Chapter 10 - motivating employees

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theory y assumptions about people

-most like work; it is as natural as play or rest -most people naturally work toward goals to which they are committed -the depth of a person's commitment to goals depends on the perceived rewards for achieving them -under certain conditions, most people not only accept but also will seek responsibility -people are capable of using a relatively high degree of imagination, creativity, cleverness to solve problem -in industry, the average person's intellectual potential is only partially realized -people are motivated by a variety of rewards. Each worker is stimulated by a reward unique to him or her ( time off, money, recognition, and so on.)

coaching means

acting as a resource - teaching guiding, and recommending- but not participating actively or doing the task.

in a service environment, scientific management is demonstrated by breaking down the steps needed to perform the service, then timing a person delivering it to determine if

economy of motion can be improved

the central idea of a MBO ( management by objectives) is

employees need to motivate themselves

motivators made

employees productive and gave them sastifacation -these facotrs are msotly realted to job content

the tendency of people to behave differently when they know they are being studied is the:

hawthorne effect

when implementing management by objective it is a manager's responsibility to involve everyone, commit employees to the goals, monitor and _______ accomplishments


according to Herzberg, hygiene factors would include

well equipped lunch rooms and friendly co-workers

ouchi's theory Z is a hybrid approach using the following elements from Japanese and American management practices:

collective decision making, holistic concern for employees. and long term employment

the beleif that your work makes a difference and gives you satisfaction is an example of:

an intrinsic reward

Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Studies: -research concluded that no matter the physical conditions the

workers enjoyed the atmosphere of their special room and the additional pay for being more productive. -job satisfaction increased dramatically

taylor's' scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving

productivity in the early 20th century

according to equity theory, in order to restore equity or fairness to a work situation a worker may

reduce effort on a task

Frederick Taylor's method of studying workers to find the most efficient ways of doing things and then teaching people those techniques is called

scientific management

the responsibilities of manager implementing MBO include

setting goals with the employees and rewarding employee accomplishments

the extent to which the job demands different skills

skill variety

Jose has signed a 3-year contract with his employer and owns his own home -which level of needs will he now be motivated to fill?


the management by objectives system is most effective in

stable situations that allow long-range planning

which management theory uses time-motion studies to find the one best method for workers to perform each task and then teaches them that method?

taylor's scientific management

goal setting theory, the basis for management by objectives developed by Peter Drucker in the 1960s, proposes

that setting ambitious, but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance

assumptions made by theory x managers about people

-people prefer to avoid work -people must be controlled and forced to work -people are motivated to avoid punishment

job ______ is a form of job enrichment that involves combining tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment.


Nadler and Lawler's modifications to expectancy theory include:

ensuring that performance standards are attainable and determining what rewards employees value

management by objectives requires discussion, review, and __________ of objective among managers, supervisors, and employees.


something given to you by someone else in recognition of good work is referred to as

extrinsic reward

the amount of direct and clear information given about job performance


helping lower-level workers like hotel housekeepers understand what the hotel would be like in their absence gives meaning to their jobs and presence. -according to maslow's hierarchy, they are fulfilling:

higher-level needs

rewarding baby boomer employees for following the rules while rewarding younger workers like Millenials for changing them is an effective way to apply motivation strategy to workers of differing


the significant difference between coaching and helping is:

helping means doing part of the work

vroom contends that employees ask 3 questions before committing their maxinum effort to a task

1-can I accomplish the task? 2- If I do accomplish it, what's my result? 3- Is the reward worth the effort?

Frederick Herzberg asked workers to rank various job-related factors in order of importance relative to motivation -the most important factors were

1-sense of achievement 2- earned recognition 3- interest in the work itself 4- the opportunity for growth 5- an opportunity for advancement 6- the importance of responsibility 7- peer and group relationships 8- pay 9-supervisors fairness 10- company policies and rules 11- status 12- job security 13- supervisor's friendliness 14- working conditions

type J firms are based on the culture of Japan, which includes a

focus on trust and intimacy within the group and family

Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Studies: -research concluded that the workers included in planning the experiments

for example, they rejected one kind of pay schedule and recommended another ,which was adopted. -they believed their ideas were respected and felt engaged in managerial decision making. -this too motivated them.

