Chapter 12 Study Set
Many people living in the United States have likely consumed some processed food that includes bioengineered plants
Almost every day
Transgenenic plants are generally different from traditional hybrid plants produced hundreds of years ago, because transgenic plants may
Contain genes from animals or bacteria
Marker-assisted breeding allows
Crop improvements without resorting to transgenic traits
People most about the side effects of bioengineering would more likely accept
Crops produced by conventional plant breeding methods or by marker-assisted breeding
The goals of biotechnology currently include
Growing crops that are more resistant to drought and disease.
Today, transgenic technology, although currently controversial
Has supported the use of no-till farming techniques that conserve soils by reducing erosion.
Despite potential problems, the general trend in the production and use of transgenic organisms in Europe, the United States, and the developing world is toward
Increased production of bioengineered foods and nonfood crops
The introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops into developing nations needs to be monitored because
Many GM seeds are more costly or require substantially greater costs to grow
Biotechnology may be able to promote sustainability by
Reducing the use of pesticides
One of the general concerns about the widespread use of transgenic organisms is the
Spread of these transgenic traits to other organisms
Roundup Ready corn is resistant to the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate). One of the greatest concerns about this transgenic Roundup Ready corn is the
Transfer of herbicide resistance to related weeds that commonly infect corn fields.
Advocates of the Precautionary Principle as it applies to biosafety of GM organisms feel that
if there is the possibility of negative consequences, selling GM crop products should not be encouraged
Globally, genetically modified crops are being used
increasingly in developing and developed nations.
One ongoing concern about transgenic crops that produce pesticides is that this trait may
kill other insects that are not pests
Food safety issues of transgenic crops include
the promotion of antibiotic resistance in pathogens and new allergenic properties in crops