CH 8: The Digestive System

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(JAWN-dis) is a yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and eyes. This condition is caused by greater-than-normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood.

celiac disease

(SEE-lee-ak) is a hereditary autoimmune disorder characterized by a severe reaction to foods containing gluten. Gluten is a type of protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. This common disorder damages the villi of the small intestine and can cause malabsorption.


(VOL-view-lus) is the twisting of the intestine on itself, causing an obstruction. Volvulus is a Latin word meaning rolled up or twisted. This condition can cause necrosis of the affected segment of the bowel


(YOU-view-lah) is the third part, and it hangs from the free edge of the soft palate. During swallowing, it moves upward with the soft palate. It also plays an important role in snoring and in the formation of some speech sounds.


(ah-NOS-koh-pee) is the visual examination of the anal canal and lower rectum (an/o means anus, and -scopy means visual examination).


(ah-SIGH-teez) is an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. This condition is usually the result of severe liver disease creating pressure on the liver's blood vessels. As used here, the term serous means a substance having a watery consistency.


(ah-nas-toh-MOH-sis) is a surgical connection between two hollow, or tubular, structures (plural, anastomoses).


(ah-noh-RECK-tal) refers to the anus and rectum as a single unit (an/o means anus, rect means rectum, and -al means pertaining to).


(an-NAB-oh-lizm) is the building up of body cells and substances from nutrients. Anabolism is the opposite of catabolism.


(an-oh-RECK-see-ah) is the loss of appetite for food, especially when caused by disease. Anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders are discussed under "Mental Health"


(dye-ver-tick-you-LOH-sis) is the chronic presence of an abnormal number of diverticula in the colon (diverticul means diverticulum, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease). Diverticulosis, which often has no symptoms, is believed to be related to a low-fiber diet.


(en-ter-EYE-tis) is an inflammation of the small intestine caused by eating or drinking substances contaminated with viral or bacterial pathogens (enter means small intestine, and -itis means inflammation).


(gas-TRECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of all or a part of the stomach (gastr means stomach, and -ectomy means surgical removal).


(gas-troh-REE-ah) is the excessive secretion of gastric juice or mucus in the stomach (gastr/o means stomach, and -rrhea means flow or discharge).


(gas-troh-en-ter-EYE-tis) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the stomach and intestines (gastr/o means stomach, enter means small intestine, and -itis means inflammation).


(hem-oh-roid-ECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of hemorrhoids (hemorrhoid means hemorrhoid, and -ectomy means surgical removal). Rubber band ligation is often used instead of surgery. Rubber bands cut off the circulation at the base of the hemorrhoid, causing it to eventually fall off. Ligation means the tying off of blood vessels or ducts.


(hep-ah-toh-MEG-ah-lee) is the abnormal enlargement of the liver (hepat/o means liver, and -megaly means enlargement).


(high-per-EM-eh-sis) is extreme, persistent vomiting that can cause dehydration (hyper- means excessive, and -emesis means vomiting). During the early stages of pregnancy, this is known as morning sickness.

ileocecal sphincter

(ill-ee-oh-SEE-kull) is the ring-like muscle that controls the flow from the ileum of the small intestine into the cecum of the large intestine

bowel incontinence

(in-KON-tih-nents) is the inability to control the excretion of feces. Urinary incontinence is discussed in


(koh-LAN-jee-og-rah-fee) is a radiographic examination of the bile ducts with the use of a contrast medium (cholangi/o means bile duct, and -graphy means the process of recording). This test is used to identify obstructions in the liver or bile ducts that slow or block the flow of bile from the liver. The resulting record is a cholangiogram.


(koh-LOT-oh-mee) is a surgical incision into the colon (col means colon, and -otomy means a surgical incision).


(koh-lan-JIGH-tis) is an acute inflammation of the bile duct characterized by pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, fever, and jaundice (cholang means bile duct, and -itis means inflammation). The most common cause is a bacterial infection.


(koh-led-oh-koh-lih-THOT-oh-mee) is an incision into the common bile duct for the removal of a gallstone (choledoch/o means the common bile duct, lith means stone, and -otomy means surgical incision).


(koh-leh-lih-THIGH-ah-sis) is the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts (chole means bile or gall, and -lithiasis means presence of stones). -Pain caused by the passage of a gallstone through the bile duct is called biliary colic.


(koh-luh-sis-TYE-tis) is inflammation of the gallbladder, usually associated with gallstones blocking the flow of bile (cholecyst means gallbladder, and -itis means inflammation).


(mal-oh-KLOO-zhun) is any deviation from the normal positioning of the upper teeth against the lower teeth.


(meh-LEE-nah), in contrast to hematochezia, is the passage of black, tarry, foul-smelling stools. This appearance of the stools is caused by the presence of digested blood and often indicates bleeding in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract.


(meh-TAB-oh-lizm) includes all of the processes involved in the body's use of nutrients (metabol means change, and -ism means condition). It consists of two parts: anabolism and catabolism.

nasogastric intubation

(nay-zoh-GAS-trick in-too-BAY-shun) (NG tube) is the placement of a feeding tube through the nose and into the stomach (nas/o means nose, gastr means stomach, and -ic means pertaining to). This tube, which is placed temporarily, provides nutrition for patients who cannot take sufficient nutrients by mouth


(pehr-ee-oh-DON-shee-um) describes the structures that surround, support, and are attached to the teeth (peri- means surrounding, odonti means the teeth, and -um is a noun ending). This consists of the bone of the dental arches and the soft tissues that surround and support the teeth.


(pehr-ee-oh-DON-tist) is a dental specialist who prevents or treats disorders of the tissues surrounding the teeth (peri- means surrounding, odont means the teeth, and -ist means specialist).


(prock-TOL-oh-jist) is a physician who specializes in disorders of the colon, rectum, and anus (proct means anus and rectum, and -ologist means specialist).

dental prophylaxis

(proh-fih-LACK-sis) is the professional cleaning of the teeth to remove plaque and calculus. The term prophylaxis also refers to a treatment intended to prevent a disease or stop it from spreading. Examples include vaccination to provide immunity against a specific disease.


