Chapter 12

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An employee organization that represents workers in employee-management bargaining over job-related issues is called a ______.


The AFL-CIO opposed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central American Free Trade agreement (CAFTA) because:

unions would lose members; companies would move jobs to nations with lower wages

sexual harassment

unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other conduct (verbal or physical) of a sexual nature that creates a hostile work environment


workers hired to do the jobs of striking workers until the labor dispute is resolved

The _____ prohibits unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other unsolicited conduct of a sexual nature for both men and women.

civil rights act of 1991

Issues that have concerned organized labor in the past include:

job security; worker pay and benefits; union recognition

Union leaders from ____ countries have formed the Council of Global Unions to bring various national union movements into one powerful global labor movement.


The union leader who founded the CIO to organize both craftspeople and unskilled workers who were in the same industry was:

John L. Lewis

"Workers of the world, unite" is a quote from:

Karl Marx

What was the name of the first successful national labor organization in the Us that also offered membership to employers?

Knights of Labor

Labor and management reach agreements through the process of ________.

collective bargaining

Strikes, such as the 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America's Strike, can have all of the following EXCEPT

permanently resolve issues

The Employee Free Choice Act would allow workers to approve union representation by:

signing a card

The Norris-LaGuardia Act banned ______, a union-busting tactic that forced workers to sign contracts banning union affiliation.

yellow-dog contracts

Since 1980, the difference between the average CEO salary and worker salaries has

increased significantly

The goal of the Knights of Labor was to:

establish the first national labor union; gain political power

Union leaders ____ that labor has reacted slowly to the globalization of the economy.



an attempt by management to put pressure on unions by temporarily closing the business

The process by which a union is recognized by the NLRB as the bargaining agent for a group of employees is known as ______.


agency shop agreement

clause in a labor-management agreement that says employers may hire nonunion workers; employees are not required to join the union by must pay a union fee

Contract talks between an apparel manufacturer and its union have stalled, and in an effort to increase its leverage against the manufacturer, union members are picketing outside retail stores that carry the manufacturer's apparel. This is called a

secondary boycott

In the future, labor unions are likely to focus on:

two-tiered wage plans

The NLRB is authorized to investigate and remedy _____ _____ practices.

unfair labor

Maximizing productivity and profits for owners are goals of:



Formal process whereby a union is recognized by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) as the bargaining agent for a group of employees

What were some of the original reasons that labor unions formed?

To protect workers from intolerable conditions; to gain negotiating power; to prevent unfair treatment of laborers by management

Over the past 30 years, nearly every major industry has become _____ in global trade.


Overtime rules and job assignments are frequently sources of employee _____ against management.


Right-to-work laws

legislation that gives workers the right, under an open shop agreement, to join or not join a union if it is present

Bargaining zone

the range of options between the initial and final offer that each party will consider before negotiations dissolve or reach an impasse

Negotiated labor-management agreement (labor contract)

Agreement that sets the tone and clarifies the terms under which management and labor agree to function over a period of time


Concessions made by union members to management; gains from labor negotiations are given back to management to help employers remain competitive and thereby save jobs.

A legal agreement that clarifies the terms and conditions under which labor and management will operate over a period of time is a _____.

Negotiated labor-management agreement; contract

The Taft-Hartley Act led to the merger of the AFL and the CIO because it:

Restricted union power

An example of the membership of the CIO is:

The United Mineworkers

In Europe, although unions have long been an integral part of the economic fabric, overall membership is ___.


When employees charge that management is not abiding by the terms of the labor contract, it is called a _____.


Shop stewards

union officials who work permanently in an organization and represent employee interests on a daily basis

primary boycott

when a union encourages both its members and the general public not to buy the products of a firm involved in a labor dispute

The AFL was formed as an umbrella organization of _____ unions; wheras the CIO organized ____ unions.

Craft; indusstrial

Yellow-dog contract

A type of contract that required employees to agree as a condition of employment not to join a union; prohibited by the Norris-LaGuardia Act in1932

The five members of the National Labor Relations Board are appointed by the US.


