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level of structure organization from small

1 chemical level ( atoms combine to form molecules- water, protein and organelle) 2 celluar level ( cells are made up of molecules) 3 tissues level ( consist of similar type of cells) 4 organ level ( organs are made up of different types of tissues) 5 organ system level ( organ systems consist of different organs that work together closely to accomplish a common purpose) 6 organismal level ( the highest level of organization. sum total of all structural levels working together to keep us alive)

all homeostatic control mechanisms are processes involving at least three component

1 receptor ( sensor that monitors the environment and responds to change called stimuli) 2 control center( receives input from receptor, determines appropriate response, determines set point at which variable is maintained) 3 effector ( receive output from control center, provides the means to respond, reduce negative feedback or enhances positive feedback)

Which of the following is true of positive feedback mechanisms? a The result or response enhances the original stimulus, and the response is accelerated. b The output shuts off the original stimulus or reduces its intensity. c The variable changes in a direction opposite to that of the initial change. d Their purpose is to prevent sudden severe changes within the body.

a The result or response enhances the original stimulus, and the response is accelerated.

which of the following would not be a functional characteristic of life a decay b movement c responsiveness d maintenance of boundaries

a decay

which of the following best defines anatomy a it is the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another b it is the study of tissues c it is the study of how the body parts work and carry out their life-sustaining activities d it is the study of all chemical reactions that occur within body cells

a it is the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another Anatomy is the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another.

Match the following: parietal pericardium. a lines the pericardial cavity b covers the heart c lines the thoracic cavity d covers most organs in the abdominopelvic cavity e lines the abdominopelvic cavity

a lines the pericardial cavity

which of the following is true concerning feedback mechanisms a negative feedback mechanisms work to prevent sudden severe changes within the body b negative feedback mechanisms tend to increase the original stimulus c positive feedback mechanisms always result in excessive damage to the host d blood glucose levels are regulated by positive feedback mechanisms

a negative feedback mechanisms work to prevent sudden severe changes within the body

Which of the following body systems acts as a fast-acting control system for the body? a nervous b respiratory c endocrine b skeletal d reproductive

a nervous

Which of the following would be an example of positive feedback? a release of oxytocin to increase the strength of labor contractions b release of glucagon to increase a lower-than-normal level of glucose in the blood c release of insulin to decrease a high level of glucose in the blood d shivering to generate heat in a situation where body temperature is below normal

a release of oxytocin to increase the strength of labor contractions

Which of the following body systems functions to produce blood cells? a skeletal b respiratory c circulatory d reproductive e urinary

a skeletal

Which internal organ is NOT housed in the ventral body cavity? a spinal cord b lung c stomach d heart

a spinal cord

Which of the following best defines physiology? a the study of how the body parts work and carry out their life-sustaining activities b the study of tissues c the study of all chemical reactions that occur within body cells d the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another

a the study of how the body parts work and carry out their life-sustaining activities

which are negative feedback a used for changes in blood glucose levels b used for changes in blood pressure c used for blood clotting d used for childbirth

a used for changes in blood glucose levels b used for changes in blood pressure

abdominopelvic cavity has 2 sub division

abdominal cavity (stomach, intestines, spleen,and liver) pelvic cavity (urinary bladder, reproducive organs and rectum)

standard body position is called

anatomical position

limbs are called


head, neck, and trunk are called


anatomical position is

body erect feet slightly apart palms facing forward

proteins and lesser extent fats are essential for

building cell structure

which are positive feedback a used for changes in blood glucose levels b used for changes in blood pressure c used for blood clotting d used for childbirth

c used for blood clotting d used for childbirth

what is the major energy fuel for body cells


what system is delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissue


what is the smallest units of living things


what is the simplest level of structural organization in the human body

chemical The simplest level of the structural hierarchy is the chemical level; chemicals (molecules) can be combined to form the structures of a cell.

