Chapter 12 Mastering Homework

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As with many other body systems, immune system function decreases with age. Which of the following statements describe(s) the effects of aging on immunity?

- The chance of developing an autoimmune disease increases. - Cancer becomes more common.

Monoclonal antibodies are commercial preparations of a pure antibody that reacts to a single antigen. Which of these are examples of current uses of monoclonal antibodies?

- early cancer diagnosis - diagnosis pregnancy - deliver drugs to fight cancer

What two cell types provide humoral and cell-mediated immunity against specific foreign antigens?

B and T lymphocytes

Antibodies provided by serum from an immune donor or an animal donor do not challenge the B cells and thus provide ________.

passive immunity

Harmful or disease-causing microorganisms from which nonspecific defenses protect the body are called ________.


The ________ duct drains lymph from the right arm and the right side of the head and thorax.

right lymphatic

What role do plasma cells play in the immune response?

secrete antibodies into body fluids

The body's first line of defense against the invasion of disease-causing microorganisms is ________.

skin and mucous membranes

What lymphoid organ stores platelets and acts as a blood reservoir?


Lymphocytes are trained to be self-tolerant of ________.

the body's own cells

Chemotaxis is best described as ________.

the movement of cells along a chemical gradient

What lymphoid organ produces hormones that direct the maturation of T lymphocytes?


What is the function of histamine?

triggers inflammatory response

Hannah has an auto-immune disease in which the beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed. As a result, she does not make enough insulin. What disease does she have?

type I diabetes mellitus

What antibody class is most abundant in plasma, is important in fixing complement, and crosses the placenta to provide protection to a newborn?


What class of antibodies functions as antigen receptors on B cells and form large complexes that can agglutinate cells?


What happens to the fluid filtered from blood capillaries?

It enters lymphatic vessels and is returned to the bloodstream.

How do antibodies help phagocytes remove soluble foreign antigens?

They bind to soluble antigens so that these antigens precipitate out of solution.

How do phagocytic cells protect the body from invading pathogens?

They remove and destroy pathogens that breach the membrane barrier.

What is the function of antigen-presenting cells (APCs)?

activate T lymphocytes

What type of immunity do vaccines provide?

active, artificially acquired immunity

Redness, heat, swelling, and pain are the four most common indicators of ________.

acute inflammation

What structure carries lymph into a lymph node?

afferent lymphatic vessel

Humoral immunity is provided by ________.


Which one of the following is NOT one of the nonspecific body defenses?

antibody production

What is humoral immunity?

antibody-mediated immune response

What are the substances that activate the immune system called?


What condition occurs when the body makes antibodies against self-antigens?

autoimmune disease

Why are the elderly more susceptible to infection and cancers?

because the efficiency of the immune response decreases in old age

Lymph is largely composed of water that has escaped from ________.


What type of T cell directly attacks infected cells?

cytotoxic T cells

What is the function of natural killer (NK) cells?

destroy any cancer- or virally infected cell

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, targets and destroys __________.

helper T cells

Which cells stimulate the antibody-secreting cells and cytotoxic T cells?

helper T cells

What structures are major components of the lymphatic system?

lymphatic vessels and lymphoid tissues/organs

What does fever accomplish?

Fever inhibits bacteria reproduction and speeds the repair process.

The adaptive (specific) defense system ________.

issues an attack specific to particular foreign substances

What tissue or organ filters lymph?

lymph node

Bacteria and tumor cells are removed from lymph by ________.

lymph nodes

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