Chapter 14 Learning Curve

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How did African Americans precipitate the adoption of the policy of emancipation? A. By slaves escaping across Union lines B. By enlisting in large numbers C. By staging massive protests across the North D. By voting only for pro-emancipation Republicans for Congress


Where did the Union army enjoy the most success in 1861 and 1862? A. The Tennessee and Mississippi valleys B. Central Virginia C. The Ohio River Valley D. Mississippi and Alabama


According to Abraham Lincoln, why was secession illegal? A. President Andrew Jackson's response to the nullification crisis had set a precedent. B. Article 3, Section 2 of the Constitution prohibited it. C. The union was "perpetual." D. The South's protest of Wisconsin's attempt to secede three years earlier proved it.


After the victory at Gettysburg, what did Abraham Lincoln expect? A. The war would end quickly. B. Lee's army would be quickly destroyed. C. The war would continue indefinitely. D. Lee would invade again somewhere else.


How did Abraham Lincoln respond to the secession of six states before he became president? A. He responded to President Buchanan's request to seek a compromise by doing nothing. B. He joined John J. Crittenden in his effort to forge a compromise in early 1861. C. He stood firm in his commitment to the Union and left little room for negotiation with the secessionists. D. He was ambiguous and uncertain, thus contributing to fears that the secessionists would succeed.


How did Abraham Lincoln view the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation? A. It had symbolic meaning but no military importance. B. It was needed in order to defeat Democrats in the North. C. It changed the war into one of subjugation and destruction of the Old South. D. It would be reversed as soon as the war ended.


What was the primary reason Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862? A. He wanted to allow "contrabands" to fight for the Union. B. He wanted to fulfill in the promise on which he had campaigned in 1860. C. He believed that the war was a struggle to end slavery. D. He felt that the North needed a higher goal than restoring the Union to motivate them to fight.


Why did northern immigrants in New York City turn to violence over the draft? A. They agreed with secession. B. They were pacifists. C. They feared the potential presence of freed slaves. D. They did not have the money to hire substitutes.


African American slaves who escaped across Confederate lines to Union military camps in mid-1861 were known by the federal government as what? A. Radical Republicans B. Insurrectionists C. Enlistees D. Contrabands


The U.S. Sanitary Commission was an example of what phenomenon of the Civil War? A. Private contributions to the war effort B. Federal expansion of power C. Cooperation by civilians on both sides D. Confederate superiority in medical care.


What justification did Abraham Lincoln give for announcing the emancipation policy? A. Military necessity B. Moral objections to slavery C. Need to preclude foreign recognition of the South D. The desire of the North to punish the South


What statement characterizes the federal government during the Civil War? A. It grew in power and centralized authority. B. It went out of its way to protect civil rights. C. It faced no opposition from the northern population. D. It became more committed to states' rights.


What strategy did Abraham Lincoln formulate early in the Civil War? A. To try to end the war with a quick victory B. To do nothing until attacked C. To wage a defensive war D. To see what the Confederates planned before acting


What was the derogatory term used for political opponents of Abraham Lincoln who campaigned in 1864 on the promise of ending hostilities and calling a special convention to restore peace and the Union? A. Copperheads B. War Democrats C. National Union Party D. Traitors


What was the significance of the assault on Fort Wagner by the 54th Massachusetts Infantry? A. It convinced Union officers of the value of black soldiers. B. It was the deadliest single day in American military history. C. It led to the capture of Charleston. D. It was the first time the United States employed a submarine.


Which act sparked opposition and violence in the North in 1863? A. Enrollment Act B. Reenlistment Act C. Militia Act D. Commutation Act


Which battle, fought near Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, was the bloodiest single day of battle in American history? A. Battle of Antietam B. Battle of Shiloh C. Battle of Cumberland D. Battle of New Orleans


Which mixed-blood native people owned slaves and remained loyal to the Confederacy? A. Cherokee B. Yuki C. Iroquois D. Oneida


Which state was the first to secede from the Union? A. South Carolina B. North Carolina C. Mississippi D. Georgia


Why was Maryland a strategic location that Abraham Lincoln was determined to keep in the Union? A. It covered the nation's capital on three sides. B. Its rivers provided vital water power to fuel northern industry. C. It bordered Virginia, providing access to a loyal state. D. It had a warmer climate than most of the North, making its farms more productive.


Why was Vicksburg an important target for the Union armies? A. Its capture would cut the Confederacy in half at the Mississippi River. B. It was an important military base. C. It was an important industrial center. D. It had many slaves.


