Ch 9& 10

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When an excessive amount of water is consumed in a short time the condition that can develop is called

water intoxication

18.5-24.9- 25.0-29.9- Greater or equal to 30- Less than 18.5-

-Healthy weight -Overweight -Obesity -Underweight

Subcutaneous fat- Visceral fat-

-Protects muscles & bones from bumps & bruises. Insulates the body against cold temperatures. -Causes inflammation in the body. Increases risk for type 2 diabetes and CVD.

Which of the following can be used to estimate body fat?

-Skinfold thickness -Underwater weighing -bioelectric impendance

Which of the following are the hormones that play a role in water conservation?

-aldosterone -antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia include

-bone pain -kidney stones -muscle weakness

People with osteoporosis

-have weak bones -suffer more fractures

Air displacement techniques for assessing body volume

-include the use of BOD POD -are highly accurate estimates of body fat

Plants obtain the minerals they need from

-soil -fertilizers

Which of the following are functions of water?

-transport nutrients -major solvent -regulate body temp

Possible causes of hypertension include

-advanced age -obesity -sodium intake

Other sources of water include

-fruit -milk -soup

The DASH diet used to help lower blood pressure is

-low in cholesterol -high in fruits -high in veggies -low in sodium

Which two are the most common nutritional disorders in the United States

-obesity -overweight

Humans are able to make some water and to obtain it from which of the follwoing types of foods?

-vegetables -meats -fruits

Which of the following is the best source of magnesium?


Which of the following best describes the energy balance equation?

Energy input=energy output

Which of the following is a trace mineral?


Which of the following is a limitation of the BMI calculation?

It would not be accurate for a very muscular person

Obtaining adequate amounts of calcium from foods and performing weight-bearing exercises are good ways for a young person to prevent ___later in life.


The addition of extra fat during the elderly years is

considered healthy

Combining__calorie intake with __physical activity is key for weight loss and weight maintenance


Children with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased perspiration are at risk for


The form of iron present in hemoglobin and myoglobin is called

heme iron

The thyroid hormone regulates


The group of elements that exist in the earth's rocks, soil, and water is called


A male has more muscle tissue than a female, therefore he will have __fluid in his body


Iron is an important component of

red blood cells

If a person is severly dehydrated, a coma may result


Obesity contributes to several of the leading causes of death in the United States, including cardiovascular disease and cancer


The technique used to measure the difference between the weight on a standard scale and that during submersion in water is called

underwater weighing

Minerals are soluble in


Weight loss in the early stages of a low-carbohydrate diet is attributed to

water loss

The degree to which an ingested nutrient such as minerals is absorbed and available to the body is called its


The method used to estimate total body fat that uses a low-energy electric current is known as

bioelectric impendance

Some minerals, such as copper and magnesium, work as __, enabling various proteins, such as enzymes, to funciton


Manganese is a component and activator of many


Consuming vitamin D with meals that contain iron is the best way to increase the absorption of iron


Dairy products, such as milk and cheese, provide about 25% of the calcium in North American diets


The protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen to tissues and contains iron is


Using the "rule of thumb" formula, a man's estimate of his daily metabolic rate will be ___than that of a woman.


Where does water move, if a cell has more sodium ions in the cell than there are in the soluble surrounding the cell?

into the cell

The protein in muscle cells that controls oxygen uptake from red blood cells and contains iron is


When energy input is less than energy output, the person is in ____ energy balance.


Episodic food binges not followed by purging that take place after the evening meal and when the person wakes from sleep during the night is called

night eating syndrome

Obesity is most common among_____women

non-hispanic black

The ability of humans to regulate body temperature within narrow limits such as in fidgeting and shivering is termed

nonexercise activity thermogenesis

The passage of a solvent such as water throuhg a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated compartment to a more concentrated compartment is called


The passage of water through a selectively permeable membrane from a less concentrated region to a more concentrated region is called


Women generally have more __fat than men


The mineral that is a component of the amino acids ,cysteine & methionine is


The body components that make up weight include lean tissue and ___tissue.

total body fat

Taking mineral supplements exceeding current standards for mineral needs may accumulate in the body to the extent that signs and symptoms of __occur


Having a goiter while pregnant may lead to stunted growth and mental retardation in infants


The causes of obesity , such as genetics or lifestyle practices, are also potential causes of being underweight


Select all of the dietary changes a person could make to increase iron absorption.

