Ch 7- Gender and Sports

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During times when there are struggles between gender defenders and gender benders, most people

C- find it difficult to give up ideas and beliefs they use to make sense of the world.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for increased sport participation rates among girls and women?

A- New publicly funded child care programs.

Which of the following is NOT among the key gender inequities that remain in the US sports and worldwide?

A- Rulings in civil court decisions

Persistent gender inequalities related to sport participation are due primarily to

A- a lack of sports that reflect the lived experiences of girls and women.

When gender activists talk about the "queering of sport," they are referring to

A- a process of revising the 2 sex system and making sports gender inclusive

Sport participation can empower girls and women as individuals, but

A- as an institution, sports remains gendered so it reaffirms heterosexual male power.

Research shows that playing sports has the potential to create feelings of personal empowerment among women athletes,

A- but those feelings don't automatically make one an activist for gender equity.

In male dominated and male identified sport cultures, women are hired only when they

A- can show that they can do things as men have done them

The dominant gender ideology associated with mainstream sports tends to

A- celebrate traditional ideas about masculinity.

In the chapter it is noted that full gender equity depends on developing alternative definitions of masculinity and femininity combined with

A- changing the way many sports are organized and played.

Female athletes continue to receive, on average, less support than male athletes receive in connection with their sport participation. Inequalities in support are highest in

A- community programs

Information on gender equality and the Summer Olympic Games shows that

A- fewer Olympic events are available to women than to men.

Despite the influence of Title IX, it has been difficult to achieve gender equity in schools where

A- football is the cultural centerpiece of school and community life.

Research on new media suggest that

A- girls and women are creating their own sport coverage on their own terms.

A woman coach is hired in an all-male athletic department. The search committee concluded that she was qualified because she coached like a man. This shows that the athletic department is

A- male dominated.

When sport worlds are male-centered it means that

A- men and men's lives are the expected focus of attention and stories.

After Ann Travers and her colleagues studied lesbian softball leagues in North America, they concluded that

A- re-negotiating sexed boundaries is a deeply complicated process.

Homophobia will continue to exist in some form in a society as long as

A- the 2 sex system is widely accepted

The primary reason that there are fewer female athletes than male athletes at the summer Olympic Game is because

A- there are fewer women's events in the summer games.

Most female athletes today manage gender issues by

A- using a "reformed apologetic" to appear both tough and feminine.

The Caster Semenya case demonstrated that

A- widespread ideas about femininity are linked with ideas about race.

The history of "fem testing" in the Olympics and other international sports shows that

B- human bodies don't fit neatly into 2 distinct sex categories.

According to Title IX law in the US, a school may comply with the law by meeting 1 of 3 legal tests. Which of the following is NOT one of those tests?

B- The moral equality test.

The International Olympic committee is probably the most powerful sport organization in the world. In terms of gender representation, which of the following statements about the IOC is NOT correct as of 2013?

B- Women make up 35% of its decision-making boards.

Data on participation and gender indicates that in comparison with the Olympic Games, the Paralympic games

B- have far fewer female athletes than male athletes

The gender ideology used in many cultures assumes a 2 category model for classifying sex and gender. When such a model is used, people...

B- ignore real physiological variations among males and among females.

There are many problems with the current IOC "Female fairness" policy. WHich of the following is NOT one of thsoe problems? The policy

B- is administered by male officials from the United Nations.

A network TV sport announcer refers to "The World Cup" and "The Women's World Cup." THis vocabulary suggests the announcer views sport in terms that are

B- male identified

The diagram of the 2 category classification model indicates that

B- men have a better chance of gaining power in society than women have.

When Title IX became law in 1972

B- men received about 99% of public school resources devoted to sports.

Research by Eric Anderson and his colleague indicate that

B- there is a more inclusive form of masculinity emerging among young men.

Research on alternative and active sports shows that

B- they are organized around the values and experiences of males

Most people around the world agree that girls and women should have opportunities to play sport, but they often disagree on

B- what sports they should play and the resources they should receive.

Dominant gender ideology in many societies today is organized around 3 ideas and beliefs. Which of the following is NOT one of the ideas/beliefs?

B- women are destined by fate to be inferior to men in family structure.

As sport programs become increasingly privatized,

B-girls and women will lose participation opportunities.

Acosta and Carpenter's 40 year longitudinal study of trends related to gender in intercollegiate sports indicates that women

C- coach proportionately fewer women's sport teams today than in 1977.

In her book on lesbians and homophobia in sports, author Pat Griffin notes that myths about lesbians have a number of consequences in sports. Which of the following is NOT one of those consequences?

