Chap 1 The Study of Human Sexuality

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Why is it especially important to authenticate participants data as truthful and to ensure that participants are not harmed in sex research

Data is increasingly collected via the internet

The late 19 century trend of studying sexuality in a scientific manner began in


Modern researchers criticized Freud for

He only observed adults People cannot really remember their childhood fantasies and much of his research focused on that He only observed patients in his office, not in daily lives

Human sexuality involves all aspects of the body, mind, heart and experience and benefits, therefore form - perspective that helps to integrate all of these into the field of human sexuality


What role did human sexuality rights play in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

It had no role; it was largely left out

How was the 2001 Call to Action to Promote Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual Behavior implemented

It was not; politicians blocked it

Advantages of using questionnaires in research

Less costly compared to face to face interviews Ensure anonymity

Which researcher privately helped found the homosexual rights movement in Germany

Magnus Hirschfeld

Who founded the institute for sexual research in Berlin, a first of its kind treatment center

Magnus Hirschfeld

What was the popular technique used by Freud, which ascribes behaviors to unconscious desire?


What was the title of Richard von Krafft-Ebing's most famous work

Psychopathia Sexualis

- Is the systematic study of sexual interest, functions and behaviors


How should researchers determine what survey method to use

The one that will yield the most honest and complete answers

For what reasons do Havelock Ellis's clinical studies continue to fascinate scientist

They are meticulous and objective

Disadvantages to face to face interviews

They can be expensive to conduct Personal nature of the interaction may lead to purposeful omissions of information

Kinsey original study revealed what surprising aspects of Americans' behavior

They were engaging in far more types of sexual behaviors than researches (or public) expected

Field study is a research method in which a researcher observes behavior outside a clinical setting in its own cultural and linguistic context


Freud believed that children had sexual feelings and to repress their incestuous feelings because they were unacceptable to society and led to fetishism and madness


Sexual degeneracy is defined as the impairment of sexual function


Universal Declaration of Human Rights was formulated by -

United Nations (UN)

Advantages to face to face interviews

Vary sequence of questions depending on responses Interviewers can ask follow up questions for clarification Allow researchers to build rapport

Margaret Mead's groundbreaking work on Samoa compared Samoans and Americans during what phase of life, one that the she saw as a time of great turbulence


In a research study alcohol is given to participants and then arousal after a pornographic movie is measured. What is the dependent variable


Surveys and interviews are ways to identify which of the following

attitude, knowledge and behavior

Indicative of 20th century progressive sex researchers work to reform society's understanding of sexuality was their belief that marriage should

be based on love and mutual attraction between equals

According to Freud, a biological - is the idea that people may be naturally attracted to both sexes


Which 19 century prescription was John H. Kellogg's to curing masturbation in young boys

circumcision w/ no anesthesia

What aspect of sexuality did Havelock Ellis study

clinical studies of what went wrong with people's sexuality

Mary Calerone was the first female doctor to promote


The relationship between two variables is called


According to Margaret Mead - is more important than personality or biology in the development of sexual behavior


Sexual science is the study of sexual behavior across all the human species, all - and all individuals


Collecting data through - provides an opportunity to study natural behaviors in context as they occur

direct observation

Masters and Johnson believed that what type of sexual research gathering was scientifically accurate

direct observation in a laboratory

Sexual - is broadly defined as problems shared by couples that interfere with enjoyment or sexual intercourse or with orgasm


Ethical guidelines in research include which of the following

ensuring that data collection is done anonymously ensuring the participants are of legal age ensuring that no harm is done to the participants authenticating that the participants' attitudes, experiences and behaviors are truthful

zones of the body are highly sensitive to sexual stimulation


Which of the following was generally ignored in Kinsey's 1937 scientific survey study of human sexuality

ethnic diversity

Darwin used the theory of - to explain how sexuality contributes to the diversity of life


The call for human rights as global perspective has its roots in what historical event

experiences of WWII

Yan is conducting research in which he studies physiological responses to sexual imagery , specifically genital responses which he monitors by multiple instruments. In what type of research is Yan involved


Influencing laws and policies regarding sexual behavior is beyond the scope of interdisciplinary research when studying sexuality


Internet questionnaires are increasingly popular with researchers because they have almost zero methodological issues


What was the topic of Kinsey's second study which resulted in media headlines

female sexuality

What term did Richard von Krafft-Ebing famously coin through his work and research


Sexual well-being is reached once pleasure, protection, - and purpose in life are achieved


What are the four elements needed to achieve sexual well being

focus, purpose, pleasure, protection

Criticisms of Foucault's work

focused too exclusively on western society focused more on language than actual social behavior

