Chapter 1 Quiz

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What are the boundaries of 25.6 ounces? 25-26 ounces 25.55-25.65 ounces 25.5-25.7 ounces 20-39 ounces


The four basic sampling methods are a. b. c. d. .

A. Random B. Systematic C. Cluster D. Stratified

___________________ is obtained by dividing the population into sections or clusters and then selecting one or more clusters and using all members in the cluster(s) as the members of the sample.


discrete or continuous Ages of people working in a large factory


discrete or continuous The amount of drugs injected into a guinea pig


discrete or continuous The time it takes a student to drive to school


descriptive or inferential The average life expectancy in New Zealand is 78.49 years (Source: World Fact book).


descriptive or inferential total amount of estimated losses for Hurricane Katrina was $125 billion (Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts).


discrete or continuous Number of cups of coffee served at a restaurant


discrete or continuous The number of gallons of milk sold each day at a grocery store


True or False The difference between a sampling measure and a population measure is called a non-sampling error.


true or false When the population of college professors is divided into groups according to their rank (instructor, assistant professor, etc.) and then several are selected from each group to make up a sample, the sample is called a cluster sample.

False it is stratified

an effect on an outcome variable caused by the fact that subjects of the study know that they are participating in the study

Hawthorne effect

descriptive or inferential A diet high in fruits and vegetables will lower blood pressure (Source: Institute of Medicine).


descriptive or inferential stated that the shape of a person's ears is relative to the person's aggression (Source: American Journal of Human Biology).


nominal-level, ordinal-level, interval-level, or ratio-level Temperatures of hair dryers


Data that can be classified according to color are measured on what scale? Nominal Ratio Ordinal Interval


nominal-level, ordinal-level, interval-level, or ratio-level Classification of automobiles as subcompact, compact, standard, and luxury


nominal-level, ordinal-level, interval-level, or ratio-level Rating of movies as G, PG, and R


A study that uses intact groups when it is not possible to randomly assign participants to the groups is called a(n) study.


In a research study, participants should be assigned to groups using _____________ methods, if possible.

Random methods

nominal-level, ordinal-level, interval-level, or ratio-level Number of candy bars sold on a fund drive


nominal-level, ordinal-level, interval-level, or ratio-level Weights of suitcases on a commercial airliner


___________________ is a sample obtained by selecting every kth member of the population where k is a counting number.


what are the three most common types of surveys?

Telephone mailed questionnaire personal interview

True or false Probability is used as a basis for inferential statistics.


True or false When the sample does not represent the population, it is called a biased sample.


Three reasons why samples are used in statistics: a. b. c. .

a. Saves time b. Saves money c. Use when population is infinite

independent or dependent It was found that laughing can reduce your aches and pains as much as taking a pain pill.

aches/pains - dependent (on) laughing/taking pain pill - independent

independent or dependent In an article in the British Journal of Nutrition, two types of mice were randomly selected. One group received a thyme supplement for a specific time, while another group was used as a control group and received no supplements. The brains of the mice were then analyzed, and it was found that the brains of the group of mice that received the thyme supplements had antioxidant levels similar to those of younger mice. It was concluded that the thyme supplement increased the antioxidants in the brains of the mice.

antioxidants - dependant (on) thyme/no thyme - independant

subjects of the study do not know whether they are receiving a treatment or a placebo

blinding effect

Random, systematic, stratified, cluster, or other In a large school district, all teachers from two buildings are interviewed to determine whether they believe the students have less homework to do now than in previous years.


independent or dependent Various types of coffees are selected from local coffee shops, and the number of milligrams of caffeine per ounce is determined.

coffee - independant, ml of caffiene - dependant

A variable that interferes with other variables in the study is called A confounding variable. An explanatory variable. An outcome variable. An interfering variable.

confounding variable

is one that influences the dependent or outcome variable but was not separated from the independent variable.

confounding variable or lurking variable

a group in an experimental study that is not given any special treatment

control group

sample of subjects used because they are convenient and available

convenient sample

a study in which data are collected at one point in time

cross-sectional study

a variable in correlation and regression analysis that cannot be controlled or manipulated studied to see if significant change occurs

dependent variable or outcome variable

descriptive or inferential In a poll of 3036 adults, 32% said that they got a flu shot at a retail clinic (Source: Harris Interactive Poll).


descriptive or inferential In a survey of 1000 adults, 34% said that they posted notes on social media websites (Source: AARP Survey).


descriptive or inferential The average stay in a hospital for 2000 patients who had circulatory system problems was 4.7 days.


descriptive or inferential In a sample of 100 on-the-job fatalities, 90% of the victims were men.


