Chapter 13 Smartbook

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A pea plant has purple flowers. Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers. What type of cross would you have to do to figure out the genotype of this purple-flowered plant?


A pigment gene has one version that codes for purple color. Another version of that gene codes for white color. What are the versions of this gene called?


A plant has five homologous pairs of chromosomes for a total of 10 chromosomes. This plant would be called ______, if instead of 10, it was found with a total of 20 or 30 chromosomes.


A segment of DNA that directs the synthesis of a protein is a _____.


According to the law of unit characters, factors that control inheritance are generally found in ______.


After DNA replication is completed, the newly formed DNA molecules are made up of an original parental strand and a newly synthesized strand. This mode of replication is called ________ replication.

G and g

After meiosis, haploid gametes are produced. What type of gametes can be produced by a plant with a heterozygous genotype represented by "Gg"?

phosphate group deoxyribose sugar nitrogen base

Choose all the molecules below that are part of a DNA nucleotide.

Careful count of offspring for each generation Use of math and statistics Use of pure-breeding parents Choice of traits that were controlled by one gene

Choose all the reasons below that describe Mendel's successful approach to developing a model for inheritance.


If a normal chromosome has the sections EFGHIJK, then which of the answers below represents an inversion?

base, phosphate

In a DNA nucleotide, both the nitrogenous _____ and _____ group are bonded to the sugar.


In corn, a specific stretch of DNA codes for a purple pigment protein. This stretch of DNA is more commonly called a ______.


In general, a plant that carries one or more chromosomes, or is missing one or more chromosomes, is said to be _____.

stamens, pollen

In order to perform a cross, Mendel removed the ____ from a flower and then applied ______ from a different plant on the stigma of the first flower.

one of its parents

In order to perform a verification backcross, you should cross an F1 hybrid with ______.

P, F1, F2

Mendel's original plants in a cross were referred to as the _______ generation; their offspring were the _______ generation, and their offspring were called the _______ generation.


Often times, the dominant-recessive relationship between two alleles is due to the fact that the recessive allele contains a _____ which makes the encoded protein defective.

GG gg

Select the following answers that correctly show an individual homozygous for the gene for seed color.

Cross it with a dwarf plant.

Someone gave you a tall pea plant. You know that tall is dominant to dwarf. How will you figure out the genotype of your tall plant?


The DNA in a cell can occasionally change its message (sequence). This is referred to as a .


The DNA molecule is chain of building blocks called ____

genotypes of possible zygotes

The whole point of using a Punnett square is to figure out the ______.


There are two genes located far apart on a chromosome. Because the _____ of these two genes are far apart, crossing-over is more likely to occur.


True or false: After DNA replication, each new DNA molecule consists of one strand from the original molecule and another built using the parental strand as a template.


True or false: Crossing over is more likely to happen between two genes whose loci are far apart on a chromosome, than between two genes whose loci are close together.


True or false: Each trait from the pea plant that Mendel studied was under simple genetic control.


True or false: If genes are linked, then their loci are physically far apart on a chromosome.


True or false: Mutations occur during any of the following processes: DNA replication, DNA transcription, or translation.


True or false: Quantitative traits result in genotypes that are determined by both phenotype and environment.

incomplete dominance

A brown horse is bred with a white horse and the result is a tan-colored offspring. This tan offspring is exhibiting an intermediate phenotype, a phenomenon called ______.


A genetic cross where a pair of traits are studied is called a _____ cross.

a purine and pyrimidine

Both strands of a DNA molecule are held together by hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen bonds are always formed between ______.

Structural changes in a chromosome Abnormal chromosome numbers Formation of paired chromosomes during meiosis Chromosome movement during cell division

Choose all the answers below that are specifically associated with the field of cytogenetics.

A double helix Hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases. Adenine across from thymine Nitrogenous bases make up the "rungs" of the ladder

Choose all the answers below that describe the structure of DNA.

A double helix Nitrogenous bases make up the "rungs" of the ladder. Hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases. Adenine across from thymine

Choose all the answers below that describe the structure of DNA.

gg Gg GG

Choose all the answers that could describe a pea plant's possible genotype for the gene for seed color.

Express genetic information Mutate, or change its message Store genetic information Copy genetic information

Choose from the answers below, all the major tasks performed by DNA in a cell.

translation transcription

Choose the two correct answers: Gene expression involves the process of ______.

can have thymine deoxyribose sugar double stranded

Comparing DNA and RNA: Choose all the answers below that describe only DNA.

Allele 1

Consider a gene that encodes a protein that catalyzes a reaction which produces a red pigment in the flower. This gene has two alleles. Allele 1 encodes a functional protein, whereas allele 2 contains a mutation and encodes a non-functional protein. Which allele will likely be dominant?


Consider a monohybrid cross for a gene denoted with the letter T. The parents have the genotypes TT and tt, respectively. What would the genotypic ratio be in the F2 generation?

Green seeds Yellow seeds

Consider a pea plant in which the color of the seeds (green or yellow) is determined by a gene with two alleles: G and g. Of the answers below, choose all that could describe this plant's phenotype


During meiosis, genes will follow the law of independent assortment and segregate independently only if the gene's loci are far enough apart on a chromosome. These genes with far apart loci are said to be _______


During meiosis, genes will segregate independently unless they are located very close to each other on a chromosome. These genes with close loci are said to be _____.


