Ch. 7 Notes
1. unconscious need 2. habit; automatic
1. An implicit motive is an ________ _____. 2. An implicit goal is a previously formed ______ that is now ________.
1. long-term behavior patterns 2. short-term decisions in specific situations
1. Implicit motives predict... 2. Explicit motives predict...
1. growth-oriented; light 2. deficiency-oriented; dark
1. The need for intimacy is a ______-________ need, or the "______ side" of an affiliation need. 2. The need for approval is a _______-________ need, or the "______ side" of an affiliation need.
leadership motive pattern 1. high power 2. low affiliation 3. high inhibition
A special variant of the need for power is the ________ ______ _______, which consists of the threefold pattern of: 1. Need for _____ ______ 2. Low need for intimacy (_____ _______) 3. _____ ________
All of us need competence, autonomy, and relatedness, because these are universal human needs. In contrast, implicit needs have a _______, rather than innate, origin.
need-congenial emotions
Based on this personal experience, people gravitate toward the environments that are capable of activating ______-________ _______ that functionally satisfy their implicit motives.
1. Implcit motives; unconscious; cannot be measured with self-report 2. behavior & performance; attitudes & values
David McClelland studied implicit motives through self-reports, which he found were contradictory in what people said they were going to do versus what they actually ended up doing. His conclusion: 1. _______ _______ are _________ and... 2. Implicit motives predicted people's _______ & ________, whereas explicit motives predicted only people's ________ & _______.
unconscious; conscious
Desires and feelings represent the language of the _________, while thoughts and words represent the language of the ________.
implicit motives
Enduring (trait-like), unconscious needs that influence what a person thinks about, feels, and does; a psychological need that is implied or inferred from the person's characteristic thought, emotions, and behavior.
decrease; motivational energy; decreasing; necessary energy; tricking us into feeling like we've already achieved our goal
Even though positive fantasies give us direction, they _______ the ________ ______ by _______ the ________ ______, and...
tailored; specific situation; specify; clear course; action; habit
Good implementation intentions are _______ to a _______ ________, and ______ a ______ _______ of ______; because of this, they turn goal-striving into a ______.
respond; approach-oriented
High-need-for-achievement individuals generally _______ with _______-_______ emotions (e.g., hope) and behaviors.
1. leadership & recognition 2. drink alcohol; dominance 3. impulses of aggression 4. influential occupations 5. prestige possessions 6. get what they want
High-power-need individuals: 1. Strive for _______ & _______ in small groups 2. ______ _______ to enhance their sense of ________ 3. Experience frequent _______ ___ _______ 4. Prefer _______ ________ 5. Amass _______ _________ 6. Generally ____ _____ _____ _____ during goal pursuit
If implicit motives are non-conscious, they need to be _______, rather than reported.
if-then statements; specify; goal-striving; in advance
Implementation intentions are ______ _______ that ______ the _____-_______ process ___ _______.
reactive; need-satisfying incentive; emotionality
Implicit motives are mostly ______ in nature. They lie dormant within us until we encounter a potentially ______-________ _______ that activates a particular pattern of _________.
Implicit motives are not always reactive, however, as people also learn to _______ the emergence of these same social incentives in their daily lives.
predicting behavior; affect / emotion
Implicit motives do a BETTER job of _______ _______ than explicit motives. What a person "needs" within an implicit motive is to experience a particular pattern of ______ / _______.
Implicit needs might not direct goal setting, but rather the ________ that one likes to do a certain task.
specific social incentives
Implicit needs motivate the person toward the pursuit and attainment of _______ ______ ________.
1. moderately difficult 2. engage quickly & enthusiastically 3. more effort; perform better 4. persist 5. personal responsibility
Individuals high in the need for achievement typically: 1. Choose _______ _______ tasks 2. _______ ______ & _________ in achievement-related tasks 3. Put forth ______ _______ and _______ ______ on moderately difficult tasks 4. _______ in the face of difficulty and failure 5. Take _______ _________ for successes and failures
positive fantasies
Indulging in fantasies about the future
goal conflict
Occurs when the pursuit of one goal impairs the likelihood of success in reaching another goal.
goal facilitation
Occurs when the pursuit of one goal simultaneously increases the likelihood of success in reaching another goal.
emotional & behavioral potentials; situational incentives
Once acquired in childhood, people later in life experience implicit needs as _______ & ________ ________ that are activated by particular ________ ________.
laugh, smile, more eye contact
People with a high implicit intimacy motive ______, _____, and make ______ _____ _______ during face-to-face interaction.
explicit motives
People's conscious, readily accessible, and verbally-stated motivations; can be assessed with self-report questionnaires.
Positive fantasies are okay if you remember ______.
necessary energy
Positive fantasies can be bad for motivation and performance because they give direction to the action but they do NOT give action the ________ ______.
positively correlated; process focus
Process focus and outcome focus are often _______ ________ (if you're doing one, you're probably doing the other), but most research suggests that _______ ______ leads to more successful goal-striving than outcome focus.
goal-striving; allows us to self-regulate; determine what steps
Receiving concrete feedback on goal progress in a timely manner can help during _____-_______ because it ______ ____ ___ _____-_______ and ________ _____ ______ we need to take to get closer to our goal.
acquired individual differences;
Social needs develop within us as _______ ________ ________—as an acquired or learned part of our personality. The way we think about these needs is to adopt an individual differences approach.
preferences; experience & socialization
Social needs originate from _______ gained through _________ & __________.
process focus
The degree to which a person attends to all the aspects of the goal that are related to the means of goal pursuit driving goal-striving.
outcome focus
The degree to which a person attends to the desired outcomes and consequences of goal pursuit during goal striving.
moderately difficult tasks, competition, entrepeneurship
The implicit achievement motive is involved in and satisfied by...
social acceptance, approval, reassurance
The implicit affiliation motive is satisfied by...
participating in warm relationships.
The implicit intimacy motive is satisfied by...
impact, control, influence
The implicit power motive is satisfied by having ______, ______, and _______ over others or the world at large.
intimacy; social motive
The need for ______ is the ______ ______ for engaging in warm, close relationships that produce positive emotions and hold little threat of rejection.
The need for _______ involves establishing, maintaining, and restoring relationships with others, mostly to avoid negative emotions such as disapproval and loneliness.
do well relative to a standard of excellence
The need for achievement is the desire to...
physical & social; conform
The need for power is the desire to make the _______ & ______ world _______ to one's personal image for it.
depriving; social interaction
The principal condition that involves the need for affiliation is _______ people of the opportunity for ______ _______.
self-disclosure; positive affect
The principal conditions that involve the intimacy need are engaging in, developing, and maintaining warm, close relationships such as joining social groups, spending time and interacting with others, and forming stable, long-lasting relationships characterized by _____-_______ and _______ _______.
doing something well to show personal competence
The social incentive that activates the achievement need is...
please others; gain; approval; warm & secure relationship
The social incentive that activates the affiliation need is the opportunity to ______ _______ and _____ their _______; involvement in a ______ & _______ ________.
social influence, having an impact on others
The social incentive that activates the power need is...
automatically activate goal pursuit; habit
When a goal is repeatedly linked with a situation, the situation itself will _________ _______ _____ _______, like a _______.
desire for particular affective experiences
Whether social needs are reactive or anticipatory, the core of implicit motives is the...
describe themselves; inferred; picture cues
With explicit measures, people _______ _________, while implicit motives are _______ from what people write in response to the _______ ______ on the PSE.