Chapter 14

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Section 2


Section 3


Section 4


section 5


Neutrality Acts

4 laws passed in the late 1930s that were designed to keep the US out of international incidents


Allies invaded France


Beach with stranded troops which the British came for with available boats and ships

General Erwin Rommel

Brilliant commander sent by Hitler to North Africa who bushed the British back across the desert toward Ciaro, Egypt

7. Approximately how many Jews did the Nazis kill during the Holocaust?

CORRECT: 6 million EXPLANATION: While the Nazis killed approximately 12 million people during the Holocaust, 6 million of them were Jews.

1. Who commanded the United States Navy in 1944, successfully blockading Japanese ports?

CORRECT: Admiral Chester Nimitz EXPLANATION: The United States Navy, commanded by Admiral Chester Nimitz, successfully blockaded Japan in 1944 as American bombers pounded Japanese cities and industries.

2. In May of 1942, the Japanese had gained control of the Philippines, killing several hundred American soldiers and approximately 10,000 Filipino soldiers during the

CORRECT: Bataan Death March. EXPLANATION: In May of 1942, the Japanese had gained control of the Philippines, killing several hundred American soldiers and approximately 10,000 Filipino soldiers during the 68-mile Bataan Death March.

4. Which battle marked a major turning point in the war?

CORRECT: Battle of Stalingrad EXPLANATION: The Soviets took the offensive after their victory over the Germans in the Battle of Stalingrad, eventually driving the Germans completely from Soviet territory.

6. Who led the "free French" after escaping to England, where he organized the resistance movement aimed at freeing France from German rule?

CORRECT: Charles de Gaulle EXPLANATION: Charles de Gaule escaped to England and set up and government in exile after the German takeover of France. He worked to liberate his homeland through the use of resistance fighters and guerilla tactics.

4. The state of tension and hostility between nations aligned with the United States on one side and the Soviet Union on the other was known as the

CORRECT: Cold War. EXPLANATION: The Cold War was a state of tension and hostility between nations aligned with the United States on one side and the Soviet Union on the other, without armed conflict between the major rivals.

8. "It all seemed unreal, a sort of dreaming while awake, men were screaming and dying all around me...I honestly could have walked the full length of the beach without touching the ground, they were that thickly strewn about.—Melvin B. Farrell, War Memories) What event is being described in the above quotation?

CORRECT: D-Day EXPLANATION: On June 6, 1944, or D-Day, Allied forces invaded the beaches of France in an attempt to liberate France and all of Western Europe from Nazi domination. The other three choices could not have been correct because they did not occur on a beach.

3. The day of the invasion of Western Europe by Allied forces in an attempt to liberate it from the Nazis was known as

CORRECT: D-Day. EXPLANATION: On June 6, 1944, or D-Day, Allied forces invaded the beaches of France in an attempt to liberate France and all of Western Europe from Nazi domination.

1. When did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

CORRECT: December 7, 1941 EXPLANATION: The Japanese bombed the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941, killing about 2,400 people and destroying valuable battleships and aircrafts. The next day, President Roosevelt famously told the nation that December 7 was "a date which will live in infamy."

7. Who led United States Marines in the summer of 1942 as the United States began a campaign to gradually move American forces toward the mainland of Japan?

CORRECT: General Douglas MacArthur EXPLANATION: In the summer of 1942, United States Marines under General Douglas MacArthur's command landed at Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. This was a first step in the gradual movement toward Japan using a strategy called island-hopping.

2. What is the name of the American general that was in command of a joint British and American force in North Africa?

CORRECT: General Dwight Eisenhower EXPLANATION: General Dwight Eisenhower commanded a joint force of British and American soldiers in North Africa that was responsible for the surrender of German General Erwin Rommel.

5. "The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians. But that attack is only a warning of things to come. If Japan does not surrender, bombs will have to be dropped on her war industries and, unfortunately, thousands of civilian lives will be lost. I urge Japanese civilians to leave industrial cities immediately, and save themselves from destruction."—President Harry Truman in a radio speech to the nation on August 9, 1945. According to the above quotation, why did the United States choose Hiroshima as the target for the dropping of the first atomic bomb?

CORRECT: In order to minimize civilian casualties. EXPLANATION: The first atomic bomb was dropped on a military base in Hiroshima, Japan, in an attempt to avoid the killing of civilians.

