Chapter 16 Nomenclature and Botanical Names

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What is meant by "in" authorship designations? How may such a designation be simplified?

"In" refers to a name published within a larger work authored by the person following the "in". The "in" and what follows it may be omitted from authorship.

What is meant by "ex" in authorship designations? How may such a designation be simplified?

"ex" means validly published by, followed by the person who avidly published the name. The name preceding the "ex" is e.g. the person who first proposed but did not validly publish the name. "ex" and what precedes it may be omitted from the authorship

What are the two main reasons a name may be rejected?

(1) because they are illegitimate, i.e. contrary to the rules of the ICBN (2) because of the taxonomic judgment, i.e. particular author rejects the classification represented by the synonym

What is a tautonym? Are tautonyms acceptable in (a) botanical nomenclature; (b) zoological nomenclature?

(a) a binomial in which the genus name and specific epithet are identical in spell in (b) acceptable in zoological, but not botanical nomenclature

What is the difference between a holotype, isotope, electrotype, and neotype?

* Holotype is the one specimen or illustration upon which a name is based, originally used or designated at the time of publication * Isotype is a duplication specimen of the holotype, collected at the same time by the same person from the same population * Lectotype is a specimen that is selected from the original material to serve as the type when no holotype was designated at the time of publication or if it was lost or destroyed. * Neotype is a specimen derived from a non-original collection that is selected to serve as the type as long as all of the material on which the name was originally based is missing

Give the four major ways that names are changed and give an example of each.

1. One taxon may be divided into two or more taxa: Carduus of the family Aseraceae is often split into two genera: Carduus, having barbellate pappus and Cirsium, with a plumose of pappus bristle.

How can a name be legitimate yet not corrected?

A correct name is a validly published, legitimate name that is adopted by a particular author or authors. A particular name may be legitimate and validly published, but not be corrected id it is not adopted by authors, e.g. based on taxonomic judgment.

What is a ternary name? What are two infraspecific ranks and which is "higher"?

A name that consists of three parts. Either subspecies or variety. Subspecies is higher in rank.

What is a basionym?

A name-brining or epithet-bringing synonym, the original (but now not accepted) name, part of which has been used in a new combination.

What is the nomenclatural type of a family name?

A nomenclatural type is a specimen that acts as a reference for a scientific name of the genus, upon with the family name is based.

What is means by a nomenclatural "type"?

A nomenclatural type is specimens that acts as a reference for a scientific name, upon with the name is based.

What is conservation of names and how is it accomplished?

A petition may be presented and voted upon to conserve one name over another that actually has priority.

How does the fact that a plant and a bird have the same scientific name not violate the principles of the ICBN?

A principle of the ICBN is that botanical and zoological nomenclature are independent.

What is a synonym?

A synonym is a unaccepted name, by a particular author or authors, applying to the same taxon as the accepted name,

What can you infer from: Gilia giegensis (Munz) A. & V. Grant [G. inconspicua (Sm.) Sweet var.diegensis Munz]?

A. & V. elevated the variety Gilia inconspicuous (Sm.) Sweet var. diagensis Munz to the rank of species.

What is an autonomy? Give an example of an autonomy at the rank of subfamily, subgenus, or subspecies.

An autonomy is the automatically generated ame given to infrataxa like subfamilies, tribes sub-tribes, subgenera, sections, infra species when the higher taxon is divided. Autonyms are based on the higher taxon name and have no authorship.

Names at which taxonomic ranks are always Latin plurals?

Anything above the rank of genus

What is the additional, validly published name for the Apiaceae; Arecaceare; Brassicacear; Fabaceae; Faboidaeae; Clusiaceae; Lamiaceae; Poaceae?

Apiaceae=Umbellidefae Arecaceae=Palmae Asteraceae=Compositae Fabaceae=Leguminosae Faboideae=Papilionoideae Clusiaceae=Guttiferae Lamiaceae=Labiatae Poaceae=Gramineae

Who first consistently used the binomial and is called the "father of taxonomy"?

Carlous Linnaeus

How are changes to the ICBN made?

Changes to the ICBN are voted upon during meetings of the International Botanical Congress, which assembles every 6 years/

What are common names?

Common names are names generally used by people within a limited geographic region that is not formally published and not governed by any rules.

Name the reasons scientific names are advantageous over common name.

Common names vary from region to region, they are not consistent, they give no information about the rank or classification of a plant and many organisms do not have a common name this only a scientific names can be used to refer to these organisms.

What groups of organisms are covered by this reference? What organisms are not?

Covered: ICMN covers land plants, "algae", and fungi as well as extinct organisms including Cyanobacteria, chytrids, oomycetes, and slime molds, photosynthetic protists, and taxonomically related non-photosynthetic groups. A supplementary code is used utilized for cultivated plants, the "internal code of nomenclature for cultivated plants"

What are the Latin diphthongs and how are they pronounced?

Diphtong-ae, Pronunciation-Long e Diphthong-oe, Pronunciation-Long e

Name four suggestions for memorizing scientific names.

Divide into syllables and accent scientific names. Use mnemonic devoces. Learn the etymology (meaning) of scientific names. Continual practice and review, repeat name orally and in writing.

What is a protologue?

Everything associated with a name at its valid publication, i.e, description or diagnosis, illustrations, references, synonymy, geographical data, citation of specimens, discussions, and comments

What is the meaning of an "X" in a scientic name, as in Quercus Xmorehus?

It is a hybrid, of hybrid origin.

In what language are scientific names treated?


What are legitimate and illegitimate names?

Legitimate names are those that are in accordance with the riles of the ICBN. Any name that violates one or more rules of the ICBN is known as a legitimate name.

Name the three Latin genders and give the standardized genus endings.

