Chapter 1 Review

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Describe the quadrant "Dominant" in the DISC model that has both the Outgoing and the Task Oriented Personality traits. pg 100

1. Dominant =Task oriented (#3 personality type), fast paced, Out-going (#1 personality type), direct. These individuals thrive on control, choice, challenges and assertive interactions. They want you to get to the point. Be organized and avoid chit-chat with these individuals.

What are the HC related factual knowledge? pg 3

1. Exercise 2. Behavior 3. Nutrition 4.Screening 5. Assessment 6. Referral 7. Program Design 8.Implementation

What are the "three musts" way of thinking that can hinder progress pg. 11

1. I must do well and win the approval of others. 2. others must treat me considerately, fairly and kindly; exactly the way I want them to treat me. 3. I must get what I want, when I want it, and I must not get what I do not want.

What are the four personality types? pg 6

1. Outgoing 2. Reserved 3. Task Oriented 4. People Oriented

EXPAND YOUR KNOWLEDGE- Describe the pillars of Healthy Lifestyle Maintenance... pg 10-11

1. Physical Fitness-Being able to function well with daily activities. The activities in physical fitness include: 1. Cardio respiratory, 2. body composition, 3. flexibility, 4. muscular endurance, 5. muscular strength, 6. agility 7. coordination, 8. reaction speed 2. Psychological fitness= the resilience, energy, motivation to use intellect, behavior, and emotional competencies as a means of meeting the demands of everyday life and function in society. It includes: 1. How you think of yourself 2. How you think about your life. 3. How you think about others in whom you interact. 4. How one reacts to their thoughts & emotions. 5. Encompasses spiritual beliefs=self awareness, positive beliefs, creativity, and ability to love. 3.Nutritional fitness=a person eats the correct amount of nutrients on a regular basis to be able to: 1. perform at the highest level, 2. support adaptation, 3. prevent obesity 4. prevent diseases, 5. repair the body after damage, 6. fuel bio-energetic needs, and 7. live life in good health. 4. Interpersonal Health=able to establish close meaningful relationships free of conflicts- overtly, face to face or even virtually. 5. Achievement Fitness= striving for something that is personally meaningful regardless of the content, are found to be happier than those who do not strive to achieve. Finding a purpose and working ceaselessly toward that purpose. This requires perseverance, determination, resolution and diligence traits.

What are the steps in the Trans theoretical Model of Behavior Change? pg 7

1. Pre-contemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5.Maintenance

Emotional Intelligence for both HC and client is based upon what? pg. 3

1. Self Awareness (know one's own emotions and the effect it has on others) 2. Self regulation (ability to control one's own impulses, manage emotions, follow through on commitments). 3. Empathy (ability to understand emotions, needs, and concerns of others. 4. Social Skills Ability to manage relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others.

In terms of Trust and Rapport, what are the five waves of trust? pg. 10

1. Self trust 2. Organizational trust 3. Societal trust 4.Relationship trust 5. Market trust

Problem Solving Model "7 Step" pg 14

1. Steps- Questions/Action 2. Problem Identification- What is the concern? 3. Goal selection- What do I want? 4. Generation of alternatives- What can I do? 5. Consideration of consequences- What might happen? 6. Decision making-What is my decision? 7. Implementation- Now do it! 8. Evaluation- Did it work?

The Art of Living involves four aptitudes related to health improvement? pg. 2

1. The ability to enjoy (attentive or meditation techniques to remove inward barriers to success). 2. The ability to choose (make clients aware of options they have & what fits their personality style. 3. The ability to keep developing (leave clients with a sense of autonomy, competence) 4. The ability to see meaning (see worth in their lives)

What are the six negative habits of poor listening? pg 9

1. The faker=They nod, make eye contact and say "uh-huh" but their mind is elsewhere. 2. The interrupter= They do not allow the speaker to finish what they are saying. They do not ask clarifying questions or seek more info. from the speaker. 3. The intellectual or logical listener=They always try to interpret what the speaker is saying and why. They judge the speakers words and try to place them into a logical box that fits their own perception. 4. The rebuttal maker= They listen only long enough to form a rebuttal. They try to use the speakers words against them. At worse, they listen for the sake of argument. They want to prove the speaker wrong. 5. The focus thief= They use the speakers words only to get to his or her message. They steal the focus from speaker to themselves and their point of view, opinion, story or facts. 6. The advice giver=They do not fully the speaker to fully articulate what they are trying to say. They do not allow the speaker to solve their own problems.

What four step process does health coaches use to confirm their understanding?

1. Using a confirming statement 2. Summarize key facts. 3. Ask if your understanding is correct. 4. Clarify misunderstandings

What type of questions helps a client to generate thoughts about accomplishing a goal? pg 8

open ended questions

What is an example of a declarative self statements? pg. 8

"I will stick to my food plan at the party this evening."

What is an example of an interrogative self statement? pg. 8

"Will I stick to my food plan this evening at the party?"

Expand your knowledge pg 12 What the 10 Cognitive Distortions?

