Chapter 11 Prep-Quiz Questions

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The direction in which aircraft are to be parked and tied down are determined by?

Prevailing or forecast wind direction

These type of extinguishers are most effective on Class B & C fires, they can be used on Class A & D but are less effective

Halogenated Hydrocarbon Extinguishers

Has outstanding properties in preventing re-flash after a fire has been extinguished. It is colorless, non corrosive, and evaporates rapidly leaving no residue. It does not freeze or cause cold burns, and will not harm fabrics, metals or other materials it contacts. Acts rapidly on fires by producing a heavy blanketing MIST that eliminates oxygen from the fire source, and interferes with the combustions process

Halon 1211

This halon is similar to 1211 but has a vapor spray similar to C02

Halon 1301

Water fire extinguishers are operated in a variety of ways, name them

Hand pumped Pressurized

What is the significant difference between Halon 1211 and 1301?

Has a varpor spray that is more difficult to direct

How should aircraft be headed during tie-downs?

Headed as nearly as possible into the wind

What 3 things are required for a fire

Heat (friction) Oxygen Fuel

Occurs when the engine starts but the exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified limits. Usually cause by an excessively rich fuel/air mixture entering the combustion chamber

Hot Start

Any liquid present in a cylinder is indicated by the abnormal effort required to rotate the propellor or by the propeller stopping abruptly during rotation. What is this called?

Hydraulic Lock

As a general rule, the mixture control should be in what position for fuel injection?

Idel Cut off

While touching a propeller, what should you always assume?

Ignition is on

What 3 types of Electric Ground Power Units are there? What type of power do they provide

Towed, Stationary, Self Propelled AC DC, either or both

True or False: Extreme caution must be used when fighting electrical fires with water-type extinguishers?


True or False: Manila rope shrinks when wet; about 1 inch of slack should be provided for movement


True or False: Most heavy aircraft are equipped with surface control locks, which should be engaged or installed when the aircraft is secured


True or False: Rope should never be tied to a lift strut since this practice can bend a strut if the rope slips to a point where there is no slack


True or False: Extreme caution must be used when operating CO2 fire extinguishers in closed or confined areas

True, Can deprive operator of oxygen

JET is used to power what?

Turbine engines

If the engine is inadvertently flooded over primed what should you do

Turn the ignition switch off and move the throttle to full open position To rid engine of excess fuel, turn it over by hand or by the starter *if excessive force is needed to turn over the engine, stop immediately, if in doubt remove the lower cylinder spark plugs*

Is the ability of a liquid to change into a gas at a relatively low temperature


What 3 types of fueling hazards are there?

Volatility Static electricity Vapors

What types of contamination can be found in aviation fuel

Water Solids Microbial Growth

Are the best type to use on Class A Fires. Has two effects on fire; It deprives fire of oxygen and cools the material being burned

Water Extinguishers

Flashing Red

Taxi clear of runway in use

How far behind an idling turbine does the danger area extend

100 ft/ 200ft in takeoff

How can entrained water be detected in jet fuel?

Cloudy look Will settle out over time

What should be checked at a minimum during and inspection of a fire extinguisher?

Proper location of appropriate extinguisher Safety seals unbroken All external dirt and rust removed Gauge or indicator in operable range Proper weight No nozzle obstruction or obvious damage

What are air units for?

Provide low pressure high volume air Heating and cooling

AVGAS is used to power what?

Reciprocating engines

List some Do's and Don't when approaching a helicopter

1) Approach the helicopter in view of pilot 2) Never approach carrying anything with vertical limit that the blades could hit 3) Never approach single rotor from the rear 4) Never go side to side, by going around the tail; always go around the nose

Turbine engines consist of 3 steps that must be carried out in the correct sequence, what are they?

1) Starter turns the main compressor to provide flow through the engine 2) At correct speed, the igniters are turn on and provide a hot spark to light the fuel which is engaged 3) As engine accelerates, it will reach a self sustaining speed and the starter is disengaged

How many people are required to properly service an aircraft oxygen system?

