Chapter 11: The Cardiovascular System -- Anatomy

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The fluid that fills the pericardial sac acts to decrease ______ during heart activity.


Damage to the AV node, totally or partially releasing the ventricles from the control of the sinoatrial (SA) node.

Heart block

consider how often, during extending periods of sitting, you shift your position. Why does this make you feel more comfortable?

When sitting in a specific position, the blood doesn't make as much. It starts to slow down circulation, so when you get up or move, it allows the blood to move, allowing for better circulation, so you feel comfort.

Which term doesn't belong: a.tricuspid valve b.mitral valve c.bicuspid valve d.Left AV valve


Let your arm hang down at your side and note the well-defined bulging veins on the back of the hand. Why do veins bulge when the hand is in this position?

They bulge out because blood is flowing all the way down to the hands.

The heart muscle, or myocardium, is composed of a specialized type of muscle tissue called ______.

Cardiac Muschle

Tell the order in which blood flows through the heart.

1. Vena Cava 2. Right Atrium 3. Tricuspid 4. Right ventricle 5. Pulmonary Semilunar 6. Pulmonary Artery 7. Pulmonary Vein 8. Left atrium 9. Bicuspid (mitral) 10. Left ventricle 11. Aortic Semilunar 12. aorta

Chest pain, resulting from inschemia of the myocardium

Angina Pectoris

The coronary arteries that nourish the myocardium arise from the what?


Students frequently have the incorrect notion that arteries carry only blood that holds oxygen, while veins carry blood bearing only carbon dioxide. Why is this not a valid generalization?

As blood leaves the heart, it transports oxygen to muscular tissues throughout the body and brings back waste, despite whether being transported through a vein or artery.

Relative to the roles of the heart chambers, the _____ are receiving chambers.


Immediately after the second heart sound, the ______ are filling with blood, and the _______ are empty.

Atria; ventricles.

The first heart sound is a result of the closure of what valves?


When someone or something wakes, it usually stretches. What does this accomplish?

This helps your circulation because you started to cut the circulation off when you were asleep. You relax your muscles by removing tension. That's why people who can't move or are in a coma, etc. need to be moved every 2 hours.

Note that the ventricles are not symmetrical, the left one being more muscular. Why is a larger, stronger pump needed on this side?

Because it has to pump the blood farther. It has to pump blood throughout the entire body, from head to toe, whereas the right ventricle has a shorter distance to pump the blood because it only has to pump the blood to the lungs, which aren't as far away.

Why is it unlikely for heart sounds and pulse to not be detected simultaneously?

Because the blood hasn't completed it's circulation throughout the body yet. It has to go through the apex of the heart before it can make it to the radial artery, so they wouldn't beat at the same time.

It is recommended to have one stretch a bit before arising. This is especially a good habit among the elderly. Explain why this is a good practice.

Because this helps your circulation and allows the blood to start flowing more easily throughout the body. The better your circulation, the better everything in your body will be. It helps overall health.

An abnormally slow heartbeat, that is; below 60 bpm


How do you examine ventricular rhythms?

By looking at R intervals on an EKG strip

Blood vessels springing back when under pressure is due to their ______ tissue.


event primarily responsible for peripheral resistance

Constriction of arterioles

A condition in which the heart is uncoordinated and useless as a pump.


blood pressure during heart contraction

systolic blood pressure

Increase or decrease blood pressure? Increased diameter of the arterioles


Increase or decrease blood pressure? Increased urine output


Increase or decrease blood pressure? Physical training


Increase or decrease blood pressure? alcohol


Increase or decrease blood pressure? hemorrhage


Increase or decrease blood pressure? sudden change in position from reclining to standing


It's apex rests on the ______, and its base is at the level of the ______ rib.

Diaphram; second

The period of ventricular relaxation is called what?


also called the adventitia

tunica externa

The membrane that lines the heart and also forms the valve flaps is called the what?


The outermost layer of the heart is called the what?


Stopping the flow of blood to certain organs at times is caused by the _________ tissue.


supporting, protective coat

tunica externa

Increase or decrease blood pressure? Anxiety, fear


Increase or decrease blood pressure? Arteriosclerosis


Increase or decrease blood pressure? Increased blood viscosity


Increase or decrease blood pressure? Increased cardiac output


Increase or decrease blood pressure? Increased pulse rate


Increase or decrease blood pressure? nicotine


Increase or decrease blood pressure? physical exercise


Explain the functional necessity of the atrio-ventricular valves.

It provides a pathway for the blood to pump down and through the heart instead of going back up, in the wrong direction.

Explain the functional necessity of the semi-lunar valves.

It shuts off sections of the heart so that the blood can't rush back in but instead has to continue it's path down and through the body.

Why is simultaneous contraction functionally important?