the study that asked workers to rank a list of job-related factors in order of what motivated the most was a new direction taken by:

frederick herzberg

the principles of scientific management was written by

frederick taylor

grew up with both parents working, seeks work-life balance, values career security

generation X

koreans, thais, and Saudis tend to be

high context workers who often view theirU.S. cp;;egues as insecure due to their need for data and quick decision making

Ouchi wanted to help U.S. firms adopt successful Japanse strategies, but he realized it wouldn't be practical to expect U.S. firms managers to accept an approach based on the culture of another country. -Ouchi recommended a hybrid approach, theory Z

it wouldn't be practical to expect U.S. firms managers to accept an approach based on the culture of another country.

moving workers from one task to the next to make work more interesting and motivating is called:

job rotation

promotions aren't the only way to celebrate a job well done

recognition can be as simple as noticing positive actions out loud, making employees feel their efforts are worthwhile and valued enough to be noticed.

job enrichment is based on Herzberg's higher motivators, such as

responsibility, achievement, and recognition -it stands in contrast to job simplification

the idea that all jobs can be broken down into elemental steps that can be made more efficient is the principle of

scientific management

procedures for encouraging open communication include the following: -remove barriers to open communications

separate offices, parking area,s bathrooms, and dining rooms for managers only set up barriers -other barriers are different dress codes and different ways of addressing one another ( like called workers by their first names and managers by their last) -removing such barriers may require imagination and managers' willingness to give up special privileges

goal setting theory says

setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are accepted and accompanied by feedback, and if conditions in the organization pave the way for achievement -all organization members should have some basic agreement about both overall goals and specific objectives for each department and individual -thus there should be a system to engage everyone in the organization in goal-setting and implementation

those who advocate job enrichment believe that 5 characteristics of work are important in motivation and performance: -feedback

the amount of direct and clear information given about job performance

herzberg's motivating factors led to confusion:

the best way to motivate employees is to make their jobs interesting, help them achieve their objectives, and reunite their achievement through advance,ent and added responsibility

those who advocate job enrichment believe that 5 characteristics of work are important in motivation and performance: -autonomy

the degree of freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling work and determining procedures

those who advocate job enrichment believe that 5 characteristics of work are important in motivation and performance: -tasks identity

the degree to which the job requires doing a task with a visible outcome from beginning to end

one type of eichment is job enlargement,

which combines a series of akss into one challenging and interesting assignment -job rotation also makes work more interesting and motivating by moving employees from one job to another. But one problem is the need to train employees to do several different operations.

people are willing to work, and work hard, if they feel their

work makes a difference and is appreciated

different cultures experience motivational approaches differently; therefore , managers study and understand these cultural factors in designing a reward system -in a low context culture

workers often view relationship building as a waste of time that diverts attention from the task

procedures for encouraging open communication include the following: -use effective questioning techniques

wwe get information through questioning

to which part of the theories is a job enrichment most cloesly related

Herzberg's higher level motivators

Theory Z includes

long term employment, collective decision making, individual responsibility for the outcomes of decisions, slow evaluation and promotion, moderately specialized career paths and hostic concern for employees ( including family). -Theory Z views the organization as a family that fosters cooperation and organizational values

according to ouchi's theory, which of these elements are included in type A management

rapid promotion and individual decision making

those who advocate job enrichment believe that 5 characteristics of work are important in motivation and performance: -skill variety

the extent to which a job demands different skills

type J management versus Type A management differ over:

trust in the group verus individually and decision making processes

theory Z is an attempt to blend

types j and A

while not motivations, the absence of certain factors from the job environment will cause


in a manufacturing environment, scientific management is demonstrated by doing time motion studies of the steps is an assembly process to determine if

efficiency can be gained by adjusting the way the steps are performed

combing a series of tasks int one challenging and interesting assignment to job


employee who is engaged has characteristics such as

is committed to the organization and works with energy and purpose

an intrinsic reward

is the personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and complete goals. -the belief that your work makes a significant contribution to the organization or to society.

one reason many U.S. companies choose a more flexible managerial style is to meet competition from firms in China, Japan, and the European Union. -The Japanese approach, which Ouchi called Type J, included

lifetime employment, consensual decision making, collective responsibility for the outcome of decisions, slow evaluation, and promotion, implied control mechanisms, nonspecialized career paths, and holistic concern for employees.

