Chapter 1 Basic biology and what is zoology?

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______- means that a population maintains across generations only one of the alternative traits when propagated in isolation from other populations. For example, most population of fruit flies produce only red-eyed individuals, generation after generation, regardless of the environments in which they are raised; such strains are ____ for red eyes.


what is the scientific name of the peppered moth?

(Biston betularia) -exhibits a range of colors from nearly white to black. -many trees had light bark before the industrial revolution. Many had dark bark by the time of the HBD Kettlewell experiments in the 1950's.

what were the results of the HBD Kettlewell experiments in the 1950's.

-Birds predated more effectively on moth that did not match their background color. -This led to an increase in frequency of dark colored moths in polluted areas, as most trees were covered in soot. -Now (post 2000), most coal emissions are filtered, trees are light, the frequency of light moths has increased. - This has happened thanks to the clean coal- it has scrubbers that gets rid of pollutants with coal but it is still not safe, just less coal out.

what are the characteristics of science?

-Guided by natural laws. -Able to be explained by natural laws. -Testable -Conclusions are tentative pending new evidence -Falsifiable -Considerable misunderstanding if terminology.

-What type of reproductive mode example did we use? -What animal?

-intrauterine cannibalism -Sand tiger shark

A-B-C are examples of Reproductive process observed at 4 different levels of biological complexity Species level Molecular level Organismal level Cellular level


what are the 8 characteristics of life?

1. Chemical uniqueness 2.Complexity and hierarchical organization 3. Reproduction 4. Genetic (hereditary) material 5. Metabolism 6. Development 7. Environmental interactions 8. Movement C-C/H-R-G/M-M-D-E/I-M can/u-claire and hailey organization-run george and mike-money-deep-england and ireland- maybe

what are the 5 steps to the scientific method?

1. Observation 2. Question 3. Hypothesis 4. Empirical Test 5. Conclusion 6. Publication

What are the 6 steps in the scientific method?

1. Observation 2. Question 3. Hypothesis 4. Test or experiment 5. Conclusion 6. Publication/dissemination of results

Professor Ernst Mayr of Harvard University argues that Darwinism should be viewed as 5 major theories? What are the 5 major theories?

1. Perpetual Change 2. Common descent 3. Multiplication of species 4. Gradualism 5. Natural Selection

1 of 5 of Ernst Mayr theories of Darwinism States that the living world is neither constant nor perpetually cycling, but is always changing.The varying forms of organisms undergo measurable changes across generations throughout time.

1. Perpetual change

1 of 5 of Ernst Mayr theories of Darwinism theory States that all forms of life descend from a common ancestor through a branching of lineages.

2. Common descent

1 of 5 of Ernst Mayr theories of Darwinism theory States that the evolutionary process produces new species by splitting and transforming older ones. Species are now generally viewed as reproductively distinct populations of organisms that usually but not always differ from each other in organismal form.

3. Multiplication of species

1 of 5 of Ernst Mayr theories of Darwinism theory States that the large differences in anatomical traits that characterize disparate species originate through the accumulation of many small incremental changes over very long periods of time.

4. Gradualism

a genetic program provides fidelity of inheritance 1 of 8 general properties of living system

4. Possession of a genetics program

1 of 5 of Ernst Mayr theories of Darwinism theory is therefore a creative process that generates novel forms from the small individual variations that occur among organisms within a population.

5. Natural selection

what are the 4 nitrogenous bases of DNA?

A C G T adenine cytosine guanine thymine

what are the 4 nitrogenous bases of RNA?

A C G U in RNA the Uracil replaces Thyrosine adenine cytosine guanine uracil

How do humans use the MHC locus recognition?

All humans have a certain scent. When humans have a common scents, it means that use have similar immune systems. We take the similar scent, as a bad scent. We tend to reproduce with people with different scents, this reduces bad inbreeding.

in the development what are the 2 examples?

American roach- that has multiple stages Silverfish- that has a direct life cycle. It just grows bigger.

what is the name of the Light and Melanic forms of peppered moth used in the British experiment?

Biston betularia

the example for proximate aspects and ultimate aspects: avoidance of inbreeding depression through MHC locus recognition. what two animals are used and why?

Bull Dogs- they can't breed without artificial insemination. Dalmatian Dog- These dogs will go blind.

Living systems demonstrate a unique and complex molecular organization. -Not all are unique to life, but the combinations of structure, molecules, and bonds are distinct.

Chemical Uniqueness

_____- store genetic information. it is very long, linear chain of subunits called nucleotides, each of which contains a sugar phosphate (deoxyribose phosphate)


what provides "fidelity of inheritance" or heritability


Out of DNA and RNA, which one is stable and which one is unstable?

