Ch.3 Open Stax Physiology

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How many "letters" of an RNA molecule, in sequence, does it take to provide the code for a single amino acid?


How does temperature affect the diffusion rate, and why?

Higher temperatures speed up diffusion because molecules have more kinetic energy at higher temperatures

Mitosis results in two identical diploid cells. What structures form during prophase?

The spindle

More specifically, on what structure are proteins synthesized?


. Which of the following is not made out of RNA? a.)the carriers that shuffle amino acids to a growing polypeptide strand b.) the ribosome c.)the messenger molecule that provides the code for protein synthesis d.) the intron

the ribosome

Which of the following sequences on a DNA molecule would be complementary to GCTTATAT? TAGGCGCG ATCCGCGC CGAATATA TGCCTCTC


A mutation in the gene for a cyclin protein might result in which of the following? a.) a cell with additional genetic material than normal b.) cancer c.) a cell with less genetic material than normal d.) any of the above

D any of the above

Which of the following is not a difference between DNA and RNA? a.) DNA contains thymine whereas RNA contains uracil b.) DNA contains deoxyribose and RNA contains ribose c.) DNA contains alternating sugar-phosphate molecules whereas RNA does not contain sugars D.) RNA is single stranded and DNA is double stranded

DNA contains alternating sugar-phosphate molecules whereas RNA does not contain sugars

18. Place the following structures in order from least to most complex organization: chromatin, nucleosome, DNA, chromosome A.) DNA, nucleosome, chromatin, chromosome B.) nucleosome, DNA, chromosome, chromatin C.) DNA, chromatin, nucleosome, chromosome D.) nucleosome, chromatin, DNA, chromosome

DNA, nucleosome, chromatin, chromosome

The nucleus and mitochondria share which of the following features?

Double cell membrane

Every type of cell goes through Mitosis? T/F?


. Which of the following phases is characterized by preparation for DNA synthesis? G0 G1 G2 S


Because they are embedded within the membrane, ion channels are examples of ________.

Integral Proteins

During what phase of the cell cycle is the DNA replicated?


Which of the following is a feature common to all three components of the cytoskeleton? They all serve to scaffold the organelles within the cell. They are all characterized by roughly the same diameter. They are all polymers of protein subunits. They all help the cell resist compression and tension.

They are all polymers of protein subunits

Ion pumps and phagocytosis are both examples of ________.

active transport

DNA replication proceeds simultaneously at several sites on the same molecule. What separates the base pair at the start of DNA replication?

an enzyme

Which of the following is part of the elongation step of DNA synthesis? a.) pulling apart the two DNA strands b.) attaching complementary nucleotides to the template strand c.) untwisting the DNA helix d.) none of the above

attaching complementary nucleotides to the template strand

What multipotent stem cells from children sometimes banked by parents?

cells from the umbilical cord and from baby teeth

. The diffusion of substances within a solution tends to move those substances ________ their ________ gradient.

down, concentration

Which type of stem cell gives rise to red and white blood cells?


What is the primary role of the endomembrane system?

is a group of membranes and organelles in eukaryotic cells that works together to modify, package, and transport lipids and proteins. which includes the rough and smooth ER and the Golgi body as well as lysosomes and vesicles.

To whom does the DNA give instructions to build a protein?


Which of the following organelles produces large quantities of ATP when both glucose and oxygen are available to the cell? mitochondria peroxisomes lysosomes ER


Transcription and translation take place in the ________ and ________, respectively.

nucleus; cytoplasm

Arrange the following terms in order of increasing specialization: oligopotency, pleuripotency, unipotency, multipotency.

pleuripotency, multipotency, oligopotency, unipotency

Which of the following is a function of the rough ER? production of proteins detoxification of certain substances synthesis of steroid hormones regulation of intracellular calcium concentration

production of proteins

Which of the following structures could be found within the nucleolus? chromatin histones ribosomes nucleosomes


What is a primary function of tumor suppressor genes?

stop certain cells from dividing

. Choose the term that best completes the following analogy: Cytoplasm is to cytosol as a swimming pool containing chlorine and flotation toys is to ________. the walls of the pool the chlorine the flotation toys the water

the water

Choose the answer that best completes the following analogy: Diffusion is to ________ as endocytosis is to ________.

Osmosis, Pinocytosis

The rough ER has its name due to what associated structures?


The ribosome binds to the mRNA molecule to start translation of its code into a protein. What happens to the small and large ribosomal subunits at the end of translation?

They separate and move and are free to join translation of other segments of mRNA.

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