Chapter 14 Speech
Why are visual aids helpful
*Presentation technology allows you to integrate a variety of visual aids—including charts, graphs, photographs, and video—in the same talk. The most widely used presentation program is PowerPoint.*If so, it will provide training for speeches outside the classroom—especially in business settings, where presentation technology is used every day.*As you plan your speeches, think about how you can use presentation technology to enhance your ideas. At the same time, remember that too many visuals—or poor visuals—can do more harm than good. Be creative and resourceful without allowing technology to overpower your entire speech.*Preparing visual aids well in advance has two advantages. First, it means you will have the time and resources to devise creative, attractive aids. Second, it means you can use them while practicing your speech. Visual aids are effective only when they are integrated smoothly with the rest of the speech. If you lose your place, drop your aids, or otherwise stumble around when presenting them, you will distract your audience and shatter your concentration.
Guidelines for preparing visual aids
-Prepare visual aids well in advance -Keep visual aids simple -Make sure visual aids are large enough -Use a limited amount of text -Use fonts effectively -Use color effectively -Use images strategically
Having audience's best interest at heart. Meaning well.
Persuasive speaking
Trying to make your audience believe and act as you do
Guidelines for presenting visual aids
display visual aids where listeners can see them, avoid passing visual aids among the audience, display visual aids only while discussing them, explain visual aids clearly and concisely, talk to your audience, not to your visual aid, practice with your visual aids, check the room and equipment