chapter 1: A New World

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- a legal doctrine - woman would be "covered" by her husband after she married - she could not own property or sign contracts in her own name (labor wages doc. , a separate will, divorce paper) - Family life was dependent on male dominance and female submission. - A married woman could not conduct business for the family.

Hopi and Zuni civilization of Western Indians

- built planned towns with large multi-family dwellings - conducted trade with faraway groups - constructed dams and canals to gather and distribute water

freedom in Europe about the Christian Liberty

- freedom was less a political or social status than a moral or spiritual condition - Servitude and freedom were mutually reinforced through the ideal of becoming a "servant to God."

The development of new technologies allowed Europeans to explore west across the Atlantic. Identify the new technologies that enabled this travel.

- invention of the compass - development of the caravel - invention of the quadrant


- is "a meeting place of peoples where geographical and cultural borders are not clearly defined." - the "middle ground" of the upper Great lakes

Identify the innovations Native Americans lacked that prevented them from developing agriculture beyond the basic crops of corns, beans, and squash.

- lacked of wheeled vehicles, domesticated animals - they do have trade networks, irrigation systems

Spain: repartiminento system

- natives remained legally free - natives are not slaves - Natives were paid wages - Natives were required to perform a fixed amount of labor.

Native Americans religious belief throughout North America is animism, which is

- the belief that sacred spirits could be found in living and inanimate things - related farming and hunting - not similar to Christian Liberty

Spain: the Black Legend (Stories of the Black Legend of Spain spread throughout Europe and the colonies through both writings and visual imagery)

- the image of Spain as a uniquely brutal and exploitative colonizer. - a potent justification for other European powers to challenge Spain's predominance in the New World.

reasons the five tribes of Iroquois united under one confederacy.

- to form an alliance against European invasion - to combine their fighting forces to defeat other native tribes in the area

Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztecs

1. The Aztecs alienate neighboring tribes 2. Cortes befriends non-Aztecs tribes 3. Disease overtakes the Aztecs 4. The king was captured and killed

Persons born in Spain were the majority of the population in the Spanish colonies.

Although persons of European birth, called peninsulares, stood atop the social hierarchy, they never constituted more than a tiny proportion of the population of Spanish America.

The inhabitants of what Native American city near present-day St. Louis were known for building burial mounds?


What country had a large naval fleet and could have located America before Columbus?

China was already the world's most important trading economy, with trade routes dotting the Indian Ocean. Admiral Zheng's purpose was not to discover, but to impress other peoples with China's might. Had his ships continued westward, they could easily have reached North and South America

The pueblo revolt

Native American revolt against the Spanish in late 17th century; expelled the Spanish for over 10 years - The Pueblos rejected all symbols of European culture. - Natives rebuilt their places of worship. - The Spanish adopted a more tolerant attitude in their relations with natives. (when Pueblo died and the Spain come back)

Columbus went to his grave believing he discovered a westward route to Asia. Christopher Columbus actually "discovered"

Native Americans

french had great admiration for the native societies, and as a result they frequently adopted native ways

New France witnessed considerable cultural exchange and intermixing between colonial and native populations. On the "middle ground" of the upper Great Lakes region in French America, Indians and whites encountered each other for many years on a basis of relative equality.

religious freedom in seventeenth-century Europe.

People in seventeenth-century Europe were legally obligated to follow the faith of the kingdom and had no private choice in the matter


The children of a marriage between Indian women and French traders and officials were called métis. Like the Spanish, the French seemed willing to accept Indians as part of colonial society.

French colonies

They married Indian women, relying on them as guides, traders, and interpreters.

Spanish Colonies- All single men were required to marry.