An entry in Judith White Brockenbrough's diary from the days after the end of the war records an incident in which an "officer one morning sent for Mrs. N. [to return an item stolen by Union soldiers]. . . . She thanked him for his kindness. He seemed moved and said, "Mrs. N., I will do what I can for you, for I cannot be too thankful that my wife is not in an invaded country." What did this incident tell Judith Brockenbrough about the state of the union at the time? A. Union soldiers felt superior to the defeated southerners, whom they ridiculed. B. With the war over, a lot more connected than divided the victors and the defeated. C. With the war had gone all civility and compassion. D. Union soldiers had particular disdain for southern women.


How did Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase build a large national banking system? A. He abolished the gold standard and created a pure paper-based currency. B. He forced thousands of existing banks into federal charters. C. He created a vast public works program to erect new banks across the country. D. He created the Internal Revenue Service.


How did Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase build a large national banking system? A. He created the Internal Revenue Service. B. He forced thousands of existing banks into federal charters. C. He abolished the gold standard and created a pure paper-based currency. D. He created a vast public works program to erect new banks across the country.


In 1862, which Union naval officer took New Orleans, opening the Mississippi River to Union control? A. Albert Sydney Johnston B. David Farragut C. Joseph Brown D. Zebulon Vance


On July 3, 1863, Robert E. Lee sent 14,000 men under the command of which general into a desperate frontal assault against the Union lines along Cemetery Ridge at the Gettysburg battlefield? A. Thomas Jackson B. George Pickett C. George Gordon Meade D. Richard Ewell


The Civil War marked the beginning of modern funeral practices with the introduction of A. cremation. B. new embalming techniques. C. black mourning clothes. D. coffins.


What battle induced the Confederacy to institute a draft? A. Bull Run B. Shiloh C. Gettysburg D. Vicksburg


What eroded northern support for the war in May 1863? A. The New York draft riots B. The defeat at Chancellorsville C. The Battle of Gettysburg D. The dismissal of General George McClellan


What group of northerners was most likely to support the war effort? A. Foreign-born Democrats B. Native-born Republicans C. Irish and German immigrants D. Native-born Democrats


What was a result of General Ulysses S. Grant's campaign in Virginia in the spring and summer of 1864? A. It quickly forced Lee to surrender at Appomattox Court House. B. It caused severe casualties for both armies but did not end the war. C. It was called off by Lincoln because of high casualties. D. It was quickly turned back after an initial defeat.


What was the "great truth" that Confederate vice president Alexander Stephens said was the "cornerstone" of the Confederacy? A. War was un-American. B. Slavery was the natural condition of African Americans. C. Slavery had nothing to do with secession. D. The South was a lost cause.


What was the major cause of death for soldiers serving in the Civil War? A. Immediate death in combat B. Disease C. Execution for desertion D. Wounds suffered in battle


Which senator backed a last-ditch effort to forge a compromise between the North and the South in early 1861? A. Winfield Scott B. John J. Crittenden C. Henry Clay D. James Buchanan


Which southern city did U.S. Admiral David Farragut capture in 1862? A. Richmond B. New Orleans C. Charleston D. Washington, D.C.


Why did Abraham Lincoln reject General Winfield Scott's plan for the war early in 1861? A. He recoiled at destroying the South, as Scott advocated. B. He found it to be not aggressive enough. C. The general ignored the importance of imposing economic sanctions. D. He thought Scott's call for the immediate capture of Richmond to be rash.


Why did southerners object to the Confederate draft? A. Service lasted too long. B. It favored the rich. C. Its directive came not from the states but from the Confederate government in Richmond. D. It favored married men.


Why did the border states—Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri—where slavery was legal, not join other southern states in seceding in the months before Abraham Lincoln took office? A. Federal troops kept them in the Union. B. Nonslaveholding yeomen had more political strength there. C. They felt alienated by the states of the Deep South. D. People there widely feared the destructiveness of a civil war.


Why did the upper age limit of the Confederate draft jump from thirty-five to forty-five in September 1862? A. Confederate leaders decided that men aged thirty-six to forty-five were better fighters. B. The heavy casualties at Antietam highlighted the need for more manpower. C. The majority of men between eighteen and thirty-five were slaves. D. Too many Confederate volunteers in their early forties ended up being rejected.


Why was General George B. McClellan relieved of his command of the Army of the Potomac by Abraham Lincoln in 1862? A. He wanted to run for president as a Democratic candidate against Lincoln, who was outraged. B. Lincoln thought McClellan lacked the nerve to use his troops to achieve a major victory. C. He was ineffective in supplying, organizing, and training the army. D. He was a poor strategist.


How did Abraham Lincoln view secession? A. As a bluff that would fizzle when it failed to have the effect the secessionists intended B. As an act the legality of which had to be determined by the Supreme Court C. As an illegal act that constituted an insurrection against the Union D. As a regrettable but legitimate act based on southerners' views of states' rights


How did Abraham Lincoln view the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation? A. It was needed in order to defeat Democrats in the North. B. It had symbolic meaning but no military importance. C. It changed the war into one of subjugation and destruction of the Old South. D. It would be reversed as soon as the war ended.