DNA=stable RNA=unstable DNA degenerates over time

All organism have a life cycle. -animals often have multiple life stages. -animals senesce (age) -some organisms do not senesce bacteria does not die


All organisms pass through a characteristic life cycle. 1 of 8 general properties of living system

Development Development describes the characteristics changes that an organism undergoes from its origin (usually the fertilization of an egg by sperm) to its final adult form.

what is an example of Hierarchical- emergent properties(social behavior)

Driver ants The solider driver ants protects the worker ants from danger.

The study of organismal interactions between their abiotic and biotic environments.


Uses the comparative method to reconstruct the history of life, and then use that history to explain many diverse species and their molecular, cellular, organismal, and populational properties arose through evolutionary time.

Evolutionary science

Is the law of conservation of energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another. All aspects of life require energy and transformation.

First law of thermodynamics

who studied the transmission of seven variable features in garden peas, crossing populations that were true-breeding for alternative traits (for example, tall versus short plants).

Gregor Mendel

Is a faithful transmission of traits from parents to offspring, usually (but not necessarily) at the organismal level.


An organism's response or ability to respond to stimuli.


Organisms acquire energy and nutrients from the environment and process them.


A-B-C are examples of Reproductive process observed at 4 different levels of biological complexity Species level Molecular level Organismal level Cellular level electron micrograph of a replicating DNA molecule.

Molecular level

Living system and their parts show precise and controlled movements arising from within the system. 1 of 8 general properties of living system


the physical and temporal space an organism can exist within. for example there might not be enough rain or predators.


what are the 4 biological macromolecules?

Nucleic Acids Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids

what is the name of Charles Darwin book he published in England in 1859?

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

Organisms make more of themselves. -Tremendous variation --asexual vs. sexual


-What animal has many eggs. -Then the bigger eggs eat the smaller eggs until there is one large egg left. -It produces 2 offspring a year -K-selective -It is found in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast.

Reproductive mode example intrauterine cannibalism The sand tiger shark

states that physical systems tend to proceed toward a state of greater disorder, or entropy. Energy obtained and stored by plants is subsequently released by various mechanism and finally dissipated as heat.

Second law of thermodynamics

which level of hierarchical level of biological complexity? 1 of 4 timescale- Thousands to millions of years field of study- Systematics and evolutionary biology, community ecology methods of study- Study of reproductive barriers, phylogeny, paleontology, ecological interactions some emergent properties- Method of reproduction, reproductive barriers.


A-B-C are examples of Reproductive process observed at 4 different levels of biological complexity Species level Molecular level Organismal level Cellular level Formation of new species in the sea urchin (Eucidaris) after geographic separation of Carribbean (E. tribuloides) and Pacific (E. thouarsi) populations by the a land bridge that formed approximately 3 million years ago.

Species level

what are examples of physiological phenomena

The process by which animals maintain temperature under different environmental conditions, digest their food, migrate to new habitats, or store energy.

is the production of differences among the traits of different individuals


Natural selection explains why organisms are constructed to meet the demands of their environments, a phenomenon called? ___ is the expected result of a process that accumulates the most favorable variants occurring in a population throughout long periods of evolutionary time



breaking down (destructive)


building up (constructive)

Catabolic= Anabolic=

catabolic= breaking down anabolic= building up

which level of hierarchical level of biological complexity? 1 of 4 timescale- Hours (mammalian cell)= 16 hours field of study- cell biology methods of study- microscopy (light,electron, biochemistry) some emergent properties- Chromosomal replication (meiosis, mitosis), synthesis of macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, polysaccharides)


____ are the basic building blocks of living organisms.


figure 1.3 Volvox globator is a multicellular chlorophytan that illustrates 3 different levels of the biological hierarchy:

cellular organismal population

A-B-C are examples of Reproductive process observed at 4 different levels of biological complexity Species level Molecular level Organismal level Cellular level micrograph of cell division at mitotic telophase

cellular level

Living systems demonstrate a unique and complex molecular organization.

chemical uniqueness 1 of 8 general properties of living system

what animal eats the moth? primary predators for the moths.

chickadees aka great tit.

Living system demonstrate a unique and complex hierarchical organization.

complexity and hierarchical organization 1 of 8 general properties of living system

look for anything symmetrical

complexity and organization

repetitions of the experimental procedure that lack the disturbance are established to eliminate unknown factors that might bias the outcome of the experiment.


In zoology what is the domain- kingdom-

domain -eukarya kingdom- animalia

The study of organismal interaction with an environment is called?

ecology The science of ecology reveals how an organism perceives environment stimuli and responds in appropriate ways by adjusting its metabolism and physiology.

Appearance of new characteristics at a given level of organization is called? and these characteristics are called?

emergence emergent properties


emergent properties (social behavior) Variation in properties arising from common structures (homologous) structures makes definition difficult.

