Chapter 13 Section 1

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Why did A healthy crop almost guaranteed financial success in the south?

A healthy crop almost guaranteed financial success because of high demand from the textile industry.

What happened to the south's main crops after the American Revolution?

After the American Revolution, however, prices for tobacco, rice, and indigo dropped.

What did agricultural scientists try to do with short-staple cotton and what was the result of this?

As a result, new, stronger types of cotton were soon growing throughout the cotton belt. This led to expansion of the cotton industry through the 1860s.

In the early 1840s how much of the world percentage of cotton was the US producing?

As early as 1840, the United States was producing more than half of the cotton grown in the entire world.

What did farmers do after the cotton belt grew?

As the cotton belt grew, farmers continued trying to improve the crop.

What had to be done before cotton could be spun into thread for weaving into cloth?

Before cotton could be spun into thread for weaving into cloth, the seeds had to be removed from the cotton fibers.

What crops dominated the southern agriculture before the American Revolution?

Before the American Revolution, three crops dominated southern agriculture: tobacco, rice, and indigo.

Who began investing in cotton mills in the 1840s?

By the 1840s, entrepreneurs in Georgia began investing in cotton mills.

When did the demand for American cotton began increasing rapidly?

By the early 1790s the demand for Amer- ican cotton began increasing rapidly.

Where were all the top three corn growing states located in the late 1830s?

By the late 1830s the top three corn-growing states in the nation were all in the South.

What cities in the south had growth due to increased trade?

Charleston, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; and New Orleans, Louisiana.

When did Congress make bringing slaves into the United States illegal?

Congress had made bringing slaves into the United States illegal in 1808.

What was the primary southern food crop?


What was the history of the crop cotton?

Cotton had been grown in the New World for centuries, but it had not been a very profitable crop.

What would cotton do later on in the south?

Cotton would transform the southern economy and greatly increase the demand for slave labor.

Who else besides Hammond was a huge supporter of cotton?

David Christy

Why would crop rotation would keep the land fertile longer?

Different crops needed different nutrients, so crop rotation would keep the land fertile longer.

Who became the South's most valued foreign trading partner?

Great Britain

What did growing and harvesting cotton require?

Growing and harvesting cotton required many field hands.

What did farmers do in an effort to protect their incomes?

In an effort to protect their incomes, many farmers tried, with little success, to grow other crops that needed less labor.

What was special about the Tredegar Iron Works?

It was the only factory to produce bridge materials, cannons, steam engines, and other products

Who became the owner of the Tredegar Iron Works?

Joseph Anderson

Who followed Hinton Helper's advice?

Joseph R. Anderson followed Helper's advice.

What did factors do once farmers got their cotton to the port cities?

Once farmers got their cotton to the port cities, factors arranged for transportation aboard trading ships.

What did some leaders worry about in the south?

Some leaders worried that the South was depending too much on cotton.

Where did Southerners sell a ton of cotton to besides Great Britain and what was the result of this?

Southerners also sold tons of cotton to the growing textile industry in the northeastern United States. This increased trade led to the growth of major port cities in the South.

Who encouraged industrial growth in the South?

Southerners such as Hinton Rowan Helper encouraged industrial growth in the South

What was were built in towns without enough waterpower?

Steam-powered mills were built in towns without enough waterpower.

What were the South's other successful food crops?

The South's other successful food crops included rice, sweet potatoes, wheat, and sugarcane.

Who were the tobacco, rice, and indigo crops produced mostly by and how did the crops affect the south?

These crops, produced mostly by enslaved African Americans, played a central role in the southern economy and culture.

What did the steam powered sawmill do?

This new technology enabled lumber companies to cut, sort, and clean wood quickly.

What was the South's first major cash crop?


What happened when crop prices fell in the south?

When crop prices fell, the demand for and the price of slaves also went down.

What did Hammond claim about cotton?

Without cotton, Hammond claimed, the global economy would fail.

Under what condition would southern investors preferred to invest in land?

as long as agricultural profits remained high

Crop rotation

changing the crop grown on a particular plot of land every few years.


crop brokers


large-scale farmers who held more than 20 slaves

Tredegar Iron Works

one of the most productive iron works in the nation

Who managed cotton trade in the cities in the south?

Factors managed the cotton trade.

What did farmers begin to do that would improve crop production?

Farmers also began to apply scientific methods to improve crop production.

Why did farmers head west to find land?

Farmers eager to profit from growing cotton headed west to find land.

How did factors manage cotton trade?

Farmers sold their cotton to merchants, who then made deals with the factors. Merchants and factors also arranged loans for farmers who needed to buy supplies. They often advised farmers on how to invest profits.

How did the cotton boom involved much more than growing and harvesting cotton?

Harvested cotton had to be ginned, pressed into bales, and then shipped to market or to warehouses. Special agents helped do everything from marketing cotton to customers to insuring crops against loss or damage. Factories were built to produce items needed by cotton farmers, such as ropes to bale cotton.

