chapter 10 quiz

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In which of the following pairings of compounds are both members of the pair strong electrolytes? A) NaCN and KF B) NH3 and HBr C) KBr and H2CO3 D) NaBr and HBr


pH = 2.30 a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


Which of the following species is formed in the second step of the ionization of the triprotic acid H3PO4? A) H3O+ B) H2PO4- C) HPO42- D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Will form a buffer with PO43- a) H3PO4 b) H2PO4- c) HPO42- d) PO43-


If a solution is buffered at a pH of 8.6, then the addition of a small amount of acid will cause the solution to have a pH of approximately A) 6.6 B) 7.6 C) 8.6 D) 9.6


The pH of a buffered solution A) always equals 7.0. B) may be acidic or basic depending on the buffer present. C) changes drastically when a small amount of acid is added. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Reacts with H3O+ to form HPO42- a) H3PO4 b) H2PO4- c) HPO42- d) PO43-


Which of the following statements concerning electrolytes is correct? A) All strong acids are strong electrolytes. B) Some salts are strong electrolytes and others are weak electrolytes. C) Some molecular substances are strong electrolytes and others are weak electrolytes. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


46. Conjugate base of H3PO4 a) H3PO4 b) H2PO4- c) HPO42- d) PO43-


According to the Bronsted-Lowry theory, a base is a(n) A) proton donor. B) proton acceptor. C) electron donor. D) electron acceptor.


Aqueous NaCN solution a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


Aqueous NaOH solution a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


The pH of a solution for which [OH-] = 1.0×10−8 is A) 1.00 B) 6.00 C) 8.00 D) -8.00


Which of the following does not describe an acidic solution? A) The pH is less than 7.0 B) The [OH-] is greater than 1.0 × 10-7 C) The [H3O+] is greater than the [OH-] D) The [OH-] is 6.0 × 10-10


Which of the following equations represents an acid-base neutralization reaction? A) H2SO4 +Zn→ZnSO4 +H2 B) HNO3 +KOH→KNO3 +H2O C) Ba(OH)2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2NaOH D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Which of the following is produced in the first step of the dissociation of the acid H3PO4? A) H3PO3 B) H2PO4- C) HPO42- D) PO43-


Which of the following pairings of pH and hydronium ion concentration is correct? A) pH=2.0;[H3O+]=1×102 B) pH=7.0;[H3O+]=1×10-7 C) pH=9.0;[H3O+]=9×10-9 D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


A buffer solution could be prepared from A) NaCl and HCl B) LiOH and HCl C) KC2H3O2 and HC2H3O2 D) NaOH and LiOH


Acid which has two nonacidic hydrogens a) HCl b) HC2H3O2 c) H2C3H2O2 d) H2SO4


A solution with a pH of 11.4 is A) strongly acidic B) weakly acidic C) weakly basic D) strongly basic


Acid which completely dissociates in solution to produce negative ions with a charge of one a) HCl b) HC2H3O2 c) H2C3H2O2 d) H2SO4


Aqueous HCl solution a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


Substance which reacts with H2SO4 to produce K2SO4 a) KOH b) NaNO3 c) H3PO4 d) K3PO4


Acid which has more nonacidic hydrogens than acidic hydrogens a) HCl b) HC2H3O2 c) H2C3H2O2 d) H2SO4


Conjugate acid of HPO42- a) H3PO4 b) H2PO4- c) HPO42- d) PO43-


In which of the following pairs of acids are both members of the pair strong acids? A) H3PO4 and H2SO4 B) HI and HNO3 C) H2CO3 and HBr D) HC2H3O2 and HCl


In which of the following pairs of substances are both members of the pair salts? A) NaCl and NaOH B) KNO3 and K2SO4 C) H3PO4 and (NH4)3PO4 D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Reacts with OH- to form HPO42- a) H3PO4 b) H2PO4- c) HPO42- d) PO43-


Salt whose dissociation produces equal amounts of two ions a) KOH b) NaNO3 c) H3PO4 d) K3PO4


Substance produced when HNO3 neutralizes NaOH a) KOH b) NaNO3 c) H3PO4 d) K3PO4


Which of the following statements concerning acid-base definitions is incorrect? A) All Arrhenius acids are Bronsted-Lowry acids. B) All Bronsted-Lowry bases are Arrhenius bases. C) Bronsted-Lowry acid-base definitions are independent of the solvent water. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


[H3O+] = 2.0 × 10-8 M a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


[OH-] = 3.0 × 10--6 M a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


If the pH of a solution increases from 2.7 to 4.7 the hydronium ion concentration A) increases by a factor of 1.7 B) increases by a factor of 100 C) decreases by a factor of 1.7 D) increases by a factor of 100