All animals interact with their environments. 1 of 8 general properties of living system

environmental interactions

some organisms that are neither animals nor plants, such as single celled ____ and ____ combine properties that distinguish animals (locomotion) from plants (photosynthetic ability). grouped as kingdom Protista

euglena and volox

Animals are part of even larger limb called ? This larger limb includes plants, fungi, and numerous-enclosed nuclei.


biological sciences that address questions of ultimate causes are called?_______ and the proceed largely using the comparative method rather than experimentation.

evolutionary science

use the experimental method to ask how animals perform the basic metabolic, developmental, behavioral, and reproductive functions, including investigation of their molecular, cellular, and population system.

experimental science

Biological sciences that investigate proximate causes are called ______, and they proceed using the experimental method. Their goal is to test our mechanistic explanations of biological system.

experimental sciences

zoology science are subdivided into two categories?

experimental sciences evolutionary sciences

The correspondence between the sequence of bases in DNA and the sequence of amino acids in a protein is called the

genetic code

this is an example of. ______ provides a pausible explanation for the origins of different bill shapes in the Hawaiian honeycreepers.


Hydra= Human egg and sperm=

hydra= asexual reproduction Human egg and sperm= sexual reproduction

All organisms respond to environmental stimuli, a property called?


what is the definition of knowledge?

justified, true belief

living systems assemble large molecules called


what example did we use for movements?

manashrimp. protein for cellular respiration to produce energy. Tranfers kinetic energy, and works like a turban.

Living organisms maintain themselves by acquiring nutrients from their environments. 1 of 8 general properties of living system


This includes digestion, acquisition of energy (respiration), and synthesis of molecules and structures. It is an interaction of destructive (catabolic) and constructive (anabolic) reactions


The transformation that occurs from stage to another is called? There is little resemblance for example stages of metamorphic insects. (monarch butterfly)

metamorphosis example is monarch butterfly

organisms and their parts show complex and least somewhat predicable movements.


encode structures of the protein molecule needed for organismal development and functioning.

nucleic acids

A ____ is one worded in a way that would permit data to reject it should it be false.

null hypothesis

what example did we use for the niche?

oangetoe it is a large mammal. that can be found in rainforest.

which level of hierarchical level of biological complexity? 1 of 4 timescale- Hours to days (unicellular); days to years (multicellular) field of study-Organismal anatomy, physiology, genetics methods of study- Dissection, genetic crosses, clinical studies, physiological experimentation some emergent properties- Structure , function and coordination of tissues, organs and organ system (blood pressure, bod temperature, sensory perception, feeding


A-B-C are examples of Reproductive process observed at 4 different levels of biological complexity Species level Molecular level Organismal level Cellular level a king snake hatching

organismal level

______- likewise demonstrates both heredity and variation, the latter most obvious in sexually reproducing forms.

organismal reproduction

Powerful theories that guide extensive research are called?


It did not occur to Darwin that hereditary factors could be discrete and nonblending and a new genetic variant therefore could persist unaltered from one generation to the next. This principle is called?

particulate inheritance

what example did we use for the scientific method?

peppered moth example industrial melanism -Industrial revolution: coal burned -deposited soot in the surrounding areas -darkened trees, building, etc. the coal contains a lot of carbon and sulfur.

All of these studies confirm the theory that life's history has the structure of a branching evolutionary tree, called a


The study of complex metabolic functions is called?


The study of metabolism is branch of?


which level of hierarchical level of biological complexity? 1 of 4 timescale- Up to thousands of years field of study- Population biology, population genetics, ecology methods of study- Statistical analysis of variation, abundance, geographical distribution some emergent properties-Social structures, system of mating, age distribution of organisms, levels of variation, action of natural selection


The many hypotheses tested about the animal world can be grouped into two major categories. The first category seeks to explain the _____ or ______ that underline the functioning of biological system at a particular time and place.

proximate and immediate causes

means that How does it happen?

proximate aspects

causality has 2?

proximate aspects and ultimate aspects

Living systems can reproduce themselves.

reproduction Life dies not arise spontaneously but comes only from prior life, through reproduction. 1 of 8 general properties of living system

The history of science shows that even major paradigms are subject to refutation and replacement when they fail to account for our observation of the natural world. They are then replaced by new paradigms in a process called a

scientific revolution

Populations become fragmented to produce new populations, and species split to produce new species through a process called?


what is an example of Darwinian evolutionary theory?

the different form of these vertebrate forelimbs were molded by natural selection to adapt them for different functions. in book there is a frog,hawk, gecko, bat, and human

If a hypothesis is very powerful in explaining a wide variety of related phenomena, it attains the status of a ?


means that Why does it happen?

ultimate aspects

In contrast to question concerning the proximate causes of biological system are questions of the _______ that have produced these system and their distinctive characteristics through evolutionary time. For example, what are the evolutionary factors that caused some birds to acquire complex patterns of seasonal migration between temperate and tropical areas?

ultimate causes

what is the branch of biology that studies animals?


greek root for "zoon"= "logos"=

zoon= animal logos=knowledge

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