ch 6,7,8
Which of the following is true of behaviorism as a theory of learning?
Behaviorism focuses solely on observable behaviors.
Which of the following is true of acquisition in classical conditioning?
During acquisition, the neutral stimulus is repeatedly presented followed by the unconditioned stimulus.
Boris uses classical conditioning to teach his goldfish to swim to the surface of its tank to eat whenever Boris turns on the aquarium light. He drops food into the tank and then turns on the light. After several such trials, the fish shows no more inclination to swim to the surface when the light is turned on than it did on the first trial. In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following should Boris do to improve his training technique?
He should turn on the light before he drops the food into the tank.
Which of the following is true of implicit memory?
Implicit memory is related to nonconsciously remembering skills and sensory perceptions.
Which of the following is true of learning through operant conditioning?
In operant conditioning, organisms learn the association between behaviors and their consequences.
eyewitness memory
which of the following individuals are most commonly connected with the principles of operant conditioning
Thorndike and skinner
We defined learning as as
a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.
which is a more modern way of thinking about the impact of reinforcers on the likelihood of repeating a specific, rewarded behavior
animals will learn about the consequences of an action and will perform it based on how much they value those consequences
John, a six-year-old boy, loves dogs. However, after being bitten by one, he starts to fear dogs. Which of the following is true in the context of classical conditioning?
b. The dog becomes a conditioned stimulus after it bites John.
Chunking is the process of _____.
b. packing information that exceeds the 7 + 2 memory span into higher order units
Rodney suffers severe food poisoning after eating lunch at his school cafeteria. As a result of the experience, every time Rodney walks past the cafeteria and smells the food, he feels nauseated. In the context of classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus is the __
bad food
which famed psychologist created the boba doll?
pavlov condition his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell. next he flashes a green light every time the bell and food are presented, but the dogs do not learn to salivate to the green light, this demonstrates what?
Millie feels sick every time she travels by air. She associates flying with physical illness and, as a result, hates air travel. She also finds it difficult to watch movies with airplanes or read books about airplanes because they make her feel unwell. In this scenario, Millie is demonstrating learning through
classical conditioning
named after Russian psychologist who first identified its basic principles, pavlovian conditioning is also called
classical conditioning
memory that people in a group share
collective memory
Aaron has been using heroine at his friends apartment. one night Aaron takes the same dose of heroin when he is home alone, and nearly dies from an overdose. which phenomenon related to classical conditioning explains why this happened
conditioned compensatory responses
in pavlovian conditioning, a fundamental premise is that the only thing that a conditioned stimulus can cause a:
conditioned response
repeated learning experiences that become more automatic are?
why can't you remember what a driver in a random car was wearing?
did not encode the info
Yolanda dislikes going to the doctor for her illness because every time she does, she is prescribed medicines, which ruin her appetite and make her feel nauseated. She associates doctors with feelings of nausea. However, she is not afraid of visiting dentists. In this scenario, Yolanda's behavior best exemplifies _____ in classical conditioning.
every time the instructor says "to summarize todays lesson" the students start packing up their notebooks. what type of stimulus is this?
psychologist have pinpointed ___ or the phenomenon of having an event stand out as quite different from a background of similar events, as a key to remembering events
what principle is the hypothesis that a retrieval cue will be effective to the extent that info encoded from that cue overlaps or matches info In the memory trace?
encoding specificity
the correct order of the major processes of memory is?
encoding, storage, and retrieval
Best friends Kate and Diana are at the park, watching their children play together. Kate reminds Diana about the time that they had a big fight on the same playground as children and didn't talk to each other for almost a week. In the context of long-term memory, Kate's recollection of this event best exemplifies the use of her _____ memory.
remembering things from long ago
episodic memories
after their relationship ends, Mary is reminded of Sylvia constantly. over time, however, she stops associating everything she sees with her ex girlfriend. this demonstrates
what conditioning can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders such as phobias and panic disorder?