2 Personnel

Where marking are applied to wall panels and so forth, they should be large enough and in a form that is easily visible to average person from a distance of how many feet?

25 feet

How far ahead of an idling turbine engine does the danger area extend?

25 ft

Marking should be large enough and in a form that is easily seen and identifiable by the average person with average eyesight at a distance of how many feet?

3 Feet

Do not fuel aircraft within how many miles of lightning?

5 miles

Helicopters that are tied down can usually sustain winds up to approximately how many MPH

65 MPH

How far back should you been when using a fire extinguisher? and in what manner is it applied

8 feet Side to Side

Before the aircraft to be towed is moved what must happen?

A qualified person must be in the cockpit to operate the brakes in case the two bar should fail or become unhooked

Jet A and A-1 are the same except?

A-1 has lower freezing point -47 Celsius

What two general types of aviation fuel are there?


Most turbofan engines can be started by what two methods?

Air Turbine or Electrical starters

Many accidents involving compressed gas occur during what?

Aircraft Tire Mounting

Adding AVGAS to Jet Fuel will cause what?

Although allowed, can cause lead deposits in the turbine engine and can lead to reduced service life

Are generally smaller turbine engines that provide compressed air for starting engines, cabin heating and cooling, and electrical power while on the ground

Auxiliary Power Units

Only this type of oxygen should be used in aircraft breathing oxygen systems

Aviator's Breathing Oxygen, Grade A or its equivalent

Oxygen is commercially available in 3 general types

Aviators Breathing Industrial Medical

Excessive throttle opening after the engine has fired is the principle cause of what?


Why is dry powder not recommended for aircraft used?

Because of leftover chemical residues and dust make cleanup difficult, and can damage electronic or other delicate equipment

Seaplanes can be moored to what?

Buoy or tied to a dock

Is used of Class A, B, & C, extinguishing the fire by depriving it of oxygen also cools the burning metal

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers

Never to be used on Class D fires, the cooling effect on the hot meal can cause expansion of the metal

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers

Before starting a radial engine that has been shut down for more than 30 minutes, what must be done?

Check ignition switch for off Turn the propeller three or four complete revolutions by hand to detect hydraulic lock

Immediately after the engine starts what should yo do?

Check the oil pressure indicator

Fires occur in ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth, paper, upholstery materials and so forth...what class of fire is this?

Class A Fire

This class of fire occurs in flammable petroleum products of other flammable or combustible liquids, greases, solvents, paints and so forth... what class of fire is this?

Class B Fire

Fires occur involve energized electrical wiring and equipement...what class of fire is this?

Class C Fire

Defined as a fire in flammable metal, involve magnesium in the shop or aircraft wheels and brakes or are the result of improper or poorly conducted welding operations

Class D Fire

While jet fuel is identified by the color black on pipping equipment, the actual color of jet fuel is

Clear or straw colored

Flashing Green

Cleared to taxi

Leave the pre-heat or alternate air(carburetor air) control in the what position to prevent damage and fire in case of backfire

Cold position

If an engine fire develops during the starting procedure what should be done

Continue cranking to start the engine and blow out the fire

What is the preferred type of aircraft tie down rope

Dacron and Nylon, they don't shrink

Is any item at hand(such as a pipe, log, and so forth) that a rope is attached to and buried in a snow or ice trench


Adding Jet Fuel to AVGAS will cause what?

Decrease in the power developed by the engine and could cause damage to engine & loss of life

What are the advantages of single point fueling?

Decreases time Limits contamination Reduces chance of static electricity Filled to predetermined limit

Is not a major problem until as the temperature lowers it becomes free water, poses problem if ice crystals form, clogging filters and other small orifices

Dissolved Water

Water in aviation fuel will generally take what two forms?

Dissolved(vapor) Free Water

What do ground hydraulic power units do?

Drain, Filter, and Refill Check for leaks

Hazards in the shop operation increase when operating these types of machines

Drill Press Lathes Milling Machines Grinders Welding

This type of extinguisher is best for use on Class D fires; it is effective on Class B & C

Dry Powder extinguisher

The greatest static electricity concern around aircraft is when?

