Chapter 12 - Sexual Exploitation
sexual exploitation
Any use of sexuality to benefit oneself in some way. (226)
marital rape
Being forced by a spouse to engage in sexual intercourse against your will. (223)
Forced sexual behavior that includes sexual intercourse without the victim's consent. (225)
date rape
Rape in which the rapist and victim are, or have been, dating one another. (219)
acquaintance rape
Rape in which the victim and the rapist know each other. (217)
Sexual activity between family member other than husband and wife. (222)
quid pro quo harassment
Sexual harassment involving unwelcome sexual advance toward another, and promises of certain benefits if the victim complies. (225)
sexual assault
The legal term for any forced sexual behavior. (226)
stranger rape
Type of rape in which the victim does not know the rapist. (227)
hostile environment harassment
Type of sexual harassment in which the school or work atmosphere become uncomfortable enough to interfere with a person's performance. (221)
sexual harassment
Unwelcomed or unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct. (226)