Ch.12 Study Guide

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Which of these pairs would have exactly the same DNA restriction fragments? a)identical twins b)husband and wife c)father and son d)fraternal twins e)mother and son


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a useful technique because it can __________. a)identify genetic markers for diseases b)establish paternity c)make a large amount of DNA from a tiny amount d)isolate particular genes of interest e)manufacture large amounts of a protein


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an important technique in biotechnology because it allows researchers to __________. a)insert viral genes into plasmids b)make many copies of a specific DNA sequence c)insert bacterial genes into plasmids d)bioengineer total organisms from tiny DNA fragments e)make transgenic organisms


The so-called sticky ends of a plasmid or bacterial chromosome are __________. a)the result of reverse transcription b)paired bases produced by DNA polymerase c)unpaired bases produced by a restriction enzyme d)produced by methylation e)unpaired bases produced by DNA polymerase


As animals become more complex, their numbers of genes always increase.


A carrier that moves DNA from one cell to another, such as a plasmid, is called a _______.


Bacteria and archaea are more similar to each other in terms of their genomes than to any other type of organism.


"Sticky ends" are very useful in genetic engineering because __________. a)they allow scientists to label genes in a living cell b)they serve as the means for getting recombinant DNA into another cell, such as a bacterium c)they provide a site for complementary base pairing so that pieces of DNA can be linked together d)they prevent the enzymatic degradation of engineered DNA e)they allow scientists to use the edited form of mRNA for genetic engineering


A paleontologist has recovered a bit of organic material from the 400-year-old preserved skin of an extinct dodo. She would like to compare DNA from the sample with DNA from living birds. The most useful method for initially increasing the amount of dodo DNA available for testing is _______ .

human gene therapy

A recombinant DNA procedure intended to treat disease by altering an afflicted person's genes.


After a gel electrophoresis procedure is run, the pattern of bars in the gel shows a)the order of bases in a particular gene. b)the presence of various-sized fragments of DNA. c)the order of genes along particular chromosomes. d)the exact location of a specific gene in the genome.


Although both plants and animals can be genetically modified, researchers have found that genetically engineered plants __________. a)are more likely to grow larger b)can produce proteins that attract insects c)do not need to be fertilized d)can be enriched with carotene, as in golden rice e)can be grown only in the United States and not in other countries

Some genes require eukaryotic cells in order to be properly made.

Bacteria are easier to manipulate than yeast. So why are yeast used to produce some human proteins?


Bacterial plasmids are of particular interest to biotechnologists because plasmids __________. a)cause random mutations within human and other eukaryotic cells b)can deliver RNA to other cells c)glow spontaneously when used in hamster cells d)make the DNA of their cells rigid like plastic and easy to identify e)can deliver DNA to other cells


DNA polymerase is a heat-sensitive enzyme. What is one thing that would need to be considered concerning the activity of this enzyme in PCR when the temperature is heated during each cycle to separate the DNA strands? a)that the primers might not work b)that the DNA polymerase could be denatured c)that the DNA strands might melt


DNA profiles used as evidence in a murder trial look something like supermarket bar codes. The pattern of bars in a DNA profile shows __________. a)the order of bases in a particular gene b)the order of genes along particular chromosomes c)the presence of various-size fragments of DNA d)the presence of dominant or recessive alleles for particular traits e)the exact location of a specific gene in a genomic library


DNA profiling determines __________. a)if two samples of DNA are from the same person b)the presence of a particular gene using a genetic probe c)if DNA comes from somebody more likely than others to commit a crime d)what race a DNA sample is from e)the sequence of a DNA segment


Electrophoresis is used to __________. a)match a gene with its function b)amplify small DNA samples to obtain enough for analysis c)clone genes d)cut DNA into fragments e)separate fragments of DNA


Food containing genetically modified organisms (GMO) could be on your table tonight. This means that the food is __________. a)probably more expensive than non-GMO food b)treated with pesticides c)genetically altered d)enriched with extra vitamins e)more likely to make you ill


Forensic science techniques allow for __________. a)genetically modified organisms b)human gene therapy c)the human genome project d)the investigations of murder and paternity


How does human gene therapy work? a)A restriction enzyme is used to remove a faulty gene from a patient. b)A gene from a normal individual is cloned, converted into RNA and inserted into an virus. The patient is then infected with the virus which inserts a DNA copy of its genome into the patient's DNA. This allows the normal gene to be transcribed and translated in the patient. c)A patient's DNA is analyzed using PCR. Based on the results a specific treatment is determined for the specific disease the patient has.


How is bioinformatics related to systems biology? a)It has lead to the development of forensic science b)It has lead to the development of genetic engineering c)It has led to the development of proteomics d)It has lead to the development of human gene therapy


Human genomes commonly have short DNA sequences that are repeated from three to 50 times. These are known as _________. a)codons b)mutations c)genetic stutters d)multiple gene copies e)short tandem repeats


Humans have the largest genome of any animal.