(pye-ROH-sis), also known as heartburn, is the burning sensation caused by the return of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus (pyr means fever or fire, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease).

nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

(stee-ah-toh-hep-ah-TYE-tis) (NASH) is a more serious form of this condition because it consists of fatty accumulations plus liver-damaging inflammation (steat/o means fat, hepat means liver, and -itis mean inflammation). In some cases, this will progress to cirrhosis, irreversible liver scarring, or liver cancer.


(stoh-mah-TYE-tis) is an inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth (stomat means mouth or oral cavity, and -itis means inflammation). Note: The word stoma, which occurs in the later section "Ostomies," refers to an artificial mouth-like opening between an organ and the body's surface.


(stoh-mah-toh-my-KOH-sis) is any disease of the mouth due to a fungus (stomat/o means mouth or oral cavity, myc means fungus, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease).

inflammatory bowel disease

-(IBD) is the general name for diseases that cause inflammation and swelling in the intestines. The two most common inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. -These conditions are grouped together because both are chronic and incurable and can affect the large and small intestines. They also have similar symptoms, which include abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, fever, rectal bleeding, and diarrhea. -These conditions tend to occur at intervals of active disease known as flares alternating with periods of remission. Flares of these disorders are treated with medication and surgery to remove diseased portions of the intestine.



food allergy

is an immune system reaction that occurs after eating a certain food


is the process by which complex foods are broken down into nutrients in a form the body can use. -Digestive enzymes are responsible for the chemical changes that break foods down into simpler forms of nutrients for use by the body. -A nutrient is a substance, usually from food, that is necessary for normal functioning of the body. The primary, or macronutrients, are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Vitamins and minerals are essential micronutrients, which means they are required only in small amounts.


which aids in the digestion of fats, is a digestive juice secreted by the liver that is necessary for the digestion of fat. Bile travels from the liver to the gallbladder, where it is concentrated and stored. The word part chol/e refers to bile.

aphthous ulcers

(AF-thus UL-serz), also known as canker sores or mouth ulcers, are gray-white pits with a red border in the soft tissues lining the mouth. Although the exact cause is unknown, the appearance of these very common sores is associated with stress, certain foods, or fever. -An ulcer is an open lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting in tissue loss around the edges

body mass index

(BMI) is a number that shows body weight adjusted for height. The results fall into one of these categories: underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. A high BMI is one of many factors related to developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes. --Obesity is frequently present as a comorbidity with conditions such as hypertension (Chapter 5) or diabetes (Chapter 13). Comorbidity describes the presence of more than one disease or health condition in an individual at a given time.


(BRUCK-sizm) is the involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth that usually occurs during sleep and is associated with tension or stress. It can also occur habitually during the day. Bruxism wears away tooth structure, damages periodontal tissues, and injures the temporomandibular joint.

crohn's disease (KROHNZ)

(CD) is a chronic autoimmune disorder that can occur anywhere in the digestive tract; however, it is most often found in the ileum and in the colon. --In contrast to ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease generally penetrates every layer of tissue in the affected area. This can result in scarring and thickening of the walls of the affected structures. The most common complication of Crohn's disease is blockage of the intestine due to swelling and scarring.


(EH-neh-ma) is the placement of a solution into the rectum and colon to empty the lower intestine through bowel activity. An enema is sometimes part of the preparation for an endoscopic examination; however, enemas are also used to treat severe constipation and as a means of injecting medication into the body.


(EM-eh-sis), also known as vomiting, is the reflex ejection of the stomach contents outward through the mouth. Emesis is used either as a standalone term or as the suffix -emesis.


(EN-doh-skope) is an instrument used for an endoscopy, a visual examination of internal structures (endo- means within, and -scope means an instrument for visual examination).

hemoccult test

(HEE-moh-kult), also known as the fecal occult blood test, is a laboratory test for hidden blood in stool (hem means blood, and -occult means hidden). The test kit is used to obtain the specimens at home, and the results are then evaluated in a laboratory.


(HEM-oh-roids) occur when a cluster of veins, muscles, and tissues slip near or through the anal opening. These veins can become inflamed, resulting in pain, fecal leakage, itching, and bleeding.

herpes labialis

(HER-peez lay-bee-AL-iss), also known as cold sores or fever blisters, are blister-like sores on the lips and adjacent facial tissue that are caused by the oral herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Most adults have been infected by this extremely common virus, and in some, it becomes reactivated periodically, causing cold sores.

irritable bowel syndrome

(IBS) is a common condition of unknown cause with symptoms that can include intermittent cramping and abdominal pain, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. This condition, which is usually aggravated by stress and by eating certain foods, is not believed to be caused by pathogens (bacteria or viruses).


(ILL-ee-um), which is the last and longest portion of the small intestine, extends from the jejunum to the cecum of the large intestine.


(ILL-ee-us) is the partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine. This condition is also known as paralytic ileus, and it is caused by the stopping of the normal peristalsis of this area of the intestine. Symptoms of ileus can include severe pain, cramping, abdominal distention, vomiting, and the inability to pass gas or stools. --Postoperative ileus is a temporary impairment (stoppage) of bowel action that is considered to be a normal response to abdominal surgery. It is often present for 24 to 72 hours, depending on which part of the digestive system was treated.

inguinal hernia

(ING-gwih-nal HER-nee-ah) is the protrusion of a small loop of bowel through a weak place in the lower abdominal wall or groin (inguin means groin, and -al means pertaining to). This condition can be caused by obesity, pregnancy, heavy lifting, or straining to pass a stool.


(JIN-jih-vah), also known as masticatory mucosa or the gums, is the specialized mucous membrane that covers the bone of the dental arches and surrounds the neck of the teeth (plural gingivae).

dental calculus

(KAL-kyou-luhs), also known as tartar, is dental plaque that has calcified (hardened) on the teeth. These deposits irritate the surrounding tissues and cause increasingly serious periodontal diseases. The term calculus is also used to describe hard deposits, such as gallstones or kidney stones, that form in other parts of the body.

dental caries

(KAYR-eez), also known as tooth decay or a cavity, is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that destroy the enamel and dentin of the tooth. If the decay process is not arrested, the pulp can be exposed and become infected.

morbid obesity

(MOR-bid oh-BEE-sih-tee), also known as severe obesity, is the condition of weighing two times or more than the ideal weight or having a body mass index value greater than 40. As used here, the term morbid means a diseased state.

nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

(NAFLD) describes the accumulation of fat in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol. Those with this condition, which usually has no signs or symptoms, are most often individuals who are obese, have type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol, or a combination of these conditions.