body's ability is depends on

chemical reactions individual cells

dorsal body cavity has two subdivision

cranial cavity - in the skull, brain vertebral cavity - spinal cord

microscopic anatomy has 2 division

cytology ( cell of the body) histology ( study of tissues)

which of the following best demonstrates the principle of complementarity of structure and function a the heart and blood vessels circulate blood contiuously to carry oxygen and nutrients to all body cell b the liver, the brain ,blood vessels, and stomach are each responsible for a necessary activity that no other organ can perform c atoms, the tiny building block of matter, combine to form molecules such as water and proteins d bones can support and protect body organs because they contain hard mineral deposits

d bones can support and protect body organs because they contain hard mineral deposits The principle of the complementarity of structure and function states that what a structure can do depends on its specific form. For example, bones can support and protect body organs because they contain hard mineral deposits

metabolism depends on the

digestive respiratory system

what is otic


development anatomy has 1 division

embryology (developmental change that occur before birth )

what system is controls the body with chemical molecules called hormones


what are the 4 basic tissue

epithelium muscle connective nervous

true or false digestion includes breaking substances into their simpler building block, synthesizing more complex cellular structures from simper substances and using nutrients and oxygen to produce ATP

false This is the definition of metabolism (not digestion). Metabolism is a broad term that includes all chemical reactions that occur within body cells. It includes breaking substances into their simpler building blocks (e.g., breaking down glycogen into molecules of glucose), synthesizing more complex cellular structures from simpler substances (e.g., building a protein from amino acids), and using nutrients and oxygen to produce ATP. Digestion is the breaking down of ingested foodstuffs to simple molecules that can be absorbed into the blood.

physiology is

function of body, how the body parts work

what does the principle of complementarity of structure and function mean

function reflects structure and structure determines function The function of a cell/organ/organism depends on its structure. The structure of a cell/organ/organism determines its function.

mineral and vitamin are required for chemical reaction that

go on in cells and for oxygen transport in the blood

3 anatomy subdivision

gross or macroscopic anatomy microscopic anatomy developmental anatomy

metabolism is regulated by


what system is produces antibodies that attach to foreign substance


what does homeostatic imbalance cause

increase risk of disease contribute to change associated with aging ( control systems less efficient) if negative feed back mechanism is overwhelmed ( destructive positive feedback mechanism take over- heart failure)

anatomy and physiology are

inseparable because function always reflects structure and what a structure can do depends on its specific form

what system is protects underlying organs from environmental damage and synthesizes vitamin D


11 organ system

integumentary system ( protects deeper tissues from injury, synthesize vitamin D, houses cutaneous receptor , sweat and oil glands) skeletal ( protect and support body organ) muscular system ( maintains posture and produces heat) nervous system endocrine system cardiovascular system ( transport blood which curries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes) lymphatic system (picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and return it to blood, houses white cells lymphocyte) respiratory system digestive system urinary system ( eliminate nitrogenous wastes) reproductive system

what is the function of serous fluid

it enables organs , such as the heart and the stomach to slide across cavity walls and each other without friction The slippery serous fluid allows the organs to slide without friction across the cavity walls and one another as they carry out their routine functions. This freedom of movement is especially important for mobile organs, such as the pumping heart and the churning stomach.

what is homeostasis

its ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world changes continuously

thoracic cavity has 2 subdivision

lateral pleural cavities - each surrounds a lung medial mediastium - contain pericardial cavity (heart )

what system is removes and filters excess fluid from tissues


the ultimate goal of all body system is to

maintain life

necessary life function is

maintaining boundaries between internal and external enviroment ( skin, plasma membranes) movement ( skeletal muscle, cardiac and smooth muscle) responsiveness( ability to sense and respond to stimuli, withdrawal reflex, control of breathing rate) digestion( breakdown of ingested foodstuff to simple molecules that can be absorbed into the blood) metabolism (all chemical reactions that occur within body cells, catabolism, anabolosm) excretion (process of removing wastes from metabolism and digestion) reproduction( two identical daughter cells may be used for body growth or repair, responsible for producing offspring, regulated by hormones) growth( increase in size of a body part or the organism)

sagittal plane 2 subdivision

median plane or medsagittal plane ( lies on midline) parasagittal plane ( not on midline)

which cavity is ear

middle ear cavity

what is negative feedback

most feedback mechanism in the body reduce or shuts off original stimulus (change in a direction opposite to initial change) withdrawal reflex hormonal ( control of blood sugar)

what system is directly causes mechanical motion


which cavity is nose

nasal cavity

the regulation of body temperature is an example of which type of homeostatic control

negative feedback Most homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback mechanisms. In these systems, the output shuts off the original effect of the stimulus or reduces its intensity. Your body "thermostat" operates in this fashion.

