chapter 11
how fast does jupiter rotate
9 houras and 55 minutes
the closest of Jupiter's moons
zonal flow
west-to-east flow of the jet stream with shallow Rossby waves
How long is jupiters magnetosphere
30 million km across
how much more mass does jupiter have compared to earths
318 earths
where does jupiter rank as far as being a bright object in the sky
Bright, high pressure region in the atmosphere of a jovian planet where gas flows upward
Galilean moons
The name given to Jupiter's four largest moons, Io, Europa, Callisto & Ganymede. They were discovered independently by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius.
white ovals
light-colored region near the Great Red spot in Jupiter's atmosphere. Like the red spot, such regions are apparently rotating storm systems.
what is the fifth planet from the sun
brown oval
elongated, brownish features usually seen in Jupiter's northern hemisphere
Differential rotation
the rotation of a star or planet at different speeds at its equator and poles
the second largest of Jupiter's satellites
Is the voyager 1 still on jupiter
how much less is jupiters mass compared to the sun
1/1000 the mass of the sun
what year were the galilean moons discoverd
what year was the voyager 1 launched
how long does it take jpiter to revolve around the sun
how many moons does jupiter have
what are the names of the galilean moons
Io, Europa, Ganymede, Thebe
Great red spot
a giant, high-pressure continuous storm on Jupiter
dark, low pressure region in the atmosphere of a jovian planet, where gas flows downwards
what produces jupiters white clouds
frozen ammonia and water vapor
what is jupiter mostly made up of
hydrogen and helium
how many rings does jupiter have
one faint ring