With the population of Spanish women remaining low, the intermixing of the colonial and Indian people soon began

An indentured servant in New France would most likely serve in which of the following positions?

a servant to anyone who held the contract

why Christopher Columbus most likely brought ten inhabitants from the island of Hispaniola back to Spain.

for conversion to Christianity.

native ways of life, tribes in the north

gathered wild rice relied on fishing

Cabot was the only explorer to arrive in present-day Canada

graph reading

Columbus crossed the Atlantic from Europe four times, landing in the present-day Caribbean and South America.

graph reading

Magellan was the only explorer to sail around most of South America.

graph reading

Vespucci crossed the Atlantic once in 1501-1502, arriving in South America.

graph reading

native ways of life, tribes in the south

managed orchards hunted alligators foraged along the seacoast (mexico)

Spain: replace encomienda system with new repartimiento system

reforming the Empire in 1550

Columbia Exchange (goods) from the Old world to the New world

wheat, rice, sugarcane, horses, cattle, pigs, and sheep

Europeans held numerous ideas of freedom. Identify the characteristics of Christian liberty.

"Christian Liberty"

What impact did the unifying of the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile have on potential westward expansion for Spain?

- Ferdinand and Isabella then ordered all Muslims and Jews to convert to Catholicism or leave the country - they completed the reconquista—the "reconquest" of Spain from the Moors, African Muslims who had occupied part of the Iberian Peninsula for centuries

las casas

- A priest who spoke out against the mistreatment of native peoples under the care of the church. He persuaded Spain to pass laws in 1542 saying that native peoples must be paid for their work. - De Las Casas points to the irony that while the Spanish wanted the natives to convert to their religion, they did not demonstrate the tenets of Christianity, and instead enslaved and abused the natives. - points out although the spanish saw themselves as "servants to God", an important tenet of Christian Liberty, they had no issues enslaving and abusing the slaves if they refused to convert

Christian Liberty

- An idea common in Europe that freedom would come from abandoning the life of sin to embrace the teachings of Christ. - no connection to later ideas of religious toleration,

European Freedom

- Freedom was associated with individual ownership of property. - Moral behavior was directed by a written code of laws. - Individual freedom was prioritized over group needs. - Specific freedoms were outlined in formal laws.

Dutch colonies

- Legal rights existed for women - This country had patroons, who were landowners who had tenants work on their land for profits. - Religious toleration existed for colonists.

Martin Luther, a German priest, gained much attention when he posted his Ninety-Five Theses. What arguments did Luther express in the document?

- Luther accused the Catholic Church of corruption. - Luther wanted all Christians to read the Bible for themselves, not rely on interpretations from a priest. - Luther wanted to stop the sale of indulgences, which granted forgiveness in exchange for a fee.

what degree did ideas of freedom inspire English settlers in North America

- The English prided themselves on being exemplars of freedom. - The English believed that they were bringing freedom to the Native American population and rescuing them from the Spanish.

Spanish Colonies

- The Spanish crown ordered wives of colonists to join them in America. - All single men were required to marry. - Spanish authorities granted Indians certain rights within colonial society and looked forward to their eventual assimilation. - Persons born in Spain were the majority of the population in the Spanish colonies.

Identify the statements that describe the encounters between the peoples of the Americas and the Europeans.

- The invention of printing made it possible for Europeans to share information and follow in each other's sailing paths. - Europeans sought wealth in the New World, initially relying on natives for either trade or labor. - The Europeans competed with each other, trying to amass as many native converts to their specific religion as possible.

Natives freedom

- They supported the idea of freedom of religious choice - Families "owned" the right to use land - Family ties and kinship were prioritized over individual needs.

Indian society (Native American societies) were matrilineal society

centered on clans or kinship groups in which children became members of the mother's family, not the father's


children of marriages between Indian women and French traders and officials

Why was Columbus more confident than others about his ability to sail westward?

columbus used the bible to calculate taht Asia was only 3000 miles to the west, he drastically underestimated its size.

Columbia Exchange (goods) from the new world to the old world

corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, tobacco, and cotton,

The Dutch were more tolerant of diverse religious faiths. However tolerant, Governor Petrus Stuyvesant of New Netherland was a strong supporter of the Dutch Reformed Church and wanted to alienate those of other religious faiths. What petition was filed by Quakers demanding they be allowed to settle in a Dutch colony?

the Flushing Remonstrance

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