Some of the major goals of labor unions are to:

Provide a unified voice for members; improve working conditions for members; represent its members in negotiations

The emphasis on productivity created problems for workers who:

Receied no pay if sick or injured on the job; worked 60 hours or more at poor wages

Cooling-off period

when workers in a critical industry return to their jobs while the union and management continue negotiations

A group of workers that would be part of the CIO would be:

The mine workers; the auto workers


a charge by employees that management is not abiding by the terms of the negotiated labor-management agreement

Which of the following is a tactic used by labor in a management dispute?

Primary Boycott

The _____ is a situation in which workers who are prohibited from striking display their frustrations by calling in sick.

blue flu

Under the provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act, in industries that are considered critical, the US president can prevent a strike by asking for a _____, during which workers return to their jobs while negotiations continue.

cooling-off period

Labor unions were responsible for legislation creating overtime rules.


The reason labor unions opposed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is because members would lose ______ to workers in other nations.


The difference between working conditions in factories today and those in the early 1900s is that:

labor unions and the law have improved them

The negotiated _____ agreement outlines the rights of both parties in the negotiating process, including work hours, wages, employee benefits and grievance procedures.


The reason the Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO) started was to:

organized all workers in an industry

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 made which union practice illegal?

secondary boycotts; closed shop agreements

The goal of the Employee Free Choice Act is to:

simplify the union organizing process

Which of the following is the most potent tactic used by labor in a dispute?


This type of agreement stipulates that employers may hire anyone. Employees need not join the union, but are required to pay a union fee. A small percentage of labor agreements are of this type.

Agency shop agreement


An employee organization whose main goal is representing its members in employee-management negotiation of job-related issues

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

An organization of craft unions that championed fundamental labor issues; founded in 1886

Craft Union

An organization of skilled specialists in a particular craft of trade

The organizing force behind formation of the _____ was John L. Lewis of the United Mineworkers Union.


The workforce has doubled in size, due primarily to additions from ____ and India.


An Electrical Workers Union is the type of union known as a ____ union.


The need to continually increase productivity ed to improved working conditions in factories.


Detroit Mayor: The mayor of Detroit asked for union employees to accept deep cuts in pension and health care benefits and agree to modify workforce rules related to layoffs and transfers.


A labor organization of both skilled and unskilled workers working in a mass production industry is an ____.


The membership of an industrial union includes skilled and unskilled workers who all work in a specific _____


United Airlines: To prevent a sympathy strike, United Airlines obtained a court order making it illegal for machinists to strike during a strike by the flight attendants.


National Basketball Association: When contract negotiations broke down, the National Basketball Association cancelled the first games of the season, refusing to allow players to play.


The Industrial Revolution changed the economic structure of the US because:

Mass production brought hug increases in productivity

Union membership is voluntary for new and existing employees. Those who don't join the union don't have to pay union dues, but few union contracts are of this type.

Open Shop agreement

Walmart: In the past, members of various unions have mounted campaigns to persuade consumers not to shop at Walmart because Walmart doesn't use union labor.

Primary Boycott

The industrial Revolution made the US an economic world power through huge increases in ____ from mass production.


Major airlines: Although it's illegal, striking workers at a major airline tried to persuade customers to stop buying GE products, since GE supplies a majority of the aircraft engines to the airline.

Secondary Boycott

Verizon: Workers belonging to two separate unions refused to go to work at Verizon when management asked for fewer days and a pension freeze


MLB: Several years ago during a baseball players strike, MLB club owners hired replacement players, brining many up from the minor leagues.


The law that allowed individual states to pass right-to-work laws is the:

Taft-Hartley Act

Knights of Labor

The first national labor union; formed in 1869

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

Union organization of unskilled workers; broke away from the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1935 and rejoined it in 1955

The majority of labor agreements are of this type. In this type of agreement, the employer can hire anyone, but as a condition of employment, employees hired must join the union to keep their jobs.

Union shop agreement

An industrial union includes which of the following?

