chapter 10-11

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N=8 Employees should be trained in all these areas EXCEPT ____________. a. organizational culture b. organizational revenue c. service knowledge d. interpersonal skills e. product knowledge,


QN=1 From the customer's perspective which of the following is the most important aspect of service? a. Management's responsiveness to occurrences of failure. b. Timely delivery of service. c. Efficient handling of special requests. d. The encounter with service staff. e. A fair price.,


QN=1 Service environments, also called ____________ relate to the style and appearance of the physical surroundings and other experiential elements encountered by customers at service delivery sites. a. service planes b. servicescapes c. service boxes d. Servicetomies e. service vaults,


QN=10 The definition of a team includes all of the following EXCEPT ____________. a. have complementary skills b. are committed to a common purpose c. have well-rounded personalities d. hold themselves mutually accountable e. have a set of performance goals,


QN=10 Which one of the following colors would be LEAST likely used for a low-involment decisions? a. Blue b. Red c. Yellow d. Orange e. Pink,


QN=11 Excellent service firms use all of the following to identify the best job candidates EXCEPT ____________. a. observing behavior b. conducting personality tests c. interviewing applicants d. viewing transcripts e. providing applicants with realistic job previews,


QN=11 The Generator youth hotel in London has their lobby designed like a bar because they cater to the guests who love fun and have low budgets. This example illustrates which way that servicescape affects to buyer behavior? a. As a message-creating medium b. As an attention-creating medium c. As an effect-creating medium d. As an mood-creating medium e. As an relationship-creating medium,


QN=12 One example of service environment helps to facilitate the service encounter and enhance productivity is__________ a. Childcare center draws toy outline on walls to floors to show where toys should be placed after use. b. Las Vegas built reproductions of Paris, pyramids of Egypt, and canals of Vienne in order to attract families. c. Kipton Hotel design their lobby assemble to a family living room rather than big hotel lobby to create the friendly environment d. Restaurant provide clean table cloth to indicate the hygiene of their food,


QN=12 The cycle of failure includes all following EXCEPT_____________ a. Low customer turnover b. Low profit margins c. Narrow design of jobs to accommodate low skill level d. Minimizaton of selection effort e. Customer dissatisfaction,


QN=13 The customer cycle of failure begins with_____________ a. High customer turnover b. Repeated emphasis on attracting new customers c. Employees can't response to customer's problems d. No continuity in relationship with customers e. Customer dissatisfaction,


QN=14 The cycle of Mediocrity is mostly to be found in _____________ a. Companies that operate on lots of rules and procedures b. Companies that have low profit margin c. Companies that focus on high productivity by simplifying work processes and paying the lowest possible wages d. Companies with long-term view that seek to grow by investing in their people e. Companies that emphasis on customer loyalty and retention,


QN=14 Which of following ideas is not TRUE according to Mehrabian-Russell Stimulus-Response Model? a. Service environments will affect to people weather consciously or unconsciously b. Thinking rather than Felling would drive people's responses to environment c. Affective Responses include Pleasure and Arousal d. Subsequence behavior responses include approach and avoidance,


QN=15 Base on Russel Model of Affect , the felling that they would have when customers are in a rush and have to wait in a long queue is___________ a. Exciting b. Relaxing c. Boring d. Distressing e. Sleepy,


QN=15 The companies that engage in the Cycle of Mediocrity are LEAST likely to have _______________ a. Emphasis on rules rather than pleasing customers b. Customer Dissatisfaction c. High employee turnover d. High customer turnover e. Indifferent and hostility employees,


QN=16 Base on Russel Model of Affect , the felling people would have when waiting for Chistmas festival in front of The Big Chapel is ___________ a. Exciting b. Relaxing c. Boring d. Distressing e. Sleepy,


QN=16 The Employee Cycle of Success contains all of the followings EXCEPT__________ a. Broaden job designs b. Extensive training c. Intensive selection effort d. Empowerment of frontline personnel e. Promotion based on longetivity,