MBO (management by objectives) is most effective when

managers can make long range plans and implement them with few changes.

scientific management theory focuses on making work activities more efficient, whereas the Hawthorne studies found on worker


According to HErzberg, internet in the work itself is


procedures for encouraging open communication include the following: -train superiors and managers to listen

organizations must do such training themselves or hire an expert to do it

unlike scientific management, the hawthorne studies found that employee productivity was more affected by:

participating in decision making and feeling respected

procedures for encouraging open communication include the following: -avoid vague and ambiguous communication

passive voice appears weak and tentative -hedging is another way managers send garbled messages. -terms like possibly and perhaps sound wishy-washy to employees who are seeking define direction

the ______ studies were inspired by the research of frederick taylor


a recent survey indicated that more than half of employees who voluntarily left their jobs did so people of lack of appreciation

letting people know you appreciate their work is usually more powerful than giving a raise of bonus alone

the natural consequence of theory x assumptions is a manager who is very busy and watches people colsoty, telling them what to do and how to do it.

motivation is more likely to take the from of punishment for bad work than reward for good work theory x managers give their employees little responsibility, authority, or flexibility -researchers assumed workers needed to be trained and carefully watched to see that they conform to standards -many managers and entrepreneurs still suspect employees cannot be fully trusted and need to be closely supervised

Mayo's findings in the Hawthorne studies encouraged researchers to study _____ factors in the workplace


maslow's theory states that people are motivated only by

unmet needs

helping means

working with the subordinate and doing part of the work if necessary

goal of Taylor's scientific maangmenet

-increase worker productivity -benfit the work and the firm

Researchers David Nadler and Edward Lawler suggested that managers follow five steps to improve employee performance:

1- determine what rewards employee value 2- determine each employee's desired performance standard 3- ensure that performance standards are attainable 4- guarantee rewards tied to performance 5- be certain that employee consider the rewards adequate

according to Vroom's expectancy theory, an employee asks what questions before commiting maximum effort to a task?

- is the reward worth the effort? - can I accomplish the task? -If I accomplish the task, what is the reward?

achieving increased productivity to benefit the worker and the frim was the goal of

Frederick Taylor

managers have extended both Maslow's and Herzberg's theories through job enrichment

a strategy that motivates workers through the job itself -work is designed so that individuals can complete an identifiable tasks from beginning to end and are held responsible for successful achievement

studying workers as they shovel different types of materials with different types of shovels in order to determine the most effective tool and method to use is an example of ?

a time motion study

under Herzberg: workers like ti feel they

contribute to the company ( sense of achievement ) -they want to earn recognition and feel their jobs are important -they want repsnobiltiy and to earn reaction for that responsibility by having a chance for growth and advancement -workers also want the job to be interesting

to compete successfully, US firms must

create a work environment that includes goals such as social contribution, honestly, reliability, service, quality, dependability, and unity - for all levels of employees -in the end these employees had a sense of how the customers' experience wouldn't be the same without them. This gave meaning to their work that helped sastidy higher-level needs.

characteristics of a manger with a theory Y mentally include that the manager:

embraces employee empowerment and encourages employees to design solutions

according to victor Vroom's expectancy theory,

employee expectations can affect motivation -that is amount of effort employees exert on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome

_______ theory states that an individual will not put forth effort without first evaluating their ability to perform the task and the value they place on the reward


the basis of Victor Vroom's expectancy theory is that motivation and effort is affected

expectations of achieving a desirable outcome

equity theory looks at

how employees' perceptions of fairness affect their willingness to perform -employees try to maintain equity between what they put into a job and what they get out of it, comparing those inputs and outputs to those of others in simular positions -workers find comparative information through personal relationships, professional organization and other sources