5. The German air force was called the

CORRECT: Luftwaffe. EXPLANATION: The German air force, or Luftwaffe, bombed airfields, factories, towns, and cities, and screaming dive bombers fired on troops and civilians as a part of their blitzkrieg offensive.

10. Through the __________, the United States spent billions helping to help rebuild Western Europe after World War II.

CORRECT: Marshall Plan EXPLANATION: Under the Marshall Plan, the United States spent billions of dollars in an attempt to help rebuild Western Europe. The United States feared that without assistance, postwar hunger and poverty would make Western European nations susceptible to communism.

10. Which Japanese city was the target of the second atomic bomb, dropped by the United States on August 9, 1945?

CORRECT: Nagasaki EXPLANATION: The Japanese surrendered soon after the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.

2. In 1949, the United States, Canada, and nine other countries formed a new military alliance called the

CORRECT: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). EXPLANATION: In 1949, the United States, Canada, and nine other countries formed a new military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Members pledged to help one another if any one of them were attacked.

7. Where in Germany did the Allies have Axis leaders tried for "crimes against humanity"?

CORRECT: Nuremberg EXPLANATION: A total of 177 Germans and Austrians were tried, and 142 were found guilty of "crimes against humanity", in trials that took place in Nuremberg, Germany.

6. Which character was symbolized in posters during World War II and expressed the important role women played in the war effort?

CORRECT: Rosie the Riveter EXPLANATION: The character Rosie the Riveter came to symbolize the essential role women played in World War II in industrial jobs building ships, planes, and other war goods.

8. How did the Soviet Union respond to the expansion of the Marshall Plan to western Germany?

CORRECT: They demanded that the Western Allies stop assisting Germany. EXPLANATION: The Soviet Union refused to relinquish control over eastern Germany, leading to a divided nation. West Germany became a democratic ally of Western Europe while East Germany was ruled by a socialist dictator under the control of Joseph Stalin.

5. How did the Western Allies respond to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin?

CORRECT: They supplied West Berliners with food and fuel through the use of a round-the-clock airlift. EXPLANATION: The Western Allies responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by mounting a round-the-clock airlift of food and fuel to the people of West Berlin.

6. The United States promised military and economic support to nations threatened by communism according to the

CORRECT: Truman Doctrine. EXPLANATION: The Truman Doctrine stated that the United States promised to give military and economic support to any and all nations threatened by communism.

3. Which of the following choices correctly name all five members of the United Nations Security Council?

CORRECT: United States, Russia, France, Great Britain, China EXPLANATION: The five permanent members of the UN Security Council are the United States, Russia, France, Great Britain, and China.

8. May 8, 1945, the day after Germany surrendered, officially became known as

CORRECT: V-E Day. EXPLANATION: On May 7, Germany surrendered. Officially, the war in Europe ended the next day, May 8, 1945, which was proclaimed V-E Day (Victory in Europe).

9. After the French surrendered to the Germans in 1940, the Germans occupied northern France and set up a "puppet state" in southern France with its capital in

CORRECT: Vichy. EXPLANATION: The Vichy government in southern France collaborated with the Nazis while the French resistance movement was concentrated in the north and in England.

1. In 1955, the Soviet Union created its own military alliance called the

CORRECT: Warsaw Pact. EXPLANATION: In 1955, the Soviet Union responded to the creation of NATO by forming its own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact. It included the Soviet Union and seven satellites in Eastern Europe.

10. Where did Allied leaders agree to temporarily divide Germany into four zones to be governed by American, French, British, and Soviet forces?

CORRECT: Yalta Conference EXPLANATION: At the Yalta Conference, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin agreed to the following terms. 1 - The Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan within three months of Germany's surrender. 2 - Churchill and Roosevelt promised Stalin that the Soviets could take control of southern Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, and an occupation zone in Korea. 3 - They also agreed that Germany would be temporarily divided into four zones to be governed by American, French, British, and Soviet forces.

9. The Manhattan Project was

CORRECT: a project conducted by Allied scientists in an effort to create an atomic bomb. EXPLANATION: Allied scientists conducted research, code-named the Manhattan Project, in a race with the Germans to harness the atom. In July of 1945, they successfully tested the first atom bomb at Alamogordo, New Mexico.

1. Ships that transport aircraft and accommodate the take-off and landing of airplanes are known as

CORRECT: aircraft carriers. EXPLANATION: Aircraft carriers are ships that transport aircraft and accommodate the take-off and landing of airplanes.