QN=17 Russell's model of affect proposes that emotional response to environments can be described along the two main dimension of ____________ a. Pleasure and Exciting b. Relaxing and Exciting c. Pleasure and Arousal d. Exciting and Distressing e. Pleasure and Sleepy,


QN=17 The Service Talent Cycle, which is the guiding framework for succesful in HR practices, starts with: a. Motivating employees with full range of rewards b. Hiring the right people c. Empowering frontline staff d. Extensive training e. Developing high performance service delivery team.,


QN=18 Frontline staff who work in service companies that are not customer oriented are likely to have _____________ a. Person/Role conflict b. Inter-client conflict c. Organization/client conflict d. Structural conflict e. Service delivery conflict,


QN=18 Which of the following service provider have the highest level of arousal in their services? a. Park Operator b. Car Repair Store c. Clothing Retail Shop d. Hair Cutting Store e. Mountain Climbing club,


QN=4 Training is most effective at reducing ____________. a. person/role stress b. organization/client conflict c. interclient conflict d. interorganizational conflict e. intraorganizational conflict,


QN=19 Service firms often ask employee to cross-sell and up-sell in order to improve sales revenue. However, some customers feel uncomfortable and disatisfy when service staff introduce new products. This could lead to increase in ___________ for the staff a. Person/Role conflict b. Inter-client conflict c. Organization/client conflict d. Structural conflict e. Service delivery conflict,


QN=19 Which of the following is NOT true about Arousal in Russell's model of Affect? a. Arousal depends on how much an individual like or dislike the environment b. Arousal refers to how stimulated the individual feels c. Arousal depends on information rate or load of an environment d. Complex services usually have higher level of Arousal e. Services with surprising elements would have higher level of Arousal,


QN=19 _____________ orcurs when there is gap between the way frontline staff fell inside and the emotions that management requries them to display to their customers a. Person/role conflict b. Inter-client conflict c. Organization/client conflict d. Emotional labor e. Aesthetic labor,


QN=2 Service employees are important to customers and competitive positioning, because the front line ____________. a. is the most visible part of the firm b. contains more employees than management c. is often the first to deal with customer complaints d. is better trained at dealing with customers than are managers e. all of the above,


QN=2 The field of ____________ studies how people respond to specific environments. a. organizational behavior b. marketing c. environmental psychology d. strategic management e. financial management,


QN=20 According to Russell's Model of Affect, which of the following felling would be most suitably targeted by a Paint Ball Service Operator? a. Relaxing b. Exciting c. Depressing d. Stimulating e. Breathtaking,


QN=20 When frontline staff describe customers as overdemanding, unreasonable, arrogant. they are likely to have ___________ a. Person/role conflict b. Inter-client conflict c. Organization/client conflict d. Procedure conflictt e. Emotional stress,


QN=21 According to Russell's Model of Affect, which of the following felling would be most suitably targeted by a Spa a. Relaxing b. Exciting c. Pleasant d. Stimulating e. Pleasing,


QN=21 Asking jumping queue customers to behave is a stressful and unpleasant task for service staff. This cause of role stress in front line position is called _________________ a. Person/role conflict b. Inter-client conflict c. Organization/client conflict d. Procedure conflictt e. Emotional stress,


QN=22 According to Russell's Model of Affect, which of the following activities a restaurant manager should do when the restaurant are crowded to calm their customers? a. Increase level of yellow and red of their lighting b. Turn on dance music c. Using lavender scent d. Ordering their employees to introduce new menu items to customers e. Increase the temperature of the room,


QN=22 Investing in front stage personnel is important for service firms. All of the following statement about frontline staff is true EXCEPT ________ a. Frontline is a core part of the product b. Frontline is the service firm c. Frontline is the brand d. Frontline determines productivities e. All of these statement are true


QN=23 Which type of music could help service companies to avoid jay customers? a. Pop b. Rock c. Classical d. Jazz e. Dance,


QN=24 Perfect Teeth Dental Spa in Chicago use strawberry - scented nitrous oxide to help patient overcome fear. Which dimension in service environment is used in this example? a. Exterior Facility b. Store layout c. Artifacts d. Ambient Conditions e. Social Dimension,