____ ______ do not move people to action when present in the workplace

hyglene factors

elements included in ouchi type J management

implicit controls and consensual decision making

an assumption about people by a theory Y manager would be that workers

like work

giving valued employees prime parking spots, more vacation days, or more flexible schedules may help them feel their wok is meaningful and appreciated -but sometimes

nothing inspires workers like the prospect of about down the road -companies that offer a small equity stake or stock options often have a good chance of developing loyal employees

type A firms are based on American culture, which includes a focus

on individual rights and achievements

in contrast, to Type J, Type A firms are based on American culture, relied on

on short time employment, individual decision making, individual responsibility for the outcomes of decisions, rapid evaluation and promotion, explicit control mechanisms, specialized career paths, and segmented concern for employees.

more people leave their jobs for:

opportunities to advance their careers

the levels in Maslow's hierarchy are

physiological, safety, social, esteem, ad self actualization needs

a Gantt chart Is used by managers to

plot the work of employees

managers must communicate as clearly as

possible both the results they expect and the outcomes that will occur

employee involvement and group membership were two of the reasons employees gave as the reason for increased

productivity during the hawthorne studies

characteristics of Gen Z in the workplace include


Peter Drucker developed a system called management by objectives ( MBO)

system of goal setting and implementation includes a cycle of discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives, among top and middle level managers, supervisors, and employees. -it calls on managers to formulate goals in cooperation with everyone in the organization, to commit employees to those goals and to monitor results and reward accomplishment.

the degree to which the job requires doing a task from beginning to end

task identity

the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of others in the company

task significance

example of scientific management still in use of UPS is

the use of a stopwatch to time package delivery

the idea that every job could be broken down into a series of elementary motions and analyzed to make it more efficient was the gilbreths:

theory of motion economy

Douglas McGregor observed that managers' attitudes generally fall into one of 2 entirely different sets of managerial assumptions

theory x and theory y

Gen Xers seek economic security by doing what

they focus on career security and change jobs to find it

job simplification

which produces task efficiency by breaking a job into simple steps and assigning people to each

Herzberg called other elemenst of the job hygiene factors ( or maintenance factors)

these related to the job environment and could cause dissatisfaction if missing but would not necessarily motivate employees if increased

an example of the initial results of the hawthorne studies is

work productivity increased no matter what the level of lighting

the group of workers most hurt by the recession is the


assumptions of theory x management

-the average person dislikes work and will avoid if possible -because of dislike, workers must be forced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to make them put forth the effort to achieve the organization's goals -the average person prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security -primary motivators are fear and punishment

Herzberg: workers did not consider factors related to job environment to be motivators -pay

workers felt the absence of good pay, job security and friendly supervisors could cause dissatisfaction, but their presence did not motivate employees to work harder; it just provided satisfaction and contentment

For empowerment to be a real motivator, management should follow these 3 steps:

1- find out what people think the problems in the organization are 2-let them design the solutions 3- get out of the way and let them put those solutions into action

those who advocate job enrichment believe that 5 characteristics of work are important in motivation and performance: -taks signification

the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of others in the company

procedures for encouraging open communication include the following: -create an organizational culture that rewards listening

top managers must create places to talk and show employees that talking with superiors matters-by providing feedback, adopting employee suggestions, and rewarding upward communication - even if the discussion is negative -employees must have the freedom to say anything they deem appropriate and believe their opinions are valued

different cultures experience motivational approaches differently; therefore , managers study and understand these cultural factors in designing a reward system -in a high context culture

workers build personal relationships and develop group trust before focusing on tasks

according to McGregor a manager who believes an employee has little ambition, avoids responsibility, and prefers to be directed is considered to be a thoery

x employee

rather than authority, direction, and close supervision. Theory Y managers emphasize a

relaxed managerial atmosphere in which workers are free to set objectives,be creative, be flexible, and go beyond the goals set by management -a key technique here is empowerment, giving employees authority to make decisions and tools to implement the decisions they make

understanding motivation in global organizations and building effective global teams are still new tasks for most companies

developing group leaders who are culturally acute, flexible, and able to deal with ambiguity us a challenge businesses face in the 21st century

procedures for encouraging open communication include the following: make it easy to communiation