Masculine: us, er, is, r Feminine: a, ra, is, ris Neuter: um, rum, e, re

What are the main criteria of a validly published name?

Name must be effectively published. It must be publised in correct form, Latinized with rank indicated. It must be accompanied by a Latin description or diagnosis or with a reference to such For a type must be indicated. For taxa of rank of genus or below, a nomenclatual type refers to a species and must be indicated.

Are there universal rules for the pronunciation of scientific names?

No. But, general Latin rules for accenting and syllabizing may be followed

What is nomenclature?

Nomenclature is the formal naming of taxa according to some standardized system.

What is a homonym? Is a later homonym legitimate or illegitimate?

One of two or more identical names that are based on different type specimens. The later homonym is illegitimate.

Name the standardized or recommended endings for scientific names at the rank of phylum, class, subclass, superorder, order, family, subfamily, tribe.

Phylum-phyta Class-opsida Subclass-idae Superorder-ineae Order-ales Family-aceae Subfamily-oideae Tribe-eae

What can you infer from:

Porophyllum vaseyi Greene are synonyms of and considered to be the same taxon as Porophyllum gracile.

What is meant by "priority of publication"?

Priority of publication generally states that two or more computing possibilities for a name, the one published first is the correct one.

For Quercus dumosa Nuttall, what is (a) Quercus, (b) dumose, (c) Quercus dumosa, (d) Nuttall?

Quercus is the genus name, dumosa is the specific epithet, Quercus dumosa is the species name and Nuttall is the author

You decide that the taxon Quwecus albiniana (C. Jones) G. Smith subsp. tomentosa H. Carlisle should be evaluated to the rank of species. What is the new name to be called (including authorship)?

Quercus tomentosa (h. Carlisle) your name

What is the difference between rank and position?

Rank is one of the hierarchical taxonomic categories, in which a higher rank is inclusive of all lower ranks. Position refers to the placement of a taxon as a member of another taxon of the next higher rank.

What is remodeling? Does it require a name change?

Remodeling is a change in diagnostic characteristics, those that distinguish the taxon from other taxa. A name change is not warranted, and the rules of the ICBN need not apply.

What is the difference between the rules and the recommendations of the ICBN?

Rules are mandatory and written out as Articles and recommendations are not binding but suggested.

What is meant by a scientific name? Give three examples.

Scientific names are formal, universally accepted names, the rules and regulations of which for plants are provided by the ICBN.

What is an adverse consequence of priority of publication?

Scientific names that are well known and frequently used may be replaced by some other name if the latter was discovered to have been published earlier

What can you infer from: Malacothrix incana (Nutt) T. % G. [Malacomeris t. Nutt.]?

T. & G. transferred the specie Malacomeris incana in position, to the genus Malacothrix.

What are the two basic activities governed by nomenclature?

The ICBN is primarily used for naming new taxa and determining the correct name for previously named taxa, which may have been divided, united, transferred, or changed in rank.

What does the author of a scientic name refer to?

The author of a scientific name is the name of the person who first validly published the name.

What is the correct form of a binomial?

The first name of the binomial is the genus name and is always capitalized. The second name of the binomial is the specific epithet. Binomial species names are always either italicized or underlined.

What does it mean if the authors name is in parentheses?

The name of the author who originally named the basionym is/re put in parentheses if the names is retained.

What is one prominent exception to these gender endings?

The names of many, classical trees are feminine, regardless of their endings, e.g. Pinus Quercus. Also, when the specific epithet is a noun the ending must match the original gender of the noun and not with the genus ending.

When and with what publication does priority of publication officially begin?

The principle of priority for vascular plants starts May 1, 1753 with the publication Species Plantarum.

What is the meaning of auct., non., emend., ined., nom., nov., nom., nud., s.l., s.s., and vide?

a) auct. nom (auctroum non) means not of these authors., referring to a misapplies name, such that the type specimen of the name does not fall within the circumscription of the taxon being referred to by the name. b)emend. (emedatio) means a correction or amendment c) ined. (ineditus) means not validly published d) nom. nov. means a new name e.g. proposed as a substitute for an older name e) nom. nud. means published without a description or diagnosis, making the name invalid f) s.l. means in the board sense g) s.s. or s.str. means in the narrow sense h) vide means to cite a reference

Name the six principles of botanical nomenclature. Which of these is considered the fundamental principle?

a. Botanical nomenclature is independent of zoological and bacteriological nomenclature b. The application of names of taxonomic groups is determined by means of nomenclatual types c. The nomenclature of a taxonomic group is based upon priority of publication d. Each taxonomic group with a particular circumscription, position, rank can bear only one correct name, the earliest that is in accordance with the Rules, expect in specified cases e. Scientific names of taxonomic groups are treated as Latin regardless of their derivation f. The rules of nomenclature are retroactive unless expressly limited.

What is the rank of the following: (a) Conostylidoideae, (b) Flacourtiaceae (c) Haemodoreae; (d) Linnaea borealis var. longiflora; (f) Lillopsoida; (g) Magnoliophyta; (h) Rosales; (i) Tribonanthes variegate; (k) Phlebpcarya ciliate subsp. pilosissima?

a. subfamily c. tribe d. subclass e. variety f. class g. phylum h. order i. genus j. species k. subspecies

Which scientific names are always binomials(binary combinations)? Give an example of a binomial.

at the species level scientific names are always binomials. Malosma laurina

What endings may commemorative names have?

ii, i, ae, ianus, uanum, ensis

what is a commemorative name?

named after a person or place

What are the two basic reasons for changing a scientific name?

recognition that one name is contrary to the rules and another must take its place. additional taxonomic study or research has resulted in a change of the definition and delimitation of a taxon.

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