Chapter 11 Study Guide White Collar Crime, Chapter 12 Study Guide White Collar Crime

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What characterizes a "reverse Nuremberg" defense?

Claiming that "I only give orders, I don't carry them out"

When a large group of victims of a corporation's harmful conduct join forces and initiate legal action against the corporation, it is known as what type of lawsuit?

Class action

Which of the following is not a factor that seems to attract attorneys to represent people accused of white collar crime?

Clients in most cases are likely to be innocent

White collar offenders are most often incarcerated in what type of prison?

Minimum security prisons

According to a survey reported in the text, the great majority of state attorney generals do not believe they have jurisdiction in white collar crime cases.


According to the text, given the nature of white collar crime cases, judges are somewhat less vulnerable to error than juries.


According to the text, judges are uniformly more lenient with convicted white collar crime defendants than with convicted conventional crime defendants.


Antitrust cases can only be initiated by the Federal Trade Commission.


At the sentencing stage, white collar crime defense lawyers typically play a smaller and more limited role than they do in conventional crime cases.


Conservative Republican administrations during the 1980s put special emphasis on major corporate crime in order to safeguard the decade's prosperity.


Corporate offenders and white collar criminals are generally less likely to obtain reversals of convictions on appeal than are conventional offenders.


Defendants in white collar crime cases who plead guilty typically do not become cooperating witnesses since there is often only one defendant.


During the Watergate Affair, President Nixon attempted but was ultimately unable to arrange for the firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox.


It is usually difficult to obtain cooperation from accused parties in antitrust cases that are being aggressively pursued by federal prosecutors.


It is widely regarded as unethical for corporations to employ defense lawyers to represent accused corporate executives.


Ordinary jurors typically have no more difficulty in understanding the details of complex white collar crime cases once these are adequately explained to them.


Prison sentences in antitrust cases have been quite common.


The $100 million fine imposed on the Exxon corporation in connection with the Valdez oil spill, along with the over $1 billion civil settlement Exxon was also required to pay, had a ruinous impact on the corporation.


The Presidential administration of George W. Bush has been very aggressive in pursuing corporate crime cases.


The local prosecution of white collar crime cases is based on a number of factors, but not on the level of resources available to the prosecutor.


The organizations processed for criminal charges by the federal system are disproportionately large-scale, major corporations.


The special prosecutor in the Iran-Contra arms case issued a final report absolving high-level officials including President Reagan and Vice President Bush from responsibility in covering up the crime.


Traditionally, it has been federal government agencies that initiate court proceedings against corporate polluters.


Trial jurors find it overwhelmingly easy to discriminate between collective and individual accountability in white collar criminal cases.


Unlike conventional offenders, high-status white collar crime offenders tend to face juries that consist of people very much like themselves.


When corporations are fined, the fine is typically several times the cost of the economic harm caused.


White collar offenders who have victimized the government are least likely to be fined.


The primary responsibility for pursuing major white collar crime cases is assumed by which of the following?

Federal prosecutors

In the text, the SEC is likely to make referrals for criminal prosecution in cases involving all but which of the following?

Foreign investors

Which of the following is true with regard to fines imposed upon organizational offenders?

In many cases the fine is evaded, or has no substantial impact on the operation of the corporation

State attorney generals primarily prosecute white collar crime cases involving which of the following?

Individual defendants engaged in fraudulent transactions

The combination most likely to lead to criminal prosecution of white collar crime, according to a survey cited in the text, is which of the following?

Individual defendants, organizational victims, and multiple offenses or a large number of victims

With regard to the local prosecution of white collar crime, which of the following is true?

Most local prosecutors handle only a few white collar crime cases per year

Which of the following is true of legal fees in white collar crime cases?

They may in certain circumstances render the attorney vulnerable to criminal prosecution

Which of the following is true of sentencing guidelines with regards to white collar crime?

They seem to favor white collar crime defendants, relative to conventional crime defendants

A basic rationale for the special prosecutor position was to allow high-profile, politically sensitive cases to be pursued without fear of political interference from the Justice Department.


According to a major study of white collar crime defense work, compared with conventional crime defense, much earlier involvement in the case is the norm.


According to the text, some types of white collar offenders (such as solo practitioners engaged in professional misconduct) may be more vulnerable to prosecution during a period of economic distress.


Although community service sentences are not typical, they are more likely to be used in white collar crime cases than in conventional crime cases.


Deferred prosecution agreements allow corporations to accept certain conditions in return for the prosecutor not pursuing criminal indictments against them.


During the 1980s, the level of criminal investigative and prosecutorial resources directed at environmental crime expanded considerably.


Efforts in 1999 to introduce a reformed independent counsel law, imposing some limitations on jurisdiction, time frame, and budgets, were unsuccessful.


Federal prosecutors have assumed the primary responsibility for pursuing major white collar crime cases.


Federal prosecutors may opt for civil proceedings as opposed to criminal proceedings when pursuing white collar offenders.


Formal charging of a client is more likely to be regarded as a failure in white collar than in conventional crime cases.


Fraud is the most common form of white collar crime prosecution undertaken by local prosecutors.


In Morrison v. Olson (1988), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the special prosecutor office was not an unconstitutional violation of the separation of powers doctrine.


In many white collar crime cases, defense attorneys hire private investigators to gather information helpful to them.


In the 1970s, federal prosecutions of white collar crime cases increased dramatically.


Local prosecution of white collar crime cases is most likely in cases where physical harm to human beings or substantial economic harm has occurred.


Local prosecutors can be reluctant to antagonize local business interests.