encourage organization members to hang around each other ex/ eating, gather in conference rooms, having athletic teams-can help workers at all levels mix with one another

when workers perceive inequity, they will try to re-establish fairness in a number of ways

ex/ suppose you compare a grade you earned. If you think you received a lower grade than someone who put the same effort, you may reduce your effort or rationalize by saying grades are overvalued anyway/ don't matter. -if you think you got a higher than comparable papers, you will probably increase your effort to justify the higher reward or rationalize by saying "I'm worth it." in the workplace perceived inequity may lead to lower productivity, reduced quality, increased absenteeism, and voluntary resignation

variety, identity, and significance contribute to the meaningfullness of the job. -autonomy gives people a

feeling of responsibility, ; feedback contributes to a feeling of achievement and recognition

procedures for encouraging open communication include the following: -ask employees what is imporant to them

managers should not wait until the exit interview to ask an employees -instead they should have frequent stay interviews to find out what matters to employees and what they can do to keep them on the job

Herzberg's theory draws what conclusion about motivation at work?

people want to advance and achieve at work

inequity judgments are based on

perception and are therefore subject to error -when workers overestimate their own contributions they feel any rewards given out for performance are inequitable -employees are likely to overestimate the salaries of others, in addition to overestimating their own contribution -a study showed that workers often estimate their own productive hours aa 11 % higher than their average co-worker

to implement such teams, managers at most companies must reinvent work

this means respecting workers, providing interesting work, developing workers' skills ,allowing autonomy, dectrnakzing authieuty, and rewarding good work

the motivation strategy that motivates worker through the job itself is

job enrichment

letting people know their work is appreciated is usually a more powerful motivator than giving only

a raise

if workers perceive an ______ in the workplace they may reduce effort on a task in order to reset the balance


according to McGregor, theory X managers view employees as

wishing to avoid responsibility

ouchi's theory Z is based on viewing the organization as

family that fosters cooperation and organizational values

grew up with indulgent parents, technology y savy, values frequent positive feedback

generation Y ( millennial)

purpose of management by objectives

-to monitor the results of implementing goals -to reward the accomplishment of organization goals -to engage all levels of the organization in goal setting and implementation

list the steps a manager should take to implement expectancy theory according to david nadler and edward lawler.

1- determine what rewards employees value 2-determine each employee's employees desired performance standard 3-ensure that performance standards are attainable 4-guarantee rewards tied to performance 5-be certain the employees consider the rewards adequate

the generational group of managers that expect to give and get more feedback on their work are

Gen X

small businesses can motivate their workers without increasing costs by giving them:

a collaborative work environment and stock options or equity stakes

according to maslow's hierarchy of needs, when a lower level need has been met:

a higher level need will emerge as a motivator

to use self managed teams to improve productivity, management must reinvent work by

allowing autonomy, developing workers' skills, and respecting workers

the degree of freedom or direction in scheduling work and determining procedures


grew up in prosperity, parents had secure jobs, optimistic about the future

baby boomer

findings during the hawthorne studies that will affect management today include:

consulting employees during the decision making process and using their ideas

the problems with retaining workers who are disengaged include:

decreased productivity , undermine the efforts of employees who are engaged and compensating workers who put in time but no energy

extrinsic reward

is given to you by someone else as recognition for good work -pay raises, praise, and promotions.

unhappy workers are likely to leave. -when that happens, the company usually loses more than an experienced emplyee

it can also lose the equivalent of 6-9 months' salary to cover the costs of recruiting and training a replacement -other costs of losing employees are even greater: loss of intellectual capital, decreased morale of remaining workers, increased employee stress, increased employee gossip, decreased customer service interrupted product development, and a poor reputation

measured output over time in what were called time-motion studies

these were studies of the tasks performed in a job and the time needed for ech -this finding led to time-motion studies of virtually every factory job. as researchers demanded the most efficient ways of doing things, efficiency became the standard for setting goals

Gen X managers are very able to provide employees with feedback because

they want more of it themselves

studies about which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each tasks are referred to as

time motion studies

3 elements were basic to Taylor's approach:

time, methods, and rules of work -his important tools were observation and the stopwatch