-Choose a rich source of vitamin C, such as a glass of orange juice, when taking an iron supplement. -Consume nonheme sources of iron in combination with heme sources of iron

Low-carbohydrate- Low-fat- Diets with gimmicks-

-Dr.Atkins New DIet Revolution -The Macrobiotic diet, pritikin diet -Cabbage soup diet, grapefruit diet

Which of these are recommended approachs for weight gain?

-Follow a regular meal & snack schedule -Increase intakeof foods high in vegetable fat -increase calorie-dense foods

Leptin- Ghrelin- Cholecystokinin-

-hormone released by the adipose tissue to reduce hunger and inhibit fat storage -hormone released by stomach that stimulates eating -hormone released by the small intestine that stimulates the brain to suppress appetite.

The health problems associated with excess body fat include increased risk of

-hypertension -type 2 diabetes -cardiovascular disease

A diet plan Ann found on the internet states "Eat all you want and loose 10 pounds in 2 weeks" This statements does not agree with sound weight loss recommendations, such as

-incorporate food from all food groups -attempt for slow but steady weight loss -meet your nutritional, psychological and social needs

Which of the following are possible outcomes associated with dehydration?

-increased thirst -increased fatigue -rapid weight loss

Examples of minerals that interact with proteins are

-iron -cobalt -sulfur

In the body, copper is involved in

-iron metabolism -collagen production -immune function

The positive aspects of using BMI to assess healthy weight include which of the following?

-it is a quick screening test for overweight or obesity -it is easy & conveniant to use

The negative aspects of using BMI to assess the healthy weight include that

-it is not accurate for higher muscular individuals -it does not discriminate between muscle mass & fat mass.

Which of the following are characteristic of fad diets?

-lacks scientific support -recommends the use of expensive supplements -avoids the need to change eating patterns and increase physical activity -promotes quick weight loss

Which of the following environmental influences has contributed to greater calorie consumed, and perhaps obesity?

-larger portion sizes -enticing desserts -persuasive foods marketing campaigns

The advantages of using the DXA method include

-less radiation dose compared to that of chestX-ray -accurate measurements of fat

Possible treatments for hypertension include

-making dietary changes -taking medication -increasing physical activity

The Al of 1500 mg/day for sodium does not apply to the following

-marathon workers -people who work in hot extremly hot conditions

Skinfold calipers are used to

-measure fat layer directly under the skin -estimate body fat content -measure fat layer at multiple sites on the body

Energy balance is thought of as energy input versus energy output. Identify the components that contribute to the "energy output" of this equation.

-metabolism -digestion -physical activity

Basal metabolic rate- Resting metabolic rate-

-minimal number of calories the body uses to support vital activities -Body's rate of energy use a few hours after resting & eating

Important component of a successful long-term weight loss include:

-modifying problem behaviors -controlling calorie intake -engaging in regular physical activity

Which of the following are vegetarian sources of iron?

-mushrooms -kidney beans -whole-grain total cereal

Which of the following hormones inhibits hunger?

-peptide YY -Leptin -Cholecystokinin

Which of the following are major minerals?

-potassium -sodium -calcium

What are the main sources of sodium in typical American diets?

-processed foods -preparation of foods in restaraunts

Reliable- Unreliable-

-recommends changing habits, recommends physical activity -recommends expensive supplements,no attempt to change old habits, advertised as cure-alls.

Much of the zinc from our diet is supplied by the consumption of

-red meat -poultry

A multidisciplinary group of experts for the treatment of eating disorders should include

-registered dietician -psychotherapists -physicians

The need for women to have a higher body fat when compared to men is to maintaini

-reproductive functions -estrogen production

The energy expended for physical activity depends on the

-type of activity -fitness level of the individual -intensity and duration of the excercise

Choose the behaviors to follow while grocery shopping that would help a person lose excess weight.

-use a grocery list -read food labels to compare calorie and fat content in a food -shop after eating

Underwater weighing- Bod pod- Skin fold caliper- Bioelectric impendence-

-water displacement method -air displacement method -skin fold measurement -low energy electric current

Which of the following are good plant sources of iron?