During flight

What are the two types of weight-shift aircraft

Engine Powered and Non-powered

Turbine engines should have oil checked after what?

Engine shutdown

Cause by lack of fuel in the engine, insufficient or no electrical power to the exciter in the ignition system, or incorrect fuel mixture

Engine will not start

Alternating red and green

Exercise extreme caution

True or False: It is possible to use water-type fire extinguishers on Class D fires.


True or False: Never yell "contact" then turn the switch


Occur when the engine starts normally, but the RPM remains at some low value rather than increasing to the normal RPM, result of insufficient power to the starter, or starter cutting off before the engine starts self accelerating

False or Hung Start

Human factors that affect performance

Fatigue Deadline Pressure Poor Communication Lack of Information Complacency

What 2 factors affect safety when dealing with electricity?

Fear Overconfidence

Turboprop engines are usually?

Fixed turbine or free turbine

Where should you place wheel chocks when parking an aircraft?

Fore and Aft


Foreign Object Damage

Can appear as water slugs or entrained water

Free Water

What should shut off immediately if a turbine has a hot start?

Fuel to the engine should be shut off immediately

For float type carburetors what should the mixture control be at?

Full rich position

What two types does Oxygen come in?

Gaseous and LOX

During ground running an engine with a controllable pitch propeller should the propellor be in the low pitch position or high pitch position

In full low pitch

Where in jet fuel can micro-organisms live?

In the free water in jet fuel

Reciprocating engines should have oil checked after the engine has been what?


What types of hearing protection can there be?

Internal and External protection

What are the 3 types of turbine/jet fuel and what are they made of?

JET A & JET A-1 => made of kerosene JET B => blend of kerosene and AVGAS

What is the best way to prevent microbial growth?

Keep fuel dry

To Control FOD what can be done?

Keep ramp & operation areas clean Tool Control Program Receptacles for hardware, shop towels

What two cautions must be taken when handling LOX?

LOX can cause frostbite When combined with petroleum it can be explosive

What do the numbers 80/87 mean when discussing the grade of AVGAS


When starting an engine that uses an impulse coupling magneto turn the ignition switch to which position

Left position

Are most often secured with ropes tied ONLY at the aircraft tie-down rings provided for securing purposes

Light Aircraft

what is one main disadvantage of manila rope for use as a tie down for aircraft

Manila shrinks in the rain

Since the method of locking different type of aircraft vary, what should you check>

Manufacturers Instructions

How should fire extinguishers be marked?

Marked to indicate suitability for a particular class of fire

Define MSDS

Material Safety Data Sheet


National Fire Protection Association

What are the two basic procedures when fueling an aircraft

Over the wing Single point Fueling

Define Combustion (burning)

Rapid oxidation, accompanied by a noticeable release of heat and light

As a general rule who is authorized to start, run up, and taxi aircraft

Rated Pilots, qualified airframe and power-plant technicians

What color is 80/87, 100/130, 100LL, and 115/145

Red Green Blue Purple

Explain the Risk Diamond

Red- Flammability Yellow - Reactivity Blue - Health White - Hazard 0-4 = zero, little or no hazard; 4, very hazardous W with a line through it, high reactivity to H20

Flashing White

Return to starting point

CO2 fire extinguishers generally used this type of method of operation

Self-Expelling Method

In all cases of unsatisfactory starts what should happen to the fuel and ignition?

Should be turned off

What is the standard position for a signalman

Slightly ahead of and in line with the aircraft's left wingtip

Steady Red


If no oil pressure shows up in 30 seconds what should you do?

Stop the engine and determine the problem

When inflating tires on any type of aircraft wheel, always use?

Tire Cage Guards

True or False: Ropes should be tied to outer ends of struts on high wing monoplanes


Free water can appear as what?

Water Slugs Entrained Water

Since petroleum products float on water (Class B Fire)...what type is not recommended?

Water Type Fire Extinguishers

When using CO2 fire extinguishers what caution must be taken?

Wear protective equipement or take other precautions to prevent cold injury (such as frostbite) from occurring

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