(NAW-see-ah) is the urge to vomit.

oral rehydration therapy

(ORT) is a treatment in which a solution of electrolytes is administered in a liquid preparation to counteract the dehydration that can accompany diarrhea, especially in young children (re- means back or again, hydra means water, and -tion is the process of).


(OSS-toh-mee) is a surgical procedure to create an artificial opening between an organ and the body surface. This artificial opening is also known as a stoma. Ostomy can be used alone as a noun to describe a procedure or as a suffix with the word part that describes the organ involved.


(PAL-ah-toh-plas-tee) is surgical repair of a cleft palate, also used to refer to the repair of a cleft lip (palat/o means palate, and -plasty means surgical repair)


(PAL-at), which forms the roof of the mouth, consists of three major parts

dental plaque

(PLACK), which is a major cause of dental caries and periodontal disease, forms as soft deposits in sheltered areas near the gums and between the teeth. Dental plaque consists of bacteria and bacterial by-products. In contrast, the plaque associated with heart conditions consists of deposits of cholesterol that form within blood vessels


(POL-up) is a mushroom-like growth from the surface of a mucous membrane. Not all polyps are malignant.


(PROCK-toh-peck-see) is the surgical fixation of a prolapsed rectum to an adjacent tissue or organ (proct/o means rectum, and -pexy means surgical fixation). Prolapse means the falling or dropping down of an organ or internal part.

registered dietitian

(RD) is a specialist in food and nutrition who practices medical nutrition therapy and counsels patients on improving their dietary intake.


(RECK-toh-seel) is a bulging of the front wall of the rectum into the vagina, usually as the result of childbirth or pregnancy (rect/o means rectum, and -cele means hernia).


(ROO-gay) are the folds in the mucosa lining of the stomach. These folds allow the stomach to increase and decrease in size. Glands located within these folds produce gastric juices.


(SEE-kum) is a pouch that lies on the right side of the abdomen. It extends from the end of the ileum to the beginning of the colon.

sigmoid colon

(SIG-moid) is an S-shaped structure that continues from the descending colon above and joins the rectum below. Sigmoid means curved like the letter S.

total parenteral nutrition

(TPN) is administered to patients who cannot or should not get their nutrition through eating. All of the patient's nutritional requirements are met through a specialized solution administered intravenously. Parenteral means not in or through the digestive system.


(TRIZ-mus) describes any restriction to the opening of the mouth caused by trauma, surgery, or radiation associated with the treatment of oral cancer. This condition causes difficulty in speaking and affects the patient's nutrition due to impaired ability to chew and swallow.

ulcerative colitis

(UL-ser-ay-tiv koh-LYE-tis) (UC) is a chronic condition of unknown cause in which repeated episodes of inflammation in the rectum and large intestine cause ulcers (lesions in the mucous membrane) and irritation (col means colon, and -itis means inflammation) (Figure 8.14). -Ulcerative colitis usually starts in the rectum and progresses upward to the lower part of the colon; however, it can affect the entire large intestine. -Ulcerative colitis affects only the innermost lining and not the deep tissues of the colon.

peptic ulcers

(UL-serz) are sores that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive system (pept means digestion, and -ic means pertaining to). Peptic ulcers are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or by medications, such as aspirin, that irritate the mucous membranes (Figure 8.12). The condition of having peptic ulcers is referred to as peptic ulcer disease. -Gastric ulcers are peptic ulcers that occur in the stomach. -Duodenal ulcers are peptic ulcers that occur in the upper part of the small intestine. -A perforating ulcer is a complication of a peptic ulcer in which the ulcer erodes through the entire thickness of the organ wall.


(ab-SORP-shun) is the process by which completely digested nutrients are transported to the cells throughout the body. -The mucosa that lines the small intestine is covered with finger-like projections called villi (VILL-eye) (singular, villus). Each villus contains blood vessels and lacteals. The blood vessels absorb nutrients directly from the digestive system into the bloodstream for delivery to the cells of the body. -The lacteals, which are specialized structures of the lymphatic system, absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins that cannot be transported directly by the bloodstream. Instead they absorb these nutrients and transport them via lymphatic vessels. As these nutrients are being transported, they are filtered by the lymph nodes in preparation for their delivery to the bloodstream


(an-tie-OX-ih-dants) are chemicals such as vitamins A, C, and E; carotene; and lutein that may prevent or delay cell damage by blocking the activity of potentially harmful chemicals called free radicals. Antioxidants are naturally present in fruits, beans, berries, nuts, and dark chocolate.


(an-tih-ee-MET-ick) is a medication that is administered to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting (anti- means against, emet means vomit, and -ic means pertaining to).


(ayr-oh-FAY-jee-ah) is the excessive swallowing of air while eating or drinking and is a common cause of gas in the stomach (aer/o means air, and -phagia means swallowing).


(bayr-ee-AT-ricks) is the branch of medicine concerned with the prevention and control of obesity and associated diseases.


(bill-ih-ROO-bin) is a pigment excreted into the digestive fluid called bile, giving it a yellow to green color. Excessive amounts of bilirubin in the body can lead to jaundice and other diseases.


(dew-oh-DEE-num) is the first portion of the small intestine. The duodenum extends from the pylorus of the stomach to the jejunum.


(dis-FAY-jee-ah) is difficulty in swallowing (dys- means difficult, and -phagia means swallowing).


(dis-PEP-see-ah), also known as indigestion, is pain or discomfort in digestion (dys- means painful, and -pepsia means digestion).


(dye-ah-REE-ah) is an abnormally frequent flow of loose or watery stools and can lead to dehydration (dia- means through, and -rrhea means flow or discharge).


(dye-ver-TICK-you-lum) is a small pouch, or sac, found in the lining or wall of a tubular organ such as the colon (plural, diverticula).


(dye-ver-tick-you-LECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of a diverticulum (diverticul means diverticulum, and -ectomy means surgical removal).