what system is responds to environmental chnges by transmitting electrical impulses


homeostatic control communication is accomplished by the

nervous and endocrine systems

dorsal body cavity protect the

nervous system organs

survival need are

nutrients ( chemicals for energy and cell building, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins) oxygen (essential for energy release ATP production, 20% of air we breathing is oxygen) water ( the most abundant chemical in the body 70% of body weight) body temperature ( 37c is normal, affect rate of chemical reaction) appropriate atmospheric pressure (for adequate breathing and gas exchange in lungs)

what are survival needs of the body

nutrients, water, atmospheric pressure and oxygen

what section is a cut made diagonally between the horizontal and the vertical planes

oblique section An oblique section is a cut made diagonally between the horizontal and the vertical planes.

one more body plane is

oblique section ( cut made between the horizontal and the vertical plane)

which cavity is mouth

oral cavity

which cavity is eye

orbital cavity

which level of structural organization is considered to be the highest level

organismal The highest level of organization is the organism, the living human being, Thus, the organismal level represents the sum total of all structural levels working together to keep us alive.

what serosa lines internal body cavity wall

parietal serose

what is heart serous membranes


what is sbdominopelvic cavity membranes


what is lungs serous membranes


when serous membranes are inflamed, smooth surface becomes roughened and causes the organs stick together it is leading to

pleurisy peritonitis

what is the all negative feedback mechanism goal

preventing sudden severe change within the body

the relationship between anatomy and physiology is called

principle of complementarity of structure and function

in a homeostatic control mechanism, which component monitors the environment

receptor Homeostasis refers to maintenance of relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world changes continuously. Receptors monitor changes occurring both inside and outside the body and send this information (called input) to control centers for processing.

gross or macroscopic anatomy have 3 division

regional anatomy systemic anatomy surface anatomy

physiology has 3 subdivision

renal physiology ( kidney function and urine production) neurophysiology ( nervous system) cardiovascular physiology (operation of the heart and blood vessels)

what is positive feedback

response enhance or exaggeration original stimulus exhibit a cascade or amplifying effect platelet plug formation and blood clotting enhancement of labor contractions by oxytocin

A person with appendicitis will most often present pain in the __________.

right lower quadrant

3 most common body planes

sagittal plane ( vertical plane, divide the body into right and left ) frontal plane (divide body into anterior and posterior) transverse or horizontal plane( divide body into superior and inferior)

the walls of the ventral body cavity and the outer surface of the organs it contains are covered by a thin, double- layered membrane it is called

serosa or serous membrane

serous membranes are separated by

serous fluid

what system is provides support and levers for muscles to pull


anatomy is

structure of body

which cavity is joint cavity

synovial cavity

physiology often focuses on event at

the cellular molecular level

what is the true of negative feedback

the effect opposes the original stimulus or reduces tis intensity Most homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback mechanisms. In these systems, the effect opposes (counteracts) the original stimulus or reduces its intensity.

correct order of the components interact in homeostatic control system

the receptor, the control center, and the effector Regardless of the factor or event being regulated-the variable-all homeostatic control mechanisms are processes involving at least three components that work together. The first component, the receptor, is a sensor that monitors the environment and responds to changes by signaling (providing input to) the control center. The control center compares the input to the set point, which is the level or range at which a variable is to be maintained, and signals the appropriate effector(s). The effector produces the effect (change) that counteracts the initial problem (stimulus).

ventral body cavity has 2 subdivision

the thoracic cavity abdominopelvic cavity

the dorsal body is divided into

the vertebral/spinal and cranial cavities The dorsal body cavity, which protects the fragile nervous system organs, has two subdivisions: the cranial cavity and the vertebral, or spinal, cavity.

pericaditis is a disorder in which pain is experienced in the ____

thoracic cavity

what is the main general purpose of negative feedback

to maintain homeostasis

true or false a tissue consists of groups of similar cells that have a common function


true or false lungs carry out an excretory function


true or false responsiveness or irritability is the ability to sense changes in the environment and then respond to them


the more anterior and larger of the closed body cavities is the

ventral body cavity

what serosa covering the organs in the cavity

visceral serosa

ventral body cavity houses


the single most abundant chemical substance of the body, accounting for 60 percent to 80 percent weight is _________


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