Chapter 13 APUSH

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What happened in Christiana, Pennsylvania, in 1851?

About twenty African Americans fought a gun battle with slave catchers, killing two; a jury subsequently acquitted one defendant, and the government dropped charges against the rest.

The 1857 Dred Scott decision had which of the following consequences?

The decision persuaded many Republicans that the Supreme Court and President Buchanan were part of the "slave power" conspiracy.

How did pro-annexation Democrats engineer the annexation of Texas in 1845?

The party approved it through a joint resolution, which required only a majority vote in both houses of Congress.

Which of the following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million

What was the outcome of the midterm election in 1858?

Republicans won control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Which of the following statements describes the American Party, or Know-Nothings, that emerged in the North in the 1850s?

The American Party originated in anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic societies of the 1840s.

Which of the following statements describes the American invasion of Mexico in 1846?

The Americans captured Matamoros, Monterrey, Tampico, and most of northeastern Mexico.

The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act led to which of the following outcomes?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was repealed.

Which of the following scenarios occurred during the 1856 presidential election?

The Republicans emerged as a formidable replacement for the Whigs and came close to winning the election.

What did nineteenth-century American expansionists mean by the term Manifest Destiny?

The citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer land in the Pacific?

Americans who lined up behind the free-soil cause in the late 1840s

declared that slavery threatened American republicanism by undermining family farms.

The northern states responded to the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act by sponsoring

personal-liberty laws.

The 1845 annexation of Texas provoked

the Mexican War

In 1845, Texans claimed that their boundary extended

to the Rio Grande on the south and west.

James K. Polk's declaration that American blood had been shed "upon American soil" was his call for

war with Mexico.

In an 1858 senate campaign speech, Abraham Lincoln

warned that the nation could not endure as "a house divided against itself," that is, half slave and half free.

In 1858, in his so-called Freeport Doctrine, Stephen Douglas

asserted that settlers could exclude slavery from a territory by not adopting local legislation to protect it.

How did Oregon fever affect national politics in the United States in 1844?

*The possibility of expansion into Texas became a major issue in the presidential election.

Which of the following statements characterizes American settlement in California before the mid-1840s?

American settlement in California was fairly sparse in this period.

From 1854 to 1856, which of the following was the fundamental principle all Republicans agreed on?

An absolute opposition to the expansion of slavery into any new territories

Despite stiff Mexican resistance, American forces also secured control of which future state in 1847?


Why did Democratic presidential candidate Lewis Cass propose the idea of squatter sovereignty in 1848?

Cass hoped the plan would maintain the unity of the contentious Democratic Party.

During the 1850s, proslavery American expansionists attempted to acquire which of the following regions?


Which of the following developments occurred during the 1852 presidential campaign?

Democrats nominated Franklin Pierce as a compromise candidate because he was a congenial man with southern sympathies.

Which of the following was the critical issue facing political parties in the late 1840s?

Expansion of slavery

From 1818 until the early 1840s, the Oregon Territory was administered under which of the following arrangements?

Great Britain and the United States controlled it jointly

How did James Gadsden distinguish himself during Franklin Pierce's presidency?

He bought a small amount of land from Mexico to facilitate a southern transcontinental railroad.

Why did radical abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison criticize the free-soil movement bitterly in the late 1840s?

He found its emphasis on freehold farming racist and insufficiently radical.

Which of the following statements describes President Buchanan's handling of the Kansas issue?

He tried but failed to have Kansas admitted as a slave state and fractured the Democratic Party.*

In 1854, why did Senator Stephen A. Douglas introduce a bill to extinguish Native American rights in the Great Plains and organize the northern segment of the Louisiana Purchase into a large territory called Nebraska?

He wanted to build a transcontinental railroad from Chicago to Northern California.

Which of the following individuals expressed public support for John Brown's attempt to ignite a slave rebellion in Virginia in 1859?

Henry David Thoreau

Why did the Republican Party nominate Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in 1860?

His egalitarian image would attract votes among farmers and workers.

Which of the following statements describes the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?

It denied alleged runaways a jury trial or the right to testify in their own defense.

Which of the following statements describes the Slidell mission to Mexico in December 1845?

It failed because Mexico had suspended diplomatic relations with the United States and refused to even see Slidell.

What did the Wilmot Proviso, introduced in Congress in 1846, propose to do?

Prohibit slavery in any territory the United States acquired from Mexico

Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?

It sparked an unprecedented discussion about race and slavery in the United States and abroad.

Which of the following made the Oregon Territory so appealing to Americans in the mid-1800s?

Its mild climate and rich soil

What feature of the Lakota Sioux society protected it from the epidemics that decimated other Native American groups in the nineteenth century?

Its small groups and nomadic lifestyle

Which man who sought the presidency in 1844 is matched with the correct description?

James Polk—expansionist, dark-horse candidate of the Democratic Party who won the election

Which of the following events took place in Kansas during the summer of 1856?

John Brown and his followers murdered and mutilated five proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie.

The creation of the Republican Party, the Pottawatomie massacre, and the negation of the Missouri Compromise were all consequences of the

Kansas-Nebraska Act.

By the 1830s, which of the following was the dominant Indian tribe on the central and northern Plains?


Who of the following people is correctly matched to his position on the extension of slavery during the debate over the admission of California into the Union in 1850?

Lewis Cass—supported popular sovereignty to address the slavery issue

Which of the following policies was implemented as part of the Compromise of 1850?

Passage of a new Fugitive Slave Act

How did the Franklin Pierce administration approach the settlement and organization of the Kansas Territory in 1854 and 1855?

Pierce officially favored the legitimacy of the proslavery legislature in Lecompton.

Which action did President Polk take in 1845 as part of his California strategy?

Polk sent orders to the U.S. Navy in the Pacific to seize San Francisco Bay and other California ports in the event of war with Mexico.

Popular sovereignty solved which of the following issues temporarily?

Whether Congress had the authority to legislate slavery in the territories

Abraham Lincoln belonged to which political party during his four terms in the Illinois state legislature?


Americans who migrated to the Oregon Territory in the 1840s settled in which of these regions?

Willamette Valley

The popular 1844 phrase "Fifty-four forty or fight!" served as

a push for American control of the entire Oregon territory

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