(dye-ver-tick-you-LYE-tis), which sometimes develops as a result of diverticulosis, is the inflammation or infection of one or more diverticulum in the colon (diverticul means diverticulum, and -itis means inflammation). Symptoms of this condition can include sudden abdominal pain, cramping, and nausea


(ee-DEN-too-lus) means without teeth. This term describes the situation after the natural permanent teeth have been lost.

eosinophilic esophagitis

(ee-oh-sin-ah-FIL-ik eh-sof-ah-JEYE-tis) (EoE) is a chronic immune system disease in which a type of white blood cell called an eosinophil builds up in the esophagus, usually as the result of an allergy to certain foods (esophag means esophagus and -itis means inflammation). The resulting inflammation can make it difficult to swallow. This disease appears to be increasingly common in children and adults.


(eh-ruk-TAY-shun) is the act of belching or raising gas orally from the stomach.

esophageal varices

(eh-sof-ah-JEE-al VAYR-ih-seez) are enlarged and swollen veins at the lower end of the esophagus (singular, varix). Severe bleeding occurs if one of these veins ruptures.


(eh-sof-ah-goh-gas-troh-dew-oh-deh-NOS-koh-pee) is an endoscopic procedure that allows direct visualization of the upper GI tract (esophag/o means esophagus, gastr/o means stomach, duoden/o means duodenum, and -scopy means visual examination). This includes the esophagus, stomach, and upper duodenum.

gastrostomy tube

(gas-TROS-toh-mee) is a surgically placed feeding tube from the exterior of the body directly into the stomach (gastr means stomach, and -ostomy means surgically creating an opening). This is also known as a G-tube, and it is permanently placed to provide nutrition for patients who cannot swallow or take sufficient nutrients by mouth


(gas-TRY-tis) is a common inflammation of the stomach lining that is often caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (gastr means stomach, and -itis means inflammation).


(gas-troh-dew-oh-deh-NOS-toh-mee) is the establishment of an anastomosis between the upper portion of the stomach and the duodenum (gastr/o means stomach, duoden means first part of the small intestine, and -ostomy means surgically creating an opening). This procedure is performed to treat stomach cancer or to remove a malfunctioning pyloric valve.

gastroesophageal reflux disease

(gas-troh-eh -sof-ah-JEE-al REE-flucks), also known as GERD, is the upward flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus (gastr/o means stomach, esophag means esophagus, and -eal means pertaining to). Reflux means a backward or return flow. When this occurs, the stomach acid irritates and damages the delicate lining of the esophagus.


(gas-troh-en-ter-OL-oh-jist) is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestines (gastr/o means stomach, enter means small intestine, and -ologist means specialist).

gastrointestinal tract

(gas-troh-in-TESS-tih-nal), which is also known as the GI tract (gastr/o means stomach, intestin means intestine, and -al means pertaining to). These organs work in cooperation with accessory organs


(gas-troh-pah-REE-sis) is a condition in which the muscles in the stomach slow down and work poorly or not at all, preventing the stomach from emptying normally (gastr/o means stomach, -paresis means partial paralysis).


(hal-ih-TOH-sis), also known as bad breath, is an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth that can be caused by dental diseases or respiratory or gastric disorders (halit means breath, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease).


(hee-mah-TEM-eh-sis) is the vomiting of blood (hemat means blood, and -emesis means vomiting). The substance that is vomited often resembles coffee grounds.


(hee-mat-oh-KEE-zee-uh) is the presence of bright red blood in the stool. This bright red color usually indicates that the blood is coming from the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract.


(hep-ah-TECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of all or part of the liver (hepat means liver, and -ectomy means surgical removal).


(hep-ah-TYE-tis) is an inflammation of the liver usually caused by a viral infection (hepat means liver, and -itis means inflammation). Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplants. The three most common varieties of viral hepatitis

hiatal hernia

(high-AY-tal HER-nee-ah) is an anatomical abnormality in which a portion of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest, through an opening in the diaphragm (hiat means opening, and -al means pertaining to). A hernia is the protrusion of a part or structure through the tissues that normally contain it. This condition can cause GERD and pyrosis


(ill-ee-ECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of the ileum (ile means the ileum, and -ectomy means surgical removal. Note: This term is spelled with a double e.


(ill-ee-OS-toh-mee) is the surgical creation of an artificial excretory opening between the ileum, at the end of the small intestine, and the outside of the abdominal wall (ile means small intestine, and -ostomy means surgically creating an opening).

intravenous fluids

(in-trah-VEE-nus) (IV) are administered to combat the effects of dehydration (intra- means within, ven/o means vein, and -us is a noun ending


(in-tus-sus-SEP-shun) is the telescoping of one part of the small intestine into the opening of an immediately adjacent part (intussuscept means to take up or to receive within, and -ion means condition). This rare but serious condition is sometimes found in children between three months and six years of age.

ischemic colitis

(is-KEY-mick koh-LYE-tis) occurs when part of the large intestine is partially or completely deprived of blood. If this lack of blood persists, it can lead to inflammation and permanent damage of the affected area.


(jeh-JOO-num), which is the middle portion of the small intestine, extends from the duodenum to the ileum.


(jin-jih-VECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of diseased gingival tissue (gingiv means gingival tissue, and -ectomy means surgical removal).


(jin-jih-VYE-tis) is the earliest stage of periodontal disease, and the inflammation affects only the gums (gingiv means gums, and -itis means inflammation).


(kah-KEKS-eeh-ah) is a condition of physical wasting away due to the loss of weight and muscle mass that occurs in patients with diseases such as advanced cancer or AIDS. Although these patients might be eating enough food, their bodies are unable to absorb enough nutrients.


(kah-TAB-oh-lizm) is the breaking down of body cells or substances, releasing energy and carbon dioxide. Catabolism is the opposite of anabolism.


(kee-LOH-sis), also known as cheilitis, is a disorder of the lips characterized by crack-like sores at the corners of the mouth (cheil means lips, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease).

clostridium difficile

(klos-TRID-ee-um dif-us-SEEL), also known as C. diff, is a bacterial infection common to older adults in hospitals or long-term-care facilities, typically following the use of antibiotics that wipe out competing bacteria. This disease causes diarrhea and can lead to inflammation of the colon. Infection control measures such as hand-scrubbing or wearing gloves can help prevent its spread.