If an organism is transgenic, then it __________. a)has one or more genes from another species of organism b)is no longer the same species c)is no longer safe to consume d)has 50 percent of its own genes and 50 percent from another species e)no longer has the same number of chromosomes

Cuts at two restriction sites will yield three restriction fragments.(*CG(AATC)*TAGC(AATC)*GCGA)

If you mix a restriction enzyme that cuts within the sequence AATC with DNA of the sequence CGAATCTAGCAATCGCGA, how many restriction fragments will result?


In a PCR reaction, the strands of DNA are first separated by ___. a)treatment with a strong base b)heating c)treatment with an acid d)adding alcohol


In gel electrophoresis DNA molecules migrate from _____ to _____ ends of the gel. a)acidic ... basic b)negative ... positive c)basic ... acidic d)long ... short e)positive ... negative

Such an enzyme creates DNA fragments with "sticky ends," single-stranded regions whose unpaired bases can hydrogen-bond to the complementary sticky ends of other fragments created by the same enzyme.

In making recombinant DNA, what is the benefit of using a restriction enzyme that cuts DNA in a staggered fashion?


Insurance companies having access to genetic information is potentially problematic because __________. a)they may withhold medical treatment b)it may encourage discrimination against people with certain genes c)they may not understand it d)they will try to find their own cures to certain diseases e)insurance companies are unethical


Of the organisms shown, plants have the most variability in the numbers of genes.


On gel elctrophoresis, the _______ the DNA molecule, the farther it moves.


Many identical copies of genes cloned in bacteria can be produced because of __________. a)transformation b)plasmid replication c)bacterial cell replication d)plasmid and bacterial cell replication


Match the correct term with its definition. a)Recombinant DNA - circular DNA molecules that duplicate separately from a larger chromosome b)Transgenic organisms - organisms that have acquired a different version of a gene from a member of the same species c)Gene cloning - the direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes d)Genetically modified organisms - organisms that have acquired one or more genes by artificial means

Chop the genome into fragments using restriction enzymes, clone and sequence each fragment, and reassemble the short sequences into a continuous sequence for every chromosome.

Name the steps of the whole-genome shotgun method.


Put the following steps of human gene therapy in the correct order. a)Virus is injected into patient. b)Human gene is inserted into a virus. c)Normal human gene is isolated and cloned. d)Normal human gene is transcribed and translated in the patient.


Putting a human gene into the plasmids of bacteria has enabled scientists to __________. a)use bacteria as "factories" for protein products, such as insulin b)use these bacteria to mass-produce mRNA for certain genes c)match DNA found at a crime scene to a suspect's DNA d)insert a corrected gene into patients with any genetic disorder e)identify carriers of genetic diseases


Recombinant DNA __________. a)is harvested from viruses b)contains no thymine bases c)demonstrates the universality of the genetic code d)naturally occurs in most plants e)requires the use of PCR to make it


Recombinant DNA technology can be used to __________. a)insert genes into bacteria to produce specific proteins b)insert new nuclei into bacteria c)show that all organisms have the same DNA sequences d)combine multiple genomes to produce new organisms e)create new species


Restriction enzymes are __________. a)used only in forensic studies b)enzymes that restrict viral reproduction in the human body c)viral enzymes that can destroy bacteria d)enzymes that are used as cutting tools in making recombinant DNA e)bacterial enzymes that destroy other bacteria


Sequencing the DNA of organisms such as fruit flies and yeast is useful because __________. a)they have uracil instead of thymine in their DNA b)most cancer research is done using yeast cells c)their DNA sequence is identical to that of humans d)they have many genes that are similar to those of humans e)they have the same number of chromosomes as human cells


Some drugs affect different people in different ways. This may be because __________. a)people are different sizes b)of genetic differences between individuals c)of different diets d)drugs do not act consistently e)of chance


Suppose you wish to create a large batch of the protein lactase using recombinant DNA. Place the following steps in the order you would have to perform them. a)Find the clone with the gene for lactase. b)Insert the plasmids into bacteria and grow the bacteria into clones. c)Isolate the gene for lactase. d)Create recombinant plasmids, including one that carries the gene for lactase.


There is a clear relationship between genome size and numbers of genes.


What feature of a DNA fragment causes it to move through a gel during electrophoresis? a)the electrical charges of its phosphate groups b)its nucleotide sequence c)the hydrogen bonds between its base pairs d)its double helix shape


Transgenic organisms can be scientifically or commercially useful only if __________. a)the host organism is a plant b)the host organism is a member of the same species as the donor c)the inserted ("foreign") gene is drawn from the human genome d)the vector is a plasmid e)the inserted ("foreign") gene is expressed in the host organism


Until about 20 years ago, law enforcement agencies primarily used fingerprints and blood as forensic evidence. However, forensic DNA typing now allows law enforcement officers to __________. a)compare DNA from victims with possible suspects b)All of the listed responses are correct. c)identify victims from terrorist attacks when only body fragments are found d)compare short tandem repeat patterns among suspects and victims e)exonerate people who have been wrongly convicted of crimes


What information about a target sequence of DNA is required to carry out polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? a)The number of bases in the target sequence of DNA must be known. b)The DNA sequence at the ends of the DNA to be amplified must be known. c)The sequence of restriction-enzyme recognition sites in the DNA to be amplified must be known. d)The complete DNA sequence of the DNA to be amplified must be known.


