Chapter 11: Traditional Leadership Approaches
Which of the following describes someone with a 1,1 rating on the Leadership Grid?
I distance myself from taking active responsibility for results to avoid getting entangled in problems. If forced, I take a passive or supportive position
Which of the following questions does Vroom's decision tree approach purport to answer?
Which of the following questions does Vroom's decision tree approach purport to answer?
When you complete the Least Preferred Coworker Scale, you should have whom in mind?
the person with whom you can work the least well
According to the leadership grid approach, the ideal manager has a ________ rating on the leadership grid.
9 to 9
_____________ is more closely associated with management than with leadership.
Acquiring resources
trait approach
Attempted to identify stable and enduring character traits that differentiated effective leaders from nonleaders
Vroom's Decision Tree Approach
Attempts to prescribe how much participation subordinates should be allowed in making decisions
Michigan leadership studies
Defined job-centered and employee-centered leadership as opposite ends of a single leadership dimension
ohio state leadership studies
Defined leader consideration and initiating-structure behaviors as independent dimensions of leadership
employee-centered leader behavior
Involves attempting to build effective work groups with high performance goals
consideration behavior
Involves being concerned with subordinates' feelings and respecting subordinates' ideas
initiating-structure behavior
Involves clearly defining the leader-subordinate roles so that subordinates know what is expected of them
job-centered leader behavior
Involves paying close attention to the work of subordinates, explaining work procedures, and demonstrating a strong interest in performance
__________ refers to guiding and influencing others to work willingly toward the leader's objectives.
As a process, the definition of leadership incorporates three components. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
Planning long-term, strategic changes in an organization
Least-preferred coworker (LPC)
Scale presumed to measure a leader's motivation
LPC theory of leadership
Suggests that a leader's effectiveness depends on the situation
path-goal theory oof leadership
Suggests that effective leaders clarify the paths (behaviors) that will lead to desired rewards (goals)
The ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and/or behaviors of others
_________________ determine(s) the degree to which subordinates should participate in the decision-making process, according to Vroom's decision tree approach.
The characteristics of the situation
Five Styles: Decide
The manager makes the decision alone and then announces or "sells" it to the group.
behavioral approach
Tried to identify behaviors that differentiated effective leaders from nonleaders
On the Leadership Grid, what label reflects a leader's focus on efficiency, productivity, and goals when deciding how to best accomplish a task?
concern for production
Oleg follows Vroom's decision tree to a terminal node, then discusses an important issue with his subordinates before making a decision. Oleg used the ______ style.
In path-goal theory, the ________ leadership style is best for situations with ambiguous, unstructured tasks.
process: the use of noncoercive influence to direct and coordinate the activities of group members to meet a goal property: he set of characteristics attributed to those who are perceived to use such influence successfully
According to Fiedler, _____________ leaders will do well when the situation is extremely favorable or extremely unfavorable for the leader (where leader-member relations, task structure, and leader position power are all very high or very low), and ______________ leaders will do well in more moderate situations.
task-oriented, relationship-oriented
leader-member relations
the personal relationship that exists between subordinates and their leader.
leader position power
the power inherent in the leader's role itself.
How many separate decision trees are there in Vroom's decision tree approach?
Leadership Grid
a method of evaluating leadership styles. The overall objective of an organization using the Grid is to train its managers using organizational development techniques so that they are simultaneously more concerned for both people and production
According to two well-known leadership experts, "_________ controls, arranges, does things right; __________ unleashes energy, sets the vision so we do the right thing."
Management, leadership
Five Styles: Delegate:
The manager allows the group to define for itself the exact nature and parameters of the problem and then develop a solution
Five Styles: Consult (Group)
The manager presents the problem to group members at a meeting, gets their suggestions, and then makes the decision.
Five Styles: Facilitate
The manager presents the problem to the group at a meeting, defines the problem and its boundaries, and then facilitates group member discussion as members make the decision.
Five Styles: Consult (Individually)
The manager presents the program to group members individually, obtains their suggestions, and then makes the decision.
Dawn is a manager who sets difficult goals while communicating confidence in subordinates' abilities to achieve those goals. Which type of leadership is Dawn practicing?
Which of the following is more closely associated with leadership than with management?
building trust
The model proposed by Tannenbaum and Schmidt is a __________
continuum of leadership behavior
The consideration leadership behavior identified by the Ohio State studies corresponds to the ______ leadership behavior identified by the Michigan studies.
Early researchers of leadership believed that leaders, as compared to non-leaders, tended to have more of which of the following attributes?
energy level, intelligence, self-confidence
The job-centered leadership behavior identified by the Michigan studies corresponds to the ______ leadership behavior identified by the Ohio State studies.
task structure
s routine, simple, easily understood, and unambiguous.
In path-goal theory, the ________ leadership style is characterized by being "friendly and approachable" and showing concern for the status and well-being of subordinates.