(koh-LAHS-toh-mee) is the surgical creation of an artificial excretory opening between the colon and the body surface (col means colon, and -ostomy means surgically creating an opening). The segment of the intestine below the ostomy is usually removed, and the fecal matter flows through the stoma into a disposable bag. A colostomy can be temporary to divert feces from an area that needs to heal


(koh-LECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of all or part of the colon (col means colon, and -ectomy means surgical removal).


(koh-luh-sis-TECK-toh-mee) is the surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecyst means gallbladder and -ectomy means surgical removal). An open cholecystectomy is performed through an incision in the right side of the upper abdomen. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy, also known as a lap choley, is the surgical removal of the gallbladder using a laparoscope and other instruments inserted through three or four small incisions in the abdominal wall.


(koh-lun-OSS-koh-pee) (COL) is the direct visual examination of the inner surface of the entire colon from the rectum to the cecum using a colonoscope (colon/o means colon, and -scopy means visual examination).


(loo-koh-PLAY-kee-ah) is an abnormal white, usually benign lesion (sore) that develops on the tongue or the inside of the cheek (leuk/o means white, and -plakia means plaque). These lesions develop in response to chronic irritation in the mouth such as constant rubbing against a broken tooth. Occasionally, leukoplakia patches occur on the genitals, in the digestive system, or in the urinary tract.

maxillofacial surgery

(mack-sill-oh-FAY-shul) is specialized surgery of the face and jaws to correct deformities, treat diseases, and repair injuries.

oral or maxillofacial surgeon

(mack-sill-oh-FAY-shul) specializes in surgery of the face and jaws to correct deformities, treat diseases, and repair injuries.


(mal-ab-SORP-shun) is a condition in which the small intestine cannot absorb nutrients from food that passes through it.


(oh-BEE-sih-tee) is an excessive accumulation of fat in the body. The term obese is usually used to refer to individuals who are more than 20% to 30% over the established weight standards for their height, age, and gender. Gender refers to the differences between men and women.


(or-thoh-DON-tist) is a dental specialist who prevents or corrects malocclusion of the teeth and related facial structures (orth means straight or normal, odont means the teeth, and -ist means specialist).


(pro-bye-AH-tics) are living microorganisms sometimes described as "good" bacteria because of their role in aiding digestion and protecting the body from harmful bacteria (pro- means on supporting, bio means life and -ic means pertaining to).

pyloric sphincter

(pye-LOR-ick) is the ring-like muscle at the base of the stomach that controls the flow of partially digested food from the stomach to the duodenum of the small intestine.


(pye-LOR-us) is the narrow passage that connects the stomach with the small intestine.


(ree-gur-jih-TAY-shun) is the return of swallowed food into the mouth.


(sal-muh-nel-LOH-sis), also referred to as salmonella, is transmitted by feces, either through direct contact with animals, or by eating contaminated raw or undercooked meats and eggs or unpasteurized milk and cheese products.


(sig-moi-DOS-koh-pee) is the endoscopic examination of the interior of the rectum, sigmoid colon, and possibly a portion of the descending colon (sigmoid/o means sigmoid colon, and -scopy is the visual examination).


(sih-ROH-sis) is a chronic degenerative disease of the liver characterized by scarring (cirrh means yellow or orange, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease). Degenerative means progressive deterioration resulting in the loss of tissue or organ function. -Cirrhosis is often caused by excessive alcohol abuse or by viral hepatitis B or C. -The progress of cirrhosis is marked by the formation of areas of scarred liver tissue that are filled with fat. The liver damage causes abnormal conditions throughout the other body systems


(stee-at-oh-REE-ah) is the presence of excess fat in the stool (steat/o means fat, and -rrhea means flow or discharge). This condition, which results in frothy, foul-smelling stools, is usually caused by pancreatic disease, the removal of the gallbladder, or malabsorption disorders.


(zeer-oh-STOH-mee-ah), also known as dry mouth, is the lack of adequate saliva due to diminished secretions by the salivary glands (xer/o means dry, stom means mouth or oral cavity, and -ia means pertaining to). This condition can be due to medications or radiation of the salivary glands, and can cause discomfort, difficulty in swallowing, changes in the taste of food, and dental decay.

mouth, salivary glands, and esophagus

-Mastication (mass-tih-KAY-shun), also known as chewing, breaks food down into smaller pieces, mixes it with saliva, and prepares it to be swallowed. -A bolus (BOH-lus) is a mass of food that has been chewed and is ready to be swallowed. The term bolus is also used in relation to the administration of medication and is discussed in Chapter 15. -During swallowing, food travels from the mouth into the pharynx and on into the esophagus. -In the esophagus, food moves downward through the action of gravity and peristalsis. Peristalsis (pehr-ih-STAL-sis) is a series of wave-like contractions of the smooth muscles in a single direction that moves the food forward into the digestive system.

primary and permanent dentition

-The primary dentition is also known as the deciduous dentition, or baby teeth. These 20 teeth erupt during early childhood, are normally lost in late childhood, and are replaced by the permanent teeth. The primary dentition consists of eight incisors, four canines, and eight molars but no premolars. -The permanent dentition consists of 32 teeth designed to last a lifetime. Of these teeth, 20 replace primary teeth and 12 erupt at the back of the mouth. The permanent dentition includes 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 12 molars. -The term occlusion, as used in dentistry, describes any contact between the chewing surfaces of the upper and lower teeth.


Hepatitis A virus is the most prevalent type of hepatitis. This highly contagious condition is transmitted mainly through contamination of food and water with infected fecal matter. A vaccine is available to provide immunity against HAV.


Hepatitis C virus is a bloodborne disease that is spread through contact with blood and other body fluids that are contaminated with this virus. HCV is described as a silent epidemic because it can be present in the body for years and destroy the liver before any symptoms appear. There is no vaccine available to prevent this form of hepatitis.

saliva and salivary glands

Saliva is a colorless liquid that maintains the moisture in the mouth. It helps maintain the health of the teeth, and it begins the digestive process by lubricating food during chewing and swallowing (mechanical digestion). Saliva also contains the digestive enzyme amylase and is the first step in chemical digestion. The three pairs of salivary glands (SAL-ih-ver-ee) secrete saliva that is carried by ducts into the mouth (Figure 8.5). The parotid glands are located on the face, slightly in front of each ear. The ducts for these glands are on the inside of the cheek near the upper molars. The sublingual glands and their ducts are located on the floor of the mouth under the tongue. The submandibular glands and their ducts are located on the floor of the mouth near the mandible.

structures and tissues of the teeth

The crown is the portion of a tooth that is visible in the mouth. It is covered with enamel, which is the hardest substance in the body The roots of the tooth hold it securely in place within the dental arch. The roots are protected by cementum. This substance is hard, but it is not as strong as enamel. The cervix, also known as the neck of the tooth, is where the crown and root meet. Dentin makes up the bulk of the tooth. The portion that is above the gum line is covered with enamel. The root area is covered with cementum. The pulp cavity is the area within the crown and roots of the tooth that is surrounded by the dentin to protect the delicate pulp of the tooth. In the roots, the pulp continues in the space known as the root canals. The pulp itself consists of a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves that provide nutrients and innervation to the tooth.