Which of the following are foundational in Freud's psychoanalysis

free association talking therapy dreams

Participatory action research studies in sex research aim to motivate - in the study

greater community participation

Integrating body, mind, feelings and social life through sexuality is known as

holistic sexuality

Masters and Johnson pioneered research between 1957 and 1965 in order to better understand

how people became aroused and what went wrong when they couldn't have an orgasm

The - is the proposition set forth to explain some observation, method, or data analysis


Michael Foucault challenged Freud's ideas of sexual unconsciousness and claimed that which of the following shapes sexuality

ideas, roles, context, history

The - perspective is the holistic integration of research in different disciplines to describe and explain all of human sexuality


- in research refers to a methodological approach that addresses social identities and social inequality that is based on the combination of ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, class, disability status and stresses areas of interdependence


Candance is a researcher who is studying how people's sexuality is impacted by systems of status, power, and privilege embedded in race, gender, social class, national origin, and religion. Candace is enganging in - research


The dependent variable is the variable that

is measured by way of its change in the research

Which of the following statements about sexual literacy is true

it's a never ending process

Quantitative is gathering - information, whereas qualitative research is gathering descriptive information for analysis


Krafft-Ebing called abnormal sexual symptoms - by which he meant unusual or extreme sexual urges or acts


Sexuality research that is experimental often focuses on - responses to various stimuli


From what area has there been a resistance to sex research as part of a broad public planning in the United States


- research focuses on gathering numerical information and encoding it into numeric form


To create a true large population for a research study one would want to use - sampling where everyone would have an equal chance to be involved in the research


Masters and Johnsons discover - were after intercourse men can't ejaculate

refractory period

- refers to the extent to which a measure, procedure, or instrument yields the same results on repeated trials


Along with two colleagues, Kinsey expanded his 1937 study of sexual behavior to include - individuals who represent diverse segments of the population of interest

representative samples

Which of the following are among the sexuality rights that have been added to already recognized human rights

respect people's bodies teach and learn about sex to be sexually active or not

Case studies are often based on the - self report which is an account of a memory of an even in one's life


When a case study depends upon retrospective self-reports, there is a danger of - a distortion that may result in a person not remembering certain aspects of an event clearly, or perhaps misremembering the event altogether

retrospective bias

Direct observation in sex research has the possible disadvantage of - which means people who are uncomfortable with themselves, their body and their sexual performance are unlikely to agree to participate

self selection

According to 19th century doctors which of the following would have been considered problematic

sex for pleasure only, bisexuality, masturbation

Freud's focus on childhood led to the assumption that

sexual development ceases after childhood

Miriam Arbeit's sex positive approach combines three components

sexual selfhood - the totality of oneself as a sexual being including positive and negative feelings sexual negotiation - discussion and interaction that lead to agreement about sexual relationships sexual empowerment - taking responsibility for one's own sexuality, making one's own choices and respecting one's own needs, desires and values

- is defined as the fair distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges in society that imply respect, dignity, and the application of human rights in people's daily lives

social justice

What technique did Masters and Johnson develop to help couples deal with sexual dysfunction

talk therapy to help on becoming comfortable with sex

Mary Calderone founded the pioneering sexuality information and education council of the united states. What was the focus

teen sex education

What organization has played the most critical role in championing the link between sexual health and reproductive, sexual and gender orientation rights?

the World Health Organization (WHO)

In somewhat controversial fashion, Kinsey's work highlighted

the discrepancy between public standards of behavior and actual sexual behavior

The 2001 Call to Action to Promote Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual Behavior included which of the following as part of its policy vision

to implement and strengthen interventions for HIV/AIDS and other problems to increase awareness through eduction and media to expand research through numerous positive programs

What are the three primary goals of interdisciplinary sexuality research

to influence laws and policies regarding sexual behavior to help predict the sexual behavior of others to better understand human sexual behavior

Masters and Johnson's work disproved Freud's belief that the only real orgasm for women is in the vagina


Participatory action research (PAR) refers to collecting information that honors, centers and reflects the experiences of people most directly affected by issues in their communities


Random sampling is when every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected


Sexual literacy is defined as the knowledge and skills needed to promote and protect sexual well-being


Sigmund Freud's major research was to understand the - in his patients causing distress

underlying mental disorder

- Human rights are freedoms to which all humans are entitled


Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from violence, equality and non discrimination, and the right to life are all part of - rights

universal human

Most 19 century physicians were males that subscribed to which views

women had uncontrollable sexual urges

In what academic area was Alfred Kinsey trained?


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