Abraham Maslow believed that to understand motivation at work, we must

understand human motivation. -it seemed to him that motivation arises from need. People are motivated to satisfy unmet needs. -needs that have already been satisfied no longer provide motivation

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

-physiological needs: basic survival needs, such as the need for food, water and shelter -safety needs: the need to feel secure at work and at home -social needs: the need to feel loved, accepted, and part of the group -Esteem needs: the need for recognition and acknowledgment from others, as well as self-respect and a sense of status or importance -self-actualization: the need to develop to one's fullest potential

ways a workers may try to restablish fairness if he perceives that he is paid less than others with the same qualifications and experiences

-reduce his effort to achieve company goals -increase his absence -violate company policies about suing computers for private business during work hours

giving employees the authority to make decisions and the tools to implement them is referred to as


According to Herzberg's study, which of the following were listed by workers as among the top 5 factors that create motivation instead of being dissatisfied on the job?

earned recognition for a job and sense of achievement

when one need is satisfied , another, higher level need

emerges and motivates us to satisfy it -the satisfied is no longer a motivator -of course lower level needs may reemerge at any time they are not being met and take your attention away from higher-level needs

the word engagement is used to describe

employees' level of motivation, passion, and commitment -engaged employees work with passion and feel a connection to their company -disengaged workers have essentially checked out; they pold through their day putting in the time, but not energy. NOt only do they act out their unhappiness at work, but disengaged employees undermine the efforts of their co-workers

Mayo's findings led to completely new assumptions about employees. -one was that pay is not the only motivator

in fact, money was found to be a relatively ineffective motivator -new assumptions led to many theories about the human side of motivation

which element in the work environment was found to be dissatisfying when not present, but when present did not serve as a motivator for workers?

job security

motivating the right people to join the organization and stay with it is a

key function of managers

what are steps managers must follow for empowerment to be a real-motivator

let workers design the solutions; let workers put solutions into action; and let workers define the organizational problems

scientificEL management viewed people largely as

machines that needed to be properly programmed -there was little concern for the physiological or human aspects of work -taylor believed that workers would perform at a high level of effectiveness-that is, be motivated - if they received high enough pay

the system of goal setting and implementation with discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives is called

management by objective

in the 1960s, Peter Drucker designed a method of management that includes employees in goal setting, known as what?

management by objectives

what are the examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productvity during the Hawthrone studies

management respect and interaction; social group membership and informality; and worker involvement in managerial decisions

satisfying the following issues in order, food, job, security, group acceptance, recognition from the boss, and reaching one's fullest potential is an illistration of

maslow's hierarchy of needs

according to Herzberg's theory, recognition would

motivate employees

creating an upbeat, relaxed company culture helps small businesses

motivate their workers instead of using monetary incentives


moves people to action

characteristics of millennials in the workplace are being

multitaskers, adaptable, and tolerant

a theory x manager would most likely:

perfom a time-motion study

Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Studies: -research concluded that the workers in the test room thought of themselves as a social group

the atmosphere was informal, they could talk freely, and they interact regularly with their supervisors and the experiments -they felt special and worked hard to stay in the group. This was a form of motivation for them.

taylor's scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity in the early 1900s

they developed the principle of motion economy, showing how every job could be broken into a series of elementary motions called a therblig -then they analyzed each motion to make it more efficient

Hawthorne effect is used to reffer

to people's tendency to behave differently when they know they're being studies. -the hawthorne studies results encouraged researchers to study human motivation and the managerial styles that lead to higher productivity -research emphasis shifted from Taylor's scientific management toward Mayo's new human based management

the principles of scientific management was written by US efficiency engineer Frederick Taylor, earning Taylor the "father" of scientific management. -Taylor goal

was to increase worker productivity to benefit both the firm and the worker. -the solution, he thought , was to scientifically study the most efficient ways to do things, determine the one "best way" to perform each task, and then teach people those methods. -this approach became known as scientific management.

lower-level workers such as housekeepers in a hotel can be added in satisfying higher needs by discussing

what the hotel would be like in their absence -this gives meaning to their jobs and their presence

companies can minimize the perception of unfairness in the workplace by having clear and frequent communication

with all employees

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