Local prosecutors have traditionally directed much more attention to conventional street crime cases than to white collar crime cases.


Once a client is charged, according to the text, a strong incentive exists to plead guilty because of the low likelihood of winning cases for which arguments preventing a charge have failed.


Only a small percentage of white collar crimes are prosecuted and adjudicated by the criminal justice system.


Overall, evidence does not suggest that juries are either significantly more or significantly less likely than judges to acquit white collar crime defendants.


Some studies reported in the text found that higher status white collar crime offenders received more severe sentences than lower status white collar crime offenders.


The "Holder Memo" and the "Thompson Memo" have been viewed as factors in the increase of deferred prosecution agreements.


The broad subpoena powers of a grand jury are one advantage it has in pursuing white collar crime.


The complexity of many white collar crime cases often generates a wider range of options for appealing a conviction than is true for conventional crime cases.


The death penalty has never been imposed on a convicted white collar offender in the United States.


The formal secrecy of grand jury proceedings can help protect the reputation of businesses being investigated for alleged white collar crime offenses.


The grand jury is more likely to be involved in white collar crime cases than conventional crime cases.


The prosecution of antitrust cases has been highly selective.


There are some indications that prison sentences for white collar crime offenders became more common in the post-Watergate period.


There is evidence that in criminal cases, jurors are more likely to hold corporations more blameworthy than individual executives for wrongdoing.


When state prosecutors criminally pursue corporate crime cases, they often do so in cooperation with local and federal prosecutors.


White collar crime defendants are far more likely than conventional crime defendants to retain private counsel.


White collar defense lawyers tend to be divided between those who adopt a conciliatory, cooperative strategy with prosecutors and those who attempt to intimidate them by threatening all-out combat.


Which of the following scandals was a major inspiration for the formal creation of the special prosecutor's (independent counsel's) office?


The Clinton presidential administration of the 1990s was somewhat more ideologically attuned to pursuing white collar crime cases, and a dramatic increase in the pursuit of ____ cases, in particular, occurred during the early years of this administration.


With regards to prison sentences, white collar criminals:

are considerably less likely to go to prison than conventional offenders, and are likelier to receive shorter sentences

In the relatively few cases in which state prosecutors pursue corporations, they often do so in a cooperative venture with local and federal prosecutors in a process known as:

cross designation

Which of the following is true of plea bargaining in white collar crime cases?

It tends to be less cooperative negotiation and more adversarial confrontation in white collar crime cases as compared to conventional crime cases

Which of the following is true of white collar sentencing practices?

Judges have been especially tough on those who commit a violation of a public trust

The prosecution of corporate and business crime seems to occur most readily in:

economically strong communities

Studies of the relationship between class status and sentencing outcomes in white collar crime cases have shown that:

higher-status offenders appear to receive more severe sentences than lower-status offenders, but only according to some studies

The prosecution of environmental crime:

increased somewhat during the 1980s

The retention of private counsel:

is far more common for white collar defendants than for conventional crime defendants, although a significant percentage of those charged with white collar Crimes cannot afford such counsel

Which of the following is true of the grand jury in white collar crime cases?

it is more important than in conventional crime cases

Which of the following is true of judicial sentencing in white collar crime cases?

judges have traditionally been reluctant to impose tough prison sentences on convicted white collar defendants

The Republican presidential administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, Sr., showed:

little commitment to prosecuting white collar crime.

The problem of jury competence appears to be:

more pronounced in white collar crime cases than in conventional crime cases

Corporate antitrust cases:

tend to be large and complicated

In the Ford Pinto case:

the Ford corporation was prosecuted unsuccessfully by a county prosecutor

According to the text, in some rare cases, judges may override a jury finding of guilty if they conclude that:

the jury has misunderstood the evidence

According to the text, which of the following does not contribute to the relatively low level of attention paid to white collar crime by local prosecutors?

A concern about antagonizing local consumers and workers

Which of the following is the most common penalty imposed upon organizational offenders?

A fine

Which of the following is true of product liability and medical malpractice cases?

A substantial majority of them are won by defendants

About half of the white collar crime defendants charged in federal cases go to trial.


The prosecution of white collar crime cases became a much greater priority for the U.S. Department of Justice beginning in the:


Which of the following is true of jurors in white collar crime cases?

Are likely to be most sympathetic to defendants most like themselves

White collar crime defendants are more likely to do which of the following than defendants in conventional crime cases?

Plead not guilty and go to trial

Which of the following is true of civil lawsuits against corporations?

They have increased measurably in more recent decades

What does the acronym SLAPP, in relation to civil suits, stand for?

Strategic lawsuits against public participation

According to Mann's study, in what way does white collar crime defense work differ from conventional crime defense work?

The control of information becomes a major objective

The conviction of the Enron accounting firm Arthur Anderson for obstruction of justice was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court for which of the following reasons?

The judge made a mistake when explaining important issues to the jury

According to Donald Scott's study of federal antitrust cases, which of the following would not be a factor in the decision to prosecute?

The public demand for prison sentences in antitrust cases

In the current era, the Justice Department has increasingly used deferred prosecution agreements with corporate offenders. Which of the following is not true about these agreements?

These agreements have not been employed in conventional crime cases

Which of the following statements about federal agencies is true?

They are sometimes reluctant to refer cases to the Justice Department because it suggests a failure on the agency's part, and may not lead to a successful resolution

The limited number of studies of imprisoned white collar crime offenders point to which of the following conclusions?

They do not necessarily suffer more, or adjust more poorly, than conventional offenders

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