4. In March of 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act, which

CORRECT: allowed him to sell or lend war materials to "any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States." EXPLANATION: Through the Lend-Lease Act, which allowed FDR to sell or lend war materials to "any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States", FDR was attempting to help the Allied powers without involving American troops in the conflict.

2. The enormous power of the German military was revealed in their "lightning war", or __________ against Poland in 1939.

CORRECT: blitzkrieg EXPLANATION: The blitzkrieg, or "lightning war", utilized improved tank and airpower technology to strike a devastating blow against the enemy.

3. Detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state were known as

CORRECT: concentration camps. EXPLANATION: Concentration camps, or detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state, were used by the Nazis during World War II. Millions of Jews, Poles, Slavs, and others were sent as slave laborers to concentration camps where many died.

4. Kamikaze pilots

CORRECT: crashed their explosive-laden airplanes into American warships. EXPLANATION: Kamikaze pilots agreed to suicide missions in which they crashed their explosive-laden airplanes into American warships.

6. American forces embarked on a campaign known as __________, with the goal of recapturing some Japanese-held islands which were used as steppingstones to the next objective.

CORRECT: island-hopping EXPLANATION: The goal of island-hopping, which began with a victory on Guadalcanal, was to recapture some Japanese-held islands and to use them as steppingstones to the next objective.

10. Which two countries contributed most to the defeat of Poland in 1939?

CORRECT: the Soviet Union and Germany EXPLANATION: In 1939, Germany attacked Poland from the east while the Soviet Union attacked Poland from the west, causing the defeat of Poland after only a month of fighting.

9. A major cause of the Cold War was

CORRECT: the Soviet Union's support for communism in Eastern Europe. EXPLANATION: By 1948, pro-Soviet communist governments were in place throughout Eastern Europe, contributing to the start of the Cold War.

8. What prevented the Germans from conquering the Soviet capital of Moscow in 1941?

CORRECT: the onslaught of winter EXPLANATION: The Germans were stalled on their drive to Moscow by the bitter cold of the Soviet winter, in which temperatures fell to -4 degrees causing the deaths of thousands of German soldiers.

9. At the Yalta Conference, Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt disagreed with Joseph Stalin about

CORRECT: the status of Eastern Europe at the conclusion of the war. EXPLANATION: At the Yalta Conference, Stalin stated the Soviet's need to maintain control over Eastern Europe in order to protect itself from future aggression, while Churchill and Roosevelt advocated self-determination for the nations of Eastern Europe.

5. What was the primary purpose of war savings stamps, or war bonds?

CORRECT: to raise money for the war effort EXPLANATION: The United States raised money through the sale of war bonds, in which citizens lent the government certain sums of money that would be returned with interest later.


Capital of a "puppet state" in France that the Germans occupied

How did the allied forced finally defeat the germanS?

Captured Mussolini, Hitler commits suicide, Germany surrenders germany had to fight on several fronts hitler underestimated the ability of the soviet union united states enormous productive capacity allied bombing hindered german production

Concentration camps

Detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state

7. After the Allies liberated France, Germany launched a bloody counterattack in a desperate attempt to stave off defeat known as the Battle of

EXPLANATION: The Battle of the Bulge lasted over a month and killed thousands of people. The Germans were eventually defeated as the Allies advanced on Germany from the west, while the Soviets closed in on Berlin from the east.

3. Which of the following was NOT a major factor in the defeat of the Nazis? CORRECT: The French resistance movement hindered Germany' ability to control the nation.

EXPLANATION: The French resistance movement, though brave and undaunted, were not a major factor in the defeat of the Nazis.

Francisco Franco

Fascist leader of the Spanish revolution, helped by Hitler and Mussolini

How did the Spanish civil war involve combatants from other countries?

Franco opposed the new government in Spain. Hitler and Mussolini became involved because they supported Franco. The Soviet Union sent troops to support the anti-fascists or Loyalists. Countries became involved and aligned their support according to the side they supported. Franco won.


German air force


Germans defeated at Stalingrad becausee it was so cold and Germans surrendered

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, Japan

Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire.

Germany, Japan and Italy formed an alliance, which became known as the Axis Powers.

Douglas MacArthur

Gernereal who lead american forces, moved north towards japan

How did the Allies mobilize all of their resources for the war effort?

Governments increase political power, directed economies into the war effort, rationed amount of food and other goods consumers could buy, raised money by holding drives, prices and wages were regulated, limited right of citizens, censored the press, used propaganda, women help win war

Which regions fell under Axis Rule between 1939 and 1941?

Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary

Nazi-Soviet Pact

Hitler and Joseph Stalin agreed not to attack each other but divided Poland for an easy win, but Germany didn't keep true to their word and attacked Stalin later

How did Hitler's views about race lead to the murder of six million Jewish people and millions of Slavs, Gypsies, and others?

Hitler believed to be the master race

Why did Hitler feel justified in taking over t\Austria and the Sudetenland?

Hitler forced the union of Austria and because Sudentenland was part of Czechoslovakia, where 3 million Germans lived, he justified his takeover.

What caused Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union to stall?

Hitler's armies were not prepared for the Russian winter

What policy did the united states establish with the truman doctrine?

I believe that it must be the policy of the United States ti support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities of by outside pressures limiting communism to areas already under soviet control

Bataan Death March

Japanese killed Filipino soliders

How did the Allies push back the Axis powers on four fronts?

Japanese suffered at battle of Midway and battle of the Coral sea General Montgomery drove Axis back into Tunisia, Dwight Eisenhower defeats Rommel in North Africa Allies advance through Italy Germans are defeated at Stalingrad because it is so cold


Lightning war

Lend-Lease act

Passed by congress, allowed FDR to sell or lend war materials to "any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the united states"

Aircraft carriers

Ships that transport aircraft and accommodate the take-off and landing of airplanes

What post-war issues caused the Western Allies and the Soviet Union to disagree?

Stalin- wanted to spread communism, create buffer zone as a defense against germany western allies- wanted "free elections" in europe

How did rearmament affect the rest of Germany?

The German re-armament was a massive effort led by the NSDAP in the early 1930s in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. During its struggle for power the National Socialist party promised to recover Germany's lost national pride. It proposed military rearmament claiming that the Treaty of Versailles and the acquiescence of the Weimar Republic were an embarrassment for all Germans.[

What convinced Britain and France to end their policy of appeasement and why?

The Munich Conference, which was held to discuss Hitler's takeover of Sudetenland, British and French leaders chose appeasement and allowed Hitler to annex territory.

Why did Japanese leaders view the United States as an enemy?

The US banned the sale of war materials such as iron, steel, and oil to Japan. Japanese leaders saw this move as an attempt to interfere in Japan's sphere of influence. Japan hoped to expand its empire, and the US was interfering with their plans


The massacre of six million Jews

What agreements did Churchill, Rooselvelt and Stalin come to at Yalta?

The soviet union would enter the war against japan within three months of germany's surrender. In return churchill and FDR promised stalin that soviets would take procession islands and korea. germany divided into four zones.


The union of Austria with Germany, resulting from the occupation of Austria by the German army in 1938.

Yalta Conference

Three leaders agreed that the soviet Union would enter the war against Japan within three months of germany's surrender

Dwight Eisenhower

Took command of a joint British and American force in Morocco and Algeria and trapped Rommel's army

compare and contrast the united nations and the league of nations

Under the UN, each member nations has one vote in the general assembly, each of the 5 permanent members of the security council has the right to veto any council decision UN went far beyond peacekeeping, prevents outbreak of disease, improving education, protecting refugees, helping nations develop economically, World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization

V-E Day

Victory in Europe, end of war


allies held war crimes trials in germany


an area in western Czechoslovakia that was coveted by Hitler


campaingn where they tried to recapture some Japanes-e held islands while bypassing others. the capture islands served as stepping stones

Rosie the riveter

characters that symbolized women building ships, planes, and munitions

united nations

delegated from 50 nations convened in sf to draft charter the un played a greater role in world affairs than the league of nations

What strategy did general macarther use to fight the japanese in the pacific

island hopping

what strategies did the allies use to end war with japan

island hopping, atomic bombs

truman doctrine

limited communism to the areas already under soviet control

marshall plan

massive aid package where US funneled food and assistance to europe to help countries rebuild


pilots who under took suicide missions, crashing their explosive-laden airplanes into american warships


practice of giving in to an aggressor nation's demands in order to keep peace

manhattan project

research to harness the atom


second atomic bomb

warsaw pact

soviet union response by forming its own military alliance

cold war

state of tension and hostility between us and soviet union


the belief that all international disputes can be settled by arbitration

Why did the allies hold war crimes trials for the axis leaders?

they saw the horrors of the holocaust


united states, canda and ten other countries formed a military alliance, and they pledged to help one another if any of them were attacked


where american plane dropped atomic bomb

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