vivid personal memory of receiving news of some momentous, often emotional, event
flashbulb memory
in Ivan Pavlov's original experiment, the _____ served as an unconditioned stimulus because it naturally elicited a response from the dogs
Jennifer was stung by a bee several days ago and was in pain for many days. As a result of the painful experience, she cries out whenever a flying insect gets too close to her. Jennifer's reaction to flying insects best illustrates the concept of _____ in classical conditioning
misinformation effect
incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event
how would you characterize habit in terms of the stimulus-response outcome association?
its a stimulus and then a response association
professor uses bonus points for excellent attendance, he knows that behaviors that lead to satisfying outcomes are more likely to be repeated, this is the basic premise of what?
law of effect
false memories
memories for events that never happened, but were suggested by someone or something
synonym for engram
memory trace
when something is two minutes but you misremember and think its 10 minutes
who plays the part of a witness in a research study
mock witness
Liam is studying in his room for an exam but is disturbed by the loud music from his neighbor's house. He closes the window so that he can no longer hear the loud music. In the future he closes the window more often. In this scenario, Liam's behavior demonstrates _____ in operant conditioning.
negative reinforcement
which of the following statements accurately presents a major difference between operant and pavlovian conditioning
operant addresses voluntary behaviors while pavlovian addresses reflexive responses
Ryan, a five-year-old boy, receives a pat on the back every time he says "please" or "thank you." This encourages Ryan to use good manners as often as possible. In this scenario, Ryan demonstrates learning through
operant conditioning
Melvin is an elementary-school teacher who rewards his students with extra playing time whenever they do well on a class assignment. In this scenario, which of the following techniques is Melvin using to motivate his students to work harder?
positive reinforcement
evolutionary theorists suggested that human beings may have a natural aversion to bitter tastes because many lethal poisons have a bitter flavor. this natural ability to learn association for biological reasons is called____
effects that increase behaviors are called reinforcers, effects that decrease behaviors are called____
a reinforcer might not be particularly good at encouraging a behavior if many other, similar behaviors are also given similar rewards. This is the main point of the_____ law of effect
Kate is on the phone talking to her friend Paul, who is referring her for a job interview. Paul gives Kate a phone number, but before Kate can write it down, the call is disconnected. Kate can only recall the last three digits of the number that Paul gave her. This scenario best illustrates the _____ effect.
the process of encoding always involves___, that is taking the info from one form as its given to us and then converting it in a way that makes sense to us
what is the key process in memory?(ended tulving)
improving after practice is what kind of effect?
retrieval practice
Ryan, a high-school football player, received a head injury during a game. Following recovery, Ryan was unable to remember anything that happened before the injury. However, he was able to form new relationships and new memories. In the context of forgetting, Ryan's condition best exemplifies _____.
retrograde amnesia
memory template that is created through repeated exposure to a particular class of objects or events
shauntelle comes home from school one day, excited that she's learned the first five presidents of the United States, and shares that list with her mom. this general info about facts is an example of what kind of memory?
_____ refers to a person's knowledge about the world, his or her areas of expertise, general knowledge, and everyday knowledge.
semantic memory
little Rita watches Kalie constantly, often imitating her behaviors, Kalie serves as a ____ for Rita
social model
pauline the porpoise is taught to jump through a hoop when his trainer blows a whistle, when the show closes for the winter, pauline loses this trained response. one day, however someone blows a whistle in the crowd outside Pauli's tank and he jumps out of the water looking for a hoop, this re emergence of an extinguished response is called
spontaneous recovery
lia chews mint bubble gum everyday. after she gets the flu and feels nauseated she hates the taste of mint gum, this is an example of what?
taste aversion conditioning
eyewitness testimony
testimony by eyewitnesses to a crime about what they saw during commission of the crime
when you know someones name but can't seem to produce it in that moment
tip of the tongue
an unconditioned response is a
unlearned reaction
jill decides to study harder in class after seeing her teacher praise her classmate, Ricky, for doing well on a test. In the context of observational learning, this scenario best exemplifies learning through
vicarious reinforcement