C- A widespread belief that lesbians can't play sports as well as heterosexuals.

Which of the following characterizes the state of gender equity in US high schools and colleges?

C- Neither high schools nor colleges have achieved equity.

Research indicates that girls and women often feel certain things when they develop strength through sport participation. Which of the following is NOT one of the things?

C- They feel that their bodies will be perceived as attractive to others.

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why women are underrepresented in coaching and administrative positions in sports?

C- Women don't have the business experience needed to succeed in sport programs.

Which of the following is NOT among the barriers that can restrict progress toward gender equity in sports?

C- Women, by nature, are less physically active than men are.

When women are hired in coaching and administrative positions in sport organizations, they may have low levels of job satisfaction due to

C- an organizational culture that provides little support for them

The US government law, Title IX, prohibits gender discrimination in

C- any educational institution receiving federal money.

In the discussion of gender issues in informal and alternative sports it is noted that

C- boys and men generally control who plays in these settings.

Sports are culturally important in many societies, because they

C- celebrate masculine virility and power and reproduce hegemonic masculinity.

The author claims that achieving full gender equity in sports requires

C- changes in orthodox gender ideology.

The diagram of the 2 category classification model indicates that

C- gays and lesbians are considered out of normative bounds.

Data show that sport participation opportunities for girls and women are

C- generally scarce at the professional level.

The author concludes that at this point in time the most effective strategy for achieving gender equity in sport is

C- grass roots action that identify inequities and support needed changes

The celebrity feminism that is so often portrayed in the media clearly emphasizes

C- individualism and consumption

Among the equity producing actions identified in the chapter is

C- inform the media of policies or practices that decrease opportunities for women.

People maintain a silence about gay men in sports primarily because

C- men have much to lose if gender boundaries are blurred.

If the body of a female athlete naturally produces testosterone that equals that of an average man, she can complete as a women

C- only if her body cannot process or use any amount of testosterone.

When sport worlds are male-identified it means that

C- people assume that it involves men and is about men.

The most glaring gender inequality with respect to sport participation occurs at the

C- professional level

In the section on Gender Equity and Sexuality, the author provides examples suggesting that

C- sports in certain regions have become less supportive contexts for homophobia.

Overall, the health and fitness movement has made many people aware of the tension between public health among women and the companies that

C- use unreal body images to market products to girls and women.

The myths surrounding women's participation in sports during the first half of the 20th century

C- were widely accepted because they were seen to protect women's bodies.

When sport worlds are male-dominated it means that

D- ability and qualifications are associated with manhood and men.

An emphasis on "cosmetic fitness" and thinness among women can have a negative effect on sport participation because it leads women to

D- associate sport participation with losing weight

To avoid appease men and discourage men from seeing them as invaders of male spaces in sports, female athletes during the 20th century

D- chose to call themselves "ladies" when they played sports.

Boys and men have a stake in gender equity because progress toward gender equity will

D- create social and cultural space for inclusive forms of masculinity

The author notes that in response to the masculinized cultures in most alternative sports, some women have

D- created or revised sports to fit their experiences and goals

When women in the US began to overcome barriers to sport participation during the first half of the 20th century, they

D- first claimed participation spaces in "graces and beauty sports."

The most dramatic change in the world of sport over the past 2 generations has been the increase in the number of

D- girls and women who play sports around the world.

Opposition to Title IX remains strong today, and dozens of lawsuits have been filed against the law. Over the past 40 years, court decisions have

D- have always upheld the legality of the law and its enforcement guidelines.

In the discussion of increased media coverage of women in sports, the author notes that seeing women athletes on TV

D- is useful because it provides alternatives to sexually objectified women.

One of the problems with a 2 category classification model is that it

D- leaves no normative space for those who don't fit into either category.

The images associated with dominant sports in most societies today tend to promote a manhood based on

D- power and control

Former Stanford athlete and current author Mariah Burton Nelson has hypothesized that as women gain more power in society, men

D- prefer manly sports such as football.

Transgender athletes have pushed gender boundaries to the point that

D- the IOC and NCAA have created policies to allow their participation

Sanctions for failing to achieve gender equity have been few and far for US High schools and colleges primarily because

D- the US Office for Civil Rights lacks the resources to investigate complaints.

Gay men and lesbians in sports may be ignored, marginalized or harassed because

D- they challenge assumptions that underlie dominant ideas about gender.

In comparison with sport program for girls and women, programs for boys and men are more likely to survive budget cuts because

D- they've had more years to develop legitimacy, support, fans and sponsorships.

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