In which of the following pairs of acids are both members of the pair polyprotic? A) H2SO4 and HC2H3O2 B) HNO3 and H2C4H4O6 C) HC2H3O2 and H3C6H5O7 D) H3PO4 and H2C4H4O7


Acid ionization constants give information about A) the strengths of acids B) the number of nonacidic hydrogens present in acids C) whether acids are polyprotic D) whether acids are strong enough to neutralize bases


Aqueous NH4Cl solution a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


Determining the concentration of an acid using an acid-base titration always involves completely reacting a measured volume of the acid with a known volume of A) base of known concentration. B) 1.0 M base. C) indicator of known concentration. D) 1.0 M indicator.


In the reaction N3- + H2O → HN3 + OH-, the Bronsted-Lowry base is A) N3-. B) H2O. C) HN3. D) OH-.


Monoprotic strong acid a) HCl b) HC2H3O2 c) H2C3H2O2 d) H2SO4


Which of the following is a correct statement for a solution with a pH of 8.00? A) The hydroxide ion concentration is greater than the hydronium ion concentration. B) The hydronium ion concentration is 8.0 M. C) The hydroxide ion concentration is 1.0 × 10-8 M. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


[H3O+] is twice the [OH-] a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


Aqueous NaCl solution a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


Diprotic weak acid a) HCl b) HC2H3O2 c) H2C3H2O2 d) H2SO4


If the pH of a solution is 5.6, the salt must be on which could be formed from the neutralization of A) a strong acid and a strong base B) a weak acid and a strong base C) a strong acid and a weak base D) HI and KOH


In the neutralization reaction between 0.1 M Ba(OH)2 and 0.1 M HNO3, the acid and base will react in a molar ratio of A) one to one B) one to two C) two to one D) two to two


In which of the following pairs of acids are both members of the pair strong acids? A) HNO3 and HNO2 B) H2SO4 and H2SO3 C) HCl and HClO4 D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


In which of the following pairs of salts will both members of the pair hydrolyze in water to give solutions that are basic? A) LiCl and KCN B) NH4Cl and NH4NO3 C) KC2H3O2 and KF D) LiNO3 and Na2SO4


In which of the following pairs of substances are both members of the pair salts? A) H2SeO4 and SrSeO4 B) NaBr and NaOH C) NH4F and CsF D) HNO3 and NaOH


Substance which reacts with NaOH to produce Na3PO4 a) KOH b) NaNO3 c) H3PO4 d) K3PO4


Which of the following statements about weak acids is correct? A) Weak acids always contain C atoms. B) The percentage dissociation for weak acids is usually in the range of 40-60%. C) Weak acid molecules readily lose their acidic hydrogen atoms. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Which of the following statements concerning Arrhenius acids and Arrhenius bases is incorrect? A) In the pure state, Arrhenius acids are covalent compounds. B) In the pure state, Arrhenius bases are ionic compounds. C) Dissociation is the process by which Arrhenius acids produce H+ ions in solution. D) Arrhenius bases are also called hydroxide bases.


pH = 7.00 a) an acidic solution b) a basic solution c) a neutral solution d) a buffer solution


Salt whose dissociation produces more positive ions than negative ions a) KOH b) NaNO3 c) H3PO4 d) K3PO4


The H2PO4- ion has both a conjugate acid and a conjugate base. It is true that A) H3PO4 is the conjugate acid. B) HPO42- is the conjugate base. C) H2PO3- is the conjugate base. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Which of the following indicates an acidic solution? A) pH=7.5 B) [H3O+] = 5.0 ∞ 10-5 C) [OH-] = 2.0 ∞ 10-8 D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Which of the following is not a conjugate acid/base pair? A) NH4+/NH3 B) OH-/O2- C) H3PO4/H2PO4- D) CO2/CO3-


A buffer is a substance or combination of substances whose presence in an aqueous solution will A) maintain a constant salt concentration. B) convert all weak acids to strong acids. C) keep the solution neutral. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


In which of the following salts would both the positive ion and the negative ion hydrolyze when the salt is dissolved in water? A) NaCl B) NaCN C) NH4Cl D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


Which of the following statements is correct for the Bronsted-Lowry acid-base reaction HCN + HCO3 =CN + H2CO3 A) HCO3- is the conjugate base of HCN. B) HCN is the conjugate acid of HCO3-. C) HCO3- and CN- are a conjugate acid-base pair. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response


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