is highest when the population size is half the carrying capacity. At this population size, the per capita rate of increase remains relatively high (one-half the maximum rate), and there are more reproducing individuals (N) in the population than at lower population sizes. Read about the logistic model and real populations.)

Scientific study of the population cycles of the snowshoe hare and its predator, the lynx, has revealed that a. the prey population is controlled by predators alone. b. multiple biotic and abiotic factors contribute to the cycling of the hare and lynx populations. c. the hare population is r-selected and the lynx population is K-selected. d. both hare and lynx populations are regulated mainly by abiotic factors. e. hares and lynx are so mutually dependent that each species cannot survive without the other.

b. multiple biotic and abiotic factors contribute to the cycling of the hare and lynx populations.

Resource competition, territoriality, disease, and toxic wastes are some of the factors that provide _____ and help regulate population. positive feedback negative feedback metapopulations zero population growth population dynamics

b. negative feedback

Consider a population whose growth over a given time period can be described by the exponential model: dN/dt = rN. Select the correct statement about this population. a. A population with an r of 0.1 will decrease over time. b. A population with an r of 0 will have no births or deaths during the time period under consideration. c. A population with a positive value of r will grow exponentially.

c. A population with a positive value of r will grow exponentially. (help: If the per capita rate of increase r > 0, the population is growing exponentially. Read about the exponential population growth model.)

Select the correct statement about the factors that limit the growth of a population. a. The most important factor limiting population growth is the scarcest factor in that area. b. Density-dependent factors are biotic; density-independent factors are abiotic. c. If a factor limits population growth, increasing its availability will increase population growth.

c. If a factor limits population growth, increasing its availability will increase population growth. (help: Once a factor limiting population growth becomes more available to a population, population growth will increase.)

The number of individuals that a particular habitat can support with no degradation of that habitat is called _____. survivorship community carrying capacity biotic potential niche

c. carrying capacity

Population ecologists follow the fate of same-age cohorts to a. determine the factors that regulate the size of a population. b. determine if a population's growth is cyclic. c. determine the birth rate and death rate of each group in a population. d. determine a population's carrying capacity. e. determine if a population is regulated by density-dependent processes.

c. determine the birth rate and death rate of each group in a population.

Which of the following is regarded as a density-independent factor in the growth of natural populations? emigration intraspecific competition flooding interspecific competition predation

c. flooding

In wild populations, individuals most often show a _____ pattern of dispersion. random clumped density-dependent uniform equilibrium

clumped (Individuals are often found clumped because they are interacting or are attracted to areas that provide the most favorable environmental conditions.)

A broad-based pyramid-shaped age structure is characteristic of a population that is _____. limited by density-dependent factors at carrying capacity shrinking growing rapidly stable

d growing rapidly

According to the logistic growth equation a. the population grows exponentially when K is small. b. the per capita growth rate (r) increases as N approaches K. c. the number of individuals added per unit time is greatest when N is close to zero. d. population growth is zero when N equals K. e. the birth rate (b) approaches zero as N approaches K.

d. population growth is zero when N equals K.

A recent study of ecological footprints concluded that a. it is not possible for technological improvements to increase Earth's carrying capacity for humans. b. Earth's carrying capacity for humans is about 10 billion. c. current demand by industrialized countries for resources is much smaller than the ecological footprint of those countries. d. the ecological footprint of the United States is large because per capita resource use is high. e. Earth's carrying capacity would increase if per capita meat consumption increased.

d. the ecological footprint of the United States is large because per capita resource use is high.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement on Earth's carrying capacity for humans? Which of the following is the most accurate statement on Earth's carrying capacity for humans? The human population has already exceeded K. The human population is still a long way from K. K is smaller now than it was a thousand years ago. When it comes to humans, the concept of K is irrelevant. Our technology has allowed the human population to keep increasing K.

e. Our technology has allowed the human population to keep increasing K.

The observation that members of a population are uniformly distributed suggests that a. the density of the population is low. b. the size of the area occupied by the population is increasing. c. resources are distributed unevenly. d. the members of the population are neither attracted to nor repelled by one another. e. the members of the population are competing for access to a resource.

e. the members of the population are competing for access to a resource.

Which of the following conditions favors "big-bang" reproduction? predictable physical environment intense intraspecific competition high levels of parental care low rates of offspring survival high rate of offspring survival

low rates of offspring survival (If the probability of any one offspring surviving is low, then parental fitness is enhanced by maximizing offspring production.)

In the models that describe population growth, r stands for _____. total number of individuals in the population carrying capacity a time interval per capita population growth rate population density

per capita population growth rate

pull and


To determine the density of a rabbit population, you would need to know the number of rabbits and _____. the factors that limit population growth for that rabbit population the size of the area in which they live the birth rate the growth rate of the population their pattern of dispersion

the size of the area in which they live

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