It's important because if they aren't both working, then they can't pump all of the blood at the same time, and it will start to pool. It's like in the intestinal muscles, all of them have to contract at the same time to keep everything moving.

Why is it that veins need valves but arteries do not?

Since the pressure of veins is low, it causes the need for blood to overcome gravity and other forces. It has valves to prevent the blood from returning. Arteries don't because the blood has to go all the way through the body.

Provides a smooth surface to decrease resistance to blood flow

tunica intima

Single thin layer of the endothelium

tunica intima

Abnormal heart sounds, or _____, usually indicate valve problems.


________ is responsible for the smooth, uninterrupted flow of blood through the vessels.


the only tunic of capillaries

tunica intima

Bulky middle coat, containing smooth muscle and elastin

tunica media

Represents atrial depolarization

P wave

The period during which the atria are depolarizing

P wave

Represents AV conduction time

PR interval

Represents ventricular depolarization

QRS complex

The period during which the ventricles are depolarizing, which precedes their contraction.

QRS wave

represents the time of ventricular activity including both depolarization and repolarization.

QT interval

During recovery from surgery or injury to hands or feet, patients are often advised to elevate the limb. Usually the patient doesn't need a reminder, as failure to do so results in great discomfort. Explain the cause of the discomfort/pain.

There might be too much blood rushing into a certain area because the patients may have been used to having to elevate the limb after the surgery. It was to help circulation in that specific limb.

The coronary sinus empties into the _______.

Right Atrium

Represents the early part of ventricular repolarization

ST segment

Closure of the __________ valves cause the second heart sound.


Why is vein structure needed?

So that it can shut off/close off, preventing blood from moving back in the wrong direction. The valve surrounding them also helps to support the vein.

How are the dimensions of arteries, veins, and capillaries functionally important?

So that they travel quickly and smoothly.

sounds heard over a blood vessel when the vessel is partially compressed

Sounds of the korotkoff

The contraction of the ventricles is referred to as ______.


Represents repolarization of the ventricles

T wave

The period during which the ventricles are repolarizing.

T wave

The atria are receiving chambers, whereas the ______ are discharging chambers.


An abnormally rapid heartbeat, that is over 100 bpm


Raise your hand slowly above your head and note the change in vein patter. Why does this occur?

The blood goes back to the heart because you change the direction it was going.

Capillaries may or may not be visible on the slide, but you can make predictions about them. How would a capillary compare to an artery or vein in diameter?

The capillary would be smaller than the artery or vein

How would a capillary compare to an artery or vein in thickness of the wall?

The vein or artery would have a thicker wall than the capillary.

Arteries are often thick walled and veins are often more thin walled. What genral shape seems to result from this difference in wall structure?

The veins are longer and the arteries are circular.

Comparison of the volume of blood in various parts of the circulatory system at any given moment, shows the volume contained in veins to be greatest. Why?

The veins aren't as thick, so there is a larger area of room to carry and move blood.

Make a fist a few times, what happens to the veins and why?

The veins bulge even more than they would when letting your arm hang down because you are blocking off their path for circulation. It's like having a kink in a hose.

Why are valves present in veins but not arteries?

The venous valves help to prevent the backflow of blood that might otherwise occur in these low-pressure valves.

Why are unusual heart sounds significant?

Then there is a possibility of something being wrong, like blood back into the atria because of an incomplete closure in the valves.

Arteries must have heavy walls, while veins can function quite well with thin walls. Explain the difference.

There are more pressure on the arteries than there are on the veins.

The heart is a cone-shaped muscular organ located within the what?


The only tunic that plays an active role in blood pressure regulation

Tunica media

The heart chambers that have just been filled when you hear the first heart sound are the ______, the chambers that have just emptied are the ______.

Ventricles; atria

Which term doesn't belong: a. Papillary muscles b. Aortic semilunar valve c tricuspis valve d. chordae tendineae


Which term doesn't belong: a. AV valves closes b. AV valves opened c. Ventricular systole d.semilunar valves open


Pressure exerted by the blood against the blood vessel walls

blood pressure

Which term doesn't belong: a.QRS wave b. T wave c. P wave d. Electrical activity of the ventricles


Factors related to blood pressure

cardiac output

Which term doesn't belong: a. Pulmonary trunk b.Vena Cava c. Right side of the heart d. Left side of the heart


Which term doesn't belong: a.Inschemia b.Infarct c. Scar tissue repair d. heart block


blood pressure during heart relaxation

diastolic blood pressure

A recording of the electrical activity of the heart


The monosyllables describing heart sounds during the cardiac cycle are _____.


site where blood pressure determinations are normally made

over arteries

points at the body surface where the pulse may be felt

pressure points

Expansion and recoil of an artery during heart activity


What produces heart sounds one and two?

s1: Closing of the atrial valves s2: Closing of the ventricular valves.

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