The term dentition (den-TISH-un) refers to the natural teeth arranged in the upper and lower jaws. Human dentition consists of four types of teeth (Figure 8.3): Incisors and canines (also known as cuspids). These teeth are used for biting and tearing. Premolars, which are also known as bicuspids, and molars. These teeth are used for chewing and grinding.

virtual colonoscopy

a small, flexible tube is inserted into the rectum and an MRI or CT machine is used to produce two- and three-dimensional images of the colon. The preparation, which requires that the bowels be completely emptied, is the same for both of these types of colonoscopy and the sigmoidoscopy.


also known as a cholelith, is a hard deposit formed in the gallbladder and bile ducts due to the concretion of bile components (plural, calculi). The formation of stones

cleft lip

also known as a harelip, is a birth defect in which there is a deep groove of the lip running upward to the nose as a result of the failure of this portion of the lip to close during prenatal development.

gluten intolerance

also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, is a response to gluten involving digestive distress but not causing the intestinal tissue damage of celiac disease. Gluten intolerance is sometimes caused by an allergy to wheat.

periodontal disease

also known as periodontitis, is an inflammation of the tissues that surround and support the teeth (peri- means surrounding, odont means tooth or teeth, and -al means pertaining to). This progressive disease is classified according to the degree of tissue involvement. In severe cases, the gums and bone surrounding the teeth are involved.

oral cavity

also known as the mouth, are the lips, hard and soft palates, salivary glands, tongue, teeth, and periodontium

acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG)

also known as trench mouth, is caused by the abnormal growth of bacteria in the mouth. As this condition progresses, the inflammation, bleeding, deep ulceration, and the death of gum tissue become more severe. Necrotizing means causing ongoing tissue death.

rectum and anus

an/o , proct/o , rect/o Control the excretion of solid waste.


anus and rectum


anus, ring


are medications or foods given to stimulate bowel movements. Bulk-forming laxatives, such as bran, treat constipation by helping fecal matter retain water and remain soft as it moves through the intestines. -Antimotility drugs and antacids are among the over-the-counter medications used to treat diarrhea and upset stomach.

upper GI series and lower GI series

are radiographic studies to examine the digestive system. A contrast medium is required to make these structures visible. A barium swallow is used for the upper GI series, and a barium enema is used for the lower GI series.

stool samples

are specimens of feces that are examined for content and characteristics. For example, fatty stools might indicate the presence of pancreatic disease. Cultures of the stool sample can be examined in the laboratory for the presence of bacteria or O&P. This abbreviation stands for ova (parasite eggs) and parasites.

dental arches

are the bony structures of the oral cavity. These arches hold the teeth firmly in position to facilitate chewing and speaking. --The maxillary arch is commonly known as the upper jaw and consists of bones of the lower surface of the skull. This arch does not move. --The mandibular arch, commonly know as the lower jaw, is a separate bone and is the only movable component of the joint. --The temporomandibular joint (tem-poh-roh-man-DIB-you-lar), commonly known as the TMJ, is formed at the back of the mouth where the maxillary and mandibular arches come together.


are the nondigestible carbohydrates that probiotics feed on. Foods such as yogurt, some dairy drinks, and supplements contain both probiotics and prebiotics.


bile, gall

Infectious diseases of the intestines

can be transmitted through contaminated food and water or through poor sanitation practices.


cholecyst/o Stores bile and releases it into the small intestine as needed. -is a pear-shaped organ about the size of an egg located under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile for later use. When bile is needed, the gallbladder contracts, forcing the bile out through the biliary tree. The term cholecystic (koh-luh-SIS-tick) means pertaining to the gallbladder (cholecyst means gallbladder, and -ic means pertaining to).

large intestine

col/o , colon/o -Absorbs excess water and prepares solid waste for elimination. -extends from the end of the small intestine to the anus. It is about twice as wide as the small intestine; however, it is only one-fourth as long. It is here that the waste products of digestion are processed in preparation for excretion through the anus. The major parts of the large intestine are the cecum, colon, rectum, and anus -The role of the entire large intestine is to receive the waste products of digestion and store them until they are eliminated from the body. Food waste enters the large intestine where excess water is reabsorbed into the body through the walls of the large intestine, helping maintain the body's fluid balance. The remaining waste forms into feces. Feces (FEE-seez), also known as solid body wastes, are expelled through the rectum and anus. Defecation (def-eh-KAY-shun), also known as a bowel movement (BM), is the evacuation or emptying of the large intestine. The large intestine contains gut microflora, which help break down organic waste material. This process produces gas. Gut microflora refers to the billions of normal bacteria present in the large intestine to protect against infection and help maintain the immune system. A disruption of microflora resulting from the use of antibiotics can lead to infections such as C. Diff (discussed later in the chapter). Borborygmus (bor-boh-RIG-mus) is the rumbling noise caused by the movement of gas in the intestine. Flatulence (FLAT-you-lens), also known as flatus, is the passage of gas out of the body through the rectum.

col/o, colon/o

colon, large intestine

vermiform appendix

commonly called the appendix, hangs from the lower portion of the cecum. The term vermiform refers to a worm-like shape. The appendix, which consists of lymphoid tissue,

colorectal carcinoma

commonly known as colon cancer, often first manifests itself in polyps in the colon

upper GI tract

consists of the mouth, pharynx (throat), esophagus, and stomach. This transports food from entry into the body until digestion begins in the stomach.

proton pump inhibitors

decrease the amount of acid produced by the stomach. These medications are used to treat the symptoms of GERD.