What is a genome? a)The genes in the reproductive cells of the female of the species b)The genes found in mitochondria that are inherited from the mother c)All the repeated DNA sequences in a species d)All of the DNA in an organism e)The genes involved in protein synthesis at a specific point in time


What is a plasmid? a)A type of mold that has a nucleus b)A circular piece of bacterial DNA that is copied independently of the main bacterial chromosome c)A type of virus that transmits DNA independently d)An organelle found in animal cells e)An organelle found in plant cells


What is the correct sequence of events that occur in a PCR reaction? a)addition of primers; use of DNA polymerase to produce second strand of DNA; DNA strand separation b)use of DNA polymerase to produce a second strand of DNA; separation of DNA strands; addition of primers c)separation of DNA strands; addition of primers; use of DNA polymerase to produce second strand of DNA d)separation of DNA strands; use of DNA polymerase to produce a second strand of DNA; addition of primers

It guides the complex to the proper location in the genome.

What is the function of the guide RNA in the CRISPRCas9 system?


What is the last enzyme used during the formation of recombinant DNA? a)Restriction enzyme b)RNA polymerase c)DNA ligase d)DNA polymerase e)Helicase

the possibility that the genes could escape, through crosspollination, to wild plants that are closely related to the crop species

What is the main concern about adding genes for herbicide resistance to crop plants?


What two enzymes are needed to produce recombinant DNA? a)a polymerase and a ligase b)a restriction enzyme and a ligase c)a polymerase and a catalase d)a restriction enzyme and a polymerase e)a restriction enzyme and a catalase


What types of safety and ethical issues are associated with DNA technology? a)Production of genetically modified crops b)Genetic engineering of human cells c)Personalized genetic testing d)All of the listed choices are correct.


When a restriction enzyme cuts a DNA molecule, the cuts are staggered so that the DNA fragments have single-stranded ends. This is important in recombinant DNA work because __________. a)it enables researchers to use the fragments as introns b)the fragments will bond to other fragments with complementary single-stranded ends c)only single-stranded DNA segments can code for proteins d)it allows a cell to recognize fragments for transcription e)the single-stranded ends serve as starting points for DNA replication


When is PCR particularly applicable? a)When speed is important but accuracy is not b)When there are large quantities of DNA to analyze c)When there are small quantities of DNA to analyze d)When the accuracy is important, but speed is not


Which of the following is not a component of gene cloning? a)The gene and protein of interest are isolated from bacteria b)DNA is inserted into a plasmid c)Plasmid is introduced into bacterial cell d)DNA ligase joins DNA fragments together e)None of the listed responses is correct.


Which of the following is not part of bioinformatics? a)DNA profiling b)Genome mapping c)Genomics d)DNA sequencing


Which of the following would be considered a transgenic organism? a)a bacterium that has received genes via conjugation b)a fern grown in cell culture from a single fern root cell c)a human given a corrected human blood-clotting gene d)a human treated with insulin produced by E. coli bacteria e)a rat with rabbit hemoglobin genes


Which of the organisms listed below are not commonly used in transgenic biotechnology? a)Mice b)Bacteria c)All of the listed organisms have been used. d)Yeast e)Goats

bone marrow stem cells multiply throughout a person's life(the stem cells that give rise to all the types of blood cells)

Why are bone marrow stem cells ideally suited as targets for gene therapy?

Plasmids can carry virtually any foreign gene and are replicated by their bacterial host cells.

Why are plasmids valuable tools for the production of recombinant DNA?

Different people tend to have different numbers of repeats at each STR site. DNA fragments prepared from the STR sites of different people will thus have different lengths, causing them to migrate to different locations on a gel.

Why do DNA fragments containing STR sites from different people tend to migrate to different locations during gel electrophoresis?

A genetically modified somatic cell will affect only the patient. Modifying a gamete will affect an unborn individual as well as all of his or her descendants.

Why does genetically modifying a human gamete raise different ethical questions than genetically modifying a human somatic (body) cell?

because PCR can be used to produce enough molecules for analysis

Why is only the slightest trace of DNA at a crime scene often sufficient for forensic analysis?


Why would gene cloning be beneficial? a)It allows for proteins to be produced on a large scale. b)All of the listed responses are correct. c)It allows for the improvement of agricultural productivity. d)It allows for DNA profiling. e)It allows for the treatment of different diseases.


You are investigating a murder. Which of the following technqiues would you use and why? a)Gel electrophoresis because it will amplify the sample allowing numerous DNA molecules to be produced. b)Gel electrophoresis because it will separate the DNA sample allowing for visualization of the different fragments. c)PCR because it will amplify the sample allowing numerous DNA molecules to be produced. d)PCR because it will separate the DNA sample allowing for visualization of the different fragments.


You have three copies of a particular DNA molecule. What technique would you use to make more copies of the molecule? a)PCR b)Sequencing c)Restriction fragment analysis d)None of the listed choices is correct. e)Gel electrophoresis

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