What did Hammond believe about cotton?

He believed that southern cotton was one of the most valuable resources in the world.

What happened in 1803?

In 1803 the nation's first steam-powered sawmill was built in Don- aldsonville, Louisiana.

What did a slave discover in 1839 and how did this affect the south?

In 1839 a slave discovered a way to improve the drying process by using heat from burning charcoal. This new, faster curing process increased tobacco production.

How many cotton mills were there in 1840 and 1850?

In 1840, there were 14 cotton mills; by the mid-1850s, there were more than 50.

Why did Great Britain need cotton?

In Great Britain, new textile factories needed raw cotton that could be used for making cloth, and American cotton producers could not keep up with the high demand for their cotton.

What remained a small part of the southern economy?

Industry remained a small part of the southern economy.

What was the advantages of cotton?

It cost little to market. Unlike food staples, harvested cotton could be stored for a long time. Because cotton was lighter than other staple crops, it also cost less to transport long distances.

What was the disadvantages of cotton?

It rapidly used up the nutrients in the soil. After a few years, cotton could make the land useless for growing anything.

Where was the Tredegar Iron Works?

It was in in Richmond, Virginia.

What was the disadvantage of the long-staple cotton?

Long-staple cotton grew well in only a few places in the South.

Which type of cotton was easy to process and why?

Long-staple cotton, also called black-seed cotton, was fairly easy to process. Workers could pick the seeds from the cotton with relative ease.

Whom were many of the first factories in the South were built to serve and how?

Many of the first factories in the South were built to serve farmers' needs by processing crops such as sugarcane.

What was another type of cotton besides long-staple cotton and what was it known as?

More common was short-staple cotton; it was also known as green-seed cotton.

What did most small- scale factories built on the falls of a river were run by?

Most built small- scale factories on the falls of a river were run by waterpower.

When did Eli Whitney patent the cotton gin?

Northerner Eli Whitney finally patented it in 1793.

Why did other agricultural scientists began to study soil chemistry?

Other agricultural scientists began to study soil chemistry, in an effort to keep the land rich and productive.

What did planters do in the south?

Planters built cotton gins that could process tons of cotton much faster than hand processing.

How many pounds of cotton increased in 1791 and 1860?

Production increased rapidly from about 2 million pounds in 1791 to roughly a billion pounds by 1860.

What was the disadvantage of tobacco?

Production of tobacco was very time consuming because tobacco leaves had to be cured, or dried, before they could be shipped to market.

What did planters begin to do rather than pay wages to free workers?

Rather than pay wages to free workers, planters began to use more slave labor.

What was the disadvantage of short-staple cotton?

Removing the seeds from this cotton was difficult and time consuming.

What did the development of new types of cotton plants help do in the south?

The development of new types of cotton plants helped spread cotton production throughout the South as far west as Texas.

What did some agricultural scientists recommended?

Some agricultural scientists recommended crop rotation

What was southern cotton used for?

Southern cotton was used to make cloth in England and the North.

What did Southern industry face?

Southern industry faced stiff competition from the North and from England, both of which could produce many goods more cheaply.

cotton belt

The area from the south as far as Texas which produced high amounts of cotton

What did the cotton boom do to the south?

The cotton boom made the South a major player in world trade.

How did the cotton gin work?

The cotton gin used a hand-cranked cylinder with wire teeth to pull cotton fibers from the seeds.

What did the economic boom do in the south?

The economic boom attracted new settlers, built up wealth among wealthy white southerners, and firmly put in place the institution of slavery in the South.

Who established the first cotton mill model?

The first cotton mill model was established by Francis Cabot Lowell.

What did the growing demand of slaves lead to?

The growing demand for slaves led to an increase in the slave trade within the United States.

What helped open up more land for farming in the south?

The removal of Native Americans opened up more land.

What was the result of the cotton boom?

The result of the cotton boom was that hemp and flax also became major cash crops.

What was flax and hemp used for?

Their fibers were used to make rope and sackcloth. Farmers used the rope and sackcloth to bundle cotton into bales.

What did producers of cotton need?

These producers of cotton needed a machine that could remove the seeds from the cotton more rapidly.

What did leaders want in the south?

They wanted southerners to try a variety of cash crops and investments.

What evidence was there that Eli Whitney's machine was so important?

Whitney hoped to keep the design of the gin a secret, but the machine was so useful that his patent was often ignored by other manufacturers.

What did Northerner Eli Whitney invent?

Whitney invented a cotton gin.

What effect did Whitney's cotton gin have in the south?

Whitney's gin revolutionized the cotton industry.

How did Whitney's invention affect the farmers in the south?

Whitney's invention of the cotton gin made cotton so profitable that southern farmers abandoned other crops in favor of growing cotton.

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