-whole-grain total cereal -pumpkin seeds -baked beans

Which populations are at an increased risk of developing female athlete triad?

-woman gymnasts -girl dancers -women in competetive sports

Rank where water is lost in the body in order from the greatest source of loss to the least.

1. Urine 2. Insensible perspiration and sweat 3.Expired air 4.Feces

___is an over-the-counter version of orlistat, a weight-loss medication that blocks the digestion of fat in the small intestine


Which of the following is not a method used to measure body fat?

Body mass index

Pregnancy would be a time when a person should be sure to maintain a negative energy balance.


The risks for some diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are less with central-body obesity.


Visceral fat skinfold measures are taken at several sites on the body using skinfold clippers. These measures are then placed in a mathematical equation that will estimate body fat content.


Which of the following condition is most likely to cause dehydration in children?


Which of the following is a role of sodium in the human body?

Fluid balance

What is the mineral added to most drinking water?


Which type of water generally comes from underground wells and usually contains calcium, magnesium, and iron?

Hard water

Where does water move if a cell has fewer sodium ions in the cell than there are in the solution surroinding the cell?

The water moves into the surrounding solution

Select the food source that provides the most selenium per serving

Tuna, 3 oz

An iron deficiency can lead to the development of impaired oxygen transport in the blood , a condition known as iron deficiency


The psychological disorder with the highest mortality rate is

anorexia nervosa

A severe psychological disturbance characterized by self-imposed starvation is


Which of the following is a hormone that is secreted by the pituary gland and that acts on the kidneys to decrease water excretion?


One way to prevent eating disorders is to encourage a person to challenge the idea that

being thin is ideal

Forming and maintaing __are calcium's major roles in the body


Eat meals and snacks scheduled times; do not skip meals, especially


The eating disorder that typically finds people with BMI's that are in the normal or overweight range is

bulimia nervosa

The sever psychological condition characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating followed by purging is called

bulimia nervosa

Name a mineral that is mostly stored in bones & teeth


The absorption of ___is enhanced if taken with vitamin D, ingested with a meal, and by taking only 500 mg at one time


The production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach requires the mineral


Treatment for overweight and obesity should involve key elements such as calorie reducation and behavior modification that will promote weight __and later, weight __.

loss; maintenance

A salt sensitive person is __likely to develop hypertension when they consume a sodium rich diet


An unhealthy preoccupation with the body not being sufficiently muscular is called

muscle dysmophia

In order to lose weight, it is necessary to be in ___energy balance.


The term used to describe a condition characterized by excessive and unhealthy amounts of body fat is


The safety standards for bottled water are __to those for tap water


What is the term used to describe the movement of substances from where they are highly concentrated to where they are less concentrated?

simple diffusion

The hormone aldosterone participates in the conservation of waterand what other nutrient?


With roles in fluid balance and nerve impulse transmission, potassium performs many of the same functions as the mineral


A9n) __is a liquid substance in which other substances dissolve


bioelectric impendance is used to estimate

the body fat content

The energy for the digestion, absorption, and processing of food is called the

thermic effect of food

The primary regulation of fluid intake is


The __metabolism theory proses that some people store fat more readily to guard against starvation.


Water aids in the removal of waste products from the body

through the production of urine

WHat is the easiest way to determine if you are drinking enough water

to observe the color of your urine

Binge eating involves consuming a __amount of food than most people would consume in a brief period of time


Magnesium toxicity arises from consuming excess?


A weight loss regimen on the internet claims that eating just 3 shakes a day of their special formula nutritional shake is all you need to eat in order to lose weight. A more sound diet plan would

accomodate family and restaurant meals, parties & other special occasions.

The energy released from food is captured in special compounds called ___

adenosine triphosphate

Long-term fat storage is located in the __cells


You should be wary of a product that displays before and after photos b/c it is probably

advertising hype

Binge eating, purging, food restriction, fluctuations in weight, feelings of distress , and extreme concern about body weight are all signs of

an eating disorder

What is the main source of heme iron?


A substance, such as caffeine, that increase urine production is called

a diuretic

As each adipose cell releases fat, the cell

-becomes smaller -promotes weight loss

The BMI is a numerical value based on the relationship between which variables:

-body weight -disease risk

Which of the following are good sources of iron?