QN=25 The term ____________is used to capture the important of the physical image of service personnel who serve customer directly a. Front Stage personnel b. Aesthetic Labor c. Emotional Labor d. Relational Labor e. Back Stage Personnel,


QN=26 A university is considering changing the type of chairs in lecture theater to make it more comfortable for the students to concentrate. This element is an example of__________ in Bitner's model of Servicescape a. Signs and Artifacts b. Exterior Facilities c. Spatial Layout d. Ambient conditions e. Social dimensions,


QN=27 Which dimension in Bitner's model of Servicescape will guide customers through the process of service delivery? a. Signs and Artifacts b. Exterior Facilities c. Spatial Layout d. Ambient conditions e. Social dimensions,


QN=28 When a customer complains that the store is not clean, the store is having proplem with which dimension of Servicescape? a. Signs and Artifacts b. Exterior Facilities c. Spatial Layout d. Ambient conditions e. Social dimensions,


QN=29 When a customer complains that it is easy to lose one's way in a large shopping, the store is having proplem with which dimension of Servicescape? a. Signs and Artifacts b. Exterior Facilities c. Spatial Layout d. Ambient conditions e. Social dimensions,


QN=3 Emotional labor is when employees ____________. a. find it hard to be emotional because they are too overworked b. have a gap between what they feel inside, and what management expects them to display to their customers c. have to keep their emotions under control at the work place d. feel happy all the time because they enjoy their jobs e. are emotionally stressed by all the demands of their jobs,


QN=3 In environmental psychology the typical outcome variable is ____________ or ____________ of an environment. a. service, repurchase b. control, reproach c. control, avoidance d. control, sensibility e. approach, avoidance,


QN=30 When a researcher try different type of scents and musics to find the best one for the store, the tool used is ___________ a. Keen observation b. Feedback and ideas from frontline staff and customers c. Photo audit d. Field experiments e. Blueprinting,


QN=4 The two dimensions of Russell's model of affect are ____________ and ____________. a. centrality, dominance b. pleasure, arousal c. centrality, permanence d. pleasure, regret e. fullness, looseness,


QN=5 Outcomes of the "Cycle of Failure" for firms include ____________ and ____________. a. low service quality, low employee turnover b. low service quality, high employee turnover c. high service quality, low employee turnover d. high service quality, high employee turnover e. mediocre service quality, unpredictable employee turnover,


QN=5 The ____________ complex a(n) ____________ process becomes, the more powerful is its potential impact on ____________. a. more, affective, cognition b. more, cognitive, affect c. less, cognitive, services d. less, affective, cognition e. less, cognitive, affect,


QN=6 If a service environment is inherently ____________, one should avoid increasing ____________ levels, as this would move customers into the "distressed" region of Russell's model. a. pleasant, arousal b. pleasant, excitement c. pleasant, relaxation d. unpleasant, arousal e. unpleasant, excitement,


QN=6 The "Cycle of Failure" includes all of the following EXCEPT ____________. a. emphasis on rules b. emphasis on attracting new customers c. adequate pay and job security d. low skill levels e. use of technology to control quality,


QN=7 Companies that engage in a "Cycle of Success" are more likely to have which of the following? a. Happier employees b. More loyal customers c. Higher profit margins d. Better wages e. All of the above,


QN=7 Which of the following is NOT one of the dimensions of the service environment? a. Exterior facilities b. General infrastructure c. Store layout d. Interior displays e. Location,


QN=8 Which of the following is an ambient condition? a. Facility layout b. Displays c. Music d. Location e. Price,


QN=9 A strategy of empowerment is most likely to be appropriate when which of the following factors are present within the organization and its environment? a. The business strategy is not too customized b. The organization uses routine technology. c. The business environment is stable. d. Customer interactions are relational as opposed to transactional. e. All of the above.,


QN=9 Which of the following fragrances would you use to boost energy levels and help make customers feel happy and rejuvenated? a. Lemon b. Black pepper c. Lavender d. Eucalyptus e. Rose,

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