Fill in the blank question. A plant whose entire set of chromosomes is duplicated is said to be ______.


If a pea plant's seed color (green or yellow) is determined by a gene that has two alleles, G and g. Choose the answer below that unequivocally denotes an individual heterozygous for this gene.


If an individual has two of the same alleles, then that individual is ______ for that trait.


If an organism has two different alleles for a specific gene, then that organism is ______ for that gene.


If haploid gametes are produced via meiosis, then what type of gametes can a plant that is homozygous dominant (GG) produce?

3 purple flower:1 white flower

If the parent plants have the genotypes TT (purple flowers) and tt (white flowers), then what is the predicted genotypic ratio for the F2 generation?

deoxyribose sugar and phosphate groups

If the rungs of a DNA ladder are the nitrogenous bases, then the sides or "backbone" of DNA consists of ______.


If you cross a pea plant that is homozygous dominant for flower color (PP) with one that is homozygous recessive (pp), all the F1 plants are red because you predict that they are all heterozygous (Pp). What type of cross can you do to verify that the F1 is (Pp)?

dominant, recessive

Imagine that while reading your text, you see a gene described as "Aa". The capital letter denotes the _____ allele, and the lowercase letter denotes the _____ allele.

He deposited the pollen of one plant on the stigma of another plant. He covered plants with small bags to prevent insect pollination. He removed the stamens of some flowers before the pollen in them had matured.

In order to study the genetics of pea plants, Mendel had to perform crosses between different plants. Choose all of the following that were part of this process.

molecular genetics

James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA and thus began the new field of ______.

Hardy Weinberg

The ____-____ law states that proportions of dominant alleles to recessive ones in a large, random-mating population will stay the same from generation to generation unless there are environmental forces that change those proportions.

dominant, recessive

The expressed allele is the ____ allele, whereas the allele that is masked is the _____ allele.


The genes or genetic information of an organism is called its ______.

biochemical pathway

The image seen here shows how Blue-eyed Mary flowers will be blue after more than one gene participates in a(n) ______.

A monohybrid cross

The image shows the parental generation of a genetic cross. Based solely on this information, what type of cross is this?

independent, assortment

The law of ____ _____states that genes controlling two or more traits segregate separately from each other.


The law of _____ states that for any given pair of alleles, one may mask the expression of the other.


The mustard plant, Arabidopsis, has five homologous pairs of chromosomes for a total of ten chromosomes. If instead of 10, a plant was found with 9 or 11 total chromosomes, then this plant would be called a(n) ______.


The organelle in a eukaryotic cell that is the main storage site for DNA is the ____.


The physical appearance of an organism is called its _____.


The plant model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana, has an estimated 25,500 genes. Collectively, these genes and all its non-coding DNA make up this plant's _____


The pollen of a pea plant with purple flowers fertilizes the eggs of that same purple flower. A plant that can do this is called ______.


The position of an allele on a chromosome is called the ____.


The process of copying a sequence of DNA nucleotides into an RNA sequence is called ______.


The reading or interpretation of a sequence of RNA nucleotides, so that a protein can be made, is called ______.


The study of chromosome behavior from a genetics point of view is called _____-.

molecular genetics

The study of gene expression and transmission through investigations of nucleic acid sequences is the field of ____ _____.


The sum total of DNA in an organism's chromosomes is the _____ of that organism.

transcription, translation

The two processes or events required for a gene to be expressed are first _____, then _____.


True or false: When the pollen from a flower can fertilize the egg of that same flower, then the plant is called "self-fertile."

Plant A will be blue: Plant B will be blue; and Plant C will be white

Use the image and the information provided to answer the question: Plant A has the WWMM genotype. Plant B has the WwMm genotype. Plant C has the wwmm phenotype. What color flowers will these plants have?


What type of chromosomal structural change has occurred when a piece of chromosome is broken and reinserted up-side-down?


What type of molecule is the monomer (building block) that makes up DNA?


When a gene is copied to make an mRNA molecule, then has occurred.


When a gene undergoes transcription and then that message undergoes translation to make a protein, that gene is said to have undergone ______.

incomplete, dominance

When a heterozygous individual is the intermediate phenotype of the two dominant parents, then that individual is exhibiting ____ _____.


When an RNA molecule is read to make a protein, then ______ has occurred.

Punnett square

When there are many possible combination of gametes, a diagram called a ______ _____is used to figure out the genotypes of the potential zygotes.

Law of dominance

Which law states that for any select pair of alleles, one allele may mask the other?

Law of independent assortment

Which law states that genes controlling two or more traits will segregate independently of each other?

Hardy-Weinberg Law

Which law states that proportions of dominant and recessive alleles will remain the same in a large mating population over time?

single stranded can have uracil ribose sugar

Which of the following characteristics describe RNA but not DNA?


Which of the following organelles houses DNA in a cell?

quantitative trait

You have two genetically identical marigold plants. One is planted in a pot that gets full sun whereas the other is planted in an identical pot that gets part shade. The marigold in full sun produces more flowers. Flowering must be affected by the environment and thus be a ______.

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