1. All or nothing thinking- seeing black and white 2. Overgeneralization- viewing negative event as a continual pattern of defeat. 3. Mental filter-Dwelling on the negatives and ignoring the positives. 4. Discounting the positives-belieiving positive qualities are meaningless. 5. Jumping to conclusions= There are two 1. mind reading- people are negative for no reason. 2. Fortune telling=erroneously predicting things will turn out bad. 6. Magnification or minimization=Blowing negative things out of proportion or diminishing positive things. 7. Emotional reasoning= Reasoning from how one feels. "I feel like a failure, so I must really be one" or "I don't feel I can succeed so I don't try." 8. Should statements=demanding that oneself or others should or shouldn't must ought to or have to be different. 9. Labeling= calling oneself names instead of saying "I made an error" telling onself I am a loser or stupid or a failure. 10. Personalization and blame=Blaming oneself or others inappropriately.

How do you connect with medical fitness professionals? pg. 15

1. Create a list of medical facilities. 2.Contact the physician or community education directors with a letter, email, or phone call to requesting an opportunity to meet adn chat about health coaching and how it may relate to teh physicians's or hospital medical fitness model. 3. Offer to do a presentation in a class about finess and obesity. 4. Follow up monthly with a report on those individuals. 5. Send cards, gifts, & other ways of saying Thank you.

Define Pre-contemplation Stage. pg. 7

Pre-contemplation is the stage when you see one having no intent to change at all.

What is habit strength? pg. 7

The psychological and physiological factors in that involved in which the client wants to change. This decreases as one moves through the stages of the Trans theoretical Model of Behavior Change.

Motivational Interviewing pg 8

a client centered approach to assist clients with ambivalence to change.

What are some self reflection questions a HC might ask? pg 13

1. What is the evidence for...or against.... 2. What would I tell a friend in the same position? 3. What is the worst that could happen? How bad? 4. Would it really be 100% bad? The worst that could...? 5. Is it really true that I must...should....ought to...have to? 6. Are there any other possible explanations for blaming? 7. Can you look at this positively?

Coaching for lifestyle and weight management requires what?

1. empahty 2. highly advanced emotional intelligence 3.outstanding communication skills 4.behavior change methods

Ways health coaches help client dispute their irrational thinking 12

1. examine the evidence 2. think in terms of shades of gray (partial successes)

What are the eight things that shows a connection has been made?

1. people give extra effort 2. People say positive things 3. People demonstrate trust 4. express themselves more readily 5.feel good about what they are doing 6.display an emotional connection 7. Are emotionally charged by being together 8. Have growing synergy and their overall effectiveness is greater than the sum of all their contributions.

Describe the quadrant "Inspiring" in the DISC model that has both the Outgoing and the People Oriented Personality traits. pg 100

2. Inspiring= outgoing, but more people oriented than Dominant personality traits. These are a bit more like Health Coaches. They are fast speakers, fast movers, and decision makers. They want to have fun and appear to connect easily. They like to interact and socialize and they care about what others think about them. HC should share stories with these individuals, show enthusiasm

Which type of motivation is more apparent in those that stick with their fitness plans?

Intrinsic Motivation

What was John Wooden statement about extrinsic motivation? pg. 8

It is compared to that of a prison guard. The guard can force the person to do what is necessary, but without the guard being present the prisoner stops working immediately.

Define leadership? pg 6

Leadership is getting others to do what they do not want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve.

What are other things a health coach does to ensure they are good listeners? pg. 7

Listen for tone, style, speed of speech, and body language.

What can be conceptualized as a state of readiness for change; can fluctuate over time; can be influenced for positive change? pg 8


Define Neuro-linguistic (NL)Programming. Pg. 15

Neuro refers to how the mind and body interact. Linguistic relates to the insights into a person's thinking as expressed through language.

Which skill involves establishing eye contact uses pauses and silence and knowing how to demonstrate facial expressions and body language that displays interest and attentiveness?

Non-verbal Active Listening Skills

What type of statements/questions lead to more questions, planning, and action steps

Open ended questions.

The contemporary health coach can be seen as what? pg. 1

health promoter, health educator, active partner in unlocking client potential

What ares some characteristic s of a health coach? pg. 1

humility, compassion, super communication skills, rapport building, know-how, the ability to elicit motivation, and capability to increase capacity to change.

Another terminology for absolutistic approach is? pg 13

All or nothing

Health coaches guide their clients to make behavioral change through what? pg. 1

Goal setting, education, motivation, programming support, appropriate progressions, and referral when necessary

What are 13 identifiable ways that are common to "high trust" leaders? pg. 10

5 out of the 13 high trust behaviors are Character-based behaviors that high trust leaders exhibit.... 1. Honesty 2. Respect 3. Transparency 4. Right the wrongs 5. Loyalty 3 out of the 13 are Character adn competency behaviors... 1. Listening 2.Keeping commitments 3. Extending trust 5 out of 13 are Competency based behaviors... 1. Deliver results 2. Get better 3. Confront reality 4. Clarify expectations 5. Practice accountability

What is DISC? pg 6

A model for understanding personality traits.

What is the Trans theoretical Model of Behavior Change?