Unskilled workers; skilled workers; workers in a specific industry

The law that made it possible for labor unions to grow by using tactics such as strikes, picketing, and boycotts and established the National Labor Relations Board to oversee union elections was the:

Wagner Act of 1935

Among the benefits won by organized labor are:

Worker's compensation for disability; child-labor and safety laws; minimum wage laws

The benefits organized labor has won for workers includes:

Workplace safety laws; minimum wage laws


a court order directing someone to do something or to refrain from doing something

Under a _____ shop agreement, workers are not required to join the union, but nonunion workers are still required to pay a union fee or regular dues to the union.


If management negotiators are unable to reach an agreement at the bargaining table, they may choose _____, in which an impartial third party meets with both sides and then renders a binding decision.


The process whereby the NLRB recognizes a labor union like SAG as the authorized bargaining agent for a group of works is called


union shop agreement

clause in a labor-management agreement that says workers do not have to be members of a union to be hired, but must agree to join the union within a prescribed period

The Taft-Hartley Act made this form of agreement illegal. Under this type of labor agreement, employers could hire only current union members for a job.

closed Shop agreement

The AFL was the federation of ____ unions led by Samuel Gompers in the 1890s.


The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers seeks to organize all members of the electrical trad; it is a ___ union.


The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 paved the way for union growth in the US by

outlawing the use of yellow dog contracts; allowing non-violent union activities

Some of the goals of management are to:

produce a profit; balance the demands of stakeholders; maximize productivity

The Industrial Revolution brought problems for workers due to the demand for constant increases in _____.


The Wagner Act of 1935 led to the growth of the Congress of Industrial Union (CIO) because it:

prohibited unfair labor practices by employers; allowed unions to strike and picket; established the NLRB to oversee union elections

Union security clause

provisions in a negotiated labor-management agreement that stipulates that employees who benefit from a union must either officially join or at least pay dues to the uinon


the agreement to bring in an impartial third party (single arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators) to render a binding decision in a labor dispute

All of the following are possible reasons for a decline in union membership EXCEPT

the increase focus of unions on job security as a result of global competition

The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 paved the way for union growth in the US by:

Allowing non-violent union activities; outlawing the use of yellow dog contracts

A _____ shop agreement specified that workers had to be union members before they were hired for a job.


Changes in public opinion have affected labor unions by:

Prohibiting compulsive union membership; the passing of laws to curb corruption in unions; influencing passage of laws to curb the power of management

Change in public opinion have affected labor unions by:

influencing passage of laws to curb the power of management; prohibiting compulsive union membership; the passing of laws to curb corruption in union

Laws allowing labor unions to form and providing for a minimum wage did not exist in:


During Samuel Gompers' tenure as a president of the AFL, an unauthorized group within the organization called the ____ began to organize workers in industrial unions.

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

Industrial unions

Labor organizations of unskilled and semiskilled workers in mass-production industries such as automobiles and mining

The _____ Act was designed to regulate the internal functioning of labor unions and protect the rights of individual workers in a union.


The CIO started as a committee of the AFL in order to:

Organize the unskilled workers in mass production industries

collective bargaining

The process whereby union and management representatives form a labor-management agreement, or contract, for workers


a union strategy in which workers refuse to go to work; the purpose is to further workers' objectives after an impasse in collective bargaining

Yellow Dog Contracts, made illegal by the Norris-LaGuardia Act, required employees to:

agree not to join a labor union

Open shop agreement

agreement in right-to-work states that gives workers the option to join or not join a union, if one exists in their workplace

secondary boycott

an attempt by labor to convince others to stop doing business with a firm that is the subject of a primary boycott; prohibited by the Taft-Hartley Act

The process by which workers remove a union's right to represent them is:


Toda, over 80% of major companies require new employees to consent to a

drug test

The clause included in many union contracts that requires those benefiting from the union to pay dues is a union _____ clause.



the use of a 3rd party, called a mediator, who encourages both sides in a dispute to continue negotiating and often makes suggestions for resolving the dispute

closed-shop agreement

clause in a labor-management agreement that specified workers had to be members of a union before being hired (was outlawed by the Taft-Hartley ACt in 1947

Under this now illegal practice, workers were required to join the union before being hired. This type of agreement is called a

closed shop agreement because jobs were closed to nonmembers


the process by which workers take away a union's right to represent them

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