digest, digestion


eating, swallowing

small intestine

enter/o Mixes chyme coming from the stomach with digestive juices to complete the digestion and absorption of most nutrients. -extends from the pyloric sphincter to the first part of the large intestine. This coiled organ is up to 20 feet in length and consists of three sections where food is digested and the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream -The conversion of food into usable nutrients is completed as the chyme is moved through the small intestine by peristaltic action. In the duodenum, chyme is mixed with pancreatic juice and bile. The bile breaks apart large fat globules so that enzymes in the pancreatic juices can digest the fats. This action is called emulsification and must be completed before the nutrients can be absorbed into the body. The jejunum secretes large amounts of digestive enzymes and continues the process of digestion. The primary function of the ileum is to absorb nutrients from the digested food.


esophag/o -Transports food from the pharynx to the stomach. -(eh-SOF-ah-gus) is the muscular tube through which ingested food passes from the pharynx to the stomach (Figure 8.1). -The lower esophageal sphincter, also known as the cardiac sphincter, is a muscular ring between the esophagus and stomach. During swallowing, it relaxes to allow food to enter the stomach -This sphincter normally opens to allow the flow of food into the stomach and closes to prevent the stomach contents from regurgitating into the esophagus. Regurgitating means flowing backward.




gastr/o -Breaks down food and mixes it with gastric juices. -is a sac-like organ composed of the fundus (upper, rounded part), body (main portion), and antrum (lower part) -The gastric juices of the stomach contain hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to continue the breakdown of food. Few nutrients enter the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach. The churning action of the stomach works with the gastric juices by converting the food into chyme. Chyme (KYM) is the semifluid mass of partly digested food that passes out of the stomach, through the pyloric sphincter, and into the small intestine.


hepat/o -Secretes bile and enzymes to aid in the digestion of fats. -is the largest organ in the body. It has several important functions related to removing toxins from the blood and turning food into the fuel and nutrients the body needs.


holds a doctor of dental surgery (DDS) or doctor of medical dentistry (DMD) degree and specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of teeth and tissues of the oral cavity.


is a condition in which fluid loss exceeds fluid intake and disrupts the body's normal electrolyte balance (de- means removal, hydra means water, and -tion means the process of).

barrett's esophagus

is a condition that occurs when the cells in the epithelial tissue of the esophagus are damaged by chronic acid exposure. Some patients with chronic GERD develop this complication, which slightly increases the risk of esophageal cancer.


is a lack of proper food or nutrients in the body due to a shortage of food, poor eating habits, or the inability of the body to digest, absorb, and distribute these nutrients. Mal- is a prefix meaning bad or poor.

abdominal ultrasound

is a noninvasive test used to visualize internal organs by using very high- frequency sound waves.


is a recently developed, noninvasive, collect-at-home stool test that uses DNA testing along with screening for hidden blood to determine the potential presence of colorectal cancer. Note: The terms Cologuard and Hemoccult are capitalized because they are brand names.

anal fissure

is a small crack-like sore in the skin of the anus that can cause severe pain during a bowel movement. As used here, a fissure is a groove or crack-like sore of the skin.

oral thrush

is a type of stomatomycosis that develops when the fungus Candida albicans grows out of control. The symptoms are creamy white lesions on the tongue or inner cheeks. This condition occurs most often in infants, older adults with weakened immune systems, or individuals who have been taking antibiotics.


is an area of space between a tooth and the surrounding gingiva (plural sulci). A buildup of food debris and bacteria in the sulcus can lead to infection. Sulci is also the term for fissures in the cerebral cortex of the brain

liver trasplant

is an option for a patient whose liver has failed for a reason other than liver cancer. Because liver tissue regenerates, a partial liver transplant, in which only part of the organ is donated, can be adequate. A partial liver can be donated by a living donor whose blood and tissue types match.


is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation, stools are usually hard, dry, small in size, and difficult to eliminate. Constipation can be caused by a lack of fiber in the diet, disease, a side effect of certain drugs, and (especially in women) pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic floor dysfunction is the lack of coordination of the muscles needed for the rectum to straighten and the anal sphincter to relax.

bariatric surgery

is performed to treat morbid obesity by restricting the amount of food that can enter the stomach and be digested. These procedures limit food intake and force dietary changes that enable weight reduction. -Gastric bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, makes the stomach smaller by stapling a section to create a small pouch and causes food to bypass the first part of the small intestine. This procedure, which is the most common bariatric surgery, is not reversible and carries some risk of complications. --The lap-band adjustable gastric bandinglap-band adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) procedure involves placing an inflatable band around the exterior of the stomach to restrict the amount of food that can enter (Figure 8.20). This procedure has the advantage of being reversible through the removal of the band. -Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is one of several endoscopic options for bariatric surgeries requiring general anesthesia. In this procedure, the stomach is sutured to make it into a small tube, reducing its capacity significantly.

dental implant

is the anchoring of a crown, bridge, or denture to the bone of the jaw. Crowns, bridges, and dentures can also be placed in the mouth without being anchored to the jaw. -A crown is a metal or porcelain alloy cap shaped like a damaged tooth cemented over the remaining tooth structure. CAD-CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) devices are now able to create crowns in the dental office instead of the traditional method of having these prosthetics made in an outside lab. Note: The word crown also refers to the portion of the tooth visible in the mouth. -A bridge is a fixed dental prosthesis used to join one or more artificial teeth to the adjacent teeth. -A denture is a plate holding one or more replacement teeth. Conventional dentures, also known as a full or partial set of false teeth, are removable.

hard palate

is the anterior portion of the palate. This area is covered with specialized mucous membrane. Rugae are irregular ridges or folds in this mucous membrane (singular, ruga).

cleft palate

is the failure of the palate to close during the early development of the fetus. This opening can involve the upper lip, hard palate, and/or soft palate. If not corrected, this opening between the nose and mouth makes it difficult for the child to eat and speak. Cleft lip and cleft palate can occur singly or together and usually can be corrected surgically

soft palate

is the flexible posterior portion of the palate. During swallowing, it has the important role of closing off the nasal passage to prevent food and liquid from moving upward into the nasal cavity.

lactose intolerance

is the inability to digest dairy products due to the absence of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to process the sugar (lactose) found in milk and some other dairy products. Lactose intolerance is particularly common among African-Americans and East Asians.