How did Senator John C. Crittenden think that his compromise plan would solve the secession crisis of 1861? A. By calling for a new presidential election, it would give the South hope. B. By repealing the Fugitive Slave Law, he hoped to reassure the North. C. By allowing the extension of slavery but limiting its spread, it had something for both the South and North. D. By creating a dual presidency, he guaranteed protection of southern interests.


In July 1863, hostility to the draft, especially among Irish and German immigrants, erupted into five days of violent rioting and murder in what city? A. Washington, D.C. B. Richmond C. New York City D. Chicago


In the South, women worked as civil servants in what part of the Confederate government? A. The War Department B. Tredegar Iron Works C. The postal service D. The treasury


Prior to instituting a draft, the Union was able to recruit nearly 1,000,000 men to serve in the army in what way? A. By promising citizenship to immigrants B. By promising them a homestead C. By paying them a $600 cash bounty D. By offering the chance to reward themselves with southern loot


Secession came earliest in which states? A. Those closest to the North B. Those that had frequently invoked nullification in the past C. Those with the highest concentration of slaves D. Those bordering the Atlantic Ocean


What did the Confederacy rely upon to provide income to fund the war effort? A. French aid B. Immigrant workers C. King Cotton D. Writs of habeas corpus


What factor made it important to Abraham Lincoln to keep Kentucky and Maryland in the Union? A. As safeguards against secession by Pennsylvania and Ohio B. Possession of the largest populations C. Strategic location D. Heavy industrial development


What statement describes the actual change in status of slaves in January 1863 as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation? A. It freed all the slaves both behind Union lines and within states occupied by northern troops. B. It freed the slaves behind Union lines. C. It freed only slaves in states still in rebellion and did not change the status of a single slave. D. It freed all slaves everywhere in the United States and in the Confederate states.


What was the first major battle of the Civil War, in which Union forces were driven back by Confederate forces? A. Shenandoah B. Antietam C. Bull Run D. Shiloh


Why did the northwestern section of Virginia decide to break away from that state? A. Union soldiers had invaded the area and forced people there to do so. B. People there were deeply committed to the southern cause and were disgusted with Virginia's reluctance to secede. C. The counties in Virginia's northwest were dominated by yeomen farmers with strong Union loyalties. D. Virginia had decided to stay with the Union, whereas the yeomen farmers in the Appalachian Mountains wanted to join the Confederacy.


The victory of which political party in 1860 threatened southern whites? A. Whig B. Democrat C. Peace Democrats D. Republican


What Union general was appointed commander of the Army of the Potomac in 1862, but was later dismissed by Lincoln because he lacked the stomach to commit his forces to battle? A. Irwin McDowell B. Thomas Jackson C. Joseph Hooker D. George B. McClellan


What was one of the measures the federal government took in order to bolster the Union's ability to fight a long war? A. It passed an Alien and Sedition Act to arrest and imprison critics of the government. B. It relied on cash incentives to recruit soldiers, rather than enact a military draft. C. It removed paper currency from circulation and instead relied on hard money. D. It supported the construction of railroads.


When did the Civil War technically begin? A. When Jefferson Davis ordered the military to seize Fort Sumter B. When the Union garrison at Fort Sumter refused to surrender C. When Abraham Lincoln sent a relief expedition to Fort Sumter D. When Confederate forces bombarded Fort Sumter


Which announcement by Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves in the rebellious states and gave the war a moral and political purpose? A. Wilmot Proviso B. Contraband Declaration C. First Confiscation Act D. Emancipation Proclamation


Which general emerged as a major figure in the Union army with several victories capped by the capture of Vicksburg in July 1863? A. Robert E. Lee B. Joseph Hooker C. William T. Sherman D. Ulysses S. Grant


Which general was one of the first Union officials to refuse to return runaway slaves to their masters? A. Charles Sumner B. Salmon P. Chase C. Thaddeus Stevens D. Benjamin Butler


Which naval vessel did the Confederacy use to sink over one hundred Union merchant ships? A. The Merrimack B. The Monitor C. The Constitution D. The Alabama


Why did the Confederacy not achieve a more effective economic program? A. The South resisted establishing a national bank. B. Planters simply did not have the financial resources to support the war. C. Planters refused to contribute to the war effort. D. States' rights philosophy left most power with the state governments.


Why did the southern cotton export industry not turn out to be an effective means of pressuring Britain to assist the Confederacy? A. Britain quickly adjusted with a move to wool. B. The Confederacy had underestimated the abolitionist passion of the British people. C. British manufacturers had begun to produce synthetic fibers. D. British manufacturers had begun to explore new resources in Egypt and India.


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