Two major branches of statistics are ___________ and ___________ .

descriptive and inferential

The number of ads on a one-hour television show is what type of data? Nominal Qualitative Discrete Continuous


observational or experimental Subjects are randomly assigned to four groups. Each group is placed on one of four special diets—a low-fat diet, a high-fish diet, a combination of low-fat diet and high-fish diet, and a regular diet. After 6 months, the blood pressures of the groups are compared to see if diet has any effect on blood pressure.


observational or experimental Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups, and one group was given an herb and the other group a placebo. After 6 months, the numbers of respiratory tract infections each group had were compared.


a study in which the researcher manipulates one of the variables and tries to determine how the manipulation influences other variables

experimental study

true or false The boundary of a value such as 6 inches would be 5.9-6.1 inches.

false 5.5-6.5

Two uses of probability are ______________ and ________________ .

gambling and insurance

a variable in correlation and regression analysis that can be controlled or manipulated

independent variable or explanatory variable

descriptive or inferential Allergy therapy makes bees go away (Source: Prevention).


descriptive or inferential By 2040 at least 3.5 billion people will run short of water (World Future Society).


descriptive or inferential Drinking decaffeinated coffee can raise cholesterol levels by 7%


descriptive or inferential Experts say that mortgage rates may soon hit bottom


descriptive or inferential 2050, it is estimated that there will be 18 million Americans who are age 85 and over (Source: U.S. Census Bureau).


a study conducted over a period of time (past present)

longitudinal study

Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Categories of magazines in a physician's office


This occurs when the data are obtained erroneously or the sample is biased, i.e., nonrepresentative. ex. a defective scale throwing off data collections

non-sampling error

A study that involves no researcher intervention is called An experimental study. A noninvolvement study. An observational study. A quasi-experimental study.


observational or experimental A researcher stood at a busy intersection to see if the color of the automobile that a person drives is related to running red lights.


the researcher merely observes what is happening or what has happened in the past and tries to draw conclusions based on these observations.

observational study

Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Ages of children in a day-care center.


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Number of amps delivered by battery chargers.


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Pages in the 25 best-selling mystery novels


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Rankings of golfers in a tournament.


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Ratings of textbooks (poor, fair, good, excellent).


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Salaries of the coaches in the NFL.


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Temperatures inside 10 pizza ovens.


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Times required to complete a chess game.


Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio Weights of selected cell phones


Random, systematic, stratified, cluster, or other People are asked to phone in their response to a survey question.

other (convenience)

results of a study obtained by subjects who improve but not due to the conditions of the study

placebo effect

The group of all subjects under study is called a(n) .


qualitative or quantitative Marital status of nurses in a hospital.

qualitative (quality about a thing/person)

qualitative or quantitative Colors of automobiles in a shopping center parking lot.

qualitative (quality about something/someone)

qualitative or quantitative Different vitamins taken.

qualtitative (breaks up by qualities(vit A, vit C, vit D))

qualitative or quantitative Ages of people living in a personal care home.

quant (cont)

qualitative or quantitative Capacity of the NFL football stadiums.

quant (disc)

qualitative or quantitative Ounces of ice cream in a large milkshake.


qualitative or quantitative Time it takes to run a marathon.

quantitative (can be measured(continuous))

qualitative or quantitative Weights of lobsters in a tank in a restaurant.

quantitative (can be measured(continuous))

a study that uses intact groups rather than random assignment of subjects to groups

quasi-experimental study

Random, systematic, stratified, cluster, or other Nursing supervisors are selected using random numbers to determine annual salaries.


_________________ is a sample in which all members of the population have an equal chance of being selected

random sample

a study in which data are collected from records obtained from the past

retrospective study

A group of subjects selected from the group of all subjects under study is called a(n) .


What is the difference between the results obtained from a sample and the results obtained from the population from which the sample was selected.

sampling error

Random, systematic, stratified, cluster, or other Mail carriers of a large city are divided into four groups according to gender (male or female) and according to whether they walk or ride on their routes. Then 10 are selected from each group and interviewed to determine whether they have been bitten by a dog in the last year.


A researcher divided subjects into two groups according to gender and then selected members from each group for her sample. What sampling method was the researcher using? Cluster Random Systematic Stratified


_________________ is a sample obtained by dividing the population into subgroups or strata according to some characteristic relevant to the study. (There can be several subgroups.) Then subjects are selected from each subgroup.


Random, systematic, stratified, cluster, or other Every 100th hamburger manufactured is checked to determine its fat content.


Random, systematic, stratified, cluster, or other Every seventh customer entering a shopping mall is asked to select her or his favorite store.


independent or dependent People who walk at least 3 miles a day are randomly selected, and their blood triglyceride levels are measured in order to determine if the number of miles that they walk has any influence on these levels.

triglyceride levels - dependanat (on) no. of miles - independant

true or false The height of basketball players is considered a continuous variable.

true can be measured (continuous)

true or false The variable temperature is an example of a quantitative variable.

true can be measured (continuous)

subjects who decide for themselves to participate in statistical data

volunteer samples

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