is the lower opening of the digestive tract. The flow of waste through the anus is controlled by the internal anal sphincter and the external anal sphincter.

intestinal obstruction

is the partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine caused by a physical obstruction. This blockage can result from many causes such as scar tissue, a tumor, or the ingestion of nondigestible materials. -Intestinal adhesions abnormally hold together parts of the intestine that should be separate. This condition, which is caused by inflammation or trauma, can lead to intestinal obstruction. -In a strangulating obstruction, the blood flow to a segment of the intestine is blocked. This can lead to gangrene or perforation. Gangrene is tissue death that is associated with a loss of normal circulation. As used here, perforation describes a hole through the wall of a structure.

capsule endoscopy

is the use of a tiny video camera in a capsule that the patient swallows. For approximately 8 hours, as it passes through the small intestine, this camera transmits images of the walls of the small intestine. The images are detected by sensor devices attached to the patient's abdomen and transmitted to a data recorder worn on the patient's belt.


is the widest division of the large intestine. It makes up the last 4 inches of the large intestine and ends at the anus.


is very strong, flexible, and muscular. The posterior portion of the tongue is attached. The anterior end of the tongue moves freely and is flexible. It is the structure of the tongue that makes it so important for chewing, speaking, and swallowing (Figure 8.2). --The upper surface of the tongue is the dorsum. This surface has a tough protective covering and in some areas, small bumps known as papillae (pah-PILL-ee) (singular, papilla). These papillae contain taste buds, which are the sensory receptors for the sense of taste. --The sublingual surface of the tongue and the tissues that lie under the tongue are covered with delicate highly vascular tissues. Sublingual means under the tongue. Highly vascular means containing many blood vessels. --The presence of this rich blood supply under the tongue makes it suitable for administering certain medications sublingually by placing them under the tongue, where they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. --The lingual frenum is a band of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This frenum limits the motion of the tongue.



gastric juices

made up of enzymes and hydrochloric acid aid in the beginning of food digestion. Mucus produced by glands in the stomach create a protective coating on the lining of the stomach.


means pertaining to the liver (hepat means liver, and -ic means pertaining to). -The liver removes excess glucose, which is commonly known as blood sugar, from the bloodstream and stores it as glycogen. Glycogen is a form of glucose that is stored in the liver and muscles. When the blood sugar level is low, the liver converts glycogen back into glucose and releases it for use by the body.

strangulated hernia

occurs when a portion of the intestine is constricted inside the hernia, causing ischemia (insufficient oxygen) in this tissue by cutting off its blood supply.

accessory organs

of the digestive system are so named because they play a key role in the digestive process but are not part of the gastrointestinal tract. The accessory digestive organs are the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.


of the esophagus resulting from scar tissue or other damage can cause swallowing difficulties. A stricture is an abnormal narrowing of a bodily passage


or/o , stomat/o -Begins preparation of food for digestion.


pancreat/o - Secretes digestive juices and enzymes into the small intestine as needed. -(PAN-kree-as) is a soft, 6-inch-long, oblong gland that is located behind the stomach. This gland has important roles in both the digestive and endocrine systems. The digestive functions are discussed here. The endocrine functions, plus the pathology and procedures related to the pancreas, The pancreas produces and secretes pancreatic juices that aid in digestion and contain digestive enzymes and sodium bicarbonate to help neutralize stomach acids. Pancreatic means pertaining to the pancreas. The pancreatic juices leave the pancreas through the pancreatic duct that joins the common bile duct just before the entrance into the duodenum.

transverse colon

passes horizontally across the abdominal cavity from right to left toward the spleen. Transverse means across.


pharyng/o -Transports food from the mouth to the esophagus. -(FAH-rinks), which is the common passageway for both respiration and digestion, is discussed in Chapter 7. The pharynx plays an important role in deglutition, which is commonly known as swallowing. The epiglottis (ep-ih-GLOT-is) is a lid-like structure that closes off the entrance to the trachea (windpipe) to prevent food and liquids from moving from the pharynx during swallowing.


presence of stones


rectum, straight

root canal

refers both to the pulp cavity in the root of the tooth and to a procedure in which diseased or damaged pulp in the root canal is removed in order to save the tooth. After it is free of infection, the cavity is filled with a protective substance and sealed.


sigmoid colon


small intestine


stomach, belly

descending colon

travels down the left side of the abdominal cavity to the sigmoid colon. Descending means downward.

ascending colon

travels upward from the cecum to the undersurface of the liver. Ascending means upward.


tree (BILL-ee-air-ee) provides the channels through which bile is transported from the liver to the small intestine. Biliary means pertaining to bile. -Small ducts in the liver join together like branches to form the biliary tree. The trunk, which is just outside the liver, is known as the common hepatic duct. -The bile travels from the liver through the common hepatic duct to the gallbladder where it enters and exits through the narrow cystic duct. -The cystic duct leaving the gallbladder rejoins the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct. The common bile duct joins the pancreatic duct, and together they enter the duodenum of the small intestine.




which are also known as the labia, surround the opening to the oral cavity (singular, labium). The term labia is also used to describe parts of the female genitalia (see Chapter 14). During eating, the lips, tongue, and cheeks hold the food in the mouth. The lips also have important roles in breathing, speaking, and the expression of emotions.

E. coli

which is caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli, is transmitted through contaminated foods that have not been adequately cooked.

lower GI tract

which is sometimes referred to as the bowels, is made up of the small and large intestines plus the rectum and anus. Here digestion is completed and waste material is prepared for expulsion from the body. ---The accessory organs of the digestive system include the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.


which is the longest portion of the large intestine, is subdivided into four parts


which neutralize the acids in the stomach, are taken to relieve the discomfort of conditions such as pyrosis or to help peptic ulcers heal.

abdominal computed tomography

CT) is a radiographic procedure that produces a detailed cross-section of the tissue structure within the abdomen, showing, for example, the presence of a tumor or obstruction


DIS-en-ter-ee), which is a bacterial infection, occurs most frequently in tropical countries where it is spread through food or water contaminated by human feces.


Hepatitis B virus is a bloodborne disease that is transmitted through contact with blood and other body fluids that are contaminated with this virus. A vaccine is available to provide immunity against HBV.

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