Chapter 10
What is the Church Militant fighting?
Sin and temptation
What is Church Suffering?
Souls in Purgatory, the people with venal sins.
Why do they go to Purgatory?
Because they haven't confessed all there sins.
What is the principle suffering in Purgatory?
Not being able to see God.
Who goes to Purgatory?
People destined for Heaven, but need a final cleansing.
What is the Church Militant?
The Church on Earth, and to be a solider of God.
What does canonize mean?
The church recognizes through heaven.
How is the church Militant united in love?
We are asked to carry one another's.
How do we partake in intercessory prayer?
We pray for those who need prayers.
What does Mathew 22:2-12 teach us about Purgatory?
You have to be clean in heaven, but if your dirty you have to go to heaven.