-boiled soybeans -beef liver

Instead of responding to hunger, many people eat because they are

-bored -anxious -depressed

Examples of diuretics include

-caffeine -tea -coffee

Which foods/food products are high in sodium?

-canned soups -french fries

Which of the following are good food sources of calcium?

-cheese -sardines canned in oil with bones -bok choy

What can you do to enhance the absorption of a calcium supplement?

-choose a supplement with vitamin D -take only 500 mg of calcium at a time -take the supplement with meals

Which of the following minerals are trace minerals?

-copper -manganese -iron

Select successful strategies for weight loss

-decreased calorie intake -increased physical act. -beh. modification

The role of a dietitian in the treatment of someone with an eating disorder involves

-developing a healthy eating pattern for them -helping them avoid relapse during treatment -providing medical nutritional therapy

Some weight loss tips to use when menu planning include:

-don't label foods as forbidden -include protein, unsaturated fat& complex carbohydrates in meals & snacks.

Successful strategies for maintaining weight loss include:

-eat breakfeast daily -eat low-calorie diets

Select some healthy ways to reduce total calorie consumption

-eat less added sugars -eat less solid fat -consume less alcohol

Choose the factors that will increase the metabolic rate

-emotional stress -fever -pregnancy -recovery after exercise

What are the disadvantages of using the DXA method for measuring body fat?

-equipment not widely available -expensive equipment

Satiety- Hunger-

-feeling of fullness after consuming food -the physiological need for calories and nutrients

One can use the following to replace salts as a seasoning

-garlic -citrus fruit -spices -herbs

Greater amounts of subcutaneous fat located below the waist is associated with

-greater stress to hip and knee joints -women with a "pear" body shape.

When iodine is lacking in the diet during pregnancy , the infant can be born with

-growth retardation -mental retardation

Overweight- Obesity-

-having extra weight from bone, muscle, body fat, and/or body water -condition characterized by excessive and unhealthy amounts of body fat

The adequate intake for total water intake is __cups per day for young adult men and __cups per day for young adult women

15.5, 11

The reasonable number of calories recommended for man wanting lose weight should not be less than __calories daily


Food supplies approximately what percentage of our total water intake?


There are approximately ___kilicalories in one pound of fat tissue.


A __loss of excess body fat can increase HDL levels and reduce blood pressure.


In order to lose one pound of fat per week , how many calories must be decreased in the diet per day?

500 (7daysx500kcal=3500kcal or one pound of fat lost)

Angela weighs 61 kg and is 1.6 meters tall. Calculate her BMI,rounding to the nearest whole number.

61kg x2.2pounds=134.2 pounds/(1.6 metersx39.37 inch)^2 =0.0338x 703=23.7759. Therefore its 24

Which of the following is the most frequently cited reason for weight loss?

Medical advise

In response to dehydration, which gland releases the antidiuretic hormone?

Posterior pituitary gland

Severe alterations in eating patterns (binge eating, food restriction, purging, and fluctuations in weight) linked to physiological changes describes which of the following?

eating disorders

Fatty more are more __dense than food that coontain the other macronutrients


During the measurement of bioelectric impendance, greater adipose stores are associated with lower resistance to electric flow.


Milk is a good source of iron


The amount and location of __stores in the body are important predictors of health risk


Overall, minerals from animal products are better absorbed than those from plants because binders such as __are not present to hinder absorption


The consumption of excess flouride over a long time period can result in


When the thyroid gland enlarges to absorb more iodide, this enlargement is termed a


The heavy iron content of concentrated urine increased risk of __ __ formation is susceptible people (generally men)

kidney stones

Persistently elevated blood pressure is called


The fluid contained within a cell is called

intracellular fluid

In order for water to become the main-component of urine, the kidneys first filter excess __from the blood and then water follows


According to the World Health organization , many cases of anemia are due to __deficiency


The mineral that is a component of the oxygen transporting proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin is


Flouride __a essential nutrient

is not

Through what process does the body use water to regulate body temperature?


When energy input is greater than energy output, the person is in _____ energy balance.


The __metabolic rate is calculated instead of a basal metabolic rate if the individual has not fasted and/or not rested for 12 hours prior to the test


The theory that is based on the idea that body fat is genetically determined is called the

set-point theory

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