A model that is used to assess a clients readiness to change.

What does SWOT assist with?

A tool to help HC with develop highly refined self awareness skills

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Ability to recognize one's own feelings, as well as the feelings of others.

What is one of the most important skills of an emotionally intelligent coach? pg. 7

Active listening

Define Contemplation Stage. pg. 7

Contemplation is the stage when when you see one starting to consider making some changes. Emphasis is placed on "considering". They have not started but are considering.

What does tilting the head to the side mean? pg 8


What type of statements are related to performance outcomes?

Declarative and interrogative statements.

What type of statements stifle the conversation between client and health coach? pg. 8

Declarative self talk statements and closed ending questions.

What is the difference between coaching and directing? pg. 2

Examine what the client thinks after a session. Do they leave thinking my coach is terrific (directing)? Do they leave thinking Wow, I am really good!" (coaching)?

"I will stick to my food plan at the party this evening." is a declarative statement linked to what type of motivation?

Extrinsic Motivation.

Problem Solving Model "GROW" Model. pg 14

G=Grow-questions that evoke response What do you want to achieve? What will be different? What is important about this for you? R=Reality- Elicits specific details of the situation/context. What is happening now? Who is involved? What is likely to happen in the future? O=Options= open ended questions to facilitate thinking: What could you do? What ideas can you bring in from past successes? What have you not tried yet? W=What/How/When/How- focused questions get an agreement to specific actions and criteria for success in SMART goal language (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound.

What is the language of closure? pg 8

HC turning away or sitting with arms and legs crossed.

Cognitive Coaching: What determines how a client feels and acts?

How they think of their lives.

SWOT Analysis is what? pg 4

Stands for Strength ( Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Define Strength in the SWOT?

Strength- What advantage do I have others do not? What do I do better than any one else? What values do I believe in to help me succeed? Weakness What tasks do I avoid because I do not feel confident doing? What will others see that is my weakness? What personality traits are currently holding me back? Opportunities What technologies can help me move ahead? What network of strategic contacts do I have or can I create? What needs in my company or in my industry are not being filled? Threats What obstacles do I face in my work? What weaknesses could lead to additional threats? What technologies threaten my work?

What are the four quadrants of the DISC model? From chapter 5 pg 100

The four quadrants of DISC are: 1.Dominant 2.Inspiring 3.Supportive 4.Cautious

What does NL teach? pg. 15

Teachers clients how unhelpful thoughts create obstacles in life. Similar to Cognitive Coaching, it uses an approach based on careful rapport building and questions to help the client see through his or her perception of reality. This is called the Meta model that form questions like What specifically? How, specifically? According to whom? and, How do you know that?

When the HC has opened arms, legs and feet pointed toward the client, relaxed and prolonged eye contact what does that signal? pg 8

The HC is demonstrating the language of openness.

What does leaning forward (head leans forward) indicate? pg 8

The HC is interested in what the client is saying.

Describe the quadrant "Cautious" in the DISC model that has both the Reserved and the Task Oriented Personality traits. pg 100

These possess both reserved and task oriented personality traits. They want to see the data, and prefer less emotion. They speak in a low monotone voice. HC should bring data, website info, research articles, and other supportive info to these clients. They value trustworthiness and integrity. They may appear skeptical and they want to know "why" of a situation.. HC'S should talk slowly, use third party support for communicating with them. Discuss thoughts, not feelings with them.

Describe the quadrant "Supportive" in the DISC model that has both the Reserved and the People Oriented Personality traits. pg 100

They are reserved and people oriented. They focus on relationships and enjoy helping others. They avoid confrontations and are not comfortable with quick decisions. They want to see the HC gentle confidence and they want to see the HC make the final well thought out decision.

What is one thing a good coach does? pg 2-3

They listen more than they talk. They speak less than the client does. They allow clients to discover the answers to their own questions as much as possible

Describe some of the tasks for a Heath coach? pg 9

They need to expect, anticipate, and recognize ambivalence to change. The coach must highlight discrepancies between client's behaviors and their goals so the client can make his or her arguments for change.

What are some more characteristics of a great coach? pg 6

They see good, value, dignity, and strength in their clients. They patiently help clients move forward to their goals.

Examples of Cognitive Coaching counter responses pg. 13?

This is awful...I have to eat!! It's not awful...its just uncomfortable. Wow those cupcakes look so good! Just because they look good, doesn't mean I have to have one! It feels unnatural to have to eat slowly!! It doesn't have to feel natural at's a skill you learn.

Define Action Stage. pg 7

This is the stage in which clients are engaged in new activities. The coach support may be face to face, emails, Skype, text messages, and/or phone calls.

Define Maintenance Stage. Pg. 7

This is the stage in which one has been engaged in a health enhancement, weight management, and lifestyle change for a least 6 months.

Define Preparation Stage. pg 7

This is the stage when one is starting to make a commitment to change and small changes may already be seen.

What is the goal of cognitive coaching? pg. 13

To help clients change irrational beliefs into rational beliefs.

How people react to things is largely determined